//------------------------------// // Friendship Report From Thunderlane // Story: Ponyville Friendship Letters // by destinedjagold //------------------------------// Dear Princess, Today I learned to never ignore your hunger. And I learned that the hard way. Earlier this morning, I was running late for work, so I just splashed some water from my thundercloud in the bathroom and comb my hair, and then I went straight to the weather office. On the side note, I would say that Miss Dash would have been proud of me if she witnessed my speed by getting there. But yeah, that took a lot of energy...flying form my home to work, I mean. But at first, it was nothing. The adrenaline from my little fly energized me to perform my work...for at least the first hour before I got a headache. My headache got worse as I also notice how weak I was becoming, but it was still a few hours before lunch break, so I tried my best to perform my work, until I suddenly blacked out while I was moving some clouds around Sweet Apple Acres. Next thing I knew, I was being woken up by Applejack, with a great look of worry on her face. I don't really know how she knew it, but after I saw her, she quickly bucked the closest tree around us and gave me an apple. I wasn't hungry. Mind you, my thoughts didn't even tell me that I was, but somehow, my body wanted some more after I finished eating the apple in speed that even Pinkie Pie would be amazed. Applejack whistled in awe, and chuckled at my poor self as she gave me some more. Soon, however, Rainbow Dash came and was about to throw a fit, but Applejack stepped in and protected my hide from my boss. So now, I owe the farm mare for giving me some apples, and I feel ashamed that I hid behind a mare...against a mare. But hey! Stallions can never win an argument against mares, so I could safely say that I shouldn't feel ashamed! ...but I feel that I should be. In any case, I'm going to make it up for Applejack once I get my pay next week. Even though she told me not to worry, although she made me promise—Pinkie Promise—to always remember to eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, she said, and I'll try to remember that. So yeah, I learned that, no matter how late I am, I should never neglect breakfast, or any meals, just in case. But I still don't want to be late. Heck, Miss Dash hates ponies being late, and being late means deduction in our salaries! So I guess I could grab a loaf of bread or an apple while I'm on my way if I'll be late again. Your faithful weather pony, Thunderlane. Dear Twilight, You know, Thunderlane's friendship report reminded me that I'm running out of gems. Maybe I should go and pay Rarity a visit, and ask her if she could help me gather some, and probably ask her out on a date. Your faithful assistant, Spike. P.S. I know you're in Canterlot, but uh, can you maybe use that Trick Number 25 on me from there? Because, you know, you're an alicorn now, so maybe your magic got enhanced or something?