Ponies Meet Boy

by Stoltzy92

Chapter 7

Ponies meet Boy Part 7

In the dusty town of Appleloosa…………..

Things were as they usually were in the settlement town. The buffalo and the settler ponies had enjoyed piece and mutual benefit from their experiences months ago. Thanks to The Elements of Harmony and some luck with a piece of pie the conflict with the buffalo had ended and things were peaceful. In their dealings with the buffalo the settler ponies had learned a lot from their new friends and the buffalo learned much from the settler ponies as well. There was still some suspicion on both sides after the orchard incident but now those fears had been put to rest. When fears of the buffalo had died down a different kind of fear would find its way into the peaceful town.

It starts with The Salt Block saloon, the premiere salt bar of the west. It was a popular gathering place in the town with several stallions and mares regularly visiting to get their fix of salty drinks, salty food, and sodium enriched delights. Funny how they decide to serve salt in the desert isn’t it? Things in the saloon today were as usual. Not much to talk about really. Ponies were at the bar drinking the various salts while others were at the tables enjoying a meal. Outside a few of the patrons sitting near the door could hear heavy hoofsteps coming towards the door. In a few seconds the doors began to open with the push of a hoof. The patrons were just about to give the visitor a nice warm welcome to The Salt Block, but as soon as they saw who it was they stopped cold. Some of the other patrons looked towards the door wondering what was with the partial hello and soon they too were motionless.

The pony that had come through the door was a notorious stallion by the name of Black Lasso. He stood towering over the majority of the other ponies in the bar with a gruff look on his face. He was large, bulky with muscle, a black coat, pale white mane and tail as well as a layer of rough white hairs on his chin. On his flank was a very ominous cutiemark. It was some kind of skull…. with horns on it. A lasso spun around the odd looking skull ready to tighten its grip around it. This was not the only source of the settlers aversion towards this mysterious stallion. He is a famous bounty hunter. He would travel from town to town and settlement to settlement rounding up trouble making ponies and handing them in to the local authorities in exchange for money. The pony was brutal in his methods though, which would often leave anypony who saw it with their jaws to the ground. None of the ponies this stallion turned in came without injuries. Broken bones, bruises, internal bleeding, you name a nonfatal injury you could do to a pony and this stallion has probably done it at least once. After he was done with a job he would always hang out at the local saloons before trotting off alone to the next town.
When it came to the saloon’s there two kinds of them in those parts. The ones that would leave him alone and the ones that were dumb enough to try to throw him out. The Salt Block in Appleloosa was one of the former. He had been doing his job for years and the owner of the bar had long decided that it was best to let him go about his business like any other customer. That was indeed a wise decision that has kept things stable in the saloon whenever he would appear. They all hoped that it stay that way today.

Black Lasso returned a glare towards the other ponies in the saloon and then made his way to the bar. There was a very old and grey pony who sat on one of the stools and swayed alittle as he enjoyed some salt. Black Lasso came up behind him. “You’re in my seat.” With that he threw the old pony off the stool and onto the wooden floor. The pony bounced a couple of times on the floor with loud audible thuds. Several who were in the room cringed as they saw and/or heard what was done to old stallion, but as horrible as it was they did nothing. They were too afraid to act. Too afraid of Black Lasso and what he would do to them if they so much as uttered a word in opposition. Often they found themselves in this situation. The black middle-aged stallion took a seat on the nearest stool and sat his forelegs on the bar. He took the black dusty hat off of his head and sat it next to him as he waited.

“Howdy there Black Lasso.” Said the bartender cautiously acknowledging the new customer. “What can I get ya today? Could I interest you in some new salt we just got in today?”

“No.” Black Lasso responded calmly. “I’ll just have water sonny boy.”

“Coming right up.” The bartender then got to work getting the requested drink. It wasn’t long before he promptly returned. “Here you go sir.” The young bartender said sliding an ice cold water to Black Lasso.

“Thanks.” Black Lasso then picked up the glass with both of his forehooves and began chugging the water. In just a few large gulps the glass was completely empty, signaled but a thud on the bar. “Another glass of water please.”

“Of course sir.” The bartender then prepared another glass of water even faster than he did before. He slid it to Black Lasso who then gulped down the glass as quickly as he did before.


“Right away.” The bartender then prepared a third glass as slid it to Black Lasso as he did before. He picked up the glass and began to drink it as he did before.

“What’s wrong you old fart? Can’t take a dash of salt?”

A hush fell into the saloon as everpony there looked at the pony who had spoken.

The stallion who had opened his big mouth was a local tough guy named Weedston. He was a slim but strong working earth pony. His coat was brown with patches of white all over and had a red mane and tail. He belonged to a family of ponies who specialized in the use of local herbs and plant life. Gathering tumbleweeds and finding uses for them was his talent as shown by his cutiemark. His secondary hobby on the other had was, as mentioned before, being the local tough guy. He and a few of his friends would show anypony who would cause a ruckus or a fuss just how this town saw ponies like that and in their minds Black Lasso was one such pony.

Black Lasso gulped down the rest of the water in his glass and looked dryly at the smart mouthed stallion. “Its alittle something called integrity boy.” He then got off of his stool and walked towards the young earth pony putting his dusty black hat on in the process. “It is sorta like pride. It seperates me from morons who want to dry out their brains with salt.”

“Oh that’s a load a hooey.” Scoffed Weedston. “You’re just past your prime you good for nothing hack. Nopony wants you here oldie. Get out of these parts.”

“Why the buck should I?” asked Black Lasso.

“You’re unwelcome here. That’s why.” Replied Weedston narrowing his eyes at the black stallion.

“I’m not goin’ anywhere boy.” Black Lasso firmly slammed his forehoof to the floor making himself clear.

“Yes you are.” The young stallion said raising his own hat.

“You think you can take me little colt?” he said with a laugh.

“Oh I think we can.” As soon as the stallion stopped speaking he was flanked by three or four other earth ponies.

“Oh really? You think so ha?” He asked. “Alright then.” Black Lasso then slowly placed his hat on the ground beside him.

“You got your bags packed yet you…” his retort was suddenly interrupted by a stool that was flying straight towards his face. His swatted it away and saw that Black Lasso was charging at him and charging fast. Weedston tried to swing his left forehoof at Black Lasso’s face. Black Hoof blocked it easily and countered with a right hook to the jaw. As he tried to recover from the blow and regain his footing Weedston found himself receiving another hard right hit to the jaw. Then before he had the chance to think he felt something slam into his chest and sent him flying backward before falling to the floor.

“Get up.” Black Lasso said tauntingly. “You’re not done with your lesson yet.”

Weedston slowly struggled to get himself off the ground. He was bleeding at the mouth and his jaw hurt fiercely. It felt like it was at least partially broken. After he spit some of the blood out of his mouth he charged and tried again to take a swing at the black stallion.

Black Lasso then easily stepped to the side dodging the incoming hoof. Weedston had put too much momentum into it. When Black Lasso dodged the swing he began spiraling past him and he spun around until he once again fell to the ground. He then once again slowly got up off of the floor.

“We’re gonna beat you silly.” He said in vain trying to hold on some semblance of pride. He turned around and he saw what was Black Lasso’s back.

“I don’t think so.” Black Lasso then raised his back legs and gave Weedston a buck right in the face. Along with the sounds of some bones crunching he flew backward again, this time out the saloon door and right smack in the middle of Appleloosa’s dusty streets.

Black Lasso placed his back hooves back on the ground and looked towards the other young stallions, the ones who showed their support of Weedston. With a smirk he looked them over and asked, “Well, which one of you is next?”
The young stallions for a few moments murmured amongst themselves. Everyone of them, at least once, gave Black Lasso a side glance with the fear inside them becoming more and more apparent.

This went on for a few minutes and it wasn’t long before Black Lasso got impatient. “So, you punks gonna buckin’ fight me or what?!”

The young stallions coward at Black Lasso’s yell and they frantically ran right through the saloon doors with their tales between their legs.

“Yeah you better run! Nopony messes with me!” Black Hoof yelled out the door as the stallions ran away. Turning around he saw all the other patrons of the saloon. Many of them were cowering or they were shaking as they tried to go about as they did before, trying to hide their fear. Seeing what was around Black Lasso snorted and flared his nostrils. “I guess all y’all ponies in this town are a bunch of big talkin’ yellow bellied chickens huh?” Black Lasso then laughed as he picked up his hat and placed it on his head. “I’ll leave y’all to your own then. I’ve got better things to do then be surrounded by a bunch of softies.” Black Lasso started making his way for the door laughing at the patrons every step of the way. When he raised his forehoof to open the door something instead pushed back before he even touched it.

A bright yellow light beamed into the saloon from behind the door. The door was slowly pushed open by the source of the light. Black Lasso took a few steps backward and tried to shield his eyes from it, it shown so brightly that it was almost blinding. He then heard the doors make their usual noises of swinging and squeaking. He then lowered his hooves and looked in amazement at what was before him.

It was a yellow ring. A small floating yellow ring that stood still as the doors swung and swayed behind it.

“What the hay is this?” Black Lasso asked himself as he stepped towards the ring.

The ring then flew forward and began approaching Black Lasso’s right forehoof.

“Black Lasso of Equestria……..” a demonic and terrible voice from the ring whispered. “You have the ability to inspire great fear…… Welcome to the Sinestro Corps.” The ring then latched itself to Black Lasso and everpony else began to shield themselves from the light as it became brighter and brighter.

After a few moments the light began to die down and those still in the saloon lowered their hooves looking at where the light had been coming from. There stood Black Lasso, breathing heavily as what had just happened began soaking in. He looked at himself an instantly noticed what he was now wearing. He was now wearing a white shirt with a back vest, which was then covered by a long black duster coat. On the top half of the outfit was the trademark yellow design of the Sinestro Corps uniforms with the corps symbol proudly shown in the center of his chest. Around his forelegs near his forehooves were several yellow bands. One of those on his right hoof was actually his ring now smoldering having found its bearer.

“Well now…..” Black Lasso said to himself as he admired his new clothes. “…….. ain’t this interesting?”

“Black Lasso……” a gravelly voice from the ring growled. “You have been chosen by your ring for your ability to inspire fear in those around you. The Sinestro Corps has an important mission that we need you to complete.”

“I see…….. what kind of mission are we talkin’ here?” Black Lasso inquired.

“You will see when you meet up with your allies.” Responded the voice growling more.

“How dangerous is it?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“What difference does it make? This is a mission directly from our leader himself!” the voice yelled back seemingly insulted.

“Of course it makes a difference.” Black Lasso replied as a smile began to spread across his face. “I just want to know how much fun I’ll be having………”

As the yellow ring went to take it’s bearer the indigo paid Appleloosa no heed in its pursuit.

“Scanning for Compassion……” the ring repeated as it scanned the barren landscape.

Not too far away there was a scene familiar to the ponies of Appleloosa but one much less hostile than the first. This was something that would happen regularly at this time of the year. The visit from the local buffalo tribe. After the land dispute between the Buffalo tribe and the ponies of Appleloosa had ended it was agreed that every year when the buffalo would migrate near Appleloosa they would receive a share of the delicious local made apple pies. Both the buffalo and the settler ponies were happy with the arrangement and have since then maintained a peaceful and fruitful relationship.
The line for the pies was very long as buffalo young and old waited for their fresh and warm apple pies. The pace at the line was nice and steady. Each buffalo would walk to the table where the pies sat and a settler pony would put the finishing furnishings (or extras) on the pie to suite that particular buffalo’s taste. The settler pony would slide the pie to where the buffalo waited, the buffalo would catch the pie in its mouth, and lastly it would run off joyfully with their pie firm in their mouth. After a trio of little buffalo calves got their pies, the next in line came forward to receive hers.

“Here ya go Little Strongheart.” Said a mare as she slid a pie toward the edge of the table.

“Thank you very much.” Responded a young female buffalo calf with moderate orange hair and coat. After she picked up the pie in her mouth she waved a salutatory hoof at the ponies serving the pies and went on her way galloping towards where her village had set their camp. “I can’t wait to taste this when I get back to camp.” Little Strongheart thought to herself. “I heard that they made these extra special this year just for us. It will be so good.” She smiled to herself as she continued galloping towards her tribe’s temporary home.

When she was getting close to her camp she began to hear sobbing coming from nearby. She looked towards the source of the crying and she saw the three calves from before standing around in a circle. Two of them had pies in their mouths
while the third sat and hung his head towards the ground.

Little Strongheart slowed her pace and approached the group to see what was going on. When she reached them she set her pie on ground next to her and asked, “What’s wrong little one? Are you ok?”

The little calf turned around and looked at Little Strongheart with tears flowing from his eyes and streaming down his face. After he wiped the tears from his eyes and began saying still sobering, “I dropped my pie…..” he sniffled trying to catch his breath, “And they only make enough for each of us to have one…….” After he had finished his sobering resumed though softer now than before.

After hearing the calf’s plight she thought to herself about how to comfort the little one. If there was one thing that she couldn’t stand to see it was a little calf crying. Then almost on instinct she looked at her pie…….
“Here.” She reached for her pie with her hoof and slide it to the sobbing calf. “You can have mine.”
The young calf opened his eyes and stared at the pie for a second or so and then looked up at Little Strongheart asking, “Really??” he sniffled again, “Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure.” She responded with a smile, “I can wait for my next pie, and I feel bad seeing you not being able to have one so you can have mine.”
The tears stopped flowing and smiled back at Little Strongheart. He then picked up the pie with his mouth. After one last sniffle to clear up his system he looked up at Little Strongheart and said to her happily in a muffled voice, “Thanksh Lil’ Shtronghert!”

Little Strongheart watched as the once again happy calves ran towards the camp. She got up from where she sat and said to herself, “Well, I better return to the camp to.” She soon resumed her galloping to the camp. As she ran she looked around and then something flashed near the corner of her eye. She kept running but looked more intently around her, curious about what had caused that flash. Then in the distance she saw something. It was moving in high speed and was nearing her direction. As it flew it left a dark purple streak behind it. She fixed her gaze upon it as she ran not sure what to make of it.

The object then twirled and swirled in a circle and changed its course. It dashed out of Little Strongheart’s sight. Trying to think of what it might have been she kept running. Before long she saw a second flash of purple light. That was all she needed to tell her what was happening. The object was now flying behind her and was catching up fast. Instinctively Little Strongheart turned a sharp right and briefly got a look at the object before it too changed its course. It looked like a small ring. It shined a bright and deep purple that trailed behind it as it flew.

“Impossible…….” Little Strongheart thought to herself. “How is a ring flying by itself?” as she continued running and swerved around obstacles she continued thinking. “Maybe this has something to do with unicorn magic……. Maybe I can take it to a unicorn and see what it is.” She turned towards what was chasing her and saw how it easily dodged the various obstructions that she herself had just got through. “That is…. If I can catch it first.” Just then she looked ahead of her and saw a thick forest of rock formations up ahead. “That’s it!” Then she smiled and quickened her pace with the ring still following behind.

The ring gets closer and closer until they both enter the formations. Little Strongheart jumps off of the rocks turning and zigzagging every chance she got. The ring was not far behind dashing, twirling, and darting in pursuit of its target. This goes on and on for a long while. After a while the ring makes a turn around a pillar of rock. As it resumes its course a yell bursts and echoes through the formation.

“Gotcha!” Little Strongheart shouted as she jumped at the ring from the top of the rock pillar. Time seemed to slow down as she dove for the ring. She positioned herself into the prime tackling position but as she fell she noticed a strange feeling overcome her. It was a feeling she had known but what made it strange was how strong it was. She landed on the ground behind the ring instead of on top of it. Instead of the face plant of a failed tackled she landed gracefully with all four feet on the dusty ground.

The ring turned towards Little Strongheart as it chanted, “Little Strongheart of Equestria….. You have the capability to feel great compassion…” The rings then flew downward and slide itself onto her right front hoof. As it did her body became wrapped in bright indigo light. When the light faded wore she began to notice what she was now wearing. She wore clothes that resembled the traditional clothes of the shamans and medicine buffalo of the tribe. She still had her usual headdress but what was white had turned indigo. She turned backwards and noticed the large staff that was now strapped to her back. At the top was a large head, like a primitive lantern that gave off a steady purple light.

“Welcome to The Indigo Tribe.” The ring chanted to her mind.

Inside that very mind Little Strongheart’s thoughts were racing. She felt like she could take on anything and overcome any obstacle. The most prevalent feeling however was her newfound mission. Her new mission was, as a member of The Indigo Tribe, to spread goodwill and compassion throughout Equestria and beyond. As her thought continued to race a new voice came from the ring.

“Sister Strongheart.” A female voice called from the ring. “There is a vital and important task that The Indigo Tribe requires of you.”

“What is it?” Little Strongheart asked the ring.

“More details will be given at a later time. Your first objective is to meet up with lanterns of the other corps in your land.”

The voice responded. “Meet with them and hurry! The fate of our corps and possibly your very universe depends on it.”
With her mission in mind Little Strongheart opened her eyes with the symbol that had been etched on her chest now in her eyes she gave a calm and prompt reply of, “Nok…..”

After Little Stringheart flew with her new ring on her leg there was one more thing happening in that area that is worthy of note. In one spot that was not far away in that forest of rocks. In one place not too far away sat a sad and pitiful scene.

A buffalo calf. One that was the same age as Little Strongheart was on the ground, admist the dirt, tied up and trapt. The buffalo calf was of the same colors as Strongheart but wore a more flashy headdress that showed his rank admist his tribe. The calf once was strong and able bodied but now was weak and almost lifeless from hunger and thirst. He had horns, horns that were rather large for one of his age. When the indigo flash shot through the horizon he witnessed it.

"Please....." he begged weakly. "Help me......." the calf then coughed and coughed. He had to struggle just to let out those few words. His throat was so dry and his body was so weak that he could no longer struggle. His legs were tied together with strong rope by an uknown assailant. After the struggle he had been left there to lay and suffer admist the dirt. The calfnapper would once in awhile visit the calf. He would be taunted, laughed at, and made to watch as the one who had taken him eat and drink his fill. It was the worst kind of torture Equiestria had seen for many many centuries. Now after several days if not weeks of thirst and hunger his life was reaching its end.

One last time... the calf looked up. He saw something..... something strange. He wasn't sure if he was really seeing what his eyes were telling him. The sky...... seemed to be bending....... Bending in odd an weird ways. Part of the sky seemed to lunge forward violently only to struggle back. The tip of the bend in the sky was black against the orange sky. The black still pushed and pushed trying with all its might to break the sky.

The calf seeing this raised its head from the ground as high as he could.
"Please....." the calf called weakly. "Help me.... free me..... whatever you are....." the strain was too much for his neck and in second his head fell back to the ground with a loud thud. Again his eyes turned to the sky. It seemed now that...... whatever it was had broken through. The sky was repairing itself as something black and ominous started ts decent.

"Please........help me get free..." the calf then coughed again. This time the cough was louder and more violent than before. As the black and dark object decended upon him he called one last time. "I want to see her again.....Please..... I want to see her just one last time......... one more time before I......" His eyes became heavy. He was now too weak even to keep his eyelids open. As the world became back and the darkness decended he heard a voice say something to him.

The voice.... alien and ominous.... said simply, "Little Bighorn of Equestria......... Rise."