Follow Your Heart

by Blue Spark


Follow Your Heart
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro & Lauren Faust
By: Blue Spark

/)\*Chapter 4*/(\

Well, so far so good I think...

Lucky for me the supervisors forgot to lock up the doors to the side entrance today, I'd have gone around the parking lot and entered through the front entrance but... I just can't explain it but I guess I felt the I would be too exposed? The high school is in clear view of the busy street and I didn't exactly feel comfortable being naked.

I mean, being covered in fur helps and so does the jacket but damn is it breezy down there!

Anyway, I make my way through the hallways to the attendance office. Another thing I'm lucky about is the fact that it's the middle of fourth period: nobody would be in the halls except for the unusual student needing to use the restroom or for the janitor that mops the floor periodically. It doesn't hurt to be better safe than sorry so I hung close to the walls and peer around corners at every turn, ready to... Well, I don't know what to expect really... If they scream then I would probably run and hide. If they decided to attack then I would probably run too. In fact, unless they jumped me and held on to me tight I would probably run no matter what happened. I sigh as I peeked around the last corner, making sure no one was around again.

I really need to think things through more...

"Darn tooting, Missy!"

"EEEEEYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed in a, sadly, very girlish voice (although I guess I am one now...) and nearly faint right there from the sudden break in quiet.

"Eegads! Can't you teenagers ever learn to keep your voice down in the halls?" I hear a harsh reply from behind.

I nervously turn around and come face to, well waist really, with a man the school knows all too well.

Mr. Thompson, the school's janitor.

I let out a sigh as I realize who frightened me and realize how loud I was.

"Sorry Mr. Thompson, I didn't know you were there..." I said with my head down.

Mr. Thompson chuckled and gave me a devilish grin, which didn't look half bad on his wrinkly old face.

"Well I suppose I should also apologize for accidentally scaring you Missy." He raised a hand to scratch at his goatee and his look turned to confusion. "But really now, aren't you a bit late to be talking to yourself in the halls? You should be in class..."

I tense a little at not just the part of him hearing me talk to myself but also by how he refereed to me as "Missy". I may not look it but I'm still a... Well, at least I was a guy but I am so not giving up my masculinity for being a female pony for the rest of my life goddammit!!!

"Don't call me Missy!" I grunt in exasperation though my tone becomes quiet next. "I'm sorry for talking to myself it's just..."

I see him lean down and give me a pat on the head as he gives me a comforting smile.

"I can see what you're going through, most of the kids that are in your predicament actually stayed home! You're a very brave young mare to come to school where others have not."

"oh, um..." I have no idea what to say... I mean, I know that those are some nice words but I've never really heard anything like that directed at me before. "Thanks, I guess."

He tips his worn baseball cap before standing up straight and stretching.

"Welp, those toilets wont clean themselves you know so I'll need to be going... But in case you have a problem just know that you could always hide in the janitor's closet." He chuckles at the last bit and strangely enough I find myself laughing a little too.

He turns and begins to make his way to the janitor's closet at the end of the hall.

Damn what a nice guy, don't find most of those around here... Still how did he know I was a mare? I mean, I don't exactly think that stuff is...

My thoughts get cut off as I see him open the door to the closet and enter, on the inside of the door is a poster that shows Rarity smiling warmly at whoever sees her.


No fucking way...

Who knew that the school janitor was a closet brony? Literally!!! I know I didn't.

I shake myself out of my stupor and make my way over to the attendance office, the door already held open by a door-stop. As I make my way into the room my ears swivel towards the sounds of fingers typing on a keyboard.

So it looks like I have enhanced hearing now... Still wish I had hands.

Back to business, I need to let the lady behind the desk know that I'm late. The awkward part will be when I convince her that I am a guy, totally gonna feel embarrassed. Hopefully I can get through this as painless as possible.

I stand in front of the desk which I am barely above level of. The desk looks fairly organized and the lady sitting across from it is typing away something on the Mac to her right, slightly facing away from me. I try a grunt to get her attention, which is something that I would normally do in this situation but all she does is just bring a hand up and brush some hair behind her ear that moved out of place.

Well, I guess girls can't really grunt to well to get attention... Still, she should have heard me, she looks fairly young and seams to be around he early thirties. Maybe a new faculty member perhaps?

"Um... Excuse me..." I try asking but she just keeps on ignoring me.

Maybe a little louder?

"Hey, um, mam?"

Still nothing.

Now this is getting kinda tiring. I just want to go to class but did I really change so much that I can't even grab people's attention!? Now that's just sad...

I take a deep breath to steady my nerves. It looks like I'll have to start this conversation, some how so I guess I'll need to try to make the first move somehow. Guess I should be as obvious as possible. Maybe add in a little of seriousness so she would believe me too? Ah... I'm gonna screw up somehow I know it...

"Hey, I need to talk to you."

The woman blinks several times and looks up surprised, somewhat startled (Success!!!), but it soon turns into confusion.

Now why would she be... Oh you have got to be kidding me!

"Down here." I say again.

She looks down some and I swear her eyes nearly pop out when she sees who's at the front of her desk.

"Did you just..." She trails off, a disbelieving look on her face.

I snort and make a snide remark back.

"I don't see anyone else here, who else could it be?"

She flinches back and I soon realize that my tone wasn't actually very nice...

I guess a snide commenting pony from a cartoon world isn't really something you'd see daily working a desk job. Dammit I was right. Come on, how do I get myself out of this... And shes staring at me funny...

"Um..." I gulp nervously, backing up a little. "Sorry to bother you mam but I'm a little late to class so... I uh... I need an attendance slip..." My voice slowly gets quieter and quieter the more she stares and truthfully it's quite unnerving.

Speaking of which, what was with my attitude back there, I was kinda being a dick... What the hell? I usually never act like this! I mean, why would I need to be mean to her? All I had to do was just go in, ask for an attendance slip, and then be on my way to class. Why am I making this harder?

"Oh wow, so they weren't kidding about the reports on TV!" I hear the lady explain from behind the desk.

She leans over her desk, adjusting the glasses on her nose as if to focus better on me.

"Um... Yeah, I'm one of those... Guys... Heheheh..." Back up a little from her gaze and look off to the side.

I mean, I'm a guy on the inside, right?


"Hey there, I have a question..." She says, standing up a little and comes over to me, eventually leaning over me in a, well, it's kinda an oppressive aura. Like she wants something from me.

"Uh, yeah? Ask away..."

"Do you think I can take you home with me?"

My eyes go wide and my mouth drops open.

"W-what? I... I don't..." What is she? What?

She smiles a friendly smile and kneels down next to me and leans her arm on her knee to get a better look at me. Even though her smile was friendly her eyes had the look of a farmer scrutinizing his cattle. She eventually continued on talking but she began to move some of the folds of my jacket to the side.

"You see, you look an awful like one of those ponies from... Oh, what was that show called? My Little Pony? Anyway, my daughter just loves the show and has been asking for a pony for as long as I can remember."

Oh... Oh my god she can't be... Oh please no...

"So, I guess it's my lucky day that a bunch of ponies from that show are popping up! I might as well grab one before you're all gone. You'd be much easier to take care of then a dog or a cat! From what I hear you'll make an excellent pet!" She finishes off by lifting up my jacket all the way and looking at my underbelly.

*Squeek!* I gasp as I try to use my tail to hide my nether regions while she just keeps looking. Hell, it was a while ago that I tried to pull away but she's just not letting go!!! Why the hell is she so strong and why is she-

Oh hell no.

"Hmmm... Yep, female, you'd be perfect for my daughter!" She smiles as she notices my wings.

From her statement though I can feel that my cheeks might burst from all the blushing I've been doing. I mean, this is the most embarrassing moment of my life! I have never felt so violated in my entire life...

"Oh you even have wings! She always loved the ones with horns but I think she'll like you winged things better." And at that she grabbed my right wing.

Before I knew what I was doing I quickly shrugged her off and cowered on the floor. I now feel the what I could only describe as the worst sensation ever. I-I'm not even exactly sure what happened... I look up and see that the lady is looking at me with a confused face, but oh god my wing! Why does it bother me so much? Is it the nerves like from the shower!? No, the feeling is different... Wait, why am I shivering?

I-I think I was just violated...

Like, anal rape in prison violated...

T-that's the only way to describe it... It's almost like someone touched something they should never touch. The feeling was just...

"W-why?" I try to say with my shivers but it came out like a whispered plea.

"Hm?" The lady says with a tilt of her head, oblivious to what she's just done to me.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you treating me like an animal?" I speak in a more even tone but it still wavers slightly.

"Well isn't it obvious? You're a horse. Well, pony to be precise. Anyway, you need an owner and I'm more than willing to be your owner. I have a nice family that can take care of you." She smiles again.

Maybe if she know the truth she'll stop and say sorry!

"But, I'm a human! I wasn't a pony yesterday!" I try to convince her.

"Silly pony, your not a human, your a pony. And there is no way on Earth that you could have been human."

"B-but, I am a person!" I begin to hyperventilate as I try to think of something, anything that'll change her mind about me when I notice her computer. "Look me up in the school system, I'm a student here! My name is Spencer Clark! ID number 570356, Senior, age 18!"

"Tsk tsk tsk" She raises her right hand and at every tsk she moves her index finger left and right, almost like she scolding a child. "Spencer is a boys name, you're clearly a girl." She then points to my covered nether regions and I cross my legs to try and cover myself better.

"I was a guy before this all happened, honest! Please, you have to believe me!" I can now feel tears streaming down my face.

"Come here you, I'll stick you in my car till its time for me to get off work." She then reaches down and tries to grab me but due to my backpack it was difficult to get a hold on me.

"L-let go of me!" I try to move backwards but my backside soon comes in contact with something that prevents me from moving.

I soon find out what I run into as the voice of something very startling and my stomach drops.

"What's going on here!?" I hear a stern voice come up from behind me.

I whip my head around and I can't help but let out a quiet squeak as I look up to see the scariest man on the planet.

Vice Principal Vice.

See, there is one thing you need to know about our vice principal; Harvey Vice. Unlike our principal who is very easy going and nice, Mr. Vice is always known for how strict he is and how he treats students. Rumor was that both he and our current principal were childhood friends but from the complete difference in personalities you could tell that that was just what it was, a rumor. One wrong move and his already usually foul mood can make your life a living hell.

And oh my god he's glaring at me!!!

I whimper slightly as the vice principal shifts his glare from me to the secretary who is standing straight up and adjusting her glasses with a nervous look on her face.

"V-vice principal Vice!? I'm so sorry for the racket. I was just-" He cuts her off by raising a hand and then returning it to his side as he continues to glare at her.

"Mrs. Garfunkle, it seems that your services are required at the main office."

"Right away sir, let me just-" She bends down again to try and grab me but he interrupts her again.

"Immediately." I didn't know that his glare could look even more frightening than that...

With a quick nod and a "Yes sir" Mrs. *Snicker* (seriously?) Garfunkle is out of the office and almost sprinting on her way to the main office. Mine and Mr. Vice's stare follow her out until she is long gone. He soon turns to again and I freeze up as he looks me up and down with his gaze, it almost felt as if he had x-ray vision.

Even though Mrs. Garfunkle was gone I was probably gonna get thrown out by Mr. Vice now. I close my eyes, waiting for him to start yelling about how animals aren't allowed in the school.

This is bad, really bad. I have no way to get home and I'll probably get kidnapped at this rate judging from how the secretary acted only to be sold, if not kept as a pet, to some crazed exotic animal lover freak. I hear a shuffling noise and stiffen up when I feel a hand on my head and he...

He's petting me...


I open one of my eyes which soon ends up with me opening both and staring in amazement as I see Mr. Vice looking at me not with his trademark glare but instead a sincere smile that you see on most of the teachers at the school.

"I'm terribly sorry for how Mrs. Garfunkle acted young lady, I had not predicted that she would act this way and she will be dealt with accordingly."

I nod numbly as Mr. Vice stands up again and goes over to where Mrs. Garfunkle once sat and began to type in the computer.

"Do you know what your student ID number is miss?"

"Oh! Um... 570356... So does this mean you believe me?"

Mr. Vice types on the computer for a few seconds, mouthing the numbers 3 5 6 at the end before he presses a key and turns back toward me.

"Of course I believe you, you aren't the only student here and I respect that you have the courage to come to school despite your current condition." He glances at the computer but then frowns. "Do you happen to have your ID card on you at all?"

"Yeah, my Mom put it in one of the back pockets of my backpack I think..."

"Let me get it for you."

He gets out of the chair and walks over behind me. It's kinda awkward but he soon brings out my wallet and pulls out my ID card, bringing it back with him when he sits at the desk again. It's kinda embarrassing but I understand why he would want my ID card. Even though I know my number the picture on the screen would be of me as a human.

A male human at that.

A slight cough grabs my attention and I look back up to see the Vice Principal holding out a slip of paper and my ID card.

"I know that this is none of my business but..." He gestures to me before continuing. "Are you a male or a female? Judging from the sounds of your voice I mistook you for being female but looking at the computer your listed as being male. Would you care to explain?"

I let out a sigh as I think how weird the first few hours of my day have been and it wasn't even half way over, all from suddenly waking up like this with no warning.

"I-I don't know how this happened, all I know is that I just woke up like this. Not just being changed into a pony, but the whole gender thing is also pretty weird as well as frightening."

The Vice Principal nods before he walks over, the slip still in his hand as he slips my ID card back into my backpack. He then proceeds to the door and he opens the door and we step out. He then bends down and holds out the paper. I look at it curiously for a sec before I just shrug grab the paper with my mouth but I try not to get any saliva on it.

"That paper will let any faculty members know that you are a student here at the school and that your aloud to be here, they shouldn't kick you out if you show it to them. It will also notify your teacher not to mark you as tardy due to your condition."

I try to say thanks but it comes out as a muffled "Tnx".

Mr. Vice lets out a soft chuckle as he motions me to go.

"No problem Spencer, I wish you the best of luck in class."

With a final nod I turn around and make my way to my Trig class.

Had I looked back I would have noticed the Vice Principal looking at a portrait of our Principal, muttering to himself something about how he wished that he got better soon.


It was only matter of seconds for me to run- I mean gallop (or is it still run?) to my classroom.

I was soon in front of the door and from the sound, or lack of, I could tell that the teacher (Mr. Hemming) was having the class take notes from the book. Due to the usual class schedule this would mean that I had only missed the first 45 minutes of class.

It also meant that there were over 40 students in there bored out of their minds ready for the first sign of distraction that might lead to the slight, if highly doubtful, chance of escape from this hell known as Trig.

Course it's just the class that was boring, the teacher's cool as a cucumber.

Wow... how long does it take to open a door?

Now that I think about it, I've been doing a lot of "This" lately... I don't usually think about anything, I just "do". That's kinda how I get through my day so quickly. Ever since this pony thing I've been doing too much thinking and...

I'm doing it again, aren't I?

Come on, Spencer, this is easy, right? The handle is big enough that I could just use my hoof! On the count of 10 you are opening that door!



Fuck it, 10!

Faster than what I know I'm doing I hook my hoof in the handle of the door and pull down and then push. Pretty soon I'm walking through the door and looking at over 40 people looking right at me.

Maybe thinking about this wouldn't have been so bad...

I take a calming breath and get rid of my jitters, or at least most of them, and begin making my way between the rows of students to the teachers front desk, the note still in my mouth. Everyone was staring and as I thought they all had their books open and were taking notes. Most of the glances people were giving me had curiosity, some had confusion and others held a look of disbelief. More than a few though clearly stated that I wasn't welcomed here. Even if these people really knew who I was they probably would have been happier if I wasn't around. I was a loner, the guy nobody ever gave a damn about.

Eventually I make it to Mr. Hemming and set the note on his desk. Just like the other students he's staring wide eyed at me and with his mouth hanging open. He soon regains his compose and picks up the note while still looking at me until he takes a glance and then the note grabs his full attention. I never had the time to see what was on the note in the first place but it must have been important. Every now and then Mr. Hemming would glance at me with disbelieving eyes.

Eventually, what felt like minutes but was probably seconds, due to what looked like him re-reading the note maybe four times. He eventually sets the note down and shakes his head, his mouth having a small smile on it before he looks back at me with the usual look he gives all his students.

"I'm glad you're able to make it to class Spencer." He says and I could here a few students behind me gasp and begin whispering before he continued. "I'll make sure to write down that you wont be docked as tardy due your condition, but remember that this is your only warning, okay?"

I nod and smile as I realized that I was able to get by without anymore issues.

And with that he tells me to take a seat and hands me back the note.

I walk down the isle until I reach near the back wall and go along my row until I get to the familiar chair next to probably the only person in the world that I could even call a friend.

Okay, scratch that, we're not friends but we do work together on some of the problems that Mr. Hemming hands us so I guess we're more like acquaintances. I don't even know his name, I just call him Stripes since he's always wearing some kind of striped shirt. Today wasn't an exception either, white polo with blue stripes.

I eventually make my over to him and slide my back pack next to my seat. It takes me a minute but I soon have my books out and hop on my seat, my pencil marked in where I left off on my notes last. A quick glance to my right confirms that Stripes was looking as shocked as everyone else that I was sitting next to him, despite the teacher obviously saying my name loud enough for everyone else to hear. I think a simple greeting instead of our normal ritual of grunting was in order.

"Sup Stripes." I say as I begin to flip to the assigned page.

I sure am going to ruin the book this way, that's for sure. The only feasible way I could think of going through the book was to use what little friction I had with my hooves and fold each page past until I got to the one I wanted. One thing was for sure, this was a whole lot easier with fingers...

I hear Stripes gasp when he hears me call him by his nickname and he bends down till he is eye level with me.

"Oh my god Spencer, is that really you?"

I snort in response.

"Really? What gave it away? Maybe the fact that the teacher said my name loud enough for everyone to obviously know who I am or did you suddenly become psychic?"

I pause after I say that. Again, there I go being more... Well rude and a little something else... It doesn't look like it affected Stripes as much as it did Mrs. Garfunkle though as he either didn't care about my less than friendly response or he just didn't notice. He combs a hand through his hair as he looks at me with a casual look.

"Your the only person in the entire school who calls me by Stripes, not even my friends or teammates call me that, much less my family. I didn't believe Mr. Hemming at first but the way you just greeted me sealed the deal." He pauses for a moment as he fixes me with a curious stare. "What the hell happened?"

I paused to think about it... How did this happen? From all I know I just woke up like this and that's it, there's not enough information to form any real idea about this yet.

"I'm not sure... I kinda just woke up like this." I reply with a shrug and try to focus on taking notes, hoping that he wouldn't press manners.

"Hmmm... You seem... Different..." He states slowly.

I turn my head and give a full, "Are you serious look" when he raises his hands and shakes his head.

"Not in the body sort of way, although that's obvious. I mean you seem different as in your acting a little off from normal." He explains.

"Oh? How so?"

"Well, you seem more... I want to say assertive but I don't think that's it... But that's probably the closest thing. Before you were kind of an ominous cloud of emo but now you seem a bit more talkative."

"Really? An emo cloud? I'm not depressed." Okay, maybe a little...

"Also your voice is different as well." He begins gesturing at me. "You seem more feminine and due to your voice I thought you were a girl for a second, no offence. Heheh." He chuckles at the end and gives me an oblivious smile.

"Heheh, yeah, feminine... You crazy guy... You..." Crap... I don't really want anyone finding out about this at school. I get made fun of enough as it is, I don't need another reason for people to laugh at me.

Though he may have a point on my attitude, I seem to be reacting to most situations differently. I'm not sure yet if it's a good or bad thing though...

"Spencer, I'm not that stupid you know." My eyes nearly pop out and I whip my head around to stare at him in disbelief.

"I can tell that your not normal anymore, and also, my little sister watches the show. I know what mares look like from all the toys she's got from it."

I stare blankly for a second before I look down, my hair hiding my expression. I don't want him to see this but I'm kind of panicking at the moment... I'm not sure if he'll tell anyone else or not and if he does how bad it'll get. I could get kicked out of school, LITERALLY if enough people know EXACTLY the extent of my transformation.

"So since I know I was wondering-" I cut him off as I give him a look that would kill and grab his collar (Somehow, not sure how I reached that far... Or grabbed the collar of his shirt with hooves...) and bring him down to eye level. I then lean in close enough and whisper only so that he could hear.

"Stripes... Dear oh dear Stripes... If you decide to tell anyone else about this." I bring closer to my face and look him in the eyes, which is probably creeping him out since they're so big, "I will make sure I am not the only one with some "missing" equipment."

He barely nods, his face is so pale. I then let go of him and give him an out of character, happy-go-lucky smile, and say; "Well then I'm glad we've come to an agreement."

I then return my attention to the textbook and continue taking notes in peace and quiet.

From then on I wasn't bothered for the rest of the period by anyone.

I case you guys are wondering this is what Spencer looks like: