//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 "Fourth Down" // Story: Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 3 "Touchdown Falldown" // by Jacoboby1 //------------------------------// Chapter 4 “Fourth Down” Perspective: Private Eye “Gunry saw you?” I asked over the phone. Twilight and I were standing once again at the phone booth. Celestia’s sun was about to fall into the horizon to make way for Luna’s moon. The streets would be crowded with night lifers pretty soon. “Yes, but I managed to get away without a hitch. He didn’t see my face or my cutie mark, thanks to the clothing. I’ll need to lay low for a while,” Octavia said on the other end. “I’m just glad you’re okay,” I smiled. “So what did you find out?” “Turns out somepony named Sunny Spot had bet a hell of a lot against Marty. That was the reason why you have those bits entering the account after his death. Rat was simply doing his job.” she explained. “Sunny Spot?!” I cried. “Octavia! I need you to tell me where Sunny is right now!” “Way ahead of you Private, I had some of my men track him down. Turns out, he’s heading for the subway and is probably hoping to skip town,” Octavia explained. “I believe the station is the one a few blocks north from where you are. The one for the old Canterlot Line. Acts as a red-eye to the Eastern part of Equestria.” “I know where that is,” I said with a firm nod. “You head home, I’m sure Vinyl is missing you.” “Yes, she probably is. I promised myself I’d try to go straight ever since I met her. But, seems there’s just too much work for me to do,” Octavia said, rather sadly. “You and me both,” I agreed, and Octavia and I hung up our phones. Than strangely, the phone rang again. I slowly picked it up… “Hello?” I asked. I was greeted by a voice on the other end. One that sounded distorted. “You’re close Private Eye… very close…” “Who is this?” I demanded. “A friend… I think you’d like to know… .that somepony had just taken all the money out of Marty’s accounts…” Spera had the info…. “What did you do to him?” I asked. “My friend had the account information and access to look at it.” “Don’t worry, your friend Spera is unharmed. Let’s just say he’s very… cooperative once his sister’s safety comes into question…” he said. “You bastard!” I yelled. “Who are you and what do you want?” “What I want, is for you to catch Sunny before Gunry does. You’ll find him where your friend Octavia said. But you should also know, that Sunny threatened Marty’s life in a letter.” “Why should I believe you?” I asked, my eyes narrowing on reflex. “You have no choice in the matter. Ask Sunny himself when you find him. I think it will be obvious once you see what he looks like…” “I ask again, who are you?” …”Call me, Shadowhoof…” *Click* I had no idea whether to trust this, Shadowhoof character. But I had to check, I called Spera’s office. After two rings I got an answer, a weak sounding Spera gasped, “Private, I’m sorry, bastard got to me while my back was turned.” “You were going to tell me about the sudden withdrawal?” I asked. “Yes, how did you know?” he said, his breathing a little heavy. “Let’s just say I met our mutual friend. Are you alright?” I asked. “I’ll be fine, he just smacked me around a little, my secretary called my personal physician. I’ll be patched up soon,” Spera replied. “Your sister?” “I called her high school, she’s fine. She said some men were following her, but I taught her how to run away in the city. She kept them at bay before they could do harm,” he answered. “Good, we’ll handle the rest from here,” I said, hanging up and looking at Twilight. “Come on, we got a kid to catch.” _______________________________________________________________ “Look! Just give me a ticket already!” Sunny demanded of the ticket seller. The station was mostly a little used one and deserted of any other ponies except for the once bored ticket seller. The benches were old and unpadded, and the wood the station was built with was gray with age. It was obvious why Sunny chose this particular station out of all the other ones in Canterlot. “Sorry, but the train won’t come any faster if you ask it politely,” the seller said. “this stand doesn’t open until the train is at least a few miles down the tracks.” Sunny reached into his duffel bag and pulled out a revolver, aiming it at the ticket seller’s head. “If you don’t give me that ticket, and call the driver to move faster I-” *Click* “You really don’t want to add two murders, Sunny,” I said, pointing Blackbird at the back of his head. “Now be a good boy and drop your weapon.” The ticket seller simply fainted at the sight of two guns. Sunny complied, dropping the gun on the floor. I levitated it up, and opened the chamber. “One shot fired,” I said. “And of the same caliber as the one used to kill Marty. Care to explain that?” “Who are you? A cop?” Sunny asked. “No, I’m worse,” I replied. “Now turn around, let me see your face.” Slowly Sunny turned around, and both Twilight’s and mine’s eyes grew wide. Sunny was the spitting image of Marty. The same orange coat and brown mane. His eyes were a pale yellow and small freckles were on his cheeks. Probably traits he inherited from his… “You,” Twilight began, “You look just like Marty.” Sunny glared at her. “That’s because I’m his son.” “I figured,” I said. “Marty wouldn’t go to all this trouble if he didn’t really care about Hazy.” “But, why would you kill your own father?” Twilight asked. “You wanna know why?” Sunny said, his voice filled with venom. “It was because he never was my dad. He left mom all alone in Hoofington while he went around scoring touchdowns and raking in dough. He had everything while the only thing he ever gave mom was me.” “You’re a love child,” I concluded. Sunny nodded and said, “Yeah. Didn’t see a lotta love on my end, though. Mom had to struggle, every day, and her family wasn’t much help. Disgrace to the family, and all that, ‘cos good mares aren’t supposed to do that during their season, unless there’s a ring in the offing.” “So you threatened Marty to throw that game so you could get enough money to help your ailing mother,” I said. Sunny, slowly looked down and said somberly, “I-I didn’t think he would do it. All those letters Mom sent him, he never wrote back. I built up this image in my head of a dad who didn’t give a damn about me or Mom. After she had her stroke, I tried to save up the money myself. But, I’m just a clerk at the town hall. My salary can barely cover my own expenses let alone a mother on life support.” “So, you went to the father,” Twilight said. “He only wrote back after I sent the threat.” Sunny explained. “He said he’d throw the game, and let me and mom have the money.” “You didn’t believe him,” I said. “You were so shocked after he threw the game, that you shot him right there. You couldn’t believe that he was a father who genuinely loved you and your mother. So, you took all those years of anger out on him.” “Then,” Sunny was legitimately crying. “Then, I saw this…” He reached into his bag and gave me a letter. I read it aloud, “Dear Hazy, I know it’s been years but I haven’t heard from you. I however, did hear about our son Sunny. I bet he’s a great kid. I had no idea he existed. I hope you get better from your stroke. But, just in case, I named you and Sunny my heirs to my fortune. You’ll need the money far more than me and Limelight ever will.” Twilight looked at Sunny, and said, quietly, “He loved you. He was going to give you the money anyways.” Sunny covered his eyes with a hoof. “Had I known, had I known he cared I… oh Celestia what have I done…?” Twilight walked over and put a hoof on Sunny’s shoulder. “How many letters did you mother sent to Marty?” “Hundreds since he got famous,” Sunny said. “But, after awhile he just stopped writing back. I thought it was because he heard about me and wanted nothing to do with me.” “You should’ve stayed where you were, obscure and out of the way.” All three of us looked to the stairs. Standing there was Limelight, two unicorn bodyguards were there, holding guns in their magic. I stood there, Blackbird raised and ready to shoot one of them right between the eyes, Twilight stood in front of Sunny, her wings spread to cover him. “So, the little bastard is still breathing.” Limelight said with a devious sneer. “What do you want?” Sunny asked from behind Twilight. “Simple, I want all evidence of Hazy Spot’s existence to disappear,” Limelight said. I glared at her. “So you’re the mastermind behind all this,” I spat. “Whatever do you mean detective?” Limelight said. “Don’t play dumb with me. You’re the reason why Sunny was forced to do what he did,” I said. “But he ruined your little plan.” “What are you talking about?” Sunny asked. Twilight answered for me, “He means that it’s Limelight’s fault all this happened.” She turned her glare at Limelight. “You manipulated everything. You were trying to get rid of most of the property thanks to the divorce. Which was just a lousy attempt to get at his money and estate. But when you heard about Hazy’s son…” I continued, “You knew that Sunny would inherit everything if Marty found out about him. So, you disposed of the letters from Hazy before they could get at Marty. It made him believe that Hazy simply forgot about him.” Limelight stuck her nose up, “Thanks to that meddlesome brat I’ll get none of that estate. Do you realize how much Marty's trophies alone are worth? Millions to collectors and the hall of fame. That alone would’ve had me set for life.” “You married him for his money!” Twilight spat. “Like your husband is any better,” Limelight fired back. “I’m sure there are tons of perks that come from being married to a newly crowned princess.” “Unlike you Limelight,” Twilight said with a growl, “I actually love my husband. I don’t just use him so I can get twenty muzzle lifts whenever I want.” “It was twelve!” Limelight snarled. “Anyways, the will only works if a pony known as Hazy Spot exists. But since she’s comatose right now she can’t get the money. Her heir does…” “You want to kill Sunny so you can get everything,” I concluded. “That’s what this was all about in the end, money.” Limelight’s eye twitched. “You had everything, a good house, money, dresses, everything a mare could want, or so you thought. But I’m sure after a while you got tired of your husband,” I said. “All he ever talked about was that damn Hazy Spot!” Limelight spat. “That no good dirt licker slut who had nothing to her name! Yet it was always Hazy Spot this! Hazy Spot that! When will she write? When will she call?” She growled a little. “I tried to erase her existence! I tried everything in my power to destroy her! But no! Even her bastard ruins my plans!” “You witch!” Sunny cried. “You made sure dad never got the letters from mom! Mom was heartbroken for years! She would cry in her sleep wondering if dad would ever write back! If I had known you were the reason she was crying I’d have come and told dad myself!” “That’s why all this happened,” I said, “It was because Limelight wanted to inherit everything. You had no idea that your father didn’t know about you. So, when your mother got sick, you took your revenge. Limelight didn’t count on that fact. With your dad dead, you and your mom get everything.” “Dad… he really did care…” Sunny said, about to cry again. “Now…” Limelight said as her bodyguards aimed at us, “I’ll erase all ponies who know about him. Starting with the two of you.” Both bodyguards opened fire at us, Twilight’s horn glowed and a barrier formed around us. The bullets ricocheted for a moment before I came leaping out of it. I tackled one body guard, knocking his gun onto the tracks. Twilight engaged the other one, her horn glowed and her magic overpowered his on the gun. The gun was literally crushed by the force of Twilight’s telekinesis. She then fired a beam of magic that sent the body guard flying into a pillar. I slammed my forehooves into the face of the other bodyguard, knocking him out cold. I then saw Limelight pull a gun out of her purse and aim it at Sunny. “NOO!” my horn glowed and I slammed my hoof onto the ground on instinct. Sparks shown as a small rock wave made it’s way towards Limelight. She didn’t even fire off a shot before my wave hit her square in the side. It sent her flying and crashing into the wall. I looked at the rocks… did I do that…? I did something like it before in that alternate reality… But I thought that was shadow magic… This is alchemy…? Sunny was okay, a little shaken up but okay as he laid on the ground, his back against the wall. He didn’t look hurt, just a little panicked. I shook my head as Twilight used her telekinesis to restrain Limelight against the wall. I slapped hoof cuffs on her and said, “Limelight, I’m placing you under arrest for fraud, attempted ponycide, tampering with a will, and anything else the courts can get you on.” I suddenly heard another voice that made my blood cold… “I’m placing you Private Eye under arrest for disrupting justice, tampering with evidence, meddling in police business, and consorting with the known criminal Val Jean.” I turned around and saw that Gunry Insight had come in, swat ponies all around us. They went to the bodyguards and cuffed them. A couple took Limelight and Sunny as Twilight and I stood there, guns once again pointed at us. “I knew there was something disgusting about you,” Insight said, standing in front of us and glaring at me. “I can smell a smart ass from a mile away. But I didn’t think you’d refuse to listen and go criminal.” “I didn’t do anything wrong,” I said firmly. “You have no proof we’ve even met this Val Jean,” Twilight said. “I’m sure you two would be more than willing to confess after some time in the cell,” He said, and then looked to the swat pony on his right. “Cuff them both.” “But sir,” one swat pony said, “That’s Twilight Sparkle.” “I have eyes, I know who she is. I also know that by consorting with Private Eye, she’s a criminal as well,” Insight said, and then ordered, “Cuff them b-” “STAND DOWN!” Everypony looked up as none other than Princess Celestia stepped into the subway. She was flanked by a pair of solar guards. One of them I recognized as Flash Sentry. Insight’s face paled at the sight of her. Celestia looked to the swat ponies and declared, “Why are you all staring at me? Put the guns away from my student and her love this instant!” They were smart enough to listen. They stood down and backed away as Celestia walked to us. “Are you both alright?” “You came just in time Celestia,” Twilight said with a sigh of relief. Celestia smiled, and then her eyes looked at the rock wave. She looked at me and said, “I trust that’s your doing?” “Uh, it was sort of an accident,” I replied. “I should inform your teacher that you have made great progress,” Celestia smiled, obviously referring to her love Voidera. The guy took me on as his student after the whole Snowlands fiasco. I trained under him to hone alchemy ever since. Granted, I had no idea I was capable of performing something like that. “Your highness!” Insight spoke up. “I was about to arrest these two for obstruction of justice!” Celestia simply turned her head back to him, she spoke in a voice that made everypony listen to what she had to say. “Obstruction of justice? All I'm seeing is you trying to arrest my student and the pony she loves. So far, they have found the true criminal, apprehended the mastermind behind the crime, and all of that while you did what? Tried pinning the blame on another pony with a solid alibi? Now why do you think I stand with Private? You're a officer, I'm sure you can figure it out” “But, surely,” Insight said, glaring at me. “They were consorting with Val Jean! How else could they have found out about the boy?” “Like I said,” Celestia answered, a little smug. “You’re an officer, you figure it out. But I can assure you, that even if this Val Jean was a criminal. He or she has done a good service to Equestria. That alone puts him or her in a good light with me. If Private and Twilight trust this Val Jean, then you have no right to interfere. I will let this go Chief Insight. But if I ever hear of you trying to arrest Private Eye or my student or anypony without due evidence again, I will have my vizier Guarity assign you to royal envelope licker.” Insight swore under his breath. “Take the boy and the others into custody. Leave Private and the princess.” The swat ponies complied. Insight gave one last glare at me. It clearly said, “This isn’t over.” With that, the chief left with his troops. I sighed in relief. “That was too close.” Celestia looked to us and said, “I trust you two will not have trouble from him in the future. I cannot depose him because this is a first offense. But if he ever troubles you again, you let me know.” Twilight smiled at her mentor. “Thanks Celestia,” she said, “I’m glad you’re on our side.” I gave Celestia a look. “You know who Val Jean is, don’t you?” Celestia smiled, “Vinyl may have let slip during a party about her.” She cleared her throat and imitated the DJ: “My totally badass mare friend who’s an awesome mob boss.” I don’t know what was more shocking, the fact Celestia was willing to imitate Vinyl and do a good job of it, or that Celestia knew about Val Jean’s identity this whole time. Celestia simply winked. She then went on to say, “Now, I must return to Canterlot.” “Wait, how did you know we were in trouble?” I asked. “I heard from the news about Quickstrike’s arrest,” Celestia said with a smile, “I’ve worked with you two long enough to know when an arrest is bogus. The rest was simply following the trail.” She then looked to me. “I trust you will be able to escort Princess Twilight home Private?” I gave a bow and sighed, “Yes, I’m sure we’d both appreciate some rest after a long day.” “What about Limelight and Sunny?” Twilight asked. “Sunny is going to do time for the murder,” I explained. “but he’s a good kid, he’ll get out pretty soon once the court hears the circumstances. Limelight however, is going to have a much harder time now that her circumstances have come to light.” Celestia nodded and said, “I shall grant Sunny a royal lawyer to aid him.” Then she started walking away, “Now if you all will excuse me, I have preparations for a royal summit to iron out with Cadence.” The Princess of the sun walked away with her guards. Twilight leaned on my shoulder. “What a day.” She said tiredly. “I know,” I said, leaning against her as well. “Let’s, just go home.” Twilight got up, and walked by me, running her tail along my chin. “Yes,” She said, a slightly sultry tone entering her voice. “I have a hero to reward…” I gave a smile and we walked out to venture home.