Welcome to Ponyville, My Foal

by CaleMcManus21

Applebuck Season

It has been 3 days since the whole argument for the tickets. Even though I was given a ticket, I was wondering if I even wanted to go. Something tells me that I should, but on the other hand, there is still Illusion roaming somewhere. He's waiting for the right time to enter my head and taunt me with any bad memory he could find. It's best that I prepare myself for his unpredictable assault. After all, anything can happen. Even in a world that's really friendly.

The rays of the sun shone brightly through the windows of Twilight's library. I lifted a hand to shield the rays as I got up from my sleep. I moaned sleepily as I got up from the sofa I was sprawled on. I made my way to the door and opened it the same time a Pegasus mare knocked. This mare meant to knock on the door, but after I opened it to step out into the morning light, her hoof collided with my forehead. I'm used to it since this is somewhat of a morning routine. Wake up, open the door, get the mail.

"Hey Derpy" I said as I rubbed my forehead. The mare, not being able to answer stared at me with her crossed eyed look. I could see a smile form behind the envelope she had in her mouth. I retrieved the envelope, but before I could hand her the bits for payment and bid goodbye, she flew off. She always forgets to get the bits. I stepped outside and opened the envelope.

'Howdy partner,

I need a favor from ya. Mind comin' over to Sweet Apple Acres?

I crumpled up the envelope and tossed it in a trash bin, then folded the letter and tucked it away in my pants pocket. Seeing that I was the only one awake in Ponyville as of now, I decided to make my way over to Applejack's farm.
When I arrived, Applejack, Big Macintosh (or Big Mac), and Applebloom were snacking on apples. I walked over to a bucket and picked up an apple.

"Howdy Foal, joinin' us for snack time?" Applebloom asked me as she took a bite out of her apple. I looked at her questioningly and turned around. From where I was, I could spot the Ponyville clock tower.

"Shouldn't you be at school? I mean..." Applejack's laugh cut me off.

"Don't you worry non' this Applebloom's routine. She wakes up, has a little snack with me an' Big Mac, then she goes off to school. Ain't that right Big Mac?"

"Eeyup" the red stallion answered. I noticed something about him. His waist has been bandaged and the last time I saw him, he didn't have it on. I assumed that he hurt himself, but I decided not to question about it. From the distance, the clock tolled.

"Oh! I should be gettin' to school" Applebloom said. "See ya sis, see ya Big Mac, see ya Foal." Applejack laughed and stood in front of Applebloom.

"Easy there partner. Ya need an escort to get to your school" she said.

"I'll take her" I volunteered.

"You will?" Applebloom asked excitedly. I nodded and grinned at her.

"Ok then, when you're done, meet us back here in the farm" Applejack instructed. I nodded my head and lead Applebloom out of the farm.

When I returned to the farm, I saw Applejack and Big Mac finishing the last of their apples. "Say Foal, did ya get the letter I sent you?" Applejack asked.

"Sure did" I said as I pulled out the letter from my pocket. "What is this about?"

"Follow me sugar cube." Having to hear Applejack call me 'sugar cube' reminded me of home where even though I was called 'My Foal', or 'Foalie' on a regular basis, there are some ponies in the Crystal Empire that call me Sweet Square. How I got that nickname? Well long story short, it involved me playing games with the fillies and I give the winner(s) candies or treats (Sweet) and I always do it in the Crystal Empire's Square on Friday after the fillies leave from school. That's all I have to say. I'm glad that the name isn't used a lot.
I was lead up a hill and scanned across the horizon. In front of us were hundreds and hundreds of apple trees. Applejack and Big Mac seemed impressed with all the hard work they have done on this farm.
"Boy howdy!" She exclaimed. "I got my work cut out for me, that there is the biggest bumper crop o' apples I ever laid eyes on."

"Eeyup" Big Mac agreed. "To big for you to handle on your own."

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute" I said. "Are you actually considering on taking on these apple trees by yourself?" I asked. "I mean, that's a lot of apple trees to go through and..." Applejack cut me off by glaring at me. I cleared my throat and moved to the side.

"Foal's right sis" Big Mac said. "You're biting off more than you could chew, and that's just what I'm afraid of." Applejack turned to him and kept the same glare she gave me.

"Are you sayin' my mouth is makin' promises my legs can't keep?"


"Why of all the..."

"Maybe you should reconsider about doing this" I tried to reason with her. "I mean, you're just one pony going against hundreds of apple trees. This doesn't add up. You might as well ask for help."

"Don't use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue, Foal! I said I could handle this harvest and I'm gonna prove it to you. I'm gonna get every last one of those apples this applebuck season all by myself." I gave in.

"Ok, I'm going to trust you. You are the Element of Honesty after all." As I made my way back over to the farm, I could've sworn I heard Applejack gulp.

Making my way back to Ponyville with an apple in my hand, I saw that the whole town is now wide awake. I took a bite out of said apple and decided to take a stroll. But before I could do so, I heard a distant rumbling noise. I made my over to the entrance of Ponyville and walked down a few feet. I then saw a dust cloud in the distance. I took a bite out of my apple once more and put it behind my back as I approached the dust cloud.

"Come on" I challenged as I stopped walking. The rumbling grew louder and the dust cloud got nearer. Behind my back, I gripped onto the apple tightly. The rumbling then became so close, I began shaking as if I was standing near an approaching earthquake. As soon as I saw the first cow leading the stampede, I tossed the apple in the air. Distracted, the cow reared up and gobbled up the apple in one bite. While it was distracted, I had managed to move aside and quickly mounted on it.

"Yee haw!" Applejack cheered. "Well done, Foal!" I turned my head and smiled as I saw Applejack and the family dog Winona join the stampede. To be honest, this isn't the first time Applejack and I stopped a stampede of cows together because those were just drills. This is however the first time I have to handle a real stampede.

"Winona!" I called. "You know what to do!" The dog barked and moved to the side. Applejack and Winona then urged the cows to move together in a straight formation. Ahead of me was Ponyville and I could see the worried looks on the five. "Oh no you don't!" I cried out as I veered the cow to the side, leading the others away from Ponyville. Once we had them away from Ponyville, the cow I was mounted on stopped, launching me off her and landing face down on the grass. I got to my feet and brushed some dirt and grass off me.

"Now what was that all about?" Applejack asked as I joined her. One cow mooed loudly and cleared her throat.

"Oh my! Begging your pardon, Applejack" she began. "But Mooriella here saw one of those nasty snakes" she explained. "And it just gave us the willies don'tcha know."

"We completely understand" I said in an assuring tone.

"Next time," Applejack added. "Try and steer clear of Ponyville."

"We certainly will" the cow said as she and the others began to depart. "So long Winona!" The dog barked happily. I turned to Applejack and shook her hoof.

"Well done partner" I said with a smile.

"You too" she said. As I made my way back to Ponyville, I turned around and saw Applejack and Winona run off back to Sweet Apple Acres. The cheers coming from Ponyville ran through my ears. Gotta give credit to Applejack. She was the one who taught me the routine on how to handle a stampede.

Because of her achievement, everypony in Ponyville decided to throw a ceremony for Applejack right by the Town Square. I watched as the ponies got to work decorating the building, the area, and a banner. "Hey Foal" Twilight said as she approached me. "We're almost ready. Can you get Applejack for us?"

"Sure can" I answered with a smile. "And don't worry. I won't tell her anything about this." Twilight watched as I ran off into the distance.
I made my way over to Sweet Apple Acres but Applejack was nowhere to be seen. I then remembered her saying that she was going to knock down some apples. I walked through the acres of apple trees and I did indeed find Applejack. And she did not look energetic. Matter of fact, she looked sleep deprived. I do have to give her credit for knocking down apples from 50 trees. She still has a lot more trees to go through.

"Applejack" I began as I approached the exhausted pony. "You're needed at the Town Square in Ponyville."
"Is something the matter?" She asked with a yawn.
"No, its just that, everypony hasn't seen you since the stampede and they're wondering where you ran off to" I lied. Normally, Applejack would question me about lying, but she didn't. This is not looking too good. I began to wonder why she is working herself too hard. Before I could question her, the tired pony lifted up her basket of apples and made her way to Ponyville. This won't end well. On our way to Ponyville, I had to wake Applejack 4 times, I had to steer her to the right direction 3 times, and I even had to help her carry her basket of apples for the majority of the walk. We then arrived.

"All right Foal" she said. "Give me them apples" she said tiredly. Not wanting to argue, I shrugged and gave them back to her. "Sorry I'm late, everypony" she said as she made her way through the crowd. I pinched the bridge of my nose, knowing the trouble is just starting. I sighed as I made my way through the crowd and joined the five.

"I found her like this" I said to them as we watched Applejack make her way to the stage.

"Ms. Mayor," Applejack said tiredly. She then pushed Mayor Mare aside and stood in front of a podium. "Thank you kindly for this here award thingy...It's so bright and shiny." She laughed as she looked at her reflection. "I do look kinda funny."

"Ok, this pony's sleep deprived" I said. "I'm going to...." Before I could run up to her, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash held me back as Pinkie Pie and Twilight walked up to the stage. "Let me go!" I began to flail my arms for a few seconds. "Ok, I'm calm... I'm calm..." I said. I tools a deep breathe and pulled myself together.

"Come on, Foal" Applejack said as she dragged her trophy down the aisle. This won't end well. I sighed and obliged. The five and the other ponies watched as I followed Applejack.

After putting her trophy against a wall in the Apple Family's house, I made my way over to the apple orchard and watched Applejack kick tree after tree, knocking down all the apples into buckets. "Applejack, your working yourself way too hard" I said. "Your sleep deprived, you have bags under your eyes, and the entire town is worried about you. Face it, you need help with this."

"No I don't Foal" she insisted as she kicked another tree. She then fell asleep. I sighed and snapped my fingers in front of her. Applejack gasped and shook herself awake.

"Hey Foal" I heard a voice behind me. I turned my head and smiled.

"Hey Twilight" I greeted. "Wanna help me take care of this problem?" I asked as I gestured to Applejack who kicked a bucket of apples over.

"Sure" Twilight answered. "Hey Applejack!" She called. "Applejack!" She shouted once again. I noticed that Applejack was sleeping again. Before I could take a step, I found myself being teleported in front of her along with Twilight. "Applejack!" Twilight shouted. The cowgirl pony shook herself awake.

"Howdy Twilight, howdy Foal" she greeted. The way she greeted me sounded like I just arrived here when I've been standing next to her, watching work herself too hard.

"What is all this?" Twilight asked as she gestured to the hundred remaining trees.

"It's applebuck season" she answered as she walked away. I saw a look in Twilight's eyes. Before I could open my mouth, she teleported herself and me over to Applejack.

"Apple-what season?" Twilight asked. Applejack began to walk away again.

"It's what the Apple Family calls 'Harvesting Time'." Again, we were teleported to Applejack. I was starting to get dizzy.

"We gather all the apples from the trees and sell them." I didn't know whether Twilight was worried or confused, so I assumed she was both.

"Why is she doing this all alone?" She asked me.

"I've been trying to find out for quite some time." Again, teleportation.

"Can't Big Mac help you?" She asked.

"He hurt himself" she answered.

"How about all of those relatives we met when we first arrived?" I asked.

"Yeah" Twilight agreed. "Can't they help?" She asked. Applejack sighed.

"They were just here for the Apple Family Reunion. They live all over Equestria" she said as she walked away from us once more. "And they're busy harvesting their own orchard which means I'm on my own."

"Wait..." Too late, Twilight teleported the both of us once again. This time, I landed on my ass when we appeared in front of Applejack.

"Which means I should get back to work" she said almost impatiently. I got to my feet and crossed my arms. "Ahem... Hint hint?" She asked. "You know, back to work?"

"Fine" Twilight said as we both stepped aside.

"Hey uh, could you guys do me favor and step aside?" Applejack asked as she begun swaying.

"We just did" Twilight answered. "Applejack, you don't look so good" she said. The farmhand shook herself awake.

"Don't you six worry none, I'm all fine and dandy." Twilight readied herself to use her teleportation spell. At this point, I didn't care anymore so I just let it happen.

"Do you..." Twilight began. "Want some help, Applejack?" She asked.

"Help? No way! No how!" She said in a refusal tone.

"But there's no way you could do this on your own. Let Foal and I help you with a couple trees."

"Are you challenging me, Twilight?" She asked challengingly. Twilight opened her mouth to respond, but I clapped a hand over it.

"No, no. She's not challenging you at all" I laughed nervously. Applejack glared at me. "Now I'm gonna prove to you that I can do this on my own."

"Ok" I said with a nervous smile as I released Twilight's mouth.

"Now if you two would excuse me, I've got apples to buck."

"Ok, you... You do that" I said with a nervous laugh as Applejack began walking away. When she was far from sight, I turned to Twilight, keeping my nervous look and tone. "She has a problem."

"Then we have to do something about it."

"You're telling me. What should we do."

"I say we head back to the library and let her do this 'applebuck season' thing and I guess we wait until she admits that she needs help." That sounded like a plan.
When we reached the library, Twilight and I gathered a random assortment of books, then she led me to the treehouse's balcony where we decided to read. Twilight turned her head and saw me read a book titled

How to Make a Sleep Deprived Pony Accept Help During Applebuck Season

"This book is getting me nowhere" I said as I closed the book and putting it aside. I picked up a random book and opened it to a random page. Reading it from there, I took note that I was reading a reference guide to Equestria. I closed the book and put it aside. A thought then crossed my mind. Should I find out more about the last human that last set foot in Equestria? Something tells me that I should, but I feel like I should ask an alicorn about this first. Maybe they know more than what the books say. Suddenly, there was a crash. I got so startled, I cried out, and staggered away from the railing.

"Oh, hi Rainbow Dash" I said. Twilight glanced up from her book and saw the cyan colored Pegasus.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"I think somepony else needs help" she answered.

"Applejack?" Twilight and I guessed at the same time.

"Yup." Rainbow Dash explained. I got up and headed back into the library.

"Where are you going?" Twilight asked.

"I'm going to knock some sense into Applejack. She needs help" I said sternly. I left the balcony leaving Twilight and Rainbow Dash behind. I made my way through the library and out the door. On my way over to Sweet Apple Acres, Pinkie Pie cornered me.

"Hi Foalie! Have you seen Applejack? I've tried looking for her but I couldn't find her anywhere!" She said under one breath. Before I could answer, she continued. "Can you do me a favor and find her? I really need her to help bake these muffins. Well goodbye" she bounced back to Sugar Cube corner humming merrily. I was about to follow her, but Twilight teleported in front of me, causing me to cry out. "I hate it when you do that" I said.

"Sorry, Foalie. Anyway, Rainbow Dash told me what happened."

"I was just on my way to see her. I don't care how long it'll take, but I'm going to convince her that she needs help."

We reached the orchard and saw Applejack standing next to a tree looking a little dazed.

"Applejack, can we talk?" Twilight asked.

"Can bees squawk?!" She asked loudly. "I don't think so!"

"No" I said as I stepped forward. "Can we talk?" I corrected.

"Twenty stalks? Bean or celery?" I don't believe this! She's so sleep deprived that her hearing is messed up. Twilight was just about as upset as I was.

"No, we need to talk to you!" Twilight shouted.

"You guys want to walk to the zoo? Well who's stopping you?!" Applejack asked loudly.

"We need to talk to you!" Twilight practically shouted.

"Oh, then why didn't you say so?! What do you want to talk about?!"

"We got a visit from Rainbow Dash today" Twilight explained.

"That's quite neighborly of her!"

"Yes, except she crashed onto my balcony after you launched her into the air!"

"Oh..." She said softly. "I wasn't feeling quite myself this morning."

"That's because you've been working way too hard" I said as I approached her. "Face it, Applejack. You need help." This startled Applejack.

"No, no, no, NO! Why are you trying to offer me help! I'm telling you, I don't need help. I'm goin' to prove to you, and to everypony that I don't need help! I can do this on my own! Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta help Pinkie Pie." She then began to stagger away. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. I turned around and decided to go back to Ponyville.

"Where are you going?" Twilight asked.

"To your library" I said as I released the bridge of my nose and faced her.

"To read?"

"No. To nap. I'm going to get as much sleep as I could before I too get sleep deprived." Twilight watched as I sauntered back to Ponyville. When I arrived, I opened the doors to the library and stepped inside. I closed the doors behind me, walked over to the sofa and sprawled face down on it, groaning miserably. It took awhile for my eyes to fully close and I eventually drifted to a peaceful sleep. I don't know how much time went by, but I felt a pair of hooves trying to shake me awake.

"Foalie, wake up" I heard Twilight say.

"Not now mom" I moaned. "10 more minutes" I moaned sleepily. Twilight sighed and fired a small spark from her horn, jolting me awake.

"Agh! Ok, I'm up, I'm up!" I said, breathing heavily. As soon I was calm, I turned to Twilight.
"What's the commotion?" I asked.

"Enough is enough" Twilight said. "Spike and I received a call from Nurse Redheart and we saw several ponies including Pinkie Pie sick. And apparently those 'Baked Goods' turned out to be 'Baked Bads' and now, Ponyville has been invaded by a population of bouncing baby bunnies. This is the last straw, we are going to confront Applejack, and get it straight into her skull. She needs help!"

"Now you're talking" I said with a smile as I jumped off the sofa. "It's about time somepony talks to Applejack about this. I've been doing this all by myself for so long, I wasn't so sure anypony would help me do this." The spark may have woken me, but I was so dazed from being woken, that I didn't realize what I said wasn't true. Twilight shook her head while wearing a smile on her face. She then followed me out the door.

When we reached the orchard, we went atop a hill and saw Applejack weakly kick at a tree. Said kick was so weak, the apples didn't even bother to fall. "Enough is enough, Applejack" I said as Twilight and I approached her.

"Wha--?" She asked tiredly as she glanced up at me.

"Foal's right" Twilight said. "This whole applebucking thing has not only caused you problems, but it has caused other problems to other ponies as well."

"Yeah. You over-propelled Rainbow Dash, poisoned a few ponies plus Pinkie Pie..." I added.

"And you terrorized bushels of brand new baby bunnies" Twilight finished. "And we don't care what you say, but you need to accept the fact that..."

"You Need Help!" We said in unison. Applejack glared at us and gave the tree a hard kick, causing all the apples to fall.

"Ha!" She laughed triumphantly. "No I don't!" She gestured to the orchard before us and we saw that every tree has been cleaned of its apples. "Look, I did it! Just like I said! And I did it without your help! How'd you like them apples?" I turned my head and gasped.

"Amazed by all of this?" Applejack asked me in a boastful manner.

"Um Applejack? How'd you like THEM apples?" I asked, gesturing to the side. Applejack gaped at what I was pointing. She has only cleared out half of Sweet Apple Acres. The mare began to mumble incoherently at the sight and eventually passed out.

"Applejack?" I asked as I lightly tapped her face. "Applejack, can you hear me?" I asked again as I lightly tapped her face some more. Eventually she came to and stared at Twilight and me. "Oh good, she's ok" I said with relief.

"Now Applejack" Twilight said in a calm tone. "Foal and I completely respect the Apple family ways."

"Also you are there to help anypony in need" I added. "So how about you put aside your stubbornness and pride and allow us, your friends, to help you clear out the remaining apple trees."

"Ok guys" she said.

"Wait, come again?" I asked, widening my eyes again.

"Twilight? Foal? Can you please help me clear out the other half of the orchard?"

"We'll be glad to help you, partner" I said as I helped Applejack up. I turned to Twilight and grinned. "Got anything to report to Princess Celestia?" I asked.

"I sure do" Twilight said with a smile.

'Dear Princess Celestia,

My best friend Applejack is the best friend anypony or human could ever have. Even though she's there to help anypony, she's finding it hard to accept help when she needs it. So while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.'

"A nice one for the day" I said as I rolled up the scroll after writing everything Twilight said. I handed the scroll to Spike and smiled. "You know what to do." Spike took the letter and fired a blast of green fire and I watched as the scroll float away.

"Hey Foal, want a treat?" He asked as he offered me a 'Baked Bad.' I laughed nervously.

"I'm good" I said as I began to walk away.

"Come on Foal, just one bite?" He asked. The six watched the baby dragon follow me around.

"Spike, it's ok, I don't want it."

"But Twilight said that friendship is about accepting what our friends has to offer."

"Yes..." I said as I turned to him. "And your offering me a 'Baked Bad', and that 'Baked Bad is what made the ponies sick." I turned around and continued to walk away.

"Come on Foal, their not that bad" he said. The six then began to laugh as the baby dragon now chased me.

" 'Dear Princess Celestia!' " I shouted as if she could hear me from where she is. " 'Spike should learn the importance of one's health!' "