//------------------------------// // Chapter Seventeen- At the Crossroads // Story: The Strings Of Life // by MLPxMaestro //------------------------------// The Strings Of Life: Chapter 17- At the Crossroads: The rain had now began pouring from the sky, as Maestro galloped his way through the puddles in the cobble stoned streets, maybe their would be a chance that Octavia was at her home, just maybe. It was one of the few places he could think of, but other than that, she could be somewhere else for all he knew. She was an intelligent mare indeed, and there was still a possibility that she would not be home, where else would she be off to? He had finally approached her house, but keeping quiet in efforts to not let her know he was here, but what time did he have to lose anyways? “Dang it, the door’s locked!” he struggled with the doorknob, but it wouldn’t budge. He pondered on what else he could think of to get into her home. He continued standing there thinking of a way in, but however when it got quiet, he could hear what sounded like a Cello being played in her house. “She’s here! Thank Celestia I don’t have to look anywhere else.” He then put his ear up against the door, and it sounded like she was playing it in the kitchen too, but why there? “What is she playing it in there for?” he wondered. He then began thinking of what the reason for being in a kitchen was. “Now let’s see here, what would a kitchen supply somepony with?” Then, after a minute or so of more pondering, he knew! “No…no she wouldn’t!” He then listened more closely to the song she was playing. It was a song of sadness and heartbreak it seemed. She had lost many dear and close people in her life, it has certainly driven her into depression now it seemed. “Wait a second…I know that piece, don’t I?” He listened to it a little more, and then realizing something was soon going to go wrong. “Wait a moment…that song. That piece she played, a cellist made that his last piece before…before…oh no…she’s about to.” He found out that a cellist had made that piece his last, then committed suicide due to his wife leaving him, and many more troubles as well. “No…no I have to stop her, but I can’t get in!” he said to himself still trying to get in there and stop her. “Okay then, this is gonna hurt, but pain is worth saving a life I’d say.” Maestro then backs up off of her porch, then galloping as fast and as hard as he could through her glass window. “Ahhhhh! Son of a…Damn it that hurt!” he shouted out, as the glass broke and then scattered across the floor. He then got himself off of the floor running into the kitchen with several cuts from the glass all over his body. “Don’t you do it Octavia! I’ll stop you if I have to!” he exclaimed. “You have no idea what pain I have been through in my life!” she replied; now holding a kitchen knife to her neck. Maestro was now in lunging range of preventing her from doing the unthinkable now, but he needed to find a way to make this whole terrible situation disappear. “Octavia, life is more valuable than this, think for a moment okay?” he said. “I’ve lost my family, I have two ex’s that betrayed me. Silver Strings crushed my dreams by using my work for his glory. I have no friends now, you expect me to bucking think about it you twat?!” “Yes, what will you gain from killing yourself?” “Eternal peace, that’s what. I’ll have no more sorrow, no more crying, and no more pain inside of me.” “Octavia, there are ponies out there who know what you’re going through right now.” “You’re lying! Just as you always have you betrayer!” she cries. “Octavia, wake the hell up would you? I still love you! You never gave your logic and common sense a chance; because you were too blinded with your own anger! Don’t you see that what you have done, you have only truly brought this on yourself?” he then stepped a little closer to her. “S-stay back, I’m warning you…I-I’ll do it, d-don’t think I won’t.” Maestro could see her hoof holding the knife shaking a little bit in her grasp, giving away to him she was still too afraid to now after what he had said to her just then. “You’re not going to do it.” he replied. “W-what…yes I will you jerk! Get out of my house, or I’ll call the guards!” “You won’t even do that.” he replied, keeping a level head as best as he could with her. “I…I most certainly will.” “Okay then…do it.” he dared her. “I will…G…Guards!” Octavia’s voice wasn’t loud enough, since she was holding part of her voice back just to hopefully scare him off. But he wasn’t going to fall for it, as his logic had just then stood strong. Maestro kept standing there looking at her still holding the knife up to her neck. He then brought his voice down to a peaceful tone, as peaceful and sympathetic as he possibly could get it. “Octavia…please…you don’t have to do this. You are worth more than you think to others.” She then brought the knife even closer to her neck for some reason, but Maestro still kept talking to her with an easy tone. “That day you told me and Vinyl to get out and you never wanted to see us again, your anger and frustration, along with sadness, seemed to be so great that your own logic and common sense left you. You didn’t want to hear us out anymore because we had hurt you and betrayed you to that extent to where you didn’t even care anymore. That is the kind of attitude that ponies later come to regret.” Octavia then spoke up. “How…how do you know all of this?” she asked him, as the knife was even closer now. Maestro then after hearing her, finally had a feeling in him that with enough of it, she would be then caught off guard to where he could then suddenly grab the knife away from her. “Because…my father told me some of these, and I know some of these things also by just simply observing.” “Does it look like I care anymore? I still hate you Maestro…how dare you do that to me!” Maestro finally manages to then get her onto the topic, and was on his way of having a chance of preventing it. But it was still not enough for him to grab that knife from her neck. “Tavi…” “Don’t you even bucking think about calling me that.” she replied with angry tears at him. “Octavia…look…I know that you know, that deep down inside of yourself, you can find a way to hear me out just this one last time.” “There is no one last time…this is the last time.” “What?” he wondered. “You heard me clearly from where you are currently standing…good bye…Maestro.” “Damn it, No!” he then lunged at her, just as she brought the knife to hopefully get it over with in time. He then tackled her out of the chair she was in, as he had just in time saved her life, and could only see the thin red line of the blade that was being pressed on her neck, and by the grace of Celestia…it wasn’t a cut. “No Maestro! This is what I want!” she tried to reach for the knife, but he then kicked it across the kitchen. “Why don’t you let me be happy? This is what I want!” she yelled out again, crying in frustration at him, and deep down inside of herself as well. Maestro then turned her around, bringing his mouth over hers in a kiss. Octavia was freaking out, but yet the longer it happened, the pleasurable it became to her. After a several moments later then, she then closed her eyes, as it seemed to trigger that one something inside of her known as…forgiveness. She then brought her hoofs around his neck in an embrace, as they continued sharing their deep and passionate kiss. Her soul and mind then seemed to become clear now; her soul seemed to be now obtaining the feelings of yearning for him once again, as these feelings began mixing in with the forgiveness that was fighting its way into her mind now. Maestro and Octavia then drew away from each other, as she looked into his eyes. Realizing that she he was right, she let her common sense and logic become blinded and fogged in her mind from the frustration, anger, and betrayal that had set her mind ablaze. Her heart grew large once again, as it recovered itself from the mangling it had received. “I…don’t…know what got into me?” Octavia then puts herself back into his arms, relieved beyond comprehension that he had just saved her from the eternal song of death. That his meaningful words of letting her know that if she had just heard him out this one last time, it would have been worth it, and it certainly was from the looks of it. She looked back up at him, as her mind has seemed to be cleared of the barbwire and fencing of hatred that had isolated her mind from him, Vinyl, and the rest of the society in Canterlot. “Th-thank you Maestro…you-” Maestro then stopped her speaking, as he gently brought one of his hoofs over her mouth. “Shhh…just take it easy for now, okay? You have no idea how happy I am that this has happened. “Okay…and…Maestro?” “Yes?” he gently spoke to her, as tears of relief seemed to fill his eyes. “You’re crying?” she then added. “I’m not the only one here.” He replied to her smiling, as he then softly wiped a tear from one of her eyes. Apparently her own feelings had unexpectedly made its way out to her in tears of joy she had not even knew she was having at that time. Octavia then couldn’t believe what she had just been through, almost like a huge weight had been lifted off of her, she was for once at peace, like she had never felt this strongly at peace it seemed in years. “I’ve only felt this happy when my Grandmother was with me…maybe that wish did come true after all.” She thought to herself with a soft smile, as tears flowed down. “Thank you Grandmother…you did hear me and watch over me after all…I love you.”