Magikarp Is The Best Pokemon

by RainbowBob

Chapter 3: Everyone Loves Magikarp!

“Come on, Fluttershy, hurry up!” Spike called over his shoulder, drawing in a deep breath afterward. Moving one foot in front of the other, only a couple of steps quickly drew the breath back out of him. Panting and wiping a claw over his forehead, he wheezed, “We gotta… hustle. Whew, this is tougher than I thought.”

“Um, Spike, maybe I should carry Twilight instead of Magikarp,” Fluttershy suggested, Magikarp flopping on her back but otherwise staying put.

Spike shook his head, arching his back forward with a pained expression as a crack sounded from his back. “Not needed, Fluttershy. Twilight’s carried me plenty of times, so me doing the same can’t be that different.” Spitting into his palms and rubbing his claws together vigorously, he grabbed ahold of Twilight’s tail once more and pulled her over his shoulder.

“But, um, you’re not really carrying her. More… dragging.”

Twilight’s tongue stuck out of the side of her mouth as her unconscious form was dragged across the ground, dirt and other unquestionable materials being picked up by her open mouth. Each pebble and rock her head was lugged over made her groan faintly.

“Still counts,” he muttered, hauling Twilight’s body a couple more feet. Luckily for him, they had already arrived at the library after a trip through town. Ponies stared at them in a mix of wonder, amazement, and downright confusion. Either from the knocked out Twilight being dragged like a ragdoll, or the mysterious air breathing fish that never blinked on Fluttershy’s back.

Twilight’s head thumped painfully against the single step leading to the doorway, and once Spike got the door opened her face was tugged across the hardwood floor to the inside of the house.

“Okay, Magikarp, you’re home!” Spike called over his shoulder, heaving Twilight in the center of the library. Fluttershy followed close behind, unsure where to set Magikarp down.

“Spike, should I get Magikarp some water or… something?” she asked, noticing the fish hadn’t done much of anything except flop around. And repeat his name over and over again.

“Nah, just set him down,” he called out, waving his claw as he departed to the kitchen.

Shrugging, she gently set the floundering red fish creature on the floor next to Twilight. Magikarp stared with his impossibly large and never blinking eyes right at the drooling face of Twilight, a noticeable bump on her head from where Magikarp hit her before.

Fluttershy’s eyes glanced left and right awkwardly, the only sound in the room the occasional ‘Magikarp, Magikarp’ that Magikarp blurted out as he flailed weakly on the floor.

With a faint flutter, Twilight’s eyes opened. Blinking to clear her fuzzy vision, her first sight was the open mouthed, oblivious face of Magikarp, only inches from her face. A tense silence fell as Twilight’s pupil’s slowly shrank. Even Magikarp stopped flopping to stare at her, eye to eye, unmoving.

Then, of course, Twilight screamed with all her might.

THE FISH IS STILL HERE!” she yelled, backing up quickly while still on her side, her hooves desperately pushing the floor to get away from the red menace.

Magikarp flopped happily, or as happily as he could manage. His face was as expressionless as ever.

“Hey, Twilight’s up?” Spike asked from the kitchen, returning back to the room with a tray laden with sandwiches. “Oh good, she is!” he said cheerfully, making his way to her cowering form and holding out the sandwich filled tray to her. “Hey, Twilight, I made some sandwiches for–”

“What is that thing still doing here?” Twilight interrupted, getting back on all fours and pointing a shaking hoof at Magikarp.

“What, Magikarp?” Spike asked, Twilight’s glare directed at him answered his question. Shrugging his shoulders, he said, “Well, since he’s my pet now, I thought I might as well as show him his home.”

“Magikarp is not staying with us!” Twilight said, shaking her head furiously. “Not going to happen! Never!”

“Twilight, please, Magikarp can hear you,” Fluttershy said, resting a supporting hoof on Magikarp’s side as she stared disappointingly at Twilight. “You just hurt his feelings.”

“He’s a fish! He doesn’t have feelings!”

“Twilight, I think you just need to calm down,” Spike suggested, holding his palms forward. “Obviously that concussion you got has scrambled your brains.”

“Magikarp gave me that concussion!” Twilight reminded him, pointing to the bump on her head. “He ate my hair and whacked me across the head! There’s no way he’s staying here!”

“But, Twilight…” Spike’s eyes widened to saucers as his pupils filled the white of his eyes. “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?”

“No, Spike.”




“Yet again, no!”

“Come on, I know you’ll grow to love him!”

“I’m definitely not loving that bump on my head.”

Spike tapped his claw to his chin, running over potential plans in his head to get the unmoving unicorn to agree to his pet living accommodations. Luckily for him, Magikarp was already way ahead of him.

“Oh dear Celestia, he has my hair again!” Twilight shrieked, Magikarp once more eating part of her mane. Like before, she shook her head in a desperate attempt to remove the hungry Magikarp.

Fluttershy helped with the removal process, tugging painfully at Magikarp as Twilight screamed. “Twilight, please, stand still! He’s going to rip your hair out if you keep on moving,” Fluttershy ordered, pulling with all her might as Magikarp kept his bite grip firmly on Twilight’s mane.

In the midst of all this chaos, a knock could be heard on the front door.

“I’ll get it!” Spike yelled eagerly, walking past group and arriving at the door to open it.

Standing outside was Rainbow Dash, the rainbow maned pegasus staring over Spike to get a look into the library. “I, um, heard that Twilight was being dragged through town unconscious and I was just wondering… What’s that thing eating Twilight’s hair?” Dash asked, noticing the hubbub in the room over the mysterious red fish chomping down on Twilight’s mane.

With a final shake of her head, Magikarp was dislodged from her mane. Magikarp flipped through the air, speeding right towards Rainbow Dash.

Before she could even react, Dash was struck full on the face by Magikarp, his tail whipping her head back as she fell to the ground. In less than a second, she was out cold, Magikarp thrashing over her knocked out body.

“Oh, that’s just Magikarp,” Spike answered her, peering down at the pair. “And I think he likes you!”

The wild RAINBOW DASH fainted!

Magikarp gained 1156 Exp. points!

“Huh, there’s that mysterious voice again,” Spike said, scratching the side of his head as he stared up at the sky to see if he could spot whoever was talking.

Magikarp grew to LV. 20!

MAX. HP +2
DEFENSE             +2

MAX. HP 42

“Um… okay then.” Spike glanced left and right, shuddering slightly. “Whoever is saying that, can you please come out or something? I’m getting really freaked out here.”


Magikarp is evolving!

Suddenly, Magikarp became enveloped in a bright white, the light blinding Spike as he averted his gaze. Magikarp flailed as the his body slowly grew larger, the light illuminating the area brighter.

“This isn’t how evolution works!” Spike shouted, backing up as Magikarp grew larger.