Night Rain's Cupcakes

by Raidah

The Hidden Cellar

Night Rain and Rainbow Dash were flying around Ponyville clearing the skies, as they usually did. Then they saw Pinkie Pie hopping around looking upwards. Seeing that the pink pony was looking for somepony, Dash flew down to see what was up.
"Hi Pinkie," greeted Rainbow Dash, "what's up?"
"Looking for Night Rain," Pinkie replied, "seen her around?"
"Of course!" Rainbow said, "When am I not hanging with her? Night Rain, come down here! Pinkie wants to talk to you."
"Just a second!" Night Rain replied, kicking the last cloud into nonexistence.
"Awww! You said I could have the last one!" Rainbow teased.
"Sorry Dash," Night Rain replied, "better luck next time. Ha ha!"
"Thank you Dashie!" Pinkie Pie interrupted, "Can I speak to Night alone for a second please?"
"Ummmm... Okaaaay...?" Rainbow said, confused.
"Ah don't worry Dash," Night Rain said, "I'll be back in a minute, Pinkie just wants me all to herself for once! What's so wrong with that?"
"Well hurry up, we still have some stuff to do." Rainbow said, annoyed (and a little embarrased) by Night Rain's jokes.
"I will." Night Rain assured, "Now, what is it Pinkie Pie?"
"Oh I was just hoping you could come to Sugarcube Corner at three to help me out with a few things." Pinkie said cheerfully, "But you can't tell anypony, or it won't be any fun. This is something special just for the two of us, so you have to promise not to bring anypony with you, got it?"
"Uh, sure. Yeah I got it. I won't tell anypony, I promise." Night Rain swore.
"Pinkie Promise?!" Pinkie asked.
"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Night Rain said as she did the actions.
"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie Pie chimed, "See ya at three!"
"See ya." Night Rain said as Pinkie hopped off. "Well, that was wierd..." She said under her breath.
Once three o'clock came around, Night Rain flew to Sugarcube corner, where she was happily greeted by her host.
"Oh goodie you're here!" Pinkie said excitedly.
"Yep, I'm here. So what are we doing?" Night Rain asked.
"You're going to help me make cupcakes!" Pinkie shouted with glee.
"Cupcakes?" Night Rain almost burst out laughing. "Pinkie, you know that baking isn't my thing, and if I do any cooking at all, it's either cooking up storms, or pranks with (or on) Dash."
"I know, but I only need you're help making them. I'll be doing all the work, sound fun?"
"Well, I guess it's alright." Night Rain said disappointedly.
"Great! Here you go!" Pinkie said, handing Night Rain the cupcake that she drugged earlier.
"What? I thought I was going to help you make cupcakes. So why are you giving me this?" Night Rain asked, confused.
"Taste testing, to make sure the recipe I used last time is any good." Pinkie said cheerfully.
Night Rain shrugged and ate the cupcake, and it didn't taste too bad.
"Alright, now what?" She asked.
"Now," Pinkie started, her tone of voice changing, "you go to sleep!"
"Wait, what?!" Night Rain asked, alarmed.
Then, Night Rain felt dizzy, her vision got blurry and she found herself falling face first to the floor, Unconscious.

When Night Rain came to, she was in a dimly lit room, with only one almost burned out light bulb above her, she couldn't see that far into the darkness. When she tried to move, she found that her legs, along with her head, were tied to a large wooden table with leather straps. The only appendages not tied down were her wings, which fluttered around uselessly as she tried to free herself.
"Hello?" She called into the darkness, "Pinkie Pie? Where are you?"
Then, Night Rain heard a door open and hoof steps coming down stairs. But they were behind her so she couldn't see who was coming.
"H-hello?" She said nervously.
"Hi Night Rain!" Pinkie said as she bounced in front of her. "Like my hidden cellar?"
"Pinkie, what's going on?" Asked Night Rain. "Where are we?"
"Nowhere that anypony will find you." Pinkie said with a smirk. "And that's all you need to know."
"But why? I thought we were going to make cupcakes. So why am I tied down?"
"So that you can't escape!" Pinkie said with glee.
"Escape...?" Night Rain mulled over the word. "What do you mean, 'can't escape'? I am still trying to figure out how this helps with cupcakes."
"Oh silly me!" Pinkie said, hitting her forehead with her hoof. "I forgot to tell you what kind of help you'll be providing! You see, every week I pull a number from this big glass jar I have in my room. A number for every citizen of Ponyville."
Night Rain only listened, unable to process the information Pinkie was going over.
"I then get the pony whose number I pulled to come help me out to make cupcakes. I drug a cupcake, give it to them, and then drag them down here, where I proceed to get my special ingredient. Apple Bloom sometimes helps, and she was SUPPOSED to today, but I don't know where she is." Pinkie said, shrugging.
"Ah'm right here!" said a high pitched voice from behind Night Rain.
Apple Bloom then stepped into the dim light provided by the single light bulb.
"Pinkie, do ya want me to turn on the lights?" Apple Bloom asked.
"Yeah, that'd probably be a good idea." Pinkie agreed.
With that, Apple Bloom went off into the darkness, and a few seconds later, the room was illuminated, and Night Rain could see the horrors that it held. The room was filled with a twisted version of the regular Pinkie Pie party decorations, tables and chairs made of the bones and hides of passed ponies, organs filled with helium were tied to the chairs, and the words "Life is a party" were scrolled onto a huge banner made of tanned pony skins in blood red. All over the walls and shelves were multicolored pony skulls, and on a table next to Night Rain were the heads of four foals, their eyes closed as if they were sleeping.
Night Rain couldn't believe what she was seeing, and she almost puked at the sight.
"What.... what is this?!?!" Night Rain barely managed to stammer out.
"I already told you, silly billie! This is my hidden cellar, but we're really just under Sugarcube Corner." Pinkie Pie replied.
"How long has this been going on for?" Night Rain asked in disgust.
"A couple of years." Pinkie replied cheerfully. "Now, let's get started."