//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: Death's eyes // Story: New World, New Rules // by Zilver5664 //------------------------------// Time: 12:47 P.M Date: October 14, 2013 Location: Outskirts of Ponyville (Entering the Mines) "Let's get this over with..." With a menacing battle-cry, I charge into the fray. Intent on ripping them limb from limb. Silver’s theme, OST (Play it! It connects to the story!) ‘Anyone else hear music?’ I thought before dodging the first swipe from the changelings. Deciding on using the defense tactics, I wait until one of the changelings rush me; he attempts to swing his sword down on me in a diagonal slash, just before he does, I grab his arm, stopping it mid-swing, go under his arm so now I’m to the side of him, and then push my fist onto his elbow, locking his arm into place. He drops the sword and I kick out one of his legs, sending him to the ground, awaiting my knife to slice his throat open. Before I could do that, I heard some noise behind me, I turned around to notice that another one of the changelings got close to me, and was about to slice me in half, I duck under it at the last second and swiped his legs from under him, putting him on the ground due to the center of balance being destroyed. The last changeling to rush me came from behind, but before he could so much as make a move, I grabbed his neck and arm, and with all my might, threw him onto the ground as hard as possible; displacing dirt and rocks everywhere. With anybody else taking that hit, they would have been immediately knocked out, but all I heard was a faint crack from the changeling’s helmet as it squirmed in pain. Putting distance between the changelings and I, I switch from knife tactics to pistol tactics, the knife in my left hand stuck to a groove in the handle of my M1911, allowing me to steady my aim, All of a sudden that feeling came back of me being watched, I looked around quickly and noticed a suspicious looking cloud above me, well I shouldn’t say suspicious…The bloody thing has a rainbow tail sticking out. ‘Grr… I can’t let anyone see me kill, I’ll have to knock them out now because of Rainbow Dash watching me,’ I thought to myself as I switch modes, no longer sadistic, but the calm and collected side now. Remembering a tid-bit about my lightning powers being used on my pistol, I divert half of my mind to trying to figure out how to activate the lightning around my hands to charge the magazine to stun these changelings, the other half now noticing the changelings getting back up. “Ugh, that stupid kid…How could we get our asses handed to us that easily?” One of them said to another. “I don’t know, But now I’m pissed! Come ‘ere you little shit!” The big changeling rushes me. ‘I have half a mind to tear you to shreds, oh wait, it’s occupied. Darn,’ I mused, while moving my knife over the M1911, switching back to knife tactics, and begin charging him as well. Before he could get within grabbing distance, I dropped down to the ground and planted my feet at his stomach and legs at the other sides of his body, I then twisted my hips and brought him down in what’s known as; “The scissor take down”, using kinetic force on both parts of his body to throw off completely his center of gravity. Just as I back rolled and got up, another changeling was heading towards me with his sword pointed at me, intending to stab me. He got close, but I slightly sidestepped away and used my left hand to knock the blade away from my direction, reinforcing it by blocking the area with my right hand; I grab his arm and pull him forward towards me, I then knock my right elbow on the Biceps, than banged the bottom of my gun on the unguarded side of the helmet, generating a nerve cluster and essentially knocking him out. On any other situation I would have replaced the gun with my knife blade, or shooting him, but since I’m being watched, can’t kill. ‘One down, Two to go,’ I counted. Turning around I noticed that the last changeling who was recovering was stunned at me taking out his comrade, using the opportunity, I grabbed the front of his breastplate, used most of my strength to at least weaken his hold on gravity, planted my right foot on the bend of his left knee, and pushed, creating a tripping point and sending him to the ground with some damage. This was one of the moves Dale taught me when I was training. This move was to be used when I was faced with someone heavier than me, creates a huge margin for error, but always works, it’s called; “The Reap.” Taking the opportunity the move gave me, I drive my foot down on the head of the changeling, knocking him out. ‘Too easy, where’s the last one?’ I wondered, as the last changeling was nowhere to be found. (End music if it hasn’t already) “You’re coming with me, you little shit!” I hear to my left, and to my shock, I see the changeling has grabbed Wolf, and hoisted him on his shoulder, he was somehow able to knock him out as his eyes were dimmed. “You get back here, you little son of a bitch!” I yell, my other side coming out for a moment, I begin running towards him, but as soon as I did the changeling erected some kind of shield, and began charging a teleporting spell. I start shooting at him with my pistol, trying to break the shield, but it was holding strongly, and I was still unable to figure out how to activate my lightning. As soon as I reached him, he teleported out of the area, away from my reach, and my ability to save wolf has diminished until I could gather some Intel. “Damn it!” I exclaim in frustration, coming to a stop where the changeling teleported from. My frustration lasted short however, as I realized I had two changelings’ unconscious, ready for pickup, and interrogation. Bringing up my visor, I send a call to Celestia, she picks up not too long after. “Celestia, I have two changelings unconscious, ready for capture, and interrogation.” I start off. “What of the third?” Celestia asked only for her to assume the worst, “You didn’t…” “No, I was being watched,” I corrected her, “however he captured Wolf and got away before I could catch him, I have a hint as to where he would be…But…I want to confirm it with these two.” I finish, smiling maliciously, and tapping my foot on the unconscious changeling next to me. “Can you send an extraction team to pick them up?” I ask turning back to Celestia. “Very well, they will be there shortly,” Celestia hangs up, leaving me to deal with Rainbow over me. “I know you’re up there Rainbow! Get down here!” I yell, not even bothering to look in the cloud’s direction. A moment later I heard some air displace from behind me. I turn around to see Rainbow looking at me with…why is she looking at me with amazement? I haven’t done anything awesome…Did I? I ignore it and move on to questioning, “Why are you here?” Rainbow shrugs, much to my displeasure, “I dunno, just taking a break from my cloud work, took my daily nap, looked under me to see you whooping those changelings in their place!” She ended with glee, “That was so…Awesome!” she somehow is able to squeeze her face in a cute manner, much to my confusion on how is that possible, “Where did you learn to do that!? I only know a handful of Karate techniques, but I have never seen THAT before!” “I learned my battle skills from all sorts of different sources, only a handful was from my training,” I answered with a shrug, “But that’s beside the point, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave.” “Wha-Why?!” “This area is about to be occupied by the equestrian military, I’m only going by common sense, but I don’t think civilians are allowed to see the military’s actions without authorized clearance,” I point out. “Hey! I’m an Element of Harmony! I’m pretty sure I have enough clearance, whatever that is,” she argued, crossing her arms and looking away from me when she mumbled. “Even if I were to even know what that is, I’m still pretty certain they won’t allow you witnessing what is about to transpire soon,” I say, mostly for the safety of her innocence. “Uh-huh…And you said you’re PRETTY certain?” she asks, putting emphasis on ‘pretty’ for some apparent reason. “…Yes…” I reply, not getting what she’s doing. Oh…I accidently opened up an un-needed margin of error, darn. “And you’re REALLY certain-“ “Out!” I exclaim, albeit frustrated. Rainbow huffs at me, “Your no fun…Fine, I’m out,” she left when I gave her a slight glare. As I watch Rainbow fly off back to Ponyville, I soon turn my attention to a changeling who has the misfortune to be the first one to come to consciousness. I smile sadistically and began circling him much as a Tiger circling his prey, unknowingly switching to my Sadistic side. “Hmm…’Tis a shame really, and here I was hoping to have a changeling head mounted on my ever-growing amount of trophies I’ve gathered over the years,” I intimidate; unfortunately it has an undesired effect. The changeling spits out some green-blood and smirks at my form, “Yea, right…A kid like you can’t even muster up the will to kill us,” ‘Try me,’ I thought, before kicking the head of the changeling to the side, sending him back on the ground. “Now, before we get any more blood spilt on that nice armor of yours, how about you answer me this,” I grab the shoulder-plates of the changeling’s armor and hoist him up dangerously close to my face, “Where. Did. You. Take. Wolf?” I seethe. The changeling smirks again before spitting more green blood on my face, “Go run back to your momma, kid.” I drop the changeling and wipe the blood off of my face, then draw out my knife, “Well then, how about we play a little game then?” I say, and then I pin the changeling back down on the ground with a stomp of my armored boot. I grab his arm and pin it away from him, holding my knife above it, “This game is a classic for the westerns, called ‘The five-fingered fillet’…Don’t worry, I’m a pro at this.” I grin maliciously at the changeling, who is finally starting to show some unease. I spread his fingers out with my knife, and then start stabbing the areas between it in order, repeatedly. Going faster as I go, the changeling is slowly increasing the unease on his face as I progress. My knife is going so fast, to the point it’s no wonder I haven’t stabbed him yet, or until I at least, slow down greatly as the knife is in mid-air, changing the target of the space between the fingers to the entire hand. My knife stabs through the gauntlet and passes through the hand and onto the other side, out of the palm. The changeling screams out in pain and tries to break free out from under my boot, as I just stare at him grinning like a mad-man. “Aww…And I was soo, close to breaking my personal record,“ I sadly say, “Ah well, maybe I can try again on THIS hand?” I say as I grabbed the knife and yank it out of the changeling’s hand, releasing green blood everywhere on his gauntlet and moving it over to his other hand. The changeling cries out into even more pain, and attempts to writhe out of my hold once more, I get another idea, and I release the changeling from my boot. He gets to his feet and attempts to run away, if only a couple of feet, before a bullet passes through his leg, sending blood everywhere and him to the ground once more. I check the magazine quickly and notice that only two bullets are left, one for the magazine and one for the chamber, I put it back in and put the gun on safety and holster it, I begin to make my way towards him, flicking the green-blood off of my knife as I go. The changeling notices me coming and attempts to crawl away, but before he could get far, I reached him and stomped him to the ground once more. I think I even heard a rib crack in that breastplate of his, or maybe it’s his wings…Nah it’s the ribs. “P-Please! No more!” the changeling whimpers from under me. “Aww, come now, and we were only just getting started! I’ve had people last longer than you!” I raise his head and bring my knife to his throat, “And those guys got to the bonus level,” I draw my knife across his neck, not deep enough to kill him, but enough to cause tons of pain, “I’m only going to ask this once,” I bang his head on the ground before turning him over and bringing him to my now uncovered eyes, that’s apparently shining red, according to the reflection on his helmet, “Where. Is. Wolf.” I say as more of a statement than a question. The changeling finally breaks, seeing my murderous eyes, “H-He’s b-been brought to the underground base near the minesss!!” He collapses and starts sobbing, “J-J-Just P-P-Please D-Don’t H-Hurt me anymoreee!” I turn around and look to the sky, to see the armored carriage nearing my location, “Hmph, all you had to do was answer, was that so hard?” Amusedly the changeling nods to my rhetorical question. I drop him down to the ground, in which he curls up into a ball and continues sobbing. ‘Wuss,’ I thought, the begin making my way towards the mines, and switching back to my Calm side automatically (Third person perspective) Once the golden trimmed armored carriage finally comes to halt on the ground, a squad of armored solar guards armed with crossbows and spears, makes their way out of the carriage and towards the changelings. “Didn’t the princess say that a kid did all of this?” A guard says to his squad mate, as they all tie up the unconscious changeling and half of them hoists the changeling into the carriage. “Yea, even heard the kid was in the military for a good amount of time, what was the branch called again? The ‘Delta Force: Green Beret’ I think that’s what it was,” replied the guard. “That’s bullshit, there’s no way a kid can be in the military! They’re too young! He would have collapsed from shock at the first sight of blood!” A guard joins in the conversation. (We are just gonna call them guard, 1,2,3 in chronological order. Easy enough for ya?) “Hey what’s that over there?” Guard 2 says to anyone, pointing a green trail of blood leading to a black figure on the ground. “Is it another changeling?” says guard 1. They all rush over to the figure, slowing down when they see the crumpled heap of the changeling left on the ground, still sobbing uncontrollably. “Holy mother of Celestia,” Says Guard 3 in horror and astonishment, as they all surround the changeling. “What happened to him? Guard 1 asks. “Let’s see here,” begins guard 2 as he inspects the body, “His hand has been stabbed clean through, his neck seems to be cut, large enough for a gash, but small enough to avoid death, at least until he would die of blood loss, and something appears to have been shot through his leg, not to mention he has physical trauma on his head…” He stops to hear the sobbing, hearing mumbles of the word ‘Death’s eyes,’ over and over again, “And he probably has mental trauma as well,” The guards all look at each other with shock and awe in their eyes, eventually changing to pity when they look at the changeling again, “Come on, let’s get him inside the carriage,” all the guards agree as they tie the traumatized changeling up, then hoisting it onto their arms, and into the carriage. They all close the carriage doors, and as they all look at each other, the same thing echoing through their minds. ‘Don’t Fuck with the Delta Force.’ (First person perspective) Time: 1:42 P.M Date: Oct 14, 2013 Location: The Ponyville Mines As I stare out on the barren grey wasteland called the Ponyville mines, I take notice of holes in the area, looks almost as if a dog made them. My light armor boots crunch on the pebbles and gravel underneath me, making noise as I step across the area, looking for a spot to find the changeling outpost. Unfortunately judging by the holes, it seems that these were made to go DEEP underground, if I were to jump in it; I would most likely be dead before I even hit the ground. Not to mention that I would need a light source. If anything, I would need to acquire some kind of substitute for a rappelling cord, a rope would suffice…But it would be hard. I continued to look around for any holes shallow enough to the point where I could stick my knife in the side walls and slide my way down…But…None have appeared so far. No? Wait… Ah here we go; I have discovered a hole that appears to be…Roughly 20-30 feet, according to a pebble I just kicked down. I can barely see ground where the cave begins but…and a big BUT, If I do this right, I can probably make my way down there with minimal damage. ‘Dale would kill me if he saw how I was handling this,’ I thought to myself as I saw how many errors I was making in my judgment. Not wanting to waste any more time, I embed my knife on the edge of the hole and slowly and very carefully ease into it. ‘Down the hatch, we go!’ I plant both feet on the side of the hole and drag my knife down the wall as gravity tries to take over, my fall growing faster every millisecond I spent on the side. After an agonizing ten seconds the walls of the hole ended and my boots and knife was left with open air, I fell the rest of the way for about five feet before I landed on my two legs, however the pain in my heels and tendons were excruciating and I fell onto my arms while I tried to endure the screams of hatred my legs and feet were giving me for putting them through all of this. After the pain subsided I got back up and examined my surroundings, ‘Anyone else feel like I’ve just entered a realistic Minecraft cave system? No? Just me? Too bad for you,’ Everywhere I looked, I could spot some kind of glimmer in the distance indicating some kind of gemstone in the area, and some of them I think were the Dark sapphires I was looking for. ‘Wolf first, sapphires later,’ I reminded myself. Activating my visor I open it to see that my mini-map has marked my entire walk, so in the case I need to backtrack I can follow it, however all unknown areas aren’t marked, so it seems while I can still locate Wolf,-which is apparently indicated with a Blue dot-, I have no idea how to reach him. That means I have to navigate an unknown labyrinth and somehow make my way down nine floors and go all the way back to the entrance of the mines to reach the changeling outpost. ‘I fucking hate you universe.’ Rather not waste any more time, I immediately set off in the general direction to where Wolf is located at. ‘I’m coming Wolf, hang in there,’