//------------------------------// // Lunch break...with something else // Story: Pony Terrestrial // by Arcanel //------------------------------// Well, people, welcome back. CPM here. It seems that I made a little mistake in the previous chapter as I forgot that there WERE fridges in the world of MLP: FIM. Therefore, I’ll do my best to negate that effect, as in making a reference to it, but giving it another importance. I know this because there are several things that I could make such a mistake. Examples are the light bulbs. As far as we know, they work with magic in their world and therefore, I can make them have importance with the magic of SCIENCE XD. There is also the fact that I kinda forgot how related their and our world were. Well, anyways I hope this is not a problem to you, and I hope not to make such blasphemies again. Well, that being clarified, the wait is no longer ado. Here is the next chapter of MLP: around the world, Lunch break…with something else! Well then, you think you own something, huh? Well, THINK AGAIN. Thou owns nothing but that which you created, AKA this fic, got it memorized?” Words, by my worst enemy, my mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ‘Okay dude, do not panic, they are absolute herbivores. You still got this’ I told myself, trying not to panic over the fact that getting them food is a little different than myself, while the clock marked the hour of 1:30 PM. Plus the fact that the question that I was trying to avoid WILL come around now with no chance for escape, therefore, I doomed myself. ‘Well, better to be truthful and polite than a liar and rude guy, no? Although I’m still wondering HOW to explain this without getting Fluttershy to ultimately faint’ I pondered. ‘Well first things first, what food am I going to get them? The best idea is to go with the show; a sandwich with lettuce should be more than enough, right? I just hope I don’t screw up. There is another reason of to why I hate my hate for vegetables. I am not too sure how to make them. Well all those times watching my mom should help, no?’ I concluded, silently praying that I won’t make an abomination of food to them, and therefore, doom myself even further. I started by preparing myself a sandwich with only cheese, as it was the easy thing to do. That, and the fact that less of a graphic showing would do wonders to reduce the “Shock by explanation” thingy. Then I thoroughly washed some leaves of lettuce, cut the roots and stuff, got the leaves in each slice of bread, and put them all in plates. ‘Okay I managed to get food, and it actually is nice. Thank god I watched my mom doing that several times, otherwise…’ I stopped there as an image of the Dead Bread from Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana came to mind…(shudders) now that would be funny…if it weren’t that it could have happened to me (if you played the game, then you know what I’m talking about). ‘Anyways, I got food, what do I get for drinking? Oh well I think that is easier. Apple juice!’ I almost screamed, doing a victory pose. After I got glasses, which conveniently enough we had a reunion with some family last night, so I had enough in hand, I poured the apple juice over 9 of the glasses, while the last one I poured some old fashioned orange juice. ‘I’m glad someone in my family likes this stuff, although once again, it is a shame I myself don’t like it’ I thought, while I poured the juices. With all that done I put all glasses and plates in two trays and carried them over. I am REALLY thanking god for making me lift so many shopping stuff and bags over my two floors. Otherwise, I would NOT be able to lift this up. I carefully lifted them up and went over the right side of the kitchen and into the living room. Although I was surprised to find that everyone was standing instead some sitting, I gave it no further thought and simply left the trays in the table because my arms were SCREAMING for mercy. “Well, here it is everyone, I hope you enjoy it. Now don’t be shy and take your sandwich and glass.” I said, hoping to every deity, real or not, I have read about to let this lunch be peaceful. When everybody saw the tray, I think they were a bit surprised by the fact that I have gotten something so similar to what they had in Equestria. In fact, such surprise came voiced by the mouth of Twilight. “Wow…thank you Arcanel. I am curious though. Do you humans eat this as well?” She asked. The inevitable tension came to my shoulders, but this I could escape easily. “Yes…it is some of things we eat. But it is not all. Now wait here a minute while I bring somewhere you can sit. Luckily enough, I have chairs for all of you” I answered, not wanting to press the matter further, but knowing I didn’t have too many choices. With that in mind, Twilight continued. “I see. But what else do you eat? Surely you are a little more variety than that, right?” She asked again while grabbing her sandwich with her magic. While I was bringing chairs from the dining room to the living room, the question reached my ears. I kept on moving, but my mind was elsewhere already. ‘(Sigh) did I forget anything? Oh yeah, I’m thankful for having played my four heroes of childhood (This being Spyro the Dragon, Crash bandicoot, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, and Gran Turismo. Ahhhh the nostalgia XD. Seriously though, I played all of their games for PS1), and having found drums as my full on liked instrument. I also thank for hearing Muse, Dragonforce, Break of Reality, Tenacious D, The Black Mages, and Béla Fleck and the Flecktones. There I think that is all. I can die in peace, right? Well if I can’t, then fuck. Hell it is’ I thought, finishing my will, with the overreaction I love to use. Here goes nothing. As I finished moving the chairs, everybody sat as well as I then, the drama began. “Well, yes. Have you heard the word “omnivore” Twilight?” I asked her. “Ummm…I don’t think so” She responded, clearly not knowing the word. I saw Princess Celestia fidget a little, and then I knew I had somebody to answer. “And you, Princess Celestia?” I asked her this time, though I think that came a bit more hostile than intended. Luckily she didn’t realize it. “Yes” She started with a sigh in her voice. “It means one who eats at about anything” She sighed once again. With that everyone simply looked at her and then at me with a surprise face, including Rarity who had woken up when I wasn’t checking if she had recovered from her “Fashion faint” state. And while I wanted to laugh at that, I couldn’t. “Well, that is what we are. We eat vegetables, meat, seeds, legume, rice, and I think I’m missing something in the midst” I explained, a lot of lack of emotion in my voice. “That is why I didn’t want to bring the subject. Because before you ask, while it is VERY uncommon, yes I believe there some humans in the world who do eat………..pony meat” I finished almost in the verge of tears. When I spoke my words there was a VERY long silence, or at least it felt that way, and it was tearing me apart. ‘Okay somebody please say anything! It’s only a matter of time before my brain goes and says something stupid that will ma-‘ ”Soooooooo…anybody want another piece?” 'I hearby declare war to my brain. CURSE YOU!’ I berated my mind for being the S.O.B it sometimes is. (Sigh) Well, only one thing to say. ‘Yo’, train ticket dude, one ticket to hell please. And I don’t care what you say, you’re putting Stairway to heaven in the music, okay?’ Before I could imagine any more insanity in my head, a laugh broke the silence. “HAHAHAHAHA!!” It had been none other than Pinkie Pie. I am at loss whether to worry or to be glad she is herself right now. “I’m sorry” She started still trying to hold her laughter. ”But that was the best moodbreaker I have ever heard in my life! It was super-duper necessary. Everypony was like “I don’t know what to say”, and you were all like “It is the end of the world”, but you came and broke such a thing! IT…WAS…AMAZING!” She screamed, going to laugh again. At this point everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, was looking at her in awe. And did you ever hear that laughter is contagious? Well that goddamned phrase is true, because soon enough, everyone was laughing like there was no tomorrow. ‘”Pinkie, killer of the emo moods”. I think one could make a movie with such a title (What do you think? XD). And for the record Pinkie, I didn’t do the moodbreaker. You did’ I thought in glee. By now you could say that I got saved by two of these characters in a non-physical way. And that…ROCKS! “HAHAHAHAHA! (Sigh) I think you’re right Pinkie. Thank you for that. But I do hope the recent…confession you could say, does not affect matters. That is the last thing we need. Besides I have had enough fainting moments for one day, and I’m sure you had too” I told them, hoping again to every deity in the universe to help me through this. When the laughter died down, Princess Luna talked for the first time in a long time. “I do not think we, or you, should worry, Arcanel. While we haven’t met for a long time you have shown that you care about us, and even went as far as to indulge us in our curiosity, serve us food and drinks, and even try to hide your true nature for our sake, but also deciding to tell us the truth for that same sake. I believe that should be good enough for you to earn our trust. And as if that weren’t enough, you are constantly worrying about what our reaction will be, instead of considering your own choice or opinion. That is more than good enough for me to gain my trust” Luna told me. Okay, one, that was THE best speech I’ve ever heard, two, Luna freaking ROCKS! Three, I do believe somebody out there will ask Luna for teachings in good speeches, and four, my brain has just had a meltdown. Initiate recovery of the brain mass. Recovery has worked. Restoring of the motor functions also complete. Tears will be falling any time soon. I think I heard the rest started talking but my hearing power was still a bit…upside down. “My sister is right, Mr. Arcanel. You have proven yourself to be somepony who cares about us enough to earn our trust. And for that we thank you” Celestia continued, bowing her head. “The Princesses are right. You don’t have to worry Arcanel. If you need to tell us the nature of the humans, then please do so with no fear of our reactions” Twilight explained. “Twilight is correct, Mr. Arcanel. Y-You seem very n-nice to me” Fluttershy whispered in her ever soft voice. “While you do have some…fashion matters, you are very polite, and have always considered us before you” Rarity added. “Yeah! I mean, you could eat us in any moment, but I don’t think you are like that. We are too cool to get eaten anyway” Rainbow bragged. “Rainbow! (Sigh) while she may be a bit blunt, she is right. Besides, ya’ll were brave nuff’ to take the bull by the horns and told us the truth. That in my family, is called a great quality” Applejack assured. “And you also seem like a very fun guy. I think you can be very funny!” Pinkie exclaimed. ‘Manly tears are being shed. Remember, manly tears are being sh- Oh who am I KIDDING!? I’ll cry like in a freaking soap opera. This is too emotional for me, even more because I AM an emotional guy’ I managed to think while tears were escaping my eyes. “T-Thank you. That means a lot to me. But I better say nothing else, otherwise I may cause a flood in here heh heh” I stuttered, still crying a bit. “Well with that drama thing out of the way, shall we continue the tour? After all I’m sure you are still very curious, and besides I don’t know about you but the drama MUST BE GONE!” I exclaimed in joy.“So…who is with me?!” I jumped out my chair, full of energy. The moment I opened my eyes again everybody was just staring at me. Cue the nervous laugh. “Heh heh…sorry I went a bit crazy there. Anyway, shall we be going?” I asked again. This time everybody nodded and followed me but I noticed that the trays and glasses and plates were still there. ‘Nuh uh. You will NOT make me wash you now, you hear me? I have just survived a dramatic moment and I want some fun and curiosity satisfied, not to mention I won’t care about something as puny as you being washed. BEGONE FROM MY MIND! I won’t hear your calls’ I mentally chastised the set of dishes. ’Now after talking to the inanimate stuff, let’s go! To discoveries, fun, chaos and beyond!’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ummm I need to ask. After such a chapter, should I put random in this? XD. Seriously though, I think the music I was hearing while writing MAY have affected me, but I don’t really know XD. So with that said, the catchphrase copyrighted (NOT!) by myself, is to be heard. Comment, R&R, let your inner Grammar Nazi out, haters ignored, flamers abhorred, etc, etc. CPM out.