Guardian of the Light

by DawnCrusade

Hidden Feelings of a Lost Dragon

Chapter Seven: Hidden Feelings of a Lost Dragon

Rarity stared at the place where her friends were just standing, "So now what will happen?" she silently whispers, she isn't alone for long as there is yet another flash of light and Twilight reappears.

"Ow my head," groans Twilight, "What just happened? Where is Wryn?" as she notices that he had not teleported back with her.

"Where were you taken to?" asks Rarity, "What did that weird man have to say?"

"I think that man was here for Max, but he decided to take along Wryn saying that they needed his help, I was taken by accident," says Twilight. "Before they warped ahead Wryn told me he would be back in a couple days," she continues as she gazes up at the stars, "I sure hope he is right." Twilight and Rarity part ways, going home shocked after the day's events, Twilight opens the door to her home and finds a leather-bound journal resting on the couch. "What could this be?" she mumbles, going over to the couch and levitating to read the embossed cover, 'Wryn's Journal'. "Oh, this was the journal I gave to him as a welcoming gift," Twilight whispers, "I wonder if he has used it at all, and what could he have written?"

Day One:

"I met a nice unicorn today, her name is Twilight Sparkle, even though I was trying to make my way into town unnoticed I was found by this peculiar pony. She reminds me so much of Aya, she is studious, caring, and accepting, she didn't think twice before letting me stay with her when I had no place to go. I think Aya would've loved to meet Twilight," the ink was smudged as if it had gotten wet, "They would probably have gotten along very well. Twilight also introduced me to her other five friends, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy, who are the greatest group I've ever met. Pinkie is fun to be around, she practically exudes happiness wherever she goes, and brightens up the faces of the ponies she meets. Applejack is a hard worker, very dilligent from what I can tell, she knows what she can or can't do and that is a trait that makes her so likeable. Rarity to me at the time seemed like one of the girls back where I lived, wealthy and upstuck, that couldn't have been farther from the truth, as she is the most giving pony, and gives what she has for other ponies who need it. Rainbow Dash is a bold one, but she is dedicated to her friends, and fights for what she believes in. Last but certainly not the least is Fluttershy, she is a pony of few words, but she radiates a kindness that puts my mind at ease when I'm around her. I only wish that I had friends like these when I was growing up, but I had Aya, and I was happy," Twilight flips to the next entry.

Day Two:

"I woke up today with Dash trying to push me off the couch, I had no idea that sleeping on a couch after sleeping on the ground for so long would make me sleep in. There was an accident in the kitchen where I used my powers to restore balance, I must've been out of practice since the drain was much more significant than before. After we ate Twilight allowed me to assist her in the library, just like I used to with Aya, we always would help my parents out, bringing them books and scrolls. I would've loved to stay with Twilight the whole day, then she mentioned that Applejack's brother was sick and she needed help, I happily obliged. When I arrived at Sweet Apple Acres I think I saw the finest looking apples that I'll ever see. Applejack and what I could only assume was her family were trying to bring in the harvest, but didn't have an efficent way to pull their cart, so I decided to pull the cart for them. Back home I remember most of the town's residents would call me lazy because I was the leader's son, and that I would never do any manual labor. Boy did I ever prove them wrong, I would go out and work with the farmers and learn to work for what I wanted. After helping the Apple Family my back was killing me, I was healing the sores on my back when Applejack came up to me to thank me, she noted that Pinkie had gotten into a sticky situation and needed help as well. I said my goodbyes and made my way to the confectionary store. The store was a complete mess, it was painted with frosting, the same as the bouncing pink earth pony. Not to have a repeat of this morning I tried to fix each problem individually, although the drain on my energy was still the same. Pinkie handed me a cupcake after I finished, I was starving and ate it in one bite, but it was the best cupcake I've ever had. Pinkie then mentioned something about Rarity needing help with magic, my head was fuzzy as I dashed out the door and headed to where Rarity was waiting," Twilight stopped when she read this, "He was tired even before he helped Rarity?" she whispered. "She needed to create something for a client that delt with fire and ice, so using my knowledge of fire being positive energy and ice being negative, I gave my input for her work. I believe that I blacked out, waking up when Rarity levitated me back on my feet, then I heard a scream and I knew somepony was hurt. I just never would've guessed it was Dash, her wings were bent out of place and she was in pain, it was that dreaded day all over again, like the day when Aya broke her wings and there was nothing I could do, today I would change that," Twilight read the end of the entry again, realizing why Wryn did what he did, he was making the difference in an event that had ruined his friends life so long ago. She flipped the page to the next entry to find that Wryn had skipped a couple days to show the time when he was out of commision.

Day Six:

"I woke up with a terrible headache and my whole body felt sore, but I did it, I did what they said I couldn't so long ago, I felt as if a great burden has been lifted off my shoulders, I only wish I could've done the same for you Aya, so you didn't have to live with the pain. Apparently Twilight had been taking care of me the four days I was out, not wanting to leave until I was better. I saw her blush when Applejack said this and I wondered if she liked me, is there a law against such unions? Nevertheless I got to meet the Princess Celestia, she was a sight to see, head held high displaying a confidence like no other. Although when I introduced the news about there being an imminent threat, she treated it as if it were a minor task. It was only after she saw my face that she understood, the attack that would be coming would be far different than any she has seen before. The princess said I could begin their training once I was better, I just hope I'm not too late." Twilight looked back at the entry in awe, "So the one he loved was hurt and he could do nothing to help her, even if he wanted to," she whispered, and read on.

Day Thirteen:

"With Twilight's help I was finally well enough to start their training, and from the books that Twilight had let me read while I recovered I knew exactly how." The next few pages were filled with the results of their month of training, and Twilight was more interested with yesterday's events.

Day Forty-Four:

"I woke up late today, that battle took more out of me than I originally thought. As I flew above Ponyville I began to wonder if the gauntlet would work as planned, the Elders did say that it was used to protect and defend. After I met my friends and fought Irxion I was sure that these ponies are who I want to protect, this town reminds me of my old home. Once I got there and explained what I was going to do, to say the least my friends were skeptical. Rainbow Dash and I flew around the town and planted the crystals and rushed back, I hoped that they would appear even if we were in a different world. The crystals acted differently than when I first used them, and I was excited at the outcome of the experiment, maybe they could sense my will to protect this world. It was good to see Arkin again, my old mentor, he hasn't changed a bit, but I guess that doesn't happen when your dead. While we spoke Arkin brought up my royal title, and with it more bad memories, painful ones. Dash then joked about me having a queen and Twilight possibly filling that position if I didn't have one. I ran away from the group after that, I didn't know what to say, or what I could say for that matter. When I became the ruler I was supposed to choose a queen, back home I was going to choose Aya. I walked back to the group and Dash flew up apologizing, I told her it was no big deal and that I wasn't mad. However what Dash said about me and Twilight has been in my head the whole day, It's obvious that Twi likes me, and I think that I like her too, one day I'll have to tell her how I feel once this war is over." Twilight stops reading immediately.

"H-He likes me?" she whispers, smiling to herself in the quiet home, her train of thought is interrupted as a blinding flash of light stuns her.