The Defective Warp Pipe

by Level Dasher

A Letter to My Wonderful Readers (MULTIPLE UPDATES)


I want to thank everyone that has read Yoshi's story for following my first fanfic. As I mentioned in my note in the epilogue, I did not intend to write a sequel to this story. However, since TDWP is still gathering views from day to day, and the total view count doesn't seem to be increasing that much, I can only assume that people that have already read keep coming back. (Then again, I don't really know how the stats formulas work, so I could be wrong)

This being said, I'm now considering an idea for a sequel. I wouldn't begin until we are at least one month into season 4 (four episodes or so). It would revolve around the consequences of Fluttershy going to visit Yoshi for that minimal period of time (as you know, it would be a while in Equestria). I need to get a feel for what is going to happen in the beginning of S4 before I write anything, hence the wait (I do not want to include any references to EqG, in case anyone was curious. Flash Sentry may make an appearance, but I doubt it, and it would only be as a side character given the name). In case you have any ideas of what might come, I am going to try and veer away from the post-apocalyptic setting— there are tons of those already.

Since I've put this on the table, I leave the decision to you, my readers— would you be interested in reading a sequel, or would you rather leave the ambiguous ending that I've given you? Let me know, and I will consider all of your opinions. If there are specific things that you would like to see or not see, tell me. I'll try to appease certain requests as I see fit.

Again, thank you all for your support. Time for a little shameless self-promotion: if you enjoyed TDWP, please read my current fic-in-progress, Through Crimson Eyes. :)

UPDATE 12/7/13

After much thought and consideration, I've decided there will be no sequel. I have a ton of stuff going on as it is with my current writing, editing, medical stuff and various schoolwork (which will resume in late January). Another item on my plate might be a little much.
Another factor is that I tried to be as canon as possible (keyword here is 'tried') in terms of time with this story, and with Fluttershy arriving in the Mushroom Kingdom five years after Yoshi's return, I've kind of thrown the canon option out the window. I know a lot of writers don't care that much about stories being canon, but since this sequel would have revolved around canon events, it basically screws it all up.
To be honest, I kind of like the ending as it is, anyway. So a great big thank-you to those who said they would have been interested in a sequel, but none shall be coming.

However, I am still working on Through Crimson Eyes (for which I am on a temporary hiatus to get my $#!+ together). I also have a one-shot in the works, as well as a collaboration with Crystal Moose, but that may not be out for a while. On top of all this, I am way behind in my editing, and I don't want my authors to be waiting on me for much longer. This said, there may not be any updates for a while.

Happy Holidays, everyone!


So I kinda... sorta... almost changed my mind again...

I realized that there is a potential for side stories to this fic. I had a general idea of the time span for this story's occurrence in the canon timeline (key word— general). I had an idea about writing how the episodes could have been different with Yoshi's presence in Ponyville. The problem is, if I do that, then I need to determine a definitive time slot in the canon.
Does anyone think this is a good idea? Anyone have any suggestions?

YET ANOTHER UPDATE (And hopefully the last) 3/29/14

With the way things are progressing with my writing and editing, I don't think I'm ever going to have enough time to come back to Yoshi. I think his escapades in Equestria are over.
While the one-shot I spoke of before is finished (Avoiding Homework, which seems to have been a dud), I'm still working on Through Crimson Eyes, and I have two other stories in the works, including my collab with Crystal Moose. On top of that, I have six stories on my editing list right now.
So again, thanks for reading. As my writing skills have increased, and I've gone back through a few chapters in the story, I've caught a few minor mistakes that my editor and I missed. When things die down a bit, I'll go back through and re-edit again, but that won't be for a while.


Alright, I've gone through the story and re-edited it to the extent that I wanted, particularly in order to change the rating. I also attempted to leave some of my old writing style in since this was my first fanfic, and I'd like to be able to come back to compare my older and newer writing styles in the future as I continue to improve.
I'm not going to blab about any updates with my other stories, and I'm not going to change anything from up above. Since my collab with Crystal Moose still hasn't been published yet (though we're finally starting to get a bit of a jump on it), my only other published story that's still in progress right now is Through Crimson Eyes, and if any of you are following that (or plan to read it), you'll know when it's finished.

I'm hoping that this is the last time I come back to this story, particularly this letter. I've re-edited it the way I wanted (though there may still be a few grammatical or mechanical errors here or there— if I come back and find them, I'll change them), I've given readers updates about it (as well as other stories), I've thought about and declined the notions of continuing with it... I think that's enough. I hope you enjoyed it.