Ponyville Friendship Letters

by destinedjagold

Friendship Report From Fluttershy

To my best friend Twilight,

I hope you're doing well in Canterlot. I heard from Spike that Princesses Celestia and Luna are teaching you on how to be a proper princess. I hope they're not pushing you too hard, even if I know that they wouldn't, but maybe they are, and maybe they just didn't realize? Or maybe you don't realize that they're pushing you? Oh dear, what am I saying? Of course neither you nor they will do such a thing. But I can't help but think about it. Oh, I just hope things are okay there, Twilight.

It's been five days since your last letter, after all, and the girls and I can't help but worry about you. We're not sure if you're still eating well, or sleeping well, or taking yourself well. I mean, it must be tough being a princess. Such a lot of pressure and other important things that you needed to know. Oh, it's just too much work. I know that you can handle them, but, but, maybe you sometimes forget to take a break and rest? Oh, you should always remember to take a break every now and then, Twilight. I mean, it's not really good for anypony to be so stressed and worked up.

Oh, and what if the princesses will ask you to go with them during meetings? Real meetings, together with all those important ponies from every parts of Equestria? What if you can't handle the pressure? What if you start thinking of the bad things that might happen? What if the princesses will ask you a question? What if those important ponies will ask you a question? What if you couldn't answer? What if the princesses will be disappointed? What if they'll say that you're not a good enough princess?

...wait... If you're not going to be a good princess, then does that mean you'll be sent back here in Ponyville? Oh no! What am I even thinking? I'm so sorry, Twilight! Uh, I mean, Spike, uh, could you maybe erase those silly little itty bitty parts about Twilight might fail of being a princess? Oh, I don't want that to happen to her, even if it possibly get her back here in Ponyville. Oh, the girls and I miss her so very much.

Oh, but what if those important ponies will not find Twilight to be a good princess? What will happen to her? What would the princesses think? Maybe the girls and I should go there and pay her a visit, just in case...

Uh, that really sounds like a good idea. Okay Fluttershy, that's a good plan indeed! First, I must go and see the girls and ask them to go with you to Canterlot to check up on Twilight. Maybe Twilight misses us like how we miss her, as well. And oh, I'm sure she's going to be happy to see us all again!

B-but wait... What if she's attending a very important meeting, and then we arrive at that very hour, and it'll be ruined because the girls and I were there? What if the princesses will be disappointed by us? What if Twilight will be disappointed by us? What if she won't be our friend anymore? Oh no! And what if—

Dear Twilight,

I'm running out of space to continue writing Fluttershy's ‘friendship report’... Do us all a favor and write back, please?

Your faithful and currently suffering from a claw-cramp assistant,

Pinkie Pie and Rarity showed up and calmed Fluttershy down, so don't worry...