//------------------------------// // A Spider Sac Bounty // Story: The Desert Pony // by thesilentpony //------------------------------// “Where did you hear that song?” I looked at her, she was much bigger than I realized, a lot of bad meat though, making me sigh. The only thing I hated was bad meat. Other than that, not much got me down. “Oh the melody of the pond trapper?” I asked eyeing her a little confused. “Yes.” “From the pond trapper, he’s nice, but I don’t want to eat him, he’s poisonous to me and most things, lost two livers to him when I took one bite, only have two left now.” She paused and I appeared on Princess Twilight Sparkle’s back pinning her down to the ground stopping her from using magic. “Twilight!” “BAD PONY!” I shouted at her. “Trying to use magic behind my back, if it were not for the fact you probably have bad meat to, I would eat you.” I licked her and I paused. I wasn’t sure of it, but she had pony taste, and something more. She wasn’t bad, but not good either and I had fish cooking. I got off her going back to my spot. “Twilight, please, all of you, back off, if she wanted to kill you all, she easily could have long ago. Do not give her reason.” Ponies backed off and I sighed. “You scare my pray, and taste bad, you are a bad pony.” She chuckled lightly. “Tell me Roma, do you know a mare named Hammer?” I paused and looked at her. “I-I might.” I said nervously. Talking about my mother was always hard for me, the few times I did it, I never got around to talking honestly. “I thought so, you’re her daughter, I should have realized it sooner.” “I never said.” “You didn’t have to, you look a lot like her, and that armor you have on, only a master blacksmith could make that, and other than her daughter, no one can make it.” She rubbed my back a little. “She misses you, you know that right?” “I know.” “Then why don’t you go home?” “She smells too good.” Princess Celestia stared at me. “What?” “If I went back home now I couldn’t resist eating her.” I shivered a little. “I really miss her, but I can’t go back if I would only end up killing her. I’ve tried to stop, but, things just taste too good.” I wiped my mouth. “I send her letters, she knows I love her.” “So is that why you left home?” “At first I didn’t understand, ever since I was born, things, I just couldn’t understand it.” I leaned into Princess Celestia and she wrapped her hoof around me. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.” “What do you mean?” “I fear your father may have been infected with something evil when you were conceived, and it affected you in this way. There was once a stallion by the name of Shadow, he was a very brave stallion, but he told me where he came from once. It was a long time ago, but the king of his lands is evil.” “Here.” Max said handing me some fish. “Princess Celestia would you like some.” She chuckled lightly. “Sorry I couldn’t stomach fish.” “Sorry.” “Keep going.” I said munching on the fish’s head. “Well he told me that the king of that land came into power through blood lust, he ate every pony he could stand to fit into his belly. Ever since he was a filly he had a taste for blood, and ended up eating anything which he saw as bad.” “Oh.” “He returned to his throne shortly after your father disappeared, my sister and I believed that he had been defeated him for good, after Shadow gave his life to defeat him, but we were mistaken gravely. He wiped out more than half his population in a single day with magic so terrible, it even made me weep when I heard.” “So then he has the same problem.” I looked down. “Yes, but after that day he became a noble king.” “What, but how would he, maybe he’s not like me.” “No, I think he’s just like you, and somehow managed to curve his hunger. I believe you could do the same.” “So then he might know a way.” “Yes, but he also has your father, I found out not long ago that he had left Equestria, in your father’s body as a vessel. That if his new body ever failed him or died, he could go back to that body. I know a way to disconnect it, but I could not go there myself. I would like you to do that.” “He has my father?” “Yes, I believe so, and if it were not for the fact your immortal like him, I would not ask for you to go.” “Immortal?” “Yes, you have magic heavily coursing through your body, even without your armor you would not be able to die.” “That’s nice.” “If you go I’m sure you could learn a way to see your mother and stand not eating her.” I smiled at the thought. “But I don’t know anything about him or the lands which he rules.” “It’s to the south west over the western ocean. I would be able to send you there easily if you’re willing.” “Can my pet come with me?” She looked at him. “I will, the more fish I feed her the less likely she is to eat some pony.” Max said. “Very well, he can come, Twilight come here.” She walked over to us and gave me a green stick. “This will allow you to return home once you have found your father, just have him touch it once, and he will be able to come with you. Come touch this as well griffin.” “It’s Max.” He came over and touched it. “Do not let any pony but your father touch this and keep it safe.” I put it away. “Twilight let’s open a portal.” Both of their horns glowed shooting a steam of magic at one spot opening a hole and showing a beach. “Fish.” I said and Max held up the crate. We walked through and Cord jumped through as well. I looked at him a bit confused. Princess Celestia waved as the portal closed. “Why are you coming?” “I’m going to help you, you should always have someone which can fly and one which can do magic.” He was in a decent set of my mom’s armor. I held out the stick and he touched it, I put it away hiding it inside my cloth so it couldn’t be touched even if searched. “Alright then we will need to find the king.” Max said. “Hey you!” Two ponies ran over to us in armor and Cord held me back a little. “Yes?” Cord asked. “What are you doing here? You should know that this beach is off limits, staying too long will kill you, get to the path now!” We all hurried to a floating path and they threw water on us from buckets. “Stay on the path from now on, at least till you get out of the toxic zone.” “We will.” Max said and they eyed him. “How rare a griffin.” The other one said. I shook and the water came off. My clothes changed to black. “Hey do you know where we can find the king?” Cord asked and they chuckled. “Let me guess you want to challenge the king,” one of them said laughing. “I guess a griffin might increase their chances.” “No we don’t want to challenge him, we need to talk to him.” “Oh, well we can lead you to the kings road, follow us.” We followed him seeing a wall not far off, the land as blackened by something and everything from the trees to the grass was dead, nothing could live here. We got to the wall. “Open up!” The wall moved showing a vast field of flowers. Sweet smells filled my lungs and I looked at Cord, he was rather shocked. We walked pass the wall onto a stone path. We started walking and after a while got to a town. It was as full as Los Pegasus, and just as clean making me a little nervous. We stopped at a road marked path to capital. “This is amazing.” Max said. “You’re not from around here are you?” The guard asked looking at us. “No.” “Well just follow this road to the capital, he’s normally on the streets tasting ponies, so keep your eye out, but if you can’t find him, you can go to the castle, he’ll be there most likely then, just don’t attack him and you’ll be fine.” “Thanks.” I said and they nodded as we started walking. After a while we stopped, both of them were tired from walking. It had been hours and we had seen small villages off to the right and left, but other than that nothing. “How far away is this place?” Max asked and I looked at him rubbing his feet. “This stone path is killing me.” “We should also head in for the night.” Cord said pointing up at the storm clouds. I sighed but followed them to the next village heading to the local inn. We walked inside and ponies were laughing eating. The inn was completely open space with a bar covering the whole back side of the inn, two stairs were off to the side of the door, and a single desk was just a few yards from the door. Cord went to the stallion innkeeper sitting behind the heavy desk. “How much for a room?” The stallion looked at us. “You here to challenge the king?” “No, we’re just going to the capital.” “Oh, yeah you got at least another three day walk ahead of you. One night is ten bits of gold.” “That’s a little high.” “High? You must not be from around here, that’s really low, we’re the bother’s cheap room and board. Anywhere else is easily double that. Do you want a room or not?” Cord pulled out ten bits of gold and gave it to him. He gave him a key with a tag on it. We went to the room and it had two beds. “I don’t think we will find fish around here.” Max said looking at me and I paused at the foot of a bed. “It’s fine Max, I can stand a while without food.” I hopped onto a bed rolling around a little. “You called me Max.” I looked at him. “Yes, because you are my pet, but a good one, so you earned your name.” “Well I guess guys on one side.” Cord said and Max eyed him. “No, Max you sleep here, I have three more days before I sleep. I'll rest and keep my energy up.” “Wait but if it’s a three day walk, won’t you fall asleep when we reach the capital?” “Yes, but I only sleep for a full day before I’m awake for another two weeks. Come here Max, you’re tried right?” “Yeah.” He got onto the bed. “Sleep would be a good idea,” Cord said. “Once we wake up we’ll go get something to eat and figure something out for you Roma so you don’t starve.” I smiled and Max hugged me making me giggle a little. They fell asleep and Max’s warm body felt wonderful, but it would also taste wonderful cooked. If fish could taste so good cooked, what could bird meat taste like cooked? I swallowed trying to get the thought out of my mind. I got up after a while going down stairs. The innkeeper looked at me. “Not sleeping well?” I looked at him then around, the place was packed the day before, now it was empty. I looked at the door, it was boarded up heavily. “I sleep only on the full moon, but they were tried so we stopped. Do you have any fish by chance?” He thought for a moment. “Oh your griffin is a meat eater, let me check in the back.” He went back behind a bar going through some doors and came out a few minutes later. “We don’t have any in stock, but I can pick some up once the bell rings.” “Bell ring?” “I almost forgot, you’re not from around here. You see more than half of the country is pledged by wild beasts of all kinds, always have been. There are actually bounties now set by the king to have ponies take care of it, but so long as we lock our doors or aren’t out at night, we’re fine. The beasts are dangerous so, not many want to try their hoof at it. There are free shelters in ever town for ponies which can’t afford a home or inn.” “What kinds of beasts?” “You’re not thinking what I think your thinking. You cannot go out there and try to collect the bounties.” “I don’t care about the bounties if the beasts are made of meat.” He gave me an odd look for a second. “I believe they are made of meat.” He said unsure if he wanted to answer. “Great, well then can you let me out?” “Alright, it’s your deathbed, just save fangs, or skulls. Each is worth five gold bits, just go to the bounty keeper of any town and they will redeem it.” We walked over to a door, and took off three heavy pieces opening it. I smiled walking outside. I stared at hundreds of winged spiders, I had never seen winged spiders before, but from what I could see and smell, they would be a very tasty meal to be had tonight. My mouth watered as they started to notice me. “Tasty treats come to me.” I said. They charged at me but had no chance screaming in agony as I easily ripped them to bits craving them up nicely, leaving any poisonous parts out and saving their fangs. Cord and Max probably would like the gold. I stopped having finished with my meal. I had a large stack of fangs piled cleanly away from the rest of the bad parts. I looked around a bit having obliterated them clean into the forest destroying the nests and wiping them out completely. They wouldn’t be back. “AAAAAAAH!” I heard some pony scream and I turned sitting onto of a bed of spider sacs, a gray earth pony was terrified, but the bed was comfortable. Ponies started coming out and the Innkeeper came out falling against the wall shocked. Cord ran over to me with Max. “Roma what have you done?!” He shouted at me. “But.” “No! We are in a distant land, you can’t just eat anything you see!” “But.” “No, that was bad.” “I can’t believe it.” The innkeeper said coming over to us. “We are so sorry, she has sometimes bad impulses.” “What do you mean? She just wiped out the greatest threat this village has ever faced, single hoofedly and you think that was bad?” “It, wait you wanted the beasts slain?” “Yes, we have a five gold bit bounty per fang set, from the looks of the piles, she wiped out every single flying spider, just last week we lost eight to them.” He looked at me quivering a little and tears went down his face. “We lost very dear pony to them, they were going to overrun the town.” Ponies started cheering and I looked around. “That’s good she did it then.” “Some pony get the bounty keeper!” He shouted running off. “I’m sorry.” He rubbed my head a little. “I kept the fangs for the bounties, you and Max said something about liking gold bits, so I made sure to keep them all intact. “We should get you cleaned up.” I got off the sac bed and shook, the blood and guts easily came off cleaning me. “How many fangs is that?” Max asked. “Um, there were about a hundred and forty five, so two hundred and ninety fangs, but the hatchlings didn’t have fangs or any meat. I was sad by that, their meat wasted, but from the sound of it leaving them alive would be bad. Protecting them was good right?” Cord hugged me tightly. “Yeah, protecting them was great.” “By Celestia.” We looked at a blue unicorn mare wearing a bowtie. “You destroyed the nests as well, I don’t think we set a bounty for that though, I’m the mayor by the way.” “That’s fine,” Max said walking over to us. “She did it for good measure, now about that bounty.” A stallion went over to the pile of fangs and sorted them counting the fangs. “One hundred and forty five sets!” He shouted and ponies cheered. “Go fetch the bounty quickly.” The mayor said. The pony ran off and came back later with a good size bag on his back. Max picked it up feeling the weight a little. “Well this will do us wonders.” Max put it into Cord’s pack. “We should have a feast.” The mayor said. “Already ate.” He smiled at me a little sickened. “Alright, then Innkeeper, on my tab, drinks for them.” “Will do.” We headed back into the inn and I had my fill of water. Max and Cord got drinks and food before heading back onto the road. I had bought a cart from the village, allowing me to stick both of Cord and Max on the back and pull them. “Are you sure this is alright?” Max asked. “We need to get to the capital, and you slow me down.” “Well we shouldn’t go to the capital till you’ve slept,” Cord said and I looked at him. “I don’t want to have you falling asleep when we meet the king.” “If I run we can make it there in a few hours.” “Wait, your still hungry right?” “Yes,” I said sighing. “That wasn’t even breakfast normally.” “Right well there are plenty of towns with monster problems, if we help them then you’ll be able to eat your fill, we’ll make a ton of gold, and you’ll get to sleep.” “Max what do you think?” I asked looking at him as I kept walking. “Well I don’t like the idea of using you to make money like some ponies.” He said sneering at Cord and he looked away. “But if we get a lot of gold we can trade that for fish, plenty of fish.” I gasped stopping. “You can trade gold for fish?!” “Yes, you didn’t realize that?” “No of course not, I would have gone and harvested millions of bits of gold if I knew that was true.” They stared at me for a few seconds. “In fact I found large mounds of gold back there in the forest, I didn’t think that was useful since, I was going to get gold bits.” Both of them stared at me. “Don’t worry, if you find more harvest it.” “Alright I will.” I started walking. “Should we stop at each town?” “Yes,” Max said smiling. “There are a ton of forests around here so I think we most of the beasts will be hiding in the forests.” I smiled and ran getting to the next village.