Blood Curse Boutique

by Rarity Belle

28 It's the nature of the creature

Rarity still hadn’t fed off of any blood but at least she was able to hold her own sanity intact for as little as she could. Despite the unimaginable thirst, Rarity allowed a deep sigh to leave her nose with force. The past night and day had been both rough and tough against her. She had done things she never had even thought of doing.

The unicorn called upon her magic in order to open the door of the basement. A door that had held her locked in there for the time she had truly lost her mind. She had tried to sleep in between her rampages but was literally impossible for her to do so. For too many things were on her mind and with her thirst playing up harder than ever before, it was time once again.

Hours had gone by and the evening sun was sending its last and weak rays of light over the land. The unicorn mare knew that the day was over due to instinct and under a soft click the door that would lead over to the ground floor of the boutique got unlocked through magic. Rarity walked up the final steps of the stone and spiraling stairs and prepared her wings to be placed in her face within a mere second. “It is either now or next night, darling. Feed you must at one point in time,” she mumbled to herself before her hoof reached for the doorknob.

It got turned to the left side in order to get unlocked and once the unique click had done its turn through her ears, she pushed the door open. Yet then it was the fear which started to rise as she prepared herself for the worst. If the rays of the sun met her hide, she would erupt out in an uncontrollable inferno that would eventually lead into her unfortunate passing away if she didn't retreat back to the shadows in time.

Though it would put an end to her suffering, since she wouldn't able to harm anypony else anymore. But it was the thought of death as a whole that still frightened her. She had been given a second chance of life to a certain degree. Even though it had turned her into a true monster of her former self.

The storm had laid down and all that remained from it was the damage it had done. Yet the rays that would have met meet her coat stayed out as nothing happened to her body. The unicorn made her way over into a boutique where not a single curtain was closed. The streams of light made their way through the windows in their fullest of glories and she first hissed towards them.

Her eyes weren't used to them and she had to give them some time in order to make sure they could withstand the dreaded light. But as she opened her eyes ever so carefully and looked directly into the beams, she just smiled at them. For as deadly as they were to her, so beautiful they danced through the window. They created a rather wonderful play of light which she could appreciate and watch for hours. “Now this, is what I like to see,” she spoke in a gentle whisper which was followed up by a giggle.

The unicorn made her way further into the hallway before the door got closed behind her and through a series of swift motion she managed to make her way over to the front door. Her horn kept itself charged all of the time as she would be needing it one last time. Not only began the main front door of the boutique to open up but also it was the black cloak that took refuge on the hatstand to levitate.

The piece of cloth got picked up and with grace was it dropped over her slender and gorgeously curved body. It hid her whole being once more and thus did the creature of pure darkness reemerge from the depths of Tartarus. The only visible parts were the red rims which got traded in for the sapphire blue ones. Both bright and powerful were they both shown and shone. Just perfect for a lady of her posture and status.


It was for the first time in months that the front door of the Carousel Boutique opened and somepony left during the late afternoon time. But the event was not seen by any other soul for everypony was minding their own business as per usual. Rarity’s deep sapphire blue rims gazed down the streets of the town as another shot of pain went through her. She needed fresh blood to course through her veins and it was needed fast. Faster than ever before in her vampiric existence. For she running on truly the last resorts that she had.

Before she would go on her hunt, there was the feeling that rose inside of her that there was something forgotten, something that was of considerable importance in her eyes and ears. Thus instead of running up the roads in an attempt to find a suitable prey for her needs, Rarity quickly made her way to the back of the building.

To the exact spot where she dumped nopony else then Trixie. But as she came to the location and saw that the blue coated unicorn was nowhere to be found did the questions only rose. “Now where's that failed court jester?” muttered Rarity to herself with an eye squeezed to half its size. A soft hiss left her mouth while she thought about the possible outcomes of what could have happened to her. Outcomes that weren't working in her favor in any way or form.

It was then that her eyes caught something different which could be seen in the dirt. For something that appeared to be like markings of drag were visible within the wet earth. Those drag markings would have turned into hoofprints a bit further down the road. Prints that seemed to have made their way to the nearest exit of the town or close to it. Rarity huffed deeply in herself while she gave off a nod. “Hmph, and good riddance to you.”


The more she wasted her time with looking just where Trixie had ran off to, the more Rarity was treated by another loving shock of her body. A shock that sent her mind back to the primal state of the being she was. She found herself ready to kill a being if that was what it took to get what she needed. Her friendly looking eyes turned into a seducing glare of utter lust while her extended teeth became a little bit visible under the cloak. Rarity was more than ready to start the game that would be the hunting game. A game that went accompanied with a sick, hidden, guilty pleasure.

The mare left the surrounding areas of the boutique before anypony would be taken notice her scurrying around for no apparent reason. She would have turned herself around and gently yet casually trotted over into the direction that was leading over to the other end of the little town while she lost herself more and more in her inner primal beast of a personality. The more she walked, the more it changed from a straight and elegant one, to a swinging and seducing one. Her flanks would have been shown in their full glory if it wasn't hidden under her body covering attire.

While a near lethal smirk slowly started to appear on her face she walked into the more eastern parts of the quiet town. The houses that were located in that particular part of the town had a bit of a different architecture in that part, for they had a much newer or more recent look towards them.

It was a truly painful fact that came forth as the east part of Ponyville once fell victim to a devastating fire. A fire that was so powerful that there was nothing that could be to safe that part from its doom. Yet the blazing inferno was caused by the almost never spoken age of the most infamous nightmare hunts.

Those hunts that were organized by overly fanatic members of the Celestial Sun Church which were sent out to kill all the members of the Lunar Moon Church. Idiotic hunts they were without a doubt and everypony agreed upon that in later times. All because of the Celestial members always accused the Lunar ones as collaborators of Nightmare Moon herself. But in reality, they had nothing to do with it. It were mad times when some the members of the Lunar Moon found themselves in the east part of the town and it got set ablaze without a warning of any kind. Trapped in the inferno, they went to their grave just because of reasons of insanity.

To that very day did Celestia still feel guilt for that her church was to blame and when the matter came to light, had the both of them declared as nonexistent from that point onward. But the deeds, they were done and couldn't be undone. That was the reason for the newer looks, if the history was told right. For not even the princesses themselves had the desires to speak over the matters in public. They rather kept the entire hunts in the silence, but never denied they didn't happen. A darker time in an already dark period of their lands.


She had entered the eastern region of town and there she began to look for ponies. Ponies who would be able to help her with her problem, so to speak. Her eyes past both stallions and mares alike but never turned or even dared to fell on young fillies and colts. It didn't matter how far she was gone, some part deep inside of her brain and none beating heart almost forbid it to prey on young ponies. For it was the young generation that was filled with potential and had chances time and time again, at least that was how Rarity looked upon them. In reality, it just appeared everypony got even more stupid.

She had only been going through five streets before she found the perfect pony for her needs. A lonesome mare who was just wandering through a quiet street. An earth pony mare with a soft yellow coat and a mane that was a mixture of dark blue and light purple while her cutie mark was three wrapped up sweet treats. The eyes found themselves closed as she hummed a small song to herself. She appeared to be completely off of the world as it was, a fact Rarity would love to set straight for her in her own manner.

With her deadly fangs gently making themselves visible because of her upper lips that curled up and her tongue went past the front teeth of the vampiric mare. “Aah,” she spoke after her tongue also had moistened her lips. And so it was the plan of hunter versus prey kicked into motion and there would only be one victor from it. The plan was carefully set up and almost every possible  counter reaction could be countered by the unicorn if things happened to be turning sour for her.


The cloaked unicorn mare walked up the earth pony with a scared motion, giving off the illusion that she didn't just where she happened to be. “E-Excuse me miss... may I ask you something?” Rarity asked in an ever so innocent sounding voice.

The eyes of the preyed upon pony opened themselves gently in order to see who was speaking against her. There was a little ‘hmm’ sound that got released from the mouth but it appeared to be already too late. Because after she had turned herself around was the pony staring right into the seducing blue rims of Rarity. A set of blue rims that were starting to hypnotize her greatly. “But of course you may, miss,” the earth pony said while a smile formed itself below her muzzle.

“I, I am looking for some company and, well, how do I say this...” brought Rarity out under a lot of stumbling. But in reality it was just an act she had set up. The eyes did all the work though. For they were hypnotizing the poor pony so deep that she even didn't even knew what happened.

“Well, I can give you...some company, if you desire so, mistress,” replied the mare in a steady voice. It could be seen in her eyes that the spirit of the true mare she was, had been replaced by a much more obedient one. One that only listened to the voice of Rarity and hers alone. “Would you like to come to, my home?”

“Now such an offer I can’t refuse, now can I?” the unicorn replied under a soft snickering that took place under her breath before her voice turned into its tone in the every so seducing one. “Shall we, my dear?”

The pony gave a gentle nod before she would be guiding Rarity through the streets without a word or question. While the eerie silence around the two was something one of them was used too, the ponies they passed only rose an eyebrow before they went back to minding their own business. None even questioned why they were together or even who the cloaked mare possible could be. Some of them said their casual hello’s which Rarity did return in a slightly changed voice before she ventured further.

Ponyville had been a lot less open of a community thanks to the passage of time and all of the events that had happened ever since the new bearers of the elements of harmony were found. Some loved it they were living within their little town whereas others disliked the whole idea. For the facts that their precious little town could be the perfect prey for any evil force that wanted to annihilate the mythical elements.

Yet the two of them walked away the east part of the town and moved over to the south part where it was the ancient architecture that literally dominated the district. Life always had been brewing there and it could be considered one of the best parts of the town to spend a little bit of quality time with friends and family. A fact that was especially true since most the village restaurants found themselves right in those parts.


In the end was it the celestial body of fire which had set behind the hills and the hypnotized earth pony turned into a side street. Which was followed up by a rather dark alley. Not a single lantern illuminated the path with the exception of one that hung above the door of an apartment complex. The pony walked calmly all the way down the alley and she turned herself around to see the mare of her dreams, or so she believed. “This is my humble home, mistress,” she spoke up as she opened a door near the end of it. The vampiric unicorn only got an even brighter and more deadlier grin on her face upon knowing the location they were.

“Perfect,” spoke Rarity to herself while she made her way over to the door. Yet as she wanted to answer, she was prevented to come in for some odd and unknown reason. No matter how much she tried it, access to the house was not allowed because of something she didn't even knew. Her eyes began to look up and down in order to see if there would have been a magical shield that prevented her from entering, but nothing was to be found. Yet when she placed her hoof against the opening, it was like she placed it upon an unbreakable sheet of glass.

Then her mind brought something up that she had been reading in one of the folklore books all those months ago. Something the caused her to clear the revelation almost instantly. “Mph, what do you know... it is bloody true,” she muttered in a whispering tone to herself.

“Is there, something wrong, my mistress?” the earth pony spoke up before she tilted her head in the hallway. She was oblivious of what was going on with Rarity. The cloaked unicorn did the only thing she could, which was asking. Her free mind had been cut off from the brain and, for the moment, only seemed to be alive for the vampiric mare.

“Darling, may I come in your home please?” she asked asked in a normal tone as she asked specific permission to enter. The lore about the vamponies had spoken about them not being able to enter houses if they weren't invited but the vampiric pony had to ask it first themselves and since most of her charges were taken either outside or in the boutique itself. But that still left the carriage of Trixie and how she was able to enter that. The only explanation that could be given to it was the fact it wasn't a real home. But back to the situation as it was, if the answer gotten on the question was a yes, then were those same set of eyes allowed to enter the desired house.


The earth pony kept her head tilted and she blinked a couple times in confusion to the question as it slowly got processed in her mind. “Hm? Oh yes, come in mistress,” she spoke after a couple seconds of thinking. And as soon as those words were spoken, Rarity could access the house without a single problem. Which was a thing she did with pleasure. The mare closed the door behind her and she looked into the hallway itself. She removed the hood off of her head and the motion revealed the wonderful face that was hidden below it.

Her cold blue eyes gazed around the hallway a bit more with her head free before she walked further into the living room. The very room where the hypnotized mare was standing a little dozed off into another world. “What kind of company does my mistress wish to see?” she spoke up as Rarity appeared in the doorway.

The eyes of the unicorn fell upon a simple living room with a set of chairs and of course, a long sofa that was big enough to hold three ponies. The lit up candles that stood on top of the sideboard revealed the frames to keep pictures in, yet the images never entered the eyes of Rarity. Above the sideboard hung a mirror and the unicorn stared right into it. Right into her own eyes and there was a feeling that rose up inside of her. A feeling that spoke that she shouldn't in the realm of existence. But the thought was quickly shaken off of her as she still had the question of her prey to answer. The blue rimmed eyes of the mare turned over to the earth pony for that.

“Hmhmhm, a private one is what I desire, and I think you know what kind I mean, my mare,” replied Rarity to her slave in a cold yet seducing tone. The other mare nodded in response. The earth pony made her way over to the couch and lowered herself on it. But as she sat down on it, her position changed into a laying one while her back met the soft cushions of it while her belly faced the ceiling. Her forelegs were lightly collapsed on themselves as her eyes looked over to her mistress and her hind legs covered her personal parts deeply but also teasingly to a certain point.

“Just, perfect,” was the only thing the laying mare got in response as Rarity made her way over as well. She crawled on top of her with a slow and gentle motion she rested belly over belly while the cloak covered most of their bodies. But as the two made physical contact, the sheer coldness of the dead body sent a shock through the soft yellow mare as one of Rarity’s forehooves made its way through the mane. “Tell me, what is the name of this lovely creature I am allowed to lay my eyes on?” Rarity asked in a near whispering voice before she gave the mare below her a quick kiss upon the nose.

“B-Bon Bon S-Sweettreats, mistress,” replied the earth pony through the shocks she got from the cold feeling while at the same time there was a blush formed itself on her cheeks. The unicorn allowed a soft smile to take place while her hind legs gently started to rub the soft flanks of Bon Bon and her lips twitched gently for a lustful kiss.

The lips of Rarity moved themselves down in a gentle manner and as the lips of the mares finally met one another, it was Rarity who broke out in a kiss filled with lust. Bon Bon returned it but with a pure love for her mistress. She was still under her command and could have only done her mistress’ bidding. The forelegs of the unicorn managed to wrap themselves around the head of the earth pony in order to hold the kiss just so deep. Whereas the hindlegs of the mare below her wrapped themselves around the creature above. Just to  tuck her down against her warm body.

While Rarity took note of the events, she allowed her prey to have some freedom and went along with the motions. Only to have her stone cold body come in full contact with that of Bon Bon. The two made physical contact and the freezing cold swiftly made its way through the body of the earth pony mare. Yet she brought the kiss to an even deeper level while releasing a couple moans of mixed emotions.

The forelegs of the earth pony were wrapped themselves around the unicorn’s neck and together they kissed each other for a couple solid minutes as moans from both mares entered the room they found themselves in, willing to go even deeper. And in some way, both got their wish granted.


Bon Bon carefully moved one of her hindlegs between those of Rarity and was began to rub the cold, lower lips of the vampiric unicorn. Who on her own turn released a deep moan during the kiss. Though she couldn’t help it but keep gazing to her in her arctic blue eyes. The eyes said enough already and Bon Bon didn't stop to rub it ever so gently before going in a little bit rougher.

When more of the rubbing took place, the more the mare found her juices just willing to squirt out and over the tails that hung behind them. Ever so gently she broke the kiss while a string of saliva was still connected them and her fangs were clearly visible. “Don’t stop my mare, don’t stop please,” spoke Rarity in a sensual whisper towards her prey. It was clear to see that she enjoyed it and wanted more. The lust of the vampony was pulsing through her.

“As you wish, mistress,” replied Bon Bon while her hindleg kept rubbing the area in a pleasurable manner. All the way until Rarity was sent over the edge with one last, long and slow stroke. While the juices of Rarity came flowing out rich. They were accompanied by some light shocks of her body in a pleasing manner. The juices traveled their way all over Rarity’s own inner thighs and the hindleg of Bon Bon. Some of it ended even up in both their tails and even, the very cloak.

It was in that moment of pure joy that the unicorn grinned and even chuckled like a queen of Tartarus. She then would have pushed the head of the mare below her to the side in order for the neck to become visible. “You have, pleased me, my slave~ Time to, return the favor,” she said with a soft pant in her voice.

Before any interruption could have taken place, the still shocking and even squirting unicorn sank her deadly fangs into the poor pony’s neck. Bon Bon released a little scream of pain that went accompanied by a her hind legs twitching slightly.

Rarity allowed the fresh blood to run freely into her mouth before it was being swallowed to still her never ending thirst. Yet there was some of it made that its way down the neck and onto the cushions as Bon Bon closed her eyes. The earth pony regained the strength in her hindlegs just enough to hold her mistress with an unseen tightness. She bit her lower lip a little in order to withstand the pain she was having but also to think of something else then the sheer pleasure she gained from it.


Seconds would have gone over into minutes as the unicorn kept drinking from the mare below her. The body activity of Bon Bon was reduced before one last moan, one that was a mixture of both pain and pleasure that did its turn as she lost her consciousness from the heavy blood loss.

And so was there yet another pony who had fallen to the demon that was nopony else but Rarity. Who on her turn took note of the events happening and lifted herself off of the wound while her wings spread themselves out on the position. They rose the cloak with them as a dark hiss could be heard going through the room, a hiss that was meant to indulge fear and of satisfaction of the received blood that was pulsing within her veins. Her sapphire blue rims had turned into the red ones and they fell back on the cold pony below.

The unicorn gave a kiss of lust and blood on the unconscious lips of Bon Bon. “May you rest well my prey, maybe we meet one another again,” she managed to speak under her breath after the kiss. The unicorn then proceeded by removing herself from the mare and the couch with care. She curled her wings back around her body thus letting the cloak fall back over her. The fabric covered her entire body once more before the horn changed itself up in order to pull the hood on. While the magical aura died off, was all that was left to see those haunting red rims she had for eyes.

With a couple silent hoofsteps had she walked past the mirror of the room once again and in the end she closed the door behind her. Rarity walked further up from the alleyway and once she had reached its border with the street did she kept an eye out on the fact if nopony had seen her before she made her way back to the boutique through a long way around town in order to watch the activity under the fresh moonlight with care.

Her eyes fell upon playing fillies and colts, the talking mares and stallions who were all minding their own business and didn't had the time to be questioning the cloaked mare. If her lips could be seen, it would have shown a smile of delight. Her mind allowed a sigh to leave it for she could never enjoy what these ponies could anymore. It was hurting her, but a lot less than it originally used to be.


Rarity changed her heading towards her home and when she walked through street and lane, she kept an eye out on everything. Luckily the route that was taken to her home was rather empty and not many were around the lane the Boutique stood on but she did entered it through the backdoor. The drag marks and hoofprints were still something that bothered her a bit before she opened the door of the building by levitating the key from under the doormat. A simple trick but it still worked like a charm every single time. Though she could speak of luck that the stealing rates in the town were low.

She stood in her loving home once again and her magic called up once more. She wanted to levitate the cloak off of her body and it got flung over on the chair before the desk. Rarity herself then just made her way to her bedroom with a mixed look in her eyes. Even though she was willing to take a nice sleep for the remaining hours of the night and pass it through the day, she still had to clean up the mess that Spike had made within it. Not to mention the shattered vase.

With another sigh that left through her nostrils had Rarity charged up her horn. With the help of her magic had she started to clean the mess that was made. The gravel of the broken stand all got collected and placed in a dumpster, the stand itself got set on the hallway. It would be something her mind would be bothered with on a later time.

It was the gem it housed, that was the possession she was worried about the most. Rarity sat down on her bed and levitated the stone over before it was carefully placed in her hooves. “Granny, granny, granny. You gave me this gem as part of your inheritance to take care after it. You said to me that this was the first gem you had ever found with your magic, and that I inherited your ability to find the stones. Even though, I don’t feel I deserve it, given how I am no longer truly alive. But, that doesn't mean I just give up upon protecting this, upon protecting you.” Rarity rose the gem up to her lips and she gave a little kiss upon it. It seemed almost as if she believed that her passed away grandmother was residing within the gem. A believe that was quite common within her family circles. But the mess, still needed some cleaning. And Rarity was not looking forward to it.


Yet with the passage of some time and a lot of magic usage she had managed to do it. Her whole bedroom was clean once again and she let out a sigh of accomplishment and just dove into her posterbed.

The gem had taken rest upon the nightstand that was located next to the bed and would be stored someplace else during the next night. Rarity crawled up to her most comfortable spot before she placed her forelegs over her chest while the wings uncurled themselves before they curled back around her like a set of blankets as her red rims got closed off from the world, willing to fall asleep. And straight into a realm of horrible nightmares to come.