//------------------------------// // The Elements of Harmony // Story: Welcome to Ponyville, My Foal // by CaleMcManus21 //------------------------------// When I came to, I found myself lying on a sofa. The last thing I remembered was hearing the voice of Illusion in my head as well was the flow of every single bad memory. Princess Celestia did warn me they would slowly and gradually return, but some jackass couldn't take me anymore and decided to have them quickly restored into my head. Not only that, Night Mare Moon is on the loose and apparently, Princess Celestia is missing. Great, I just arrived this morning and I'm already dealing with these problems. I got out of the sofa and began to browse through the books. "Foalie?" Twilight asked as she joined me in the library. "Are you ok?" "No" I answered, while I was skimming through a book. "Not only do I have every bad memory from when I was young in my head, but Princess Celestia is gone, Night Mare Moon is on the loose, and no one knows how to defeat her." "Is that what you're looking for? A way to defeat her?" She asked as she used her magic to levitate some books off the shelf. "Because I know how." "No, I'm trying to find out about the last human that showed up in Equestria. What is it that he did to the Eauestrians that made them see me, a human as one of them?" Just then, I spotted something on a page but it wasn't what I was looking for. "The elements fire, water, earth..." I began reading. "Elements!" Twilight cried out upon hearing the word. She began to use her magic to frantically grab one book after another, skimming through the pages. With every book she read through with no luck finding about the 'Elements', she would toss the book aside. "Elements, elements, elements!" She panicked as she repeated her steps: Levitate, skim, toss. The thudding of books as they collided with the floor made so much noise, she didn't hear a thud, and a grunt of pain. "Uh Twilight?" I asked, wincing. Twilight turned her head and gasped, releasing her magic grip on the books she was currently levitating. I stood a few feet away from her, rubbing the left side of my face, in which the book had collided into. "Are you ok?" She asked, worriedly. "I've had worse" I explained. Twilight sighed and continued to levitate more books. "This is so frustrating" she groaned. "How can be Night Mare Moon be defeated when without the Elements of Harmony?" There was a crash and Rainbow Dash flew in, knocking me aside. "And what are the Elements of Harmony?" She asked Twilight in an interrogating way. "Not only that, how did you know about Night Mare Moon?" Twilight began to back away was Rainbow Dash started hovering towards her menacingly. "I bet you're a spy!" She accused. She quickly moved aside when I threw a book at her. "Quit accusing her" I said as the other four mares entered the library. "She may not be a spy, but she does know what's been going on as of late. Don't you Twilight?" I approached the purple unicorn mare as the others joined me. Twilight looked down in disappointment. "Come on Twilight" I said in a comforting tone. "We can't help you unless you tell us what's going on." "I've read about all the predictions regarding Night Mare Moon" she explained. "There are mysterious objects called 'The Elements of Harmony' and they are the only things that can stop her." She took a quick breath. "The problem is that I don't know where to find them, where to find them. I don't know what they do!" I'm about to do something drastic. I know where the book is because I've been here before and my eyes may have caught sight of it while I was browsing through the shelf. However, the pink happy mare had beaten me to it. "The Elements of Harmony! A Reference Guide!" She said excitedly. Twilight quickly pushed her aside and looked at the book with shock. "How did you find that?" She asked. "It was under 'E' wasn't it?" I asked Pinkie Pie. "Yep" she said happily. Twilight turned to me and glared. "You knew where it was and you didn't tell me?" She asked, her voice raising a little. "I didn't know, I saw. Plus, won't it be rude if I interrupted your explanation?" "Oh... Yeah" she said with humiliation. She used her magic to levitate the book and opened it to a random page. "There are six Elements of Harmony" she read. "Kindness, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, and Laughter. The sixth however is a mystery." I peeked over her shoulder and continued for her. "It is said that the last location of the five known Elements was in the ancient castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. It is located in what is now..." The seven of us stood in front of the mouth of a dark and creepy forest. "The Everfree Forest!" The six gasped. I stared at the forest with a somewhat determined look on my face. "I'm going in" I said as I took a step forward. "No!" The six cried out the same time, all tackling me to the ground. "Hey, get off me" I said as I tried to struggle out of their hold. "Foalie, do you know what lurks in the Everfree Forest?" Twilight asked. "Nope. But I do know that the solution to stop Night Mare Moon is beyond the forest. So how about you let me go, so I can aide you in stopping Night Mare Moon?" The six reluctantly released me. I got to my feet and brushed some dirt off me. I straightened my shirt and approached the entrance. The six stared wide eyed as I walked deeper into the forest. It was then they caught up with me. "Ya look like ya have been to this forest before" Applejack commented. "I haven't" I answered. "This is actually my first time walking through here." I felt something collide with me from behind and hugged me tightly. "Oh my poor Foalie, you're probably scared right now, but you don't want to admit it." There was no mistaking that this was Fluttershy. The soft voice, the comforting characteristic, put the two together, and you get her. I tried to go for 'Foley', but since they thought I was saying 'Foalie', I thought 'What the hell' and went along with that name. "You are so brave" Rarity commented. "I'll stick with you throughout this walk" she said. Rainbow Dash decided to scare me. "Hey Foalie... Do you want to know what happens in this forest?" She asked trying to sound creepy. "Not really" I answered. "Well I'll tell you anyway" she said, still keeping her eerie tone. "They say that anypony that comes into this forest..." I felt Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie hug me tightly. Not to mention shaking. "...has never come OUT!" She yelled. The three mares cried out and buried their faces into me. Rainbow Dash stared at me, slightly annoyed. "You don't get scared much, do you?" "I get scared all right" I said. "It's just that your attempt to scare me is bad." The three mares laughed as they released me from their grasp. Applejack and Twilight also laughed, but Rainbow Dash is unamused. "Ha ha ha" she faked a laugh. "Laugh it up Foalie, because I can't wait to see the look on your face when I scare you." "Yeah?" I asked as I continued walking. Beneath me, a stream of dark blue dust phased through the ground. "I can't wait to see the look on your face when I scare-- YOU!" I cried out when the ground beneath me gave way. The six gasped with shock. "Foalie!" Twilight called out. I slid down the rocky slope, trying my best to grab onto something to no avail. I continued to slide down until I reached the edge. "Shit" I muttered. I grasped the edge with both my hands. 'Whew, that was a close one' I thought to myself. Suddenly, I felt my grip loosening. Before I could fall however, Applejack grasped my hand with her teeth. I cried out in pain. "Sorry sugar cube" she said, muffled. "It's ok..." I winced. "Now what?" I asked. "I'm going to let you go" she said. "Wait, what?" I asked. "I'm hanging over a sheer cliff!" I panicked. "Sugar cube, trust me. Let go, and you'll be safe." I calmed myself down and stared at her. "Ok, I'll trust you" I said. I closed my eyes and released let go. I plummeted down the cliff, still keeping my eyes shut. Suddenly, I felt something grab me. I opened my eyes and I saw that I was engulfed in an aura. Looking down, I saw a really worried Twilight. I sighed with relief. "Thank Celestia that's over." As we continued our walk, I was quiet the whole time. Suddenly, I felt a surge of pain. 'I told you I'd be around when danger lurks, did I not?' Illusion asked. I grasped my head and began moaning. 'Get out of my head!' I yelled through telepathy. 'Oh I wouldn't say that if I were you.' 'Get out of my head!' 'If you say so...' Suddenly, I no longer felt his presence. I began to panic and breath heavily. "Is something wrong, Foalie?" Rainbow Dash asked. "No" I lied. "Nothing is wrong" I muttered. I made my way through the five in front of me. "Foalie, wait!" Applejack called out. I continued to quicken my pace. I can't have Illusion strike me when I'm front of my friends. Suddenly, a scorpion's tail lashed out and stung me in the chest. 'Tsk, tsk,tsk... Should've taken my warning, human.' As soon as Illusion left my head, a creature known as a manticore, struck me, knocking me against a cliff, rendering me unconscious. When I came to, I saw the six ponies gathered around me, each had a smile of relief on their faces. "What happened?" I asked. "A stung like that should've killed me." "Manticore's sting aren't known to have venom" Twilight explained. I found myself still leaning against the cliff. I steadily got to my feet and looked around. "Where's the manticore?" I asked. "All the poor thing had was a thorn" Fluttershy explained. "Showing him kindness did the trick." I walked slowly and steadily further down the forest. "Come on, we got to find the Elements if we want to defeat Night Mare Moon" I said. Further down the forest, our surroundings started to get darker, and darker. "Foalie?" A voice asked. I cried out in surprise and quickly spun around. "Who's there?" I asked, panicked. From behind me, a felt a hoof place itself on my shoulder. I shuddered and moved away, only to bump into a tree that had a menacing face. Fluttershy screamed at the sight of the tree I bumped into, but my scream sounded like I was more scared than her. I backed away from the tree. All around us were more trees with frightening looks on them. The five mares screamed and they all huddled around me, gripping me tightly. "Oh, come on! Not again!" I groaned as I tried to move. 'Wait a minute, five? Where's Pinkie Pie?' Speak of the devil, she was the only one laughing. I stared at her strangely while the others made a questioning noise. Pinkie Pie was laughing at one of the trees and began to make faces at it. "Pinkie, what are you doing? Run!" Twilight shouted. "Oh girls and guy, don't you see?" She asked. "See what?" I asked as I was still in a tight grip from five mares. "Well Foalie, Woalie, I'll tell you." 'Foalie Woalie? How many nicknames can I possibly get during my time here?' Pinkie Pie then began to sing. 'When I was a little filly, and the sun was going down.' 'The darkness and the shadows would always make me frown.' As she sang, the six of us continued to stare at her. I was still being gripped onto though. 'I'd hide under my pillow from what I thought I saw' 'But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at all.' 'She said: "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall. Learn to face your fears. You'll see that they can't hurt you. Just laugh and they'll disappear." She walked over to a tree. "Ha, ha, ha." As she laughed, the face on the tree had vanished. The five mares released me and gasped with shock. As she sang, we each walked up to a tree, laughed at it, and watched as the frightening tree turn back to its original state. 'So, giggle at the ghostly' 'Guffaw at the grossly' 'Crack up at the creepy' 'Whoop it up with the weepy' 'Chortle at the kooky' 'Snortle at the spooky.' 'And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone, and if he thinks he can scare you, then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing makes you wanna (laughs).' 'Laugh (she held a pretty good long note).' After her song, we all actually felt so could, we laughed along with her. Making our way out of the forest and over to a clearing, we saw that the water made it almost impossible to cross. "Rapids?" I asked. "How are we going to cross it?" Not far away, we heard crying. Following the noise, we saw a crying sea serpent. "What a world, what a world!" He complained. "Excuse me sir" Twilight began. "But why are you crying?" "Well I don't know. I was just sitting here minding my own business when this cloud of purple smoke just went past me. Next thing I know, half of my beloved mustache has been sliced clean off. And now, I look simply horrid!" He collapsed into the water, soaking all of us. "Give me a break" Rainbow Dash muttered. "That's what this fuss is about?" Applejack asked. "Hey, leave him alone. He's sensitive" I said. "Foalie's right" Rarity said as she stepped up. "How can you be so insensitive?" She then approached the moping sea serpent. "Just look at him" she cooed. "Such lovely luminescent scales." "I know" the sea serpent said, still moaning. "Your expertly coiffed mane" she continued. "Oh, I know, I know" the sea serpent agreed in such a way that he almost reminds me of Rarity. "Your fabulous manicure" Rarity added. "It's so true" the sea serpent agreed with Rarity. "All ruined without your beautiful mustache." The sea serpent covered his face with his hands. "It's true, I'm hideous!" He complained. "I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go I corrected!" She yanked off a scale using her teeth. "Ow! What did you do that for?" The sea serpent questioned. "Rarity, wait!" I shouted. The five mares widened their eyes with shock. The sea serpent's rolled at the back of his head and he collapsed once more. Rarity glanced at her tail which she had cut half of it off. She spat the scale out of her mouth and used her magic to levitate the piece of the tail she sliced off and used it to attach itself to the sea serpent's cut mustache. Truth be told, I actually like the serpent's new look. The sea serpent laughed joyously. "My mustache! How wonderful!" "You look smashing, darling" she said with a smile. "Rarity" I said as I approached her. "I know you wanted to be generous and all, but what about your tail? You seemed overprotective with your looks." "Oh nonsense Foalie Darling. My beautiful tail will grow back. Besides, short tails are in this season." I spotted the water and grinned. The rapids have stopped. "Ha ha! We can cross!" Before I could begin to cross, the sea serpent rose from the water. "Allow me" he said as he allowed us him as a bridge. "Well that went well, don't you think?" I asked, still soaked. The six nodded with agreement as we ventured deeper into the forest. After awhile, Twilight gasped. "There it is!" She shouted. "The ruin that holds the Elements of Harmony!" She exclaimed. She then began to run towards it. "Twilight, wait for us!" Applejack shouted. Suddenly, several large branches quickly sprouted from the ground and separated me from them. "Foalie!" Fluttershy gasped. "Go, I'll catch up!" I shouted. 'No you won't!' Illusion's voice echoed through my head. I groaned in pain and grasped my head. 'It hurts, doesn't it?' 'Screw you! Get out of my head!' 'Now why would I want to leave, human? I'm enjoying your pain and suffering.' 'Get out of my head!' 'No! I won't let you ruin my destiny!' 'What destiny? You're doing nothing but appearing in my head!' 'Years ago, a human entered Equestria and he claimed to be a good hearted man. After living there for 15 more years, he left, never to be seen again! I feel that something is up, and here you are, right on time! A spy for his bidding! He's plotting to start an invasion, and I'm going to prevent that from happening!!!' 'Then why don't you order the Equestrians to kick me out?' I challenged as I tried to ignore the pain.' 'I plan to end your life without the Equestrians knowing! Your plot to rule Equestria, and your death by my hand, will be our secret!' 'And how are you going to kill me?' I challenged. 'Squeeze my brain?' 'No.... this!' The second he vanished, I watched as the branches formed into a giant moving tree... No... I remember having a nightmare involving killer trees when I was younger. 'I'm going to pull random bad memories from your head so you'll snap and do something pathetic and stupid. On the bright side, if you overcome them, they'll disappear from your memories forever, but I highly doubt that you have the courage to do such a thing.' I heard a monstrous groaning sound as the tree attempted to crush me with its branches. I quickly dove to the side. The tree then attempted to crush me again. Thanks to it being moving slow, I can easily dodge its attacks. It's like playing a really boring game of Whack-A-Mole. I'm the mole and the tree is the hammer. The leaves of the tree then began to fire at me as if they're bullets. I curled up as I was pelted my the sharp leaves. I could hear Illusion's voice echo through my head. However, another voice echoed through my head as well. But unlike Illusion, where it's talking right now, it was a memory. And this memory now brought a smile to my face even though I was getting scratched and cut up by leaves. 'Learn to face your fears, you'll see that they can't hurt you, just laugh and they'll disappear.' I staggered up and faced the tree. I was cut up a lot, but before the tree could attack once more, I did what my memory said. 'So, giggle at the ghostly.' I opened my mouth and began to laugh. 'Guffaw at the grossly.' As I continued laughing, the tree began to writhe and moan. 'Crack up at the creepy.' My laughing caused Illusion to explode in my head. 'WHAT IS SO FUNNY?!' 'Whoop it up with the weepy.' Illusion's outburst caused me to laugh harder. 'IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!' 'Chortle at the kooky.' I watched as the tree began to slowly vanish. 'YOU'RE CLOSE TO DEATH, AND YOU'RE LAUGHING?!' 'Snortle with the spooky.' I eventually stopped laughing and began to take deep breaths. I closed my eyes and focused on Illusion. 'That's it, I'm killing you right now!' 'Take a hike' I said telepathically. 'If you think you can scare me, you got another thing coming.' 'You're threatening me? I can pull out another bad memory from your head, and it's going to be much worse than that tree!' 'Please... That very idea makes me wanna laugh.' I made my way over to a fogged area, where a bridge was attached. 'You may have won this round, but your fight with me is far from over! You hear me?!' I began to replay the song in my head so Illusion could hear it. 'No! Too much happiness! I can't take it! I'm going to kill you, human! I swear to Celestia that I'll kill you, and I'll make sure of it!' Hypocrite. He said he will protect Equestria from the likes of me yet he hates a song that an Equestrian is singing. I spotted the ancient ruin where the Elements of Harmony was. I crossed the bridge and approached the entrance. Before I could enter, I thought of things through. 'This fight belongs to the six. I can't barge in and intervene.' I stayed outside for a few more seconds. 'Then again, they could have a problem finding the Elements and they probably need my help. What if they're worried about me?' I grasped the doorknob and tightened my grip. Thinking again, I came to a decision. I decided to wait for them... In Ponyville. I turned around and walked across the bridge. When I reached to the other side, I found myself surrounded by bright light. 'What's going on?' I asked myself in thought as I was engulfed. When I opened my eyes, I found myself standing in a room where the six were. Twilight was wearing a crown and the others each had a necklace. I took note that there was a gem that resembled their cutie mark. "Did you teleport me here?" I asked Twilight. She and the others clearly were as surprised as I was. "No, I did" I heard a familiar voice. 'Princess Celestia!' I turned around and watched as the sun begun to rise. A ball of bright light then entered the room and illuminated brightly. When it ceased, the alicorn that I remember that helped raise me stood in front if us. I got down on one knee and lowered my head as the others copied my movement. "Princess Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed as she ran towards the alicorn. "Twilight Sparkle" the alicorn said. "My faithful student." I raised my head a little and saw them embrace. "I knew you could do it." "But..." Twilight began. "You told me it was an old pony tale." "I told you that you needed to make some friends. Nothing more." I got to my feet and listened to Princess Celestia as she continued to explain something to Twilight. "I saw the signs of Night Mare Moon's return. And I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her. But you couldn't unleash it until you allowed true friendship into your heart." She turned her head and saw a young purplish blue alicorn. "Princess Luna." The young alicorn let out a frightened gasp. "It has been 1000 years since I've seen you like this." She then leveled herself to the ground. "It's time we put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together little sister." "Sister?" The six ponies asked in unison. 'And when I heard about this, I went off to find her to comfort her' I thought to myself. How was I suppose to know she got over it? I was only 10 for crying out loud. "Will you accept my apology, and my friendship?" Princess Luna remained silent for awhile. Even though I knew the answer, the suspense is still killing me. The young alicorn got up and hugged her older sister. "I'm so sorry" she said. "I missed you so much big sister!" "I missed you too." I spotted tears running down their faces. I was about to tear up, but a loud bawl ruined it for me. 'Damn it, Pinkie...' Before I could confront her, Princess Celestia turned her attention towards me. "Human..." She began. I got down on one knee and bowed. "What is your name?" She asked as she and Princess Luna approached me. "Foalie" I answered. "But, I figured that should be a nickname. Just call me Foal" I answered. "My Foal..." Princess Celestia began. "I would like to say my thanks for aiding Twilight with her mission." "It was nothing. I would do the same for anypony." I didn't realize the mistake I made. Princess Celestia smiled. "So you would stand by anypony's side no matter what?" She asked. "Sure... I mean, that's what friends are for. Sticking with one another, being there to comfort them, all of that." Princess Celestia smiled at what I said. "Then I have a task for you." I listened to what she had to say. "I don't know how long you'll be here, but while you are, I want you to aide my little ponies. When there is a problem they cannot solve, I want you to help them. Be at their side no matter what. Be there for help and comfort when they need it. Can you do that for me?" "Yes, your highness" I said as I bowed. Just then, Pinkie Pie let out a loud gasp. "This calls for a party!" "Wait..." I began. I don't know how it happened, but I found myself standing in Ponyville. Rule #1, never question the randomness that occurs in Equestria. Learned that the hard way. A lot of ponies were gathered around at one spot where a chariot arrived. On said chariot was Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I watched Spike work his way through the crowd and embrace her. Staying in the back, I watched the celebration before me. A pain surged through my head, but unlike before, it didn't hurt as much. 'This is only the beginning human.' 'You can taunt and torture me in my head all you want, but one of these days, I'm going to hey rid of you.' 'I'll look forward to that day. In the meantime, I suggest you enjoy your pathetic life in the place I had loved and cherished all my life. Go enjoy plotting your stupid invasion to take over this land!' 'You know nothing of me.' 'Hmph. Screw you, human.' 'Whatever...' The voice then vanished and I watched as the princesses board their chariot and took off. It's time I enjoy what Equestria was like back then. And I tend to make it one of the best exciting moments I ever had.