Love Sick

by FlameingToast

How Long Now!?

Why on Equestria would you do that!" Rarity yelled at the now nervous Twilight. "Do you have any idea what you just did! The rumors will be everywhere! I won't be able to show my face around here!" She finished.

Twilight sighed "Maybe I did get a little out of hand. I just felt a little jealous when he asked you out. It's not like I even said anything to bad...right?"

"You shouted in public that I was a lesbian, and was dating you." Rarity said in a monotone voice. Rarity saw Twilight's eye's begin to water.

Curse her puppy dog eyes! Rarity thought, feeling herself calm down a little.

"Well...I guess I did sort of bring this on myself. I really shouldn't have done that with you feeling how you feel." Rarity frowned.

"Let's just get to Zecora's..." Rarity mumbled. Twilight bowed her head and began following Rarity into the Everfree.


Rarity felt a little better once Zecora's bungalow came into view. Finally! We can get this whole fiasco sorted out.

Twilight was anxious. What if I'm not in love with Rarity after, these feelings could never change. She stared at Rarity's angelic eye's and perfect appearance. It wasn't only her looks that had Twilight in love, it was also her generosity, kindness, and her refined tastes and personality. That could never go away.

"You really are perfect, you know that Rarity?" Twilight said as Rarity stopped in her tracks. She sounds so sincere. This one felt as if Twilight meant it beyond the poison. Must be a really effective potion, Rarity decided on. But she wasn't so sure.

"Thank you." Rarity replied not sure what to say, before walking up to the door. She knocked on the door, and in a few moments it was opened by Zecora.

"Hello, Zecora. May we come inside?" Rarity asked politely.

Zecora nodded her head "Allow me to put my cauldron aside, and you may come inside."

"Thank you, I really need your help. Er, we need your help." Rarity glanced at Twilight who was remaining quiet. "You see, my little sister Sweetie Belle had unfortunately kept some of her love poison. Twilight drank it, and now she's in love with me." Rarity glanced at Twilight who looked distracted.

"I really want to know why Twilight's acting crazier than Cherrilee or Big Macintosh. I'm at my wit's end!" Rarity gave a dramatic sigh.

Zecora gave a small smile "Ah, Rarity. No need to cry, I too want to know why."

Rarity gave a sigh of relief as Twilight broke out of her reprieve.

"So, I'm guessing you'll want to know everything we can tell you about the potion?" Twilight asked.

Zecora nodded, and Twilight poked Rarity "Tell her every little detail you can remember. Potions that are left alone can lose or gain effects depending on how long they have been festering."

"Glad to see that your still a fountain of knowledge." Rarity said jokingly, which made Twilight blush.

Rarity turned towards Zecora and started to list off everything that she could remember. "Well, obviously Twilight's fallen in love with me. Also she gets very jealous when somepony else shows that they like me." Rarity gave Twilight a quick glare, reminding her that although things had sort have been forgiven; they were most certainly not forgotten.

"She's been having..." Rarity paused searching for the right words. "Mood swings, I would call them. Yesterday she went from ecstatic to sad, and today she was mostly normal. Until she became very angry and humiliated me."

"I said I was sorry, okay!" Twilight harrumphed.

Rarity sighed "No. No you didn't."

"Oh..." Twilight trailed off "...sorry?" She added weakly.

Zecora furrowed her brow "Twilight has there been anything wrong with your eyesight."

Twilight tapped her chin "Well, when I look at Rarity she shines like a goddess. So nothing weird there." She grinned "Oh, and sometimes everything becomes hazy and pink!"

Rarity became concerned "Zecora, should we be worried for Twilight's well being? I she going to get sicker?"

Zecora shook her head "I can't divine, but I'm sure she will be fine. Although, I do not know what to do about this pinkish hue."

Rarity's face fell "You mean you don't know how to cure her?" Zecora nodded.

"How long will she be this way?" Rarity asked, dreading the answer.

"It isn't clear, it could be a year." Zecora answered.

"HOW LONG!?" Rarity exclaimed. "We can't wait that long! Can't you just cure her now!?"

"Rarity." Twilight started "She doesn't have a sample of the potion to help her figure out a cure. Also, even though I did drink love poison and have some of the symptoms; I also have ones that I shouldn't.". She frowned "So that will make it even harder for her to figure out the cure."

Rarity shook her head confused "Okay, I think I understand. But I still don't understand one thing." She turned towards Twilight "You are so sure about your symptoms, but you really believe you have fallen in actual love with me?"

Twilight shrugged "Facts are facts. I drank the poison, I'm experiencing symptoms I shouldn't be. Like the pink haze. But I'm also not focusing my full attention on you constantly...actually scratch that. I have most of the symptoms."

Twilight shook her head "Anyways, what I'm trying to say is I love you and nothing's going to change that. I don't care what the potion did to my brain, my love isn't artificial."

Zecora sighed turning to Rarity "I'll try to find out what's wrong, it won't take too long."

Rarity nodded her head "Okay. Thanks Zecora, I know you'll be able to fix this." Turning around she started to leave the cottage.

"See ya!" Twilight cheerily waved, while bounding after Rarity. Zecora shut the door and started reading through her book, searching for the page about the love poison.

Twilight and Rarity were walking side by side while the sun was high above them. They were walking quietly until Twilight broke the silence.

"So...where do we go now?" Twilight asked.

"What do you mean?" Rarity frowned.

"Should we have a sleepover at my house, or yours?" She replied.

Rarity chuckled "Maybe some other time. How about I just walk you home."

Twilight smiled "I'm going to hold you to that." Maybe she's not mad anymore!

"Oh, I have no doubt about that." Rarity grinned. Feeling in a slightly better mood. They encountered nopony that knew about the earlier incident on their way to the library. At least things are getting a bit better, Rarity thought.

"Would you like to come in for some tea?" Twilight asked hopefully.

Rarity shook her head "I'm pretty drained right now." Twilight's lip started to quiver "Alright! I'll come in as long as you promise to stop guilting me into things."

Twilight nodded "I promise." She opened the door, and both walked inside. I hope I can finally relax a little now, Rarity thought. Twilight was about to ask her something when they were interrupted by an "Ahem."

They both looked down at Spike, who had his arms crossed and was glaring at them.

"I heard some interesting things at the market today." He said angrily.