//------------------------------// // Friendship Report From Scootaloo // Story: Ponyville Friendship Letters // by destinedjagold //------------------------------// Hey there Princesses! Guess what happened today? Something totally cool and awesome! (she wanted me to emphasize on that word) So anyway, here's what happened. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I were at the clubhouse, planning on yet another one of our crusadings when Apple Bloom suddenly had an idea: making sky lanterns! And to make things more interesting, we're going to have a race on whoever makes the first lantern fly! Of course, we needed to prepare the materials first. Sweetie got the candles, since she said that her big sister has too many of those from all of those countless dates she had. Apple Bloom got the glue and strings from their barn. And I was tasked to get some paper, but the whole town didn't have any spare paper. I did get some from Miss Cheerilee though. She gave me the old school test papers that were still not eaten by the termites. And oh, big thanks to Spike as well for giving me plenty of spare scrolls to use (that was the only thing I could do to make her go away at that time). So, we gathered our supplies back at the clubhouse, and Apple Bloom explained how to make a paper sky lantern. She said she and Applejack and Big Mac are often making some every winter, just to kill their boredom. After that, we went outside and started making our lanterns. Oh yeah, I did saw one of Diamond Tiara's test papers there with an ‘F’. I think...yep, it's still in my saddlebag. Wait, Spike! Don't write that part, okay? So anyway, we made a few lanterns, and some got burned even before it lifted up in the air, but in the end, a winner has been clearly declared. Who? Well, me of course! It was a great and glorious victory, and it would have been even sweeter if we didn't accidentally burn a whole apple tree in the process, and of course, if we earned a sky lantern making cutie mark. Sigh, but oh well. I don't really think I'd like to have a cutie mark for making sky lanterns. As fun as they are, they're not really as cool or as awesome as I thought they would be when Apple Bloom brought the idea up. But still, even if we didn't earn our cutie marks, we still had great fun, and there's still tomorrow for crusading! So uh yeah. How am I gonna end this, um... Uh, bye, I guess? From Scootaloo. Phew, I'm glad that's over with. Anyway, hey Twi, do you think you could send me a few more scrolls, or maybe some bits to buy some more for your friendship reports? I'm almost out because of, you know. Anyway, thanks and take care! Your faithful assistant, Spike. P.S. Eh, I forgot the proper heading on my part of this letter. Eh, sorry about that.