//------------------------------// // Reunion at the Sea Turtle // Story: The Captain and the Crusaders // by AlfieTrotter //------------------------------// The atmosphere of the Sea Turtle had calmed down considerably since Spike’s earlier disturbance, the amber glow of the lanterns gave the establishment a warm atmosphere, fiddles and guitars played lilting tunes and the patrons seemed altogether less irascible. New customers began flooding into the establishment; apparently the news regarding the strange dragon had encouraged more curiosity than fear. An unseasonably chilly wind had fallen over Hayseed Harbour, and the windows were bolted shut to keep in the warmth, and obscuring the view of the bay. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had settled on a table in the warm glow of the fireplace, away from some of the rowdier customers. Having been settled for some time now, the three friends enjoyed the sumptuous meals of the Sea Turtle’s fine cooks; Apple Bloom feasted on a hearty chickpea and fennel stew, with bread and butter on the side, Sweetie Belle daintily dined on a home-grown fruit salad, while Scootalo hungrily gobbled up some corn on the cobs and hay fries. Apple Bloom sat in rapt attention to her friends’ recounting of their experiences. “That sounds so cool!” exclaimed Apple Bloom, gazing wide eyed at her friends’ recitation of their trip to Hayseed Harbour, a mug of cider in hoof. “I know, right!” said Scootaloo proudly, presenting Apple Bloom her silver badge of office as pilot in the Cloudsdale Airship Corps, which she wore on a red band over her chest, “After putting up with years of ponies telling me I’ll never fly, well, feast your eyes on this!” “I’ve heard only a tiny bit about these airships over the years,” admitted Apple Bloom, having learned how her friends arrived at Hayseed Harbour in such short time, “I’d love to see this thing up close. I’m so proud of you Scoots!” “Well, I owe it all to Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash; Twilight organised a group of ponies who designed the plans and submitted them to the Cloudsdale city council, and Rainbow Dash escorted me to Cloudsdale and coached me to hone my wings to propel me forward. She never gave up on me, she promised me I would fly and she saw it through.” A fond smile came across Scootaloo’s face in spite of the stunted nature of her wings that would never sustain her in the air. “You should her me sing sometime, I’ve gotten so much better,” said Sweetie Belle, beaming from ear to ear, “I’d actually still be in Canterlot if it weren’t for certain ponies…” her soft voice hardened. “Oh no, let me guess; Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?” said Apple Bloom with dread. “Actually just Diamond Tiara, I haven’t seen any sign of Silver Spoon.” said Sweetie Belle, “Oh, anyway, her dad got her married to some rich earth pony stallion, what was his name? Bruce Mane? Tony Spark?” “No, I don’t think it’s Tony Spark, he’s a Pegasus.” corrected Scootaloo, somewhat defensive of this Tony Spark before breaking out into a grin, “He’s also richer, smarter, better looking…” She was on the cusp of rambling when a loud knocking grabbed her attention. “Citizens, your attention, please!” boomed a deep voice from outside; a tall, sinewy piebald Unicorn in steel armour stood in the doorway, his white coated blotted by large black patches along his body and face, “On behalf of Princess Celestia herself, I, Commander Storm Sword of the Canterlot Royal Guard, issue a warrant of arrest for the pirate captain, Peregrin Squeak and his crew of the, the…” he paused, clearly showing great disgust in what he was about to say; “the Saucy Celestia.” Silence fell, then the entire tavern burst into laughter, ponies rolled off their seats and held their stomachs tight. Among them were Apple Bloom’s loud guffaws, Scootaloo’s naughty snickering and Sweetie Belle’s musical giggles. Bang! The laughter died down with a quick gasp as smoke billowed out of the pistol held in Storm Sword’s magical aura, looking very cross indeed. His glare could make Big Macintosh more nervous than Twilight on the night before an exam or public announcement. “This is no joke, you foals! That foul pirate mocks our princess with his japes and ship names!” bellowed Storm Sword vehemently, before taking on a more cautionary tone, “He’s also known to be armed and extremely dangerous. News has been coming in from all the coastal towns. Sea raids emerge out of nowhere, no clear pattern or objective. If anypony has information regarding his whereabouts, meet me in my office in Town Hall at any time.” Out of a knapsack fastened to his side, he fixed a large black and white poster to the wall of the tavern and waited expectantly for somepony to own up, only to find the entire inn resume it’s talkative and musical state. His frown hardened in dismay and disappointment and he turned to leave, then something drew his ear; the distinctive accent of young Apple Bloom. “Excuse me, sir, can we see one of those posters?” she asked hopefully over the low noise of the inn, Storm Sword amiably obliged and trotted over to Apple Bloom and her friends. He unfurled a poster with his magic and levitated it before the three young mares. They caught their breath; the stallion in the poster was nothing like their childhood friend. At the poster’s centre was a likeness of a gruff and hardened creature with bared teeth and a long, wild mane. Gold earrings covered his right ear and a large feathered tricorne hat covered him in shadow. The only thing to strike them of their old friend was the brown spot over his left eye, covered in a black eyepatch, and the familiar red bandana over his forehead. In bold print, the poster read: WANTED: Captain Peregrin Squeak, Also known as ‘Pipsqueak’ or ‘Pip’ By the Griffon Kingdoms, the Equestrian Royal Guard, and the city officials of Baltimare, Manehatten and Fillydelphia For Crimes of Piracy, Looting, Impersonation of Nobility, Fiddling with the Royal Orchestra, Raiding Vessels of the Griffon Kingdoms, TREASON, MURDER, ASSAULT on Equestrian Coastal Towns Reward: 50,000 Equestrian Bits, Dead or Alive “Do either of you know anything about this pony?” asked Storm Sword imperatively. “Actually, we used to be friends.” said Apple Bloom with a look of sadness, remembering the miniscule colt bound about, brandish his little toy sword and pipe up a sea shanty in his cute little Trottingham accent. The image of the innocent colt only deepened the stark and wild character in the poster, sending a cold shiver down her spine. “Wait a second, what’s this ‘treason’ thing about? What’s he done?” asked Scootaloo. “For his naming of one of his pirate ships the Saucy Celestia-” said Storm Sword, only to be cut off by the giggles of the three friends, now he was very angry, “You won’t think it’s so funny when you see it in full, cannons deployed and firing at will.” “Oh, come on! It’s just a joke, and kinda funny, too.” said Scootaloo, wiping away tears from her eyes and stifling another gale of laughter. “No it isn’t. It’s revolting. He’s even commandeered an Equestrian Navy flagship and named it the Jolly Crook to mock us. Armed with a hundred guns and able to make sail at fifteen knots, the Jolly Crook is the prime suspect for the raids. With multiple ships under his command, he’s the terror of the waves. Have you any notion where he may be right now?” “I don’t remember seeing him after the Nightmare Night when Princess Luna visited Ponyville, what did happen to him?” asked Scootaloo, furrowing her brow and rubbing her chin in an attempt to jog her memory. Storm Sword only sighed and put his hoof over his head, these ponies were not the leads he was looking for. “I think he mentioned going back to Trottingham on holiday, maybe a year after the Nightmare Night of Princess Luna’s visit. We heard nothing of him since then. He looks so savage here.” said Sweetie Belle bleakly, also thinking fondly of the sprightly, charming little colt. “It’s a terrible shame too; he used to be sporting and gallant as a colt. Years ago, he was only a nuisance; he never raised a hoof against anypony in Equestria. He was quite the swordspony, always one for banter and fair play, even when he had a skull and crossed swords on his flank.” remarked Storm Sword, seeming to regard the pirate as an old friendly rival, not unlike the athletic relationship between Rainbow Dash and Applejack, giving the three friends a sense of comfort in this stallion’s large and assuaging presence. “You fought him? What was he like?” asked Sweetie Belle eagerly, the very idea that little Pipsqueak fulfilled his dream to become a brave sea-voyager, not to use the word pirate, made her giddy. “My dear, he was much a gentlecolt as he was a sly and unruly rogue, but not as much a gentlecolt as I, if I say so myself, Sweetie Belle.” said Storm Sword, as suave as any well-raised stallion in Canterlot, but unlike them, his military regalia and knightly bearing gave his words credence. Sweetie Belle felt her heart skip a beat; he was indeed a handsome pony. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo exchanged simultaneously confused and frustrated glances, and Apple Bloom was immediately regretting calling him over. “Not exactly modest, are you?” teased Sweetie Belle, batting her eyelashes once or twice, earning a smile from Storm Sword, “And how do you know my name?” “Miss Belle, your enchanting reputation precedes you, especially to an old Canterlot soldier like me; I’m quite the fan myself.” “W-well, I-I’d b-be glad to...” stammered Sweetie Belle, blushing mightily and keeping a silly grin from blossoming over he cheeks, “What’s it like? Fighting, I mean?” “It’s much easier with a band of comrades at your back.” He said sombrely, keeping less pleasant memories of combat off the table, “If you ever saw me lead a ship full of stallions into battle, you’d see why modesty is not one of my virtues. And yet, I’d do no less for you.” “Yeah, yeah, that’s nice and all,” said Scootaloo, quickly, eager to break this conversation up, less than pleasant memories of that incident with the Love Poison coming to mind, “What about Pip?” “Ah, yes, my apologies, miss! He could have killed me when he had the chance, once, but instead he bound be in a barrel and bucked me back onto my ship after repelling the rest of my crew! He won without spilling a drop of blood!” laughed Storm Sword, his fonder tone seeped out and gave way to a grimmer bearing. “As for what happened to the little colt you fillies knew, it would seem life at sea changed him, made him hard as nails and ruthless as the sea. By now he’ll be a hardened sea-rover, who knows how many he’s killed.” “Rumour has it that he has a whole fleet of pirate ships, moored somewhere of the coast of Zebrica, and he demands ransoms to keep him from deploying this fleet.” a patron called out from the opposite end of the bar, nursing his cider. “You’ve heard wrong! I’ve heard from his former first mate that he’s conquered Buckswana and now rules as king!” shouted a mare from another corner of the Turtle. “Anypony would be lucky to have left his crew alive! Word among the Griffons is that he’d never let a ship mate leave his crew alive!” cried another stallion, only to be drowned out by more patrons claiming to know the truth about the pirate. None of them knew the full truth. Another blast from his pistol silenced the whole tavern, and Storm Sword grimly addressed the whole tavern. “Rest assured, when we catch him, not even the mercy of the Princess of the Night will save him, least of all from me. Good night.” He turned to Sweetie Belle, “Enjoy Hayseed Harbour, Miss Belle, the town is brightened by your presence. And give my warmest regards to Captain Colthurst.” He turned gracefully to leave the tavern, and the usual clamour resumed itself. Apple Bloom breathed a sigh of relief, she could not tell if this Storm Sword was a trigger-happy soldier or a mares’ stallion or even both. Sweetie Belle was still entranced, much to Scootaloo’s dread. “Well, he was a very nice stallion.” She said pleasantly. “Nice?! He’s the most womanizing Royal Guard I’ve ever met!” exclaimed Scootaloo, “Back in Cloudsdale, Wonderbolts aren’t allowed to date the recruits! It’s really bad manners to be openly flirty in the Airship Corps! You think that’s bad, the penalties are worse in the Royal Guard.” Sweetie Belle was unwilling and unable to spoil the good camaraderie of the moment by arguing over a stallion she’d just met. But it was not unpleasant to think of this gallant guardian protecting Equestria. Apple Bloom, on the other hoof, seemed lost in thought. “Makes you wonder what this kind of life does to a pony as young as Pip,” said Apple Bloom, her eyes cast low, “He had a skull and crossbones for a cutie mark, can you imagine it? Being destined to pillage and sail until someone brings you to justice.” “Hang on, who the hay is this Colthurst?” asked Scootaloo, suddenly more curious of this unknown stallion, fearing him to be yet another suitor for her friend. “Oh, Captain Colthurst, he’s just an acquaintance, but he’s the one married to Diamond Tiara. He goes to a lot of parties and drags Diamond Tiara along with him, and let’s just say it got difficult. I’d rather not talk about it now.” admitted Sweetie Belle, with a tint of bitterness, in the vagueness of her memories she recalled a night of humiliation, discontent, a lot of shouting and a divided Canterlot aristocracy. The old thread regarding Diamond Tiara had put a damper on the three friends’ mood. “Ah’m so sorry to hear about that, that spoiled snake always seems to hound us wherever we go!” shouted Apple Bloom, perhaps too vehemently as she slammed her hoof down on the table. “Don’t let it get to you, Apple Bloom, from what I heard, Sweetie Belle’s fans were shocked and distressed to learn their favourite singer was leaving them!” said Scootaloo perkily, successfully sweeping away Apple Bloom’s ire. “Rarity says I could charm a dragon into giving up his treasure, but I’m not sure I’d like to put that to the test!” said Sweetie Belle, still cheerful. The three friends laughed, only for Apple Bloom’s face to turn grave and serious. “Speakin’ of dragons,” began Apple Bloom, an image of Spike waddling about the street springing to mind, “What happened to Spike to make him take to drownin’ his sorrows?” There was a sudden silence over Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo at the mention of Spike’s name. Of the two of them, Sweetie Belle seemed the most saddened by the young dragon’s situation, almost to the point of guilt for some crime that was not truly her fault. The more she thought about the events of the past few weeks, the more Scootaloo began to regret her harsh words towards Spike. “Four weeks ago, while I was still living in Canterlot, Rarity started dating Thunderlane, you know, the Wonderbolt?” said Sweetie Belle, to which Apple Bloom nodded in confirmation. As Sweetie Belle continued, sadness began to weigh her voice down. “And for a time it looked pretty serious. I can’t remember if Fancy Pants was already married or too old, but either way, Rarity saw much less of him. Spike was assisting Twilight in Canterlot when he bumped into Rarity and Thunderlane out on a date. “At first, when I spoke to him, he seemed to be coping. But later that night, Rarity hosted a party for the Wonderbolts at her penthouse at the Castle, along with Twilight and friends. Spike was just sitting on the ledge, watching like a gargoyle, just digesting what he saw and not moving. It must have been an accident or bad luck, but the ledge where he sat just collapsed at he came crashing into the party. Rarity was furious; he had embarrassed her in front of her guests, Spike got defensive and angry as well, then they started insulting each other. Rarity angrily stormed away, tears in her eyes. Everyone was really angry at Spike, especially Twilight. He resigned his position as Twilight’s assistant and has been alone ever since.” A couple of tears streaked down Sweetie Belle’s cheek, the thought of Spike heartbroken and angry made her unhappy as well. She wondered if she should have been there to assuage his pain when he needed a shoulder to cry on, then the debacle at the party wouldn’t have happened. “Sweetie Belle’s been taking good care of him, and Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie still visited him, but the guy is just broken. Rarity’s still mad at him, Rainbow was embarrassed by his antics and Twilight…” said Scootaloo gravely; Apple Bloom’s heart skipped a beat – Spike once told her of his greatest fear; “I don’t think she cares what happens to him anymore.” “So he followed you girls to try and start over again out here?” asked Apple Bloom, to which the other two nodded, and it all made complete sense to her. “In the years between us gaining our cutie marks and meeting you here, he’s been a really supportive friend.” admitted Scootaloo, rubbing her foreleg with her hoof, “It’s gonna take something crazy to shake him out of this.” Before anypony could say anything, a low sound penetrated the din of the Sea Turtle; a low resounding BOOM. At first, the inn’s atmosphere remained laid-back and filled with noise. BOOM. Silence began to fall; the air seemed thick with fear. Apple Bloom glanced towards the boarded windows, smoke began to seep inside the Sea Turtle, thick black smoke from a distant source. “Strange, nopony said anything about a storm tonight,” said Apple Bloom nervously, distinctly recalling the starry skies overhead as they came into town. “That doesn’t sound like thunder to me.” murmured Sweetie Belle, “We should -” “CANNON FIRE!!” A high pitch whistling drowned out Scootaloo’s yelling voice. She jumped out of her seat, grabbed the two other mares and held them low. A mighty deafening blast rushed over them and all three ponies were knocked to the ground, debris shot through the air, their ears rang sharply as they tried to recover from the deafening blast. From the outside, the terrified cries of ponies amounted as the cannons continued to fire. The high winds had brought pirates to their shores.