//------------------------------// // Confrontations // Story: Being Royalty // by Coronet the lesser //------------------------------// Princess Luna felt rather agitated. Luna had not always been the most patient or rational of ponies at the best of times. Especially when it came to matters of dealing with the nobility. She was currently in the prime minister’s office. That alone should have raised her discomfort to almost intolerable levels. The room itself was far more cramped than the offices that she and her sister possessed to do paperwork on. It felt rather claustrophobic and cold. The only furniture besides two chairs se opposite to each other was a grand mahogany desk inbetween them. Despite the fine textures and quality finish to it, it looked rather sparse and underused. It also lacked the personal touch Luna gave to her desk. She enjoyed decorating her desk with the most adorable little bobble heads that her sister had given her. The prime minister's desk also lacked the newspaper cut-outs that Luna lined her desk with. The cat that disliked Mondays was her favourite. He acted so silly sometimes, he reminded her of Twilight in a way. Luna sighed contently. The thought briefly took her away from the unpleasant confrontation she knew she was about to embark on. If Luna was to be honest to herself, she greatly disliked the prime minster. Storm Mount was his name. He represented everything Luna disliked about the nobility despite the fact that he had remained in the good graces of her sister for the past twenty odd years. He was, in her eyes, a conservative, obnoxious, class obsessed pony who openly supported the noble monoply over the government. Luna grimaced. She also feared that one of the reasons why she disliked him so was because he was so well liked by her sister. It was a silly thought but it was also a prevalent one notwithstanding. Aside from being generally unlikeable, the prime minster much to Luna’s dismay had also been highly effective in his role. Thus for the present he was a necessary evil, like Discord. To his credit he had kept the more radical elements of the nobility in check like Blueblood, he had set up an effective administrative wing full of admittedly strange but very likeable staff and most importantly kept the nobility quiet over her return. She owed that much to him at least, though that didn’t make him any less of a snob from Luna’s perspective. His lack of respect for her as her sister’s equal attested to that. Oh sure, he was Celestia’s most loyal aide when she needed him but when Luna required his assistance or aid on a matter he’d send one of the other ministers or the deputy prime minister to hear from her first. Not that she had a problem with the deputy prime minister, in fact the deputy had been one of the more likeable council members and a mare to boot, but it still did not shake the feeling that Luna had of secondary concern to Storm Mount. The other issue was the night court, which over the last few years had become less of a royal court and more of a District court house for meaningless squabbles. The nobility never visited her court (not that she would be exactly pleased with a sudden influx of nobles visiting her but once again it was more of an issue of being left out of the ‘loop’) anymore nor were any nobles ever scheduled to her court except on rare occasion and even then it was usually the less then attentive ones that were sent to her. Luna did not remember fondly one particular case of a noble who complained to her that he felt there was a mass conspiracy to rob him of all of his socks. Luna got a headache from the memory of the night alone. Who ever thought that the noble had prepared a five hour long case to prove his point? Luckily the case was solved when it was discovered that one of his servants was the culprit. While the prime minister did not directly oversee the court schedule he could influence it and the group of court advisors assigned to Luna. His latest trick of excluding her from Twilight’s meeting was one in a long string of ‘overlooked’ matters not passed onto her court. While Luna loved working with and getting to know the ‘average’ pony, she also wanted to feel like she was making important decisions that would affect the country she ran. Luna would sort it out one way or another as she heard a knock on the door. “The prime minister has arrived your highness,” said one of her night guards as he pushed his head through the door. There was a muffled sound coming from behind the guard to which Luna picked up on. “Let me through, you rat with wings! It’s my damn office you have no authority to keep me out, even if there’s a princess in there.” An ageing blue unicorn stepped through the gap left by the guard who attempted to stop the prime minister from barging in. “The princess will invite you in when she is ready sir,” protested the guard as he pushed the old unicorn back. “I know bloody well what the princess can and cannot do you ignoramus,” yelled Strom Mount. “I’ve been around long enough to know so. Now will you make like a bee and please buzz off. Don’t you have some blood to drink or something?” The guard raised his hoof as if to smash the prime minister in the jaw but Luna put up her own hoof to indicate for him to stop. The prime minster smiled triumphantly. “Come in Mr Storm Mount, I have a few things to discuss with you,” sighed Luna. The guard gave a worried glance over to his princess, though the slight nod she gave him was enough for him to take his leave. He muttered some profanities under his breath as he passed the prime minister. Storm walked into the room as if nothing happened and sat opposite to Luna behind his plain desk. He then quickly pulled out some files from his desk and began organising them as if oblivious to Luna’s presence. His audacity not to acknowledge her directly was demeaning. Luna was saddened that this meeting had not taken place a thousand years ago. Even holding the prestigious position of prime minister would have not prevented a pony from the whip for such clear insubordination. ‘Oh how the times change,’ thought Luna. “Honestly I have no idea where you obtained such ruffians from. They are an unruly lot there, mind you princess. I mean had one of the recruits of the official royal guard had spoken to me in such a tone, a court martial I say would have been in order.” He sighed and rolled his eyes. “But I suppose even bat ponies must find employment in these times. It’s sad in a way, things used to be so much more magical when you were younger.” He gained a wistful look about him but it then turned to a small gin as he looked at Luna. “I suppose you would understand where I’m coming from considering you being an ancient alicorn’s and all. Brandy? “ “It’s just past noon,” said Luna through gritted teeth. She was sure his prattling was giving her a tumour in the back of her skull. The prime minster enjoyed the sound of his own voice too much. Luna also did not appreciate the attack on her loyal guards but she knew he was just baiting her, to distract her from her original intentions. She would not waste her time getting into a drawn out debate that would get her in trouble with Tia for wasting the prime minister’s 'precious time’. ‘Why cannot Tia see what an utter bigot this stallion is? Though then again she also seems to fail to notice that pathetic excuse for a royal nephew’s incompetence.’ “It’s never too early for a glass of brandy is what my old grandpa used to say,” he said jovially as he pulled out a bottle and two glasses from a hidden compartment of the desk. He placed a glass in front of Luna and filled it before pouring himself a bit. Luna did not touch the glass. “It would be ill advised for me to drink so early on into the day, thank you.” “Suit yourself princess, merely an offer on my part.” “Quite. But I have not come here to play catch up with you prime minister. I have come here to discuss a matter of importance that has come to my attention.” Luna’s tone was even though dripped with certain degree of intensity to it. She wanted this over and done with. Twilight would no doubt wake soon and Luna wanted to make sure she heard of the meeting from her first and not from some idle castle gossip. There would be less collateral damage if she could explain it directly to Twilight. On that thought Luna considered breaking out the old body armour later just in case. “And what matter would that be?” asked Storm as he drank slowly from his glass. “You are the matter Mr Prime Minster. You are the ‘elephant in the room’ as Celestia would say, despite the lack of elephants.” “Me?” retorted Storm. Luna couldn’t quite scope what kind of tone he was using. It wasn’t angry or disbelieving. It was more aloof than anything else. “In truth Princess Luna it is no secret that you dislike me but I hardly think that’s justification enough for you to give me a reprimand. I’ve done nothing to slight you princess.” He smiled as he put down the glass. “My concern does not lay in my personal feeling towards you but rather the blatant and if I must say poorly guided attempt to exclude me from an active role in MY government Mr Prime Minister.” “I have no idea what you're gibbering on about. I’ve done no such thing. I have included you, my princess, in all important matters of the state. It would be a slant on my government to do otherwise.” Storm Mount waved his hooves in anger over such an accusation. “So a dignitary visit for our newly crowned royal is not a matter that would be of importance to me,” snapped Luna as she narrowed her eyes. She got up from her seated position as she felt a rush of angry energy enter her. The prime minster was unfazed by her threatning movemnt. In fact he had a rather calm look about him. “We were prepared to pass the information onto you princess had you merely asked. If you possibly took a more active role…” “Do not dare say I have not tried to take an active role in this government Prime Minster, you will be careful with that forked tongue of yours,” barked Luna as she put both her forehooves on the desk. She was very close to slipping back into her old dialect considering her rising irritation, “Need I remind you that I am your acting reagent. Not some poor soul you can bully in the House of Commons.” “I meant no offence,” steadily countered Storm. “I would never dishonour you or your position. It is in my capacity as prime minster to advise you. My advice does not always reflect my personal feelings princess, just the feelings of the council.” “Likely story,” growled Luna. “You must speak up Princess Luna. I’m afraid that it is most difficult to discern what you are saying behind that awful grinding sound you are making with your teeth.” “I was saying how convenient that this information would be delivered to my sister post haste but you felt the need to delay when it came to me. Must I remind you Prime Minster that this follows a string of governmental decisions I was not consulted on. This is the last straw that you have picked from the bucket upon which you pick straws from.” Luna silently cursed herself that she had messed up her analogy so badly. “In all fairness princess, I feel you're blowing this out of proportion,” chuckled Storm. "These decisions upon which you were not consulted on were trivial at best. Issues you know doubt would prefer the council to deal with.” “You seem to have an answer for everything Prime Minister,” hissed Luna. The prime minister sat back in his rather uncomfortable looking chair before replying. “Indulge me for a moment princess?” he asked as he put his hooves together. Luna retook her seat and nodded at him."I wish just to speak to you in non-governmental manner for a minute. You need not worry as to if I will supply you with the answer you seek. I will do so readily but I warn you, you may not enjoy my answer on my part. Though I stress once again that my government does all it can to..." “Just get on with it already you have wasted enough time as it is already.” She was still angry but there was no use losing her head over it and the last thing she needed was for their argument to break out into a full shouting match. A match which Luna would win easily. But the resulting argument with her sister would have been more problematic. So Luna kept her cool. “Outside of sharing the same title and a marrige of her brother to your adopted niece. I don’t exactly see why you need to get involved with Princess Twilight Sparkle’s personal matters?” he inquired. Luna was about to roar out a reply about how it had everything to do with her but held her tongue once more. The last thing she needed was to give the prime minister a stick to beat her over the head with. Storm Mount must have noticed as he raised an eyebrow at the princess’ action. “I do not see how outside of formalities that you would be involved with this whole matter at all. The only reason why the princess was informed was because she was her former mentor. I felt she would have been a better pony to inform our newly royal rather than a court advisor considering their close relationship. Wouldn’t you agree?” “Regardless she is also a close friend of mine. It is in my interest to know of her activities,” said Luna."Especially when it comes to meeting regarding our relations with other nations.” “With all due respect princess, the political scene has no room for friends,” he snickered. Luna oh so wanted to put his head through the desk. “Besides they asked specifically for a meeting with Princess Sparkle not Princess Luna. Anyway it’s just a small introductory party considering many of the many nations were unable to attend the coronation. It will last maybe thirty minutes tops. It gives the other nations a chance to see that we aren’t constructing some sort of super weapon in the form of an alicorn to take over the world. It’s the same protocol we followed with Princess Cadence. Trust me when I say this Princess Luna that the foreign department only has Twilight Sparkle's best interests at mind with this meeting.” “It is still no excuse. All foreign matters involving other nations are of importance to the crown. Perhaps that brandy has dulled you senses Prime Minister.” “And for that my princess, I am truly sorry. I will make sure to take your concerns into consideration during the next royal council meeting,” he scoffed as he poured some more brandy into his glass. He stopped for a second as if something was bothering him before he looked back up to Luna. “Though one must question why you are so persistent over this princess? It is no more than a short get together to introduce the new blood. Hardly a be all end all matter of the state.” “I’ve already told you she is a friend to me. Is it not within my right to take in consideration for my friend?” “Well of course, it’s just something has been bothering me of late.” The prime minister hummed before swirling his glass. “It has come to my attention that you’ve been spending a lot of time in that town, Ponyville, of late.” “HOW DARE THOU SPY ON THINE MONARCH?!” Shouted Luna as she stood once again. Her anger had returned in full force. He voice barely contained under a cracking mask of composure. “No I would not spy on you Princess. That would be a violation of my office. I’m afraid your travel expenses though are more than fair game though. You may be a princess but using the chariot for leisure purposes was sure to come up in the books eventually. I just happened to come across such figures.” “This is absurd! It is my business as to what I do in my leisure time. I’ll let you know I have grown quite fond of that little town. Many of my friends are stationed there.” “Oh I’m quite sure you’ve grown fond of that town princess. Your visits do not go unnoticed. Your fondness of the local carnival is quite amusing in fact. You must especially be fond of the ‘local talent’.” Luna only then just noticed the file that Storm had pulled out while he was refilling his glass. He was flipping through the pages of the brown file looking over some of the printed text. “And how may I ask Mr Prime Minster did you come across this information then if you are not spying on me?” Luna felt the stone floor underneath her hooves crack slightly. “Until recently Twilight Sparkle was Princess Celestia’s prized student, the princess had assigned observers to make sure no foreign agents saw a chance to strike at her. You’d be surprised how many ponies and foreigners would jump at the opportunity to do away with the Element of Magic.Thank Celestia nothing has happened. It’d have been a terrible shame to lose such a bright spark especially considering she is royalty now.” Luna’s eye twitched in response. “Now imagine these agents’ surprise when the Princess of the Night comes unannounced to Ponyville ever now and then. Oh and would you look at this.” He pointed to the last line of a page. “It says here that the princess has become particularly fond of visiting the library over the past few months. How interesting.” “What are you implying?” fumed Luna as she barely held back her magic. “Me? Oh Celestia no, I wouldn’t imply any wrong doing on your part princess.” His face was set in pure concern as if he had terribly offended her. She knew it was all an act. “I’d never imply the absolutely ludicrous idea that somehow you and Princess Twilight Sparkle are involved in any sort of relationship.” He then laughed deeply. "I mean that would be ridiculous. “I’m sure all your visits are purely innocent and this argument that you want to attend the meeting specifically only solidifies my view that you are in nothing more than the most platonic and normal relationship that two friends can have.” He smiled and took another sip of his glass. Luna was silent for a moment. She stared at Storm for a minute before turning to face the door. His eyes never left her for a moment. “I require some air. This meeting is over. I will meet with the representatives anyway. I would like to support Princess Twilight Sparkle as my friend. No matter what you may otherwise imply.” “As I said I imply nothing princess. I’m just merely making a statement is all, based on the findings from this report. You can take what you will from it princess.” “Royalty does not need to heed statements from lesser beings,” said a stiff toned Luna. "I would ask you to tread lightly and remember your place prime minister. My sister’s protection only goes so far.” Luna left the room before a farewell retort could even be thrown out by Storm. The prime minister sighed as he downed a final glass. The deputy prime minister Ink Well with her gleaming white coat and her large oversized glasses entered the room with smile splitting her young face. “So another throw down with Princess Luna. Why can’t you two just kiss and make up?” she mocked. “Shut it Ink Well." “You know I sometimes get the feeling that you don’t appreciate me making fun of you." “You don’t say,” uttered a sarcastic Storm Mount. After laughing for a bit Ink Well noticed the file on the desk that Storm Mount had between his hooves. Due to her poor eyesight she couldn’t make out what the name of the report was. “What’s up with the file? Anything I need to know about?” Storm looked over the file he had just spoken about to Princess Luna. It contained some pretty damming evidence. Evidence that the press would pay almost his weight in gold for. In fact if released it could cause one of the biggest embarrassment to the diarchy in recent memory. He had to put some thought into his next action. “Nah, it’s nothing just some old complaint letters I never got around to reading. I can tell you now that Lord Canterbury really disliked me. I’d be shocked if I weren’t so offended.” “Come on Mount everypony knew Canterbury hated your guts. Even you knew. You were messing around with his niece for years behind his back. Can you blame the guy.” “Yeah but I never knew he could quite use such colourful language. I’d almost put this in a museum if it weren’t so lewd. Truly the old dog had a way with words.” “Well that’s too bad you couldn’t tell him that yourself, you’re almost twenty years too late.” “Has it really been twenty years since that old grump passed?” Storm looked over to the clock. “Remind me to buy his grave some flowers when I have the time.” “Will do but, bin the file and let’s get moving. This meeting has already put you eight point three five minutes behind schedule. We can’t afford these dalliances with your girlfriend.” She glanced over at the empty glass with a disapproving look. “Or your drinking for that matter.” “Leave an old man be would you,” Storm groaned as he took the file in his grasp and ripped it in two. “Need I remind you this government is run on drink since before you were born.” “No wonder the economy is so inconsistent.” “Har har. Let’s go already.” He then levitated the bin over and placed the file in the bin. Exiting his seat he dragged himself off of his chair and quickly slid back his mane once before leaving the office with Ink Well.