//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Gambit // Story: A Sense of Balance // by Coffee-Sama //------------------------------// There are many things that can drive a being into desperation: lust, fear, hunger. Hunger was what Discord was experiencing. Not from a lack of food, but from a lack of disorder. Ever since he promised Princess Celestia that he would use his powers for good he has not been called upon to use them for anything. This left Discord, not only bored, but weak and getting weaker as time went on. Without any sort of chaos in Equestria, his powers were beginning to fail him. As Discord stared out one of the windows of his house that Celestia had provided for him, he spied a little rabbit hopping along. Discord snapped his talons, trying to make something, anything, happen to it. But nothing ever did. "Well, that's not good," Discord sighed. "If I can't even do something as simple as give a rabbit chicken legs then I guess I'm close to losing my powers." Just then, a sudden realisation hit Discord. "What if, once my powers are gone, they're gone for good? Then I'll never be able to cause chaos and disorder ever again. I won't be Discord any more, I'll just be a normal draconequus." Discord became frantic. The thought of losing his powers started plaguing his mind. "No, no, I can't let that happen," he said. "I will not become a regular draconequus. I'm Discord." He started thinking of ways that he could cause chaos. However, every time he came up with something, he was constantly reminded of the promise he made to Celestia. "Darn that promise. I wish I never made it in the first place, now look at what's happening. At this rate, I'll be normal in no time." Discord then remembered what Lyra Heartstrings had said to him when he was re-introducing himself to the residents of Ponyville. When he asked her about what she did to pass the time, she told him that she was researching a race called 'humans'. Apparently they had appeared in Equestria numerous times before, and for different reasons. She said that they were fascinating because they were all divided, yet strangers could become best friends in the worst of times. They survived without the use of magic, instead they used 'technology'. She also said that they were no strangers to causing chaos in their own world. It was this part that gave Discord an idea. "I could summon a few of these 'humans' to cause chaos and disorder," Discord thought. "They'll be restoring my powers little by little, and I won't be getting the blame. It's perfect." Discord snapped his talons again and an empty glass jar appeared in his paw. The jar was labelled 'Reserve Powers'. "I was saving this for when Celestia actually needed me to do something, but I don't see that happening any time soon." He popped the top open and drank the jar itself. "Ah, that was refreshing." A white glow then surrounded Discord. "Well, let's hope this works," he said, as he snapped the talons on his left claw. *** With an internet connection and a set of microphones, four friends were enjoying another day of gaming, talking to each other in the process. "Ugh, not again," Russell complained. "What is it now?" Mick asked. "Getting beat at that Dissidia game again?" "Yeah, it's seriously annoying." "Maybe you're just not good enough," Robert said. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to beat Chaos?" Russell asked, getting frustrated "Queen Myrrah is harder," Robert said. "That's crap and you know it," Russell objected. Robert laughed. "Guys, guys, Joker is a tougher villain than both of those pansies." "Brian has a point there." "Shut up, Robert!" Russell shouted. "Guys, they're pathetic compared to who I'm fighting." "Enlighten us, Mick, who are you fighting?" Robert responded, preparing to defend his game's antagonist. "You aren't talking about Quelaag, are you?" Russell asked, noticing that Mick was playing Dark Souls. "No, someone much worse," Mick replied, waiting for another guess. "Who?" Brian asked. "Ornstein and Smough," Mick deadpanned. "Well, that's not so ha-" "Without summons. On new game plus," Mick interrupted before Russell could finish. "Okay, you win." "Wait... Did Russell just admit defeat?" Robert asked. "Someone alert the news stations! This just in: Russell finally admits defeat!" Brian exclaimed. The four friends then began laughing. "Man, we have some good times," Russell said. "Indeed," Brian agreed. "Well, better train harder to beat Cha-" Russell's voice suddenly cut off. "Um, Russell? You were saying?" Mick asked, trying to get a response. There was no answer. "What happened to him?" Robert asked. "Don't know," Brian replied. "He just suddenly cut off in the middle of a sente-" Brian's voice cut off as well. "Okay Brian you made your point," Robert said, thinking this was just some sort of joke. Brian would've come out with a random wisecrack by now, but he never did. "Okay, something weird is going on. First Russell, now Brian. What the hell's going o-" Robert listened as Mick was seemingly muted. "Okay, guys, you got me. Joke's over, you can start talking again." Robert waited silently, anticipating his three friends to say that they were just messing with him. However, as he was waiting, a white glow surrounded him. "Whoa, what the fu-" In a flash of white light, Robert disappeared, the microphone he was wearing fell onto his chair, as did his game controller. *** "Russell, wake up, man." After a couple of minutes of being unconscious, Russell came to, only to see Batman staring at him. "Um... Batman?" Russell asked, confused. "What are you talking about? It's me, Brian." "You don't look or sound like Brian. You look and sound like Batman." "Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me that I'm Batman?" "You look exactly like him in Arkham City. You have the voice too." "Holy crap. This is awesome. But, who are you supposed to be?" Brian asked. "What d'you mean?" "Wait, hold on." Brian pulled a mirror out of his utility belt. "Okay, in what other situation would Batman need a mirror?" Russell asked. Brian just shrugged as he extended the mirror and turned it over to face Russell. "Oh... my... god." "If I am dreaming, don't try to wake me up," Russell said, touching his new helmet out of disbelief. "Who are you any way?" Brian asked. "I'm Golbez." "Golbez? Who's that?" "He's from Final Fantasy four, and also in Dissidia Final Fantasy." "Yeah, okay. Is that the guy you kept losing against?" "No I am the guy I was playing as... wait a minute." "What is it?" "You were playing Arkham City before we arrived here, correct?" "Yeah, I was." "And what about Robert and Mick?" "What about them?" "What were they playing?" "Well, Rob' was playing Gears three and Mick was playing Dark Souls." "Then, if my suspicions are correct..." Just then, somebody walked up to them. Russell and Brian just stared at him. "What the hell are you two staring at?" "Robert? Is that you?" Russell asked. "Of course. Who else could I be?" "Try Marcus Fenix," Brian answered. "Wait, what?" Brian held up the mirror he was still holding. "Okay, is somebody going to tell me what the hell is going on? And who the hell are you supposed to be?" Robert asked, gesturing towards Russell. "I'm Golbez." "Who?" "Ugh, never mind. Have you seen Mick?" At that moment, the three heard groaning coming from the same direction in which a big tree was located. Propped up against said tree was what appeared to be a knight of some description. "Is that Solaire I see?" Russell asked. "Who's that?" Both Brian and Robert asked. "Seriously, do you two not know anything about the games we play?" "Nope," they both answered. "Fantastic," Russell said, sarcastically. "Maybe he'll be able to help us," Brian wondered. "Um, I don't think he can provide any useful information," Robert said. Brian walked over to the tree and began poking the Solaire-looking knight in the arm. "Hey, you okay?" he asked. A simple groan was given as a response. "We were wondering if you could tell us where we are." "Ugh, leave me alone," the knight responded. "Hey guys, it spoke!" "Brian, stop pestering him," Russell said as he walked over. He then grabbed the knight by the arm and pulled him onto his feet. "Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?" the knight asked. "You did, but I wasn't tolerating you sitting on your ass while we did all the work." "Russell, you're talking to this guy as if you know him," Robert said. "That's because we do." "We do?" Brian asked. "Yes, it's Mick!" "Really? How'd you figure that one out?" Robert asked. Russell let out a deep sigh. "Think about it. We've arrived in this world in the form of the last video game character we played as. I was playing Dissidia and I was playing as Golbez. You were playing Arkham City as Batman. Robert was playing Gears three while controlling Marcus Fenix. D'you understand now?" "I get what you're saying, but how did this happen?" Brian asked, still trying to process the information that was just relayed to him. "If I knew that, I would tell you." "So, can you play as this 'Solaire' guy in Dark Souls?" Robert asked. "No, you can't," Russell replied. "To be honest, I'm not sure why Mick is Solaire." "Haven't you played Dark Souls?" Brian asked. "Yes, but I haven't gotten that far yet. Anyway," Russell turned around to the knight. "I am correct in saying that you're Mick, aren't I?" "Yeah, but who are you?" "It's me, Russell." "Last time I checked, Russell didn't look or sound like that." "Last time I checked, Mick didn't look like that either." Brian once again held up the mirror. "Woah, didn't see this coming. But I see your point." "I know, we're still trying to figure out what happened," Russell pondered. "Hold on. How come Mick has his own voice?" Robert asked. "Good question..." Brian said. The four friends stood in silence for a few moments. "So, what do we do now?" Mick asked. "Well, the first priority is to find out where we are. I'm pretty sure none of our characters belong in a field adorned with lovely flowers and a big tree," Russell responded. "True that." "Okay, pick a direction and we'll start walking in it," Brian suggested. "Or we could unanimously-" Russell was interrupted as his three companions each pointed in separate directions. He face-palmed as they began to argue. "How do we get ourselves into these messes?" Russell thought to himself. Just then, he spied a peculiar creature making its way towards the group. "What the hell...?" he thought. "My my, you 'humans' are even uglier than I thought." "You might wanna take a look at yourself before you go calling anybody ugly, pal," Brian retorted. "Brian, please, at least try to be civil," Russell said, pushing past his three friends to meet the creature. "Look at that guy! Does it look like talking to him is going to get us anywhere?" Brian exclaimed. "Listen, we're in an unknown land and we don't know what this creature is capable of. I suggest we try and stay on good terms with it," Russell then turned to the creature. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, my name is Russell, and you are...?" "I'm Discord, the god of chaos, the duke of disorder, the master of mayhem. Any title that involves using words of similar meanings," Discord took a deep breath. "That's me." "Well, Discord, allow me to introduce my three friends. This is Brian..." "'Sup," Brian said. "... Robert..." "Whatever," Robert responded, in a low pitched, uncaring tone. "... and Mick." "Okay, okay. Am I the only one who's going to question the weird-looking... deer... bird... lion... snake... goat... dragon... thing?" "Weird-looking? My dear Mick, I'm hurt, so very very hurt," Discord said, sarcastically clutching his chest. "Can't you go a day without hurting anybody's feelings, Mick?" Brian laughed. "Apparently not," Mick replied. "I'm... sorry?" "All is forgiven! Now, I have a job for you four," Discord pulled up close to Russell's helmet. "Only you can handle such a task." "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here," Russell said, distancing himself from Discord. "Where are we?" "Alright then, Commander Shephard," Robert joked. "Shut up!" Russell shouted. "To answer your question, Russell. You four are in the peaceful land of Equestria!" "Equestria?" the four friends asked in unison. "That's what I said. Equestria!" "What is this, some sort of Care Bears crap?" Brian asked. "What's a Care Bear?" Discord asked. "A bundle of friendship and love that you just want to throw up on," Robert replied. "That sounds like the place you're in now. Except with ponies." "Brilliant..." Brian and Robert deadpanned in unison. "So, you mean to say that this entire plane of existence is inhabited by ponies?" Russell asked. "That's almost right, my good lad. There are other creatures that live in this land, such as myself. There are also Manticores, Griffons, Timberwolves, all that good stuff," Discord answered. "Interesting," Russell said, bringing a hand to where his chin would normally be. "So, the ponies are the most civilised of the bunch?" "Right you are, Micky boy." "That's not my name..." Mick protested. "Whatever you say. Anyway, you've got your earth ponies, your pegasi and your unicorns. With a little bit of alicorn thrown into the mixture. To top it all off, they are well-versed in the art of speech, like yours truly." "This sounds like something out of a little girls show," Robert commented. "Well, I for one am quite interested in seeing what this land has to offer," Russell said, with a hint of enthusiasm. "Of course you would, Russell. Of course you would." "So yes, you said something about a task that needed doing?" Mick asked. "Ah yes, that. I need you to cause chaos for me." "Um... no, we're not doing that. You said yourself that this is a peaceful land, Why should we disturb its flow?" Russell protested. "Well, I'm the god of chaos and disorder. There has been none of that lately, and as a result, my powers are waning. I used all of my reserve powers to bring you four here so you could restore my powers to me. So, what do you say now? Will you help me?" "The answer's still n-" "Hold on, Russell," Mick interrupted. "If what he said is true, he's the only one who can get us home. It would be in our interests to help him out if we ever want to return." "What if he's lying and he just wants us to help him take over this land?" Russell asked, trying desperately to get Mick to see his point. "That's just a chance we'll have to take." "If that happens and we leave, the residents here will be living in misery, all because of us. I don't want that on my conscience." "Russell, they're talking mystical creatures. Why should we care?" Robert asked. "Mystical or not, they are innocent and civilized beings. I won't help him if he just wants to enslave them." "Russell, we won't know about any of this until we place a bit of trust into him," said Mick. As much as he tried, each of Russell's questions of concern were overruled by logic. "Y'know, I hate it when you have a point," Russell sighed. He then turned to Discord. "But you have to promise to us that you won't try anything funny once we start helping you." "You want me to make another promise?" Discord asked. "It's clear that Russell won't help unless you do," Mick replied. "Very well, you have my word that I won't try anything funny," Discord complained. Russell and Discord shook hand and paw. "If that's the case, then we're in business. Where do we start?" Russell asked. "Well, you're going to have to start by making your way to Ponyville," Discord explained. "Wouldn't it be better if we find a location for our base of operations first?" "Mick has a point. Where would be an optimal place to set such a thing up?" Russell questioned. "Dammit Russell, you and you're fancy words." "Shut up, Robert! My question still stands." "Well," Discord pondered. "I guess if you're feeling daring, you could make the Everfree Forest your home." "That does sound quite nice. Living in a forest, the sound of nature rocking you to sleep at night..." Russell began daydreaming as he listed reasons why he would like to stay in the forest. "I don't know about you, Russell, but I'd prefer an actual freaking house," Brian stated, bringing Russell back down to Earth. "Any idea where we can find one of those?" "You could always stay with me," Discord suggested. "Forest it is then, let's go," Brian said as soon as heard Discord's suggestion. "How rude," Discord pouted, folding his arms. "Yeah, that was a bit cruel. I quite fancy getting to know more about this land from Discord." "Russell, shut up. We're going to the forest," Brian said. "Aw, that's a shame," Russell said. "I'm pouting right now, just in case you guys didn't know," he said, pointing to his helmet. Mick began dragging Russell. "So, which way is it to the Everfree Forest?" Mick asked. "Follow me," Discord replied. The four began following their mismatched guide. "Y'know, Russell, for all that armour you have on, you're surprisingly light." "Um, that's because you're not actually dragging me, Mick." Mick stopped and looked behind, only to notice that Russell was bobbing up and down in midair. "Dude, what the hell are you doing?" Mick asked. "I'm hovering, as you can clearly see," Russell answered. "How the hell can you do that and we can't?!" "The only reason I can think of is that I'm Golbez." "Why should that make a difference?" "Well, in Dissidia he hovers for his basic movement. So, I have the option to hover as well as walk." "Okay..." Mick said, trying to follow what was going on. "This is just a theory, but we inherited the body of the last character we were playing as in our games, right?" Russell asked. "Yeah..." "So, I theorise that we may have inherited their powers as well. Hence the reason I can hover. If I'm right, I should be able to use Golbez's other abilities as well." "Hmmm... Does that mean-" "Hey! Are you two going to stand there forever?! We have a forest to get to!" Brian yelled from across the field, interrupting Mick. "Sorry, we'll be right there!" Mick shouted back. *** Marching past multiple guards, who turned and saluted, Luna made her way through the hallways of Canterlot's royal palace towards her sister's room. As soon as she reached the door of her desired destination, she kicked it open. Celestia sighed and placed her piece of cake back down onto the plate it had previously been resting on. "Is something wrong, Luna?" Celestia questioned. "You assume something is bothering me?" "You only kick open my door when you are angry about something. What is it?" "That meeting was abhorrent! Do you know what they said to me?!" Luna shouted. "What did they say?" Celestia asked as she picked her cake back up. "They want to limit the amount of confectioneries I consume for the duration of the day!" Celestia began laughing, but soon stopped. She looked at her cake as memories of the same meeting she once had began flooding back to her. She promptly put the cake down and gently slid the plate away from herself. "Sister! You must speak to them at once! I cannot, and will not, give up my sugary sweets for anypony!" Luna shouted in defiance. "Okay, okay," Celestia giggled. "I'll see what I can do." "A thousand thanks, dear sister." "Who was it that set up that meeting, anyway?" "I am unsure. The other ponies who attended said they preferred to remain anonymous." "I see." Celestia stopped as she placed the first of her hooves outside of her room. "By the way, you wouldn't happen to have seen Discord around anywhere?" she asked. "I have neither seen head nor tail of him at all today. Strange..." Luna replied. "Indeed it is. It's not like him to remain out of sight and mind." Celestia walked out of her room, still riding the train of thought on where Discord could have disappeared to. "I have a bad feeling about this. What are you up to Discord?" Celestia thought to herself. Luna soon followed her sister's example and left the room, too, but only after taking the slice of cake left behind by Celestia for herself. "No amount of meetings shall tell me when I can eat the food I enjoy," she said to herself, taking a bite out of the cake in silent defiance.