//------------------------------// // Musical Number: This is the Greatest Party of all parties you have ever seen // Story: One less Party Goer // by The Meta //------------------------------// Title: This is the Greatest Party of all parties you have ever seen Lyrics by: The Meta Tune: “I am the very Model of a Modern Major-General” by Gilbert and Sullivan,       from the Pirates of Penzance Listen to this:  “Slow version” If you want to try and sing along with it well, and don’t mind missing choral tunes. “Fast version” If you want to try and sing along with it, or just show off...This has all the choral tunes though, not just the solo. Note: Every word must be said/sung succinctly, with all it’s syllables, unless otherwise specified. Except sarsaparilla, say that the normal way; Pinkie says it that way. E.g. defilement--> de-fi-le-ment Verse 1 Pinkie Pie: This is the Greatest party of all parties you have ever seen, With tonnes of stuff like big balloons, fun games and party guests so keen, This party’s for your birthday my dear Fluttershy, so feel at home, With all the greatest ponies out from Ponyville that I could comb. It’s got the biggest food buffet that any pony’d ever need, With cupcakes, punch ,cookies and sweets, for ev’rypony which to feed, The drinks as well, we have a huge ginormous big variety, “Hmm. What rhymes with variety? Ooh, I know!” With sundaes, sarsaparilla, and some stuff for high society! All guests: With sundaes, sarsaparilla, and some stuff for high society! With sundaes, sarsaparilla, and some stuff for high society! With sundaes, sarsaparilla, and some stuff for high socie-cie-tyyy!!! Pinkie Pie: As you can see, the food is of the best in all of Ponyville, The bev’rages  that we’ve served up are sure to give you all a thrill, In short, with stuff like big balloons, fun games and party guests so keen, This is the Greatest party of all parties you have ever seen! All guests: In short, with stuff like big balloons, fun games and party guests so keen, This is the Greatest party of all parties you have ever seen!!! Verse 2 Pinkie Pie: The decorations you can see are courtesy Rarity, So let us all be grateful for her gift of gen’rous charity, Say “thank you” for these banners, and these ribbons oh so colorful, So vibrant and so cheerful, that they make us all feel wonderful. And finally the party games that we have here are very fun, They’ve winners and no losers, so they make us all feel number one, With games like Treasure Hunt, and Apple Bobs for our beguilement, “...What in Equestia rhymes with that?!” “Oh no! The only word that rhymes with ‘beguilement’ is ‘defilement’! What am I going to do?!” “*GASP* Got it!” This party’s got so many things to do it’s so convenient! All guests: This party’s got so many things to do it’s so convenient! This party’s got so many things to do it’s so convenient! This party’s got so many things to do it’s so conveni-veni-eeent!!! Pinkie Pie: Oh come on reader what on Earth did you expect for me to say? I couldn’t possibly have used ‘defilement’, but anyway, In short, with stuff like big balloons, fun games and party guests so keen, This is the Greatest party of all parties you have ever seen!!! All guests: In short, with stuff like big balloons, fun games and party guests so keen, This is the Greatest party of all parties you have ever seen!!! Verse 3 Pinkie Pie: In fact, because this party is the party that has got it all, The fairy lights, the streamers, and the ribbons that all line the wall, As well as all the cooking that is sure to give you all a pudge, Like birthday cake, and candy and all of the kinds of yummy fudge. The range of recreational activities is quite a sight, They’re here for your enjoyment and amusement, don’t you know that’s right, And don’t forget the party guests whom I’ve invited here tonight, “Hmm tonight, tooonight, toniiighht...Aha!” They’ve come here just for you, dear Fluttershy, I’m sure, to your delight! All guests: We’ve come here just for you, dear Fluttershy, we’re sure, to your delight! We’ve come here just for you, dear Fluttershy, we’re sure, to your delight! We’ve come here just for you, dear Fluttershy, we’re sure, to your deli-deliiight! Pinkie Pie: This birthday party was thrown for you by yours truly Pinkie Pie, To say a great big ‘Happy Birthday’ to you, my dear Fluttershy, Because, with stuff like big balloons, fun games and party guests so keen, This is the Greatest party of all parties you have ever seen! All guests: Because, with stuff like big balloons, fun games and party guests so keen, This is the Greatest party of all parties you have ever seen!!!