Saving the Elements

by Flames173

Manhandling That Magic

All six mares were spread throughout the house, on constant watch for any intruding ponies. There was nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Four weeks after they took up camp, Angel ran up to Fluttershy and tugged on her tail.
"What is it boy? What do you need?"
Angel pointed at the window and put his paws on his back and moved them, flapping his fake wings.
"You saw a pegasus?"
Angel nodded. Then he put his paws in his mouth pretending to be a vampire.
"And its a bad one?"
Angel nodded again then jumped onto the window sill and pointed at the woods frantically.
Fluttershy looked. "Girls, get ready for a fight." She said gently.
"What?" Twilight asked.
"CHANGELING!" Fluttershy shouted, seeing herself walking towards the house. She bolted for her room and hid in her closet, it was one that didn't have solid doors, but the little vents, so she could see if someone was coming in. The element of magic at her feet.
Rainbow Dash went into the closet too, she stood on the other side.
Twilight and Rarity protected honesty in the kitchen, the element sitting in an empty cereal box in the cupboards. Applejack and Pinkie Pie stood by generosity, in a bag of bear food in the shed.
A few minutes passed, nothing happened, then the back door opened. It creaked loudly. Fluttershy's doppelganger cringed. He had some trouble walking.
"Curse this blasted female body, how do they walk with such small muscles?" he said under his breath.
He headed for the bedroom. He checked in all the original hiding places, the nightstand drawers, under the bed, the closet. After he left the closet, he thought of wear to search next. "Wait, what the fuck?" he turned back and looked through the vents in the closet and saw two ponies standing on either side of the opening in the closet door. He quickly opened the side with the yellow mare. He pulled her out and wrestled with her a bit. By the time Rainbow Dash came out of the closet, it was impossible to tell who was the real Fluttershy. They stopped fighting and stood staring at Rainbow Dash with the exact same expression.
"I'm not doing any of that question asking crap. YO ANGEL GET IN HERE!" The white bunny bounded into the room, he was extremely happy and confused when he saw his second owner. "Sniff them."
The bunny went around to both of the pony's rear ends and smelled their nether regions, the best way for an animal to tell who is who is by sniffing there. He jumped over to Rainbow Dash. He stared at her, wide eyed and spooked. They were both exactly like Fluttershy, looks, AND smell.
"Ok, guess I have to ask, what is my deepest darkest secret?"
"You have a huge crush on my husband." both ponies said in unison.
"Oh Celestia this is going to be hard."
"I GOT IT FRANK, RUN!" A voice shouted from behind Rainbow Dash. She turned around, Soarin was clutching Twilight's crown.
The Fluttershy farthest from the hall turned into a changeling, he and Soarin bolted for the door. Soarin somehow out maneuvered Rainbow Dash, he began to fly away once he got outside.
"Look Rainbow Dash, you may be faster and all around better than me in almost everything, but I'm just smarter, you won't beat me!" then a grey pegasus smashed into Soarin and the two plummeted to the ground.
"Oops, I'm sorry sir." Derpy Hooves said.
"Get out of here, where's my crown?" Soarin asked annoyed and in a hurry.
"You mean this?" Derpy held out a small wood box with a golden lock on it.
Soarin ripped it from her grip and flew as fast as he could away from the area.
"How did we lose ANOTHER element of harmony?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"Actually you didn't." Derpy said. "It's right here." Derpy gave Rainbow Dash an identical box to the one she gave Soarin.
Rainbow Dash opened it and saw the crown. "But, how?"
Derpy vanished and was replaced by a small changeling. "My name is Frank, I'm with you guys."