Ponyville Friendship Letters

by destinedjagold

Friendship Report From Lyra

Dear Princess Celestia,
...or Princess Twilight,
...or to whoever get's my friendship report,

I am still quite new to this whole friendship report thing, so I hope you can forgive me for not knowing who to address this to, but um...

Anyway! Today, I have learned the value of sharing...and how scary and rewarding it could be.

Well, earlier this morning, I was just sitting in one of the park's benches, playing my lyre and minding my own business when suddenly, Rarity's little sister showed up. I believe her name was Sweetie...something. Anyway, she asked me if she could borrow my lyre, and naturally, I asked her why.

She then started talking about how everypony in town always assumes that she's going to sing when she's involved in some musical plays or any other presentations at school or somewhere else. So she assumes that if she learns music, she might understand why everypony always assumed that she's going to sing, and she also assumed that she'll probably get her cutie mark if she studies my lyre's music.

Now, don't get me wrong. Sweetie's a very sweet filly, but she and her friends have a very scary reputation here in Ponyville. Naturally, I would decline. She was asking to borrow my lyre, of all things!

But, since she was just all on her lonesome, and just making sure, I looked around to check if there were any signs of her friends around, I let her borrow it if she promises not to snap the strings or burn it into dusts.

I still remember the confused look and the high-pitched ‘huh?’ as her response. But I floated my lyre to her, and she began plucking some of the strings, which, quite frankly, were too hurtful to hear, so I gave her some tips and some lessons on how to play the lyre.

Goodness, I didn't even realize how many minutes flew by, or many hours! It felt really nice to teach someone about something you really love. Of course, it was also kind of annoying, her weird questions of ‘why's’ and ‘how's’, but it really felt nice to teach somepony something you love.

...until her friends suddenly arrive.

It started out as a greeting, for them at least, but for me, and everypony else, it was a warning sign of a disaster. So many possible horror scenes flashed before my eyes that I didn't even realized that they were planning on yet another one of their infamous crusades. I was snapped back to reality after they shouted,

“Cutie Mark Crusaders: Lyre Musicians! Yay!”

Before I could make any reactions, objections, preventions and other -tions, Scootaloo suddenly grabbed my lyre from Sweetie, saying something about playing cool and rock music with my lyre, but Sweetie tried to pull it back, saying that they should be careful with my lyre.

They were pulling my lyre back and forth, and I was there, trying to reach out to them, telling them to stop. Just as I was about to use my magic to save my lyre from them, Apple Bloom stepped up to try and stop her friends. She grabbed the lyre and pulled it, but she probably pulled it too much, because she threw herself back, lost her balance, stumble to the ground, lost her grip on my lyre, the lyre rolled to the brown earthen path, stepped on by a bunch of bulls, and got rolled on by the wheels of the wagons the bulls were pulling.

And after that, I found myself waking up back in my bed. Bon Bon must have dragged me all the way back home. I turn to the window, and stared at the setting sun as I remember the events that happened today. Now, normally, I should have been crying my hearts out then and there. Who wouldn't?

But on the bedside table was a shining new lyre, complete with a ribbon, and a gift card.

I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not, so I slapped myself in the face, and noted not to do that again. Ouch.

I levitated the lyre to me, and brought a hoof on it's shiny new golden hoof supports... It felt so magical to the touch, but a question kinda ruined the moment for me. Who bought it? Or maybe my lyre got fixed?

I then recalled the gift card. I levitated it to me and read the contents. It was from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and they said they were really sorry for what happened, and that they bugged Spike in the library, asking for a book on how to make a lyre.

I...can't imagine how they managed to make one.

Really, I can't. I can't even imagine how many disastrous trials and errors they've went just to make this, perfect, golden, lyre.

Ahem, anyway...

Despite all that has happened, I feel as though I needed to thank them. But there was a note at the back of the gift card though, from Bon Bon, saying that I shouldn't let my lyre get close to the three evil fillies if I knew what's good for me, and someone I owe her a date for her dragging me back home.

Oh well.

Your faithful subject,
Lyra Heartstrings.

Dear Twilight,

Oh, so that's why those fillies asked for that book, and those seven fire alarms that happened earlier.

Your faithful assistant,