To Equestria With Love

by Surprise The Pegasus

Sunday Morning

"Birds eye view, awake the stars cause' they're all around you, wide eyes will always brighten the your dreams, and remember me sweet bravery, cause', after all those wings will take you, up so high..." Sunset Shimmer sang. She pranced around the palace grounds, a blanket of snow beneath her hooves . This sent her remembering the old days. Princess Celestia had been ecstatic about her return, and had gladly accepted her as her student again.

"So bid the forest floor goodbye, as you race the wind, and take to the sky." Sunset's voice drifted throughout the castle, bringing a feeling of happiness to those who heard it. A snowflake drifted and landed on Sunset's nose. She giggled, then shook it off. That have Sunset an idea. Her horn started to glow, and a large snowman was soon in place. Any scrap of maturity left in the orange Unicorn had been blown away in the winter breeze. Her inner filly had come out to play, and she wasn't going away anytime soon. But despite Sunset's new carefree nature, she yearned for one thing: love.


Shining Armor trotted about the palace. Princess Celestia wanted him to meet her student: Sunset Shimmer. Now all he had to do was find her. He glanced out a window and saw a bright orange mare prancing about the courtyard. He had never seen her before, and he knew all the castle staff and guards. He opened the doors and trotted up to this mystery mare. She had her eyes closed, and ran right into him. She blinked, then looked him up and down.

"Sorry about that! I can be a little clumsy." She apologized.

"It's ok. I'm Shining Armor. Do you know where I can find Sunset Shimmer? Princess Celestia asked me to introduce myself." To his surprise, she laughed, almost falling over.

"Good job then, because you found her!" Cheered the mare.

"You're Sunset Shimmer?"

"The one and only!" She puffed out her chest proudly.

"Well then, that was easy."

"Sure was. Now, what do you do around the castle? Don't expect me to believe such a handsome stallion just comes here for fun." Sunset asked, batting her eyes.

"I'm the captain of the Royal Guard. You?" Replied Shining.

"I'm Princess Celestia's student."

"Ok then. What're you doing out in the snow? You'll get a cold."

"Having fun. Care to join me?" Sunset blew a flake of snow off her hoof. She then jumped up, as if struck with a brilliant idea. "I know what we can do! Follow me!" Sunset grabbed Shining by a hoof and dragged him out of the Palace.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You'll see."

Sunset handed Shining a pair of brown leather ice skates. She sat down and put her white skates on, fitting a light purple leg warmer over each ankle. Shining just stared at the skates.

"What's wrong, Shining Armor?" Asked Sunset, rising to her hooves.

"We barely even met, and know I'm going ice skating with you? This is all happening a little too fast." Shining scratched the back of his head. Sunset's expression saddened.

"I thought we were friends." Replied Sunset.


"Well, yeah. I don't have many friends, and everybody else just hates my guts." Sunset replied somberly, tears welling up in her eyes. Her lower lip started to tremble.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry. I just don't really know you, that's all. Now stop crying and let me put my skates on." As Shining put on his skates, Sunset lightened up. The pair stepped up to a pond, and Susnet magically removed her skate guards. She then stepped onto the ice, and began to skate. She pushed off, then glided on one hoof. She jumped into the air and spun, then landed flawlessly. Shining just gaped. Sunset looked up at him and smirked.

"What're you waiting for? The ice is great!" Sunset jumped, and once again landed without a hitch.

"Um...I'm coming, just give me a minute." Sunset's smirk turned into a smug smile.

"Oh come on!" Sunset magically dragged him into the ice. His legs spread apart, wobbling. She giggled.

"Sunset, this is NOT funny!" Shining's cheeks were a bright red. He attempted to skate over to the giggling mare, but quickly lost his balance and fell with a heavy thud.

"Looks like someone doesn't know how to ice skate!" Sunset skated over to Shining, then helped him up. She started to skate backwards, still holding on to his front hooves.

"What're you doing?"

"Teaching you how to skate." Replied Sunset, releasing her grip on his hooves, then spinning around. "All you have to do is just push off, then glide! It's easy, give it a try!" Sunset skated around, the breeze rushing by. Her mane and tail were billowing behind her, making it seem like she was on fire. She spun, jumped, and did other tricks all perfectly, while Shining struggled to even make it forward. He pushed off, then let himself glide on the smooth ice. Sunset demonstrated again and again, and soon enough, Shining was doing laps around the pond.

"Ha Ha! I'm skating!" Shining cheered.

"It's easy, just like I said! Shining, watch this!" Sunset skated swiftly around the pond, then leaped high into the air. Unfortunately, she landed on a thin patch of ice. It cracked at impact. As soon as she made a move, it gave way. Sunset fell into the frigid water, then went under.


"Let's not ever do that again." Said Shining. Sunset was rolling in the snow, laughing herself to death.

"I CAN'T BELIVE YOUT ACTUALLY FELL FOR IT!! HAHAHAHAHA!!" Tears of laughter rolled down Sunset's cheeks. She stood up, snow clinging to her fiery orange coat. Shining have her a friendly punch, and couldn't help but smile. "You're so gullible! It's hilarious!!" Sunset wiped her tears, then looked up at the sky. The sun was just starting to descend; they had about half the day left. Sunset began to walk through the snow. Shining trotted along next to her.

"So, Sunset. Tell me about yourself."

"Oh, um, alright. As a filly, I wore glasses, and put my mane up in a ponytail. I loved to learn about magic, and was accepted into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I was her star student. That was, until I read about the mirror and its immense magical power. I couldn't believe the Princess would hide such powerful magic from me. I wanted to become a Princess my whole life, and demanded to become an Alicorn. Celestia said no, that I had become corrupted. So I jumped through the mirror, and have been living in the human world most of my life. I decided to come back after what happened with Twilight, and things went back to how they used to be. Except that she's is little miss Alicorn, and not me!!" Sunset angrily kicked a pile of snow, sending it flying into the air.

"Calm down, the past is in the past." Sunset thought back to her experience with Twilight, then shivered.

"I guess so." Sunset stared down at the powdery white snow.


The sun dipped down below the horizon, bathing the sky in a blaze of color. Canterlot seemed to glow. The sound of caroling, squealing foals, and bells filled the air. Flaky snow fell all around. Sunset and Shining walked down the busy streets, each holding a warm muffin.

"You came back just in time. Hearth's Warming Eve is tomorrow, and the annual play is going on. And I was wondering..."

"Yes, Shining?" Said Sunset, muffin crumbs falling to the ground as she spoke.

"Do you wanna come to the play with me?" Sunset's eyes grew wide.

"Yes, I used to go every year!" Her mint green eyes reflected the colored lights, creating a kaleidoscope effect. Shining smiled. She was simply beautiful. There were no other words. The way her eyes twinkled in the light, and how her mane made it seem like she was on fire. Simply beautiful.