//------------------------------// // Questions Left Unanswered // Story: In A Strange New World // by Shysoldier94 //------------------------------// Twilight sat in the library’s dining room with her mouth agape. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing from this strange new pegasus. She became lost in thought of where he came from. He was a pegasus no doubt about it. But where in Equestria did he get that clothing? It was nothing she had ever seen before. “Um… Miss Twilight?” Twilight shook her head and her thoughts returned to reality. “Did you hear everything I told you ma’am?” Twilight felt horrible. Her ears drooped down, “No…I’m sorry, I just got lost in thought. All I remember you saying is that your name is Paul Jackson?” Jackson nodded. “Yes ma’am, that’s correct.” She hesitated at the thought of asking him to repeat what he had already told but she felt that she could maybe find out what was going on. “Do you… can you tell me everything you said again? And what was it you said you were in? I’m sorry…” Jackson sighed, “Alright I guess.” He cleared his throat before he continued. “I don’t remember much of anything but what I remember is, well as I stated before, my name is Paul Jackson. I’m a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps where my Company, called Fox Company, was deployed to country called Afghanistan. We were originally supposed to patrol the capital city, Kabul, for any suspected terrorists that might bring harm to the city and its inhabitants. But after three months, we were given the orders to provide security to Able Company so they can storm a suspected terrorist stronghold. But a few miles away from where we were supposed to meet up with Able Company, our convoy was attacked. We fought them back, but with a few casualties. But the last thing I remember is an explosion right next to me, saw this bright light, and then darkness. And then I woke up in an area just outside of this town. From what I think was a woods or forest of some sort. “That’s the Everfree Forest.” Twilight told him. “Ah.” Jackson replied while looking down at his, what are now, hooves. “So, any questions?” Twilight nodded her head slowly. “Go ahead and ask. I bet you have many.” Twilight nodded in agreement. “Um… well you said you were in this United States Marine Corps thing. What exactly is that?” Jackson shifted in his chair and prepared himself for long hours of answering questions. “Well for starters, the United States is what the country is called I live in. And the Marine Corps is a branch of military defense. We are considered one of our world’s most dangerous militaries, but I would have to say my country says a lot of things that are biased. We’re known as Devil Dogs. We may be tough on the outside and show no fear, but on the inside, we all have good hearts.” “Where is this ‘United States’ place at?” Twilight seemed to be getting intrigued by what Jackson was telling her. “I’ll answer that, but first, what is this place? Where exactly am I?” “You’re in Equestria. That’s what our country land is called. This little village town is called Ponyville.” “Why do these names sound so familiar?” Jackson thought to himself. “Hmm. What other questions do you have?” “What is that you’re wearing? I’ve never seen anything like it with that design.” “This is my combat uniform. This is what we wear when we’re out in the field. These knee pads protect our knees when kneeling and that helmet that protects our heads from any kind of injury.” Twilight was baffled. He was definitely from another world. “Well, what were you called in your world? Your species I mean.” Twilight asked. “I was a human.” Jackson replied. Twilight’s ears perked up when she heard this. She remembered reading something in one of her books about an advanced species in a world much like their own that were similar to monkeys but though it wasn’t proven. “What is different between our species and yours?” “Well there is many. We walk on our back legs vertically. And we don’t have hooves we have hands and fingers. With these we can grab and hold onto objects. We’ve accomplished many things for the good of others. But what my species has done most of in my world was fight. War upon war upon war upon war. It never ends.” Jackson was starting to feel guilt. He served in his country’s military in which he had to take the lives of others in order to protect his men. It seemed hypocritical. Twilight could feel his grief. She stood over at his side and put a hoof on his shoulder. Jackson looked at her in the eyes. One thing he noticed, these ponies sure did have much bigger eyes than they did. He couldn’t look at her for long, and turned his head away. Twilight tried to comfort him but didn’t for sure know how. “Hey, it’s okay. I know what you mean.” Jackson turned his head facing her, looking into those big lavender eyes wondering how she could ever understand what his species has done to his world. “You do?” “Yes.” Twilight replied. “In one of my history books, our land of Equestria use to not be peaceful. Wars ravaged the land between Pegasi, Earth, and Unicorn ponies. It was never ending bloodshed that almost brought our world to an end. It wasn’t until two Alicorns brought harmony amongst us remaining and restored order. Those two were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Both who still guide us to this day.” Jackson was confused. “What are Alicorns? And are these two still around?” “Alicorns are a pegasus and unicorns combined. They’re the rarest of ponies; thought to be the last two remaining in existence. And yes they are still around. They reside in the Royal town of Canterlot.” “Are they, like, old?” “They are believed to be over a thousand years old. In fact they don’t look old at all. They look the same as they did centuries ago.” Twilight smiled as the thought of her valued teacher crossed her mind. Jackson’s head started to pound. He tried to shake it off as if it were nothing. “That’s cool I guess. Any other question ya got?” “Well I do have one more: Do you have a family back in your world?” It was a question she regret asking as when she said this, Jackson’s ears drooped down and tears grew in his eyes. “Oh no I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have asked that, I…” Twilight was cut off when Jackson raised his hoof which motioned for her to stop. “Don’t apologize. I know what you’re thinking: yes they are alive and well. I just miss them so much.” Jackson said this in almost a whisper as tears flew down his cheeks. He couldn’t look at her in his current state. Twilight didn’t know what to do. She too felt his grief thought about the long time she spent away from her family. Tears started to build up in her own eyes. She walked over to him and slowly wrapped her hooves around him. Jackson flinched when she did this at first but then realized she was hugging him and noticed that she too was crying. “I know what it’s like… too miss the ones you love and not knowing if they’re alright.” Jackson closed his eyes and returned the embrace. He didn’t know this unicorn, but she seemed to understand what he was feeling. After a few minutes, they broke away. Her tears have been long gone but were still flowing from Jackson’s eyes. Just the thought of the possibility of never being able to see them again broke him into pieces. “Who are they? Your family?” Twilight finally asked. Jackson sniffed and wiped away his tears. “My wife, Jessica. She’s most beautiful person I ever had the privilege of marrying. I don’t know how I could live without her And then there is my baby daughter, Brianna. She’s my little angel brought to me from above.” “Aww!” Twilight replied with a smile. “That’s a beautiful name. How old is she?” “She’ll be 3 months in a few weeks. She wasn’t born until 2 weeks after I was deployed. I still beat myself up for missing the birth of my first born child.” “Well don’t beat yourself up.” Twilight replied, “She would be proud of her father for being as brave as he is and doing what he does for his family.” Jackson couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks. I just wish I could see her. She’s what kept me alive out there. All I could think about was…” Jackson jumped when he heard what sounded like a fiery belch that came from the other room up the stairs. “What in blazes was that?! I almost had a heart attack!” Twilight giggled. “Oh that’s Spike my assistant. He must’ve received a letter.” Jackson was confused. “Received a letter? How does belching have anything to do with…” “Hey Twilight!” A little purple dragon creature ran through the doorway. He looked at Jackson, “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize you had company.” “It’s okay Spike. What do you need?” “The Princess sent this letter to you. It says URGENT on the stamp.” Twilight took no time and levitated the letter, opened it, and started reading. “Hmm I see. I’ll be right back.” With that, Twilight left the room rather quickly. Jackson was left wondering what was on the letter that made her go so anxiously. She returned a few minutes later with a suitcase to her side. “I know this might sound weird, but Princess Celestia has requested me to go meet her in Canterlot immediately.” “Oh um okay.” Jackson replied still trying to process what was going on. “And she wants you to go to.” He was officially lost. “How did this Princess know I was here?” “I don’t know. But we’re about to find out.” Twilight replied with a sense of determination. “I guess that means I have no choice then.” Twilight nodded. They walked to the front door but stopped by Twilight. “Oh apples, I almost forgot my satchel.” She ran into the other room and returned with the satchel around her back. “Okay now we’re good to go.” There was a light knock on the door and it opened a few inches and a soft voice appeared, “Um Twilight? I was wondering, if it wasn’t too much trouble, that I could perhaps borrow that book on woodland creatures again, I mean if that’s okay with…” She opened the door all the way and stopped when she caught sight of Jackson. “Well hello there Miss.” Jackson said to the pink haired pegasus. She blushed and hid her face behind her mane.