The Captain and the Crusaders

by AlfieTrotter

The Attack on Hayseed Harbour

Blast upon blast fell upon Hayseed Harbour. Glass shattered, stone foundered and wood splintered as ponies ducked in cover and fear. There was a gaping hole in the wall of the Sea Turtle, frightened ponies fled from the chaos and destruction, the cannons of the as-yet unseen assailant continued their bombardment. Scootaloo dashed towards the entrance and looked about her, keeping a protective hoof over her friends; Apple Bloom’s shrunken pupils betrayed her sheer terror from the blast and Sweetie Belle was knocked unconscious by a loose plank of wood. The smoke from outside was thick and acrid, but the distinctive cracking of flames was nowhere to be heard yet. Their assailant could not be seen through the smoke, only the vague shape of tall white sails through the smoke and the flashes of the cannons. Scootaloo wondered how so much smoke could have filled the town, deciding it must have been some conjuring trick on a wild guess. Suddenly a surge of howling and yapping filled the streets, Scootaloo felt a cold rush run down her spine; these were not pony voices. She hauled Sweetie Belle onto her back and beckoned Apple Bloom to follow through the wreckage of the Sea Turtle. The bombardment had died down somewhat, allowing speech to be heard.

“Scoots? What’s going on?” asked Apple Bloom pleadingly, still crippled with fear, “D’you think Babs and Spike will be all right?”

“Only one way to find out; but first we need to get out of here. Can you guide us back to the Apple Family Farm?” said Scootaloo, confidence swelling up in her, recalling her encounters with fierce storms in her airship. She extended her hoof to Apple Bloom, and the two friends locked hooves, determined to escape and possibly call for help.

Out of the haze, a chorus of harsh and guttural voices broke out, and fleeing ponies heralded its approach. Then they came, out of the smoke and fire; brown, grey and ruddy brown creatures brandishing sabres, cutlasses, flintlock pistols, torches and knives; Diamond Dogs. Squat, bent, bow-legged creatures with hideous arms and stubby fangs full of sharp teeth, in their bandanas, leather jackets, eye patches and some lost limbs, they looked anything but comical. Scootaloo fought the urge to bolt towards them, just like Rainbow Dash would, and bolted down the cobbled road towards the Apple Farm, while the Diamond Dogs entered the Sea Turtle, seemingly more interested in the prospect of rum and cider than chasing them. All about them, brave mares and stallions turned to buck the invaders into submission to buy more time to escape, but a pony’s coat is no protection against cold metal, Apple Bloom shielded her eyes as a pony’s pained cries could be heard half a street away.

Red flames leapt up from buildings left and right. The bells were ringing from the town hall, and a rallying cry broke out over the din; Storm Sword had arrived, Earth Ponies threw themselves into the fray, bucking left and right and Unicorns pelted the invaders with their magic, tails were singed and dogs were thrown into the bay. The local weather team assembled in mid-air and descended upon the Diamond Dogs, bucking and boxing with all hooves, coming down upon them like javelins. As brave a fight as they put, there were five pirate dogs for every pony, and there were more creatures than Diamond Dogs in their midst.


Scootaloo and Apple Bloom galloped at full speed through the edge of town, away from the dogs and flames leaping up from the houses. Apple Bloom’s strength seemed to be picking up, but Scootaloo panted heavily from exhaustion; Sweetie Belle was a light and delicate pony, but Scootaloo could not keep up the pace with a passenger for much longer. Before the three friends could continue their dash to the farm, a gang of ponies appeared out of the haze. Apple Bloom’s breath hitched at the site of these ponies, they were dressed in raggedy tunics and jackets, their manes and coats were scruffy and coarse, well-muscled and one of them, a giant red earth pony with a black mane, was covered from head to hoof in tattoos. Apple Bloom silently hoped for these ponies to be regular sailors.

“You gotta help us, there are Diamond Dogs sackin’ Hayseed Harbour!” she cried, pointing back to the chaos in the town. Before anypony could reply, the heavy hooves of Storm Sword thundered as he quickly approached these rough sailors, holding a spear in his aura of levitation.

“Sailors, identify yourselves! Our town needs more able-bodied ponies to protect it!” boomed Storm Sword, but the sailors remained nonchalant; a few even smiled wickedly, “That’s an order- ungh!”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom gasped in horror and felt both their hearts sink. The pirates’ leader, a grey Pegasus stallion with blond hair and a crossbow for a cutie mark stepped up to Storm Sword and plunged a hidden knife strapped to his right hoof into his shoulder, a smug grin plastered over his face. The grey Pegasus turned about on his forelegs and bucked Storm Sword to the ground, and turned to face Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, revealing teeth filed into fangs and a grin like many daggers.

“What’s the matter? Town militia too lazy to help you?” he asked mockingly, his seafarer’s accent having a coarse and threatening edge, before swiping Scootaloo’s badge right off her chest, leaving her dumbfounded at what just happened, “Ooh, shiny! I think I’ll add this to my collection.”

How dare you!! Give that back, you murdering thief!!” roared Scootaloo at the top of her lungs, lunging for the interloper with full force, only to be smacked across the face, sending her to the ground and Sweetie Belle with her. Apple Bloom dug her hooves into the ground, ready to bolt forward and buck them out, only to be hoisted off the ground by two large, muscular hands, her hat floated pitifully to the ground. She spun round and suppressed a scream at the massive red Minotaur towering over her, even from a raised height. No sound came out of him, not even a snort of his nostrils, but his eyes were filled with oppressive malice.

Thief!? Aye! A thief and seafarer of the Jolly Crook, my mates and I are.” declared the blond-haired Pegasus smugly, as soon he was flanked by the pirate ponies, “Long months at sea bring times of hunger, and word at the market says the Apple Family harvest has not been released.”

“You mean you’ve all been here for a while?!” exclaimed Apple Bloom, eyes wide with shock.

“Aye, lass, Captain’s orders; ‘surveillance’ I believe he said.” gloated Bolton, “And about time, I’m sick of this pathetic spit of a town!”

“And seein’ as ‘ow we’re all migh-y ‘ungry, ” the low rumbling, brutish voice of the one red and tattooed Earth Pony made Apple Bloom shiver down to her bones, “Wot d’you say about havin’ us a snack or two?”

“You read my mind like a book, Stormer. I’d do what he says if I were you.” snarled another voice from above, a voice that was gravelly and yet seemingly youthful at the same time.

Apple Bloom looked up, the light from the flames in the town were blotted out by a tall, sleek winged creature clad in a ragged, black frock coat like a demon out of Tartarus. He wore the tears and burns on his coat like badges, more than could be said for the actual badges and silver and golden medals of office stolen from every seafarer he encountered. A red dragon hovered over them like a hungry vulture, greedy for treasure. Belts and straps covered him like armour, with blades of every size and variety. Although he was an adolescent dragon, nowhere near adult size, his eyes blazed with malice and greed, and his long snout curved into a sneer when he set his eyes on Apple Bloom.

“Good of you to join us, Red-Scale Bones, nice to see some of your fireworks in town.” remarked the Pegasus tartly, “Our sea-dogs seem to have done their job well.”

“Such a pity that the town’s reinforcements were detained, well executed, Bolton.” scoffed Red-Scale Bones, and Bolton shared a mocking chortle, regarding the murdered Unicorn. Apple Bloom’s fury amounted as she squirmed to be free from the giant Minotaur’s grasp.

“Why are y’all doin’ this? We’re just a farmin’ community!! We got no treasure here!” screamed Apple Bloom desperately, but when the dragon turned to face her, courage seemed to leave her.

“Perhaps not treasure, but food? Oh, yes!” snarled Bones, still hovering above her and leaning in close, “Now point us in the direction of the harvest, or we’ll start the feast early with you!!”

Apple Bloom, finding her bravery again, butted her head into the dragon’s nose, giving him a hard knock on the nose. Bones nursed his nose, groaning like a disgruntled mule. He looked hard on Apple Bloom, embers simmering from his nostrils and flames starting to lick from his mouth. Apple Bloom girded herself in vain to withstand the oncoming flames. Then, out of nowhere, a blinding light seared through the night and the smoke, a sibilant ringing filled their ears, as though Celestia herself turned back the night to save them. Apple Bloom shut her eyes tight, while the pirates surrounding them shielded their eyes and cowered from the light source, which seemed to be coming from where Sweetie Belle lay, and now stood glowing.

Leave my friends alone.” her voice chanted calmly and sibilantly, as her horn surged with a silvery aura that was her magic. The Minotaur dropped Apple Bloom to shield his eyes, and felt a force push him back, gathering strength as he stood exposed to it, in mere moments the pirate ponies led by Bolton had scattered in panic and Bones retreated into the sky, away from the magical force and the blinding light. Then, as quickly as it appeared, the light vanished and all was dark again. Apple Bloom caught her breath and ran towards Sweetie Belle, who was panting in exhaustion and nursing her horn. Scootaloo quickly joined them, having just recovered from her sudden blow to the head. The magical surge also seemed to have had a beneficial effect on her friends; they were less exhausted and their cuts and bruises seemed to sting a lot less.
In the space of a few minutes that seemed to stretch for hours, calm fell over the three friends; in that moment it was just the three of them on the quiet road in the night, gathering their energy and strength to continue the run back home.
“I’m not sure I’ll be able to do that little trick for a long while,” murmured Sweetie Belle, exhausted, while Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nuzzled her, grateful for her bravery.

“You gotta admit that was so awesome!! I didn’t even know your magic was that powerful!” said Scootaloo a little hoarsely, her voice thick with excitement and wonder.

“It’s not, I mean, I didn’t think it was that powerful.” explained Sweetie Belle shakily, “In that one moment of seeing you two in danger, I just felt so angry and wanted to protect you at the same time, it just broke out.” She let out a pained whimper and nursed her horn, preferring not to make that same risk again. Another bout of pain clasped her cranium, still sore after the loose plank at the inn.

“We gotta hurry. Ah bet my older cousins can hold their own against those thievin’ curs, but I’m not too sure about Babs and Spike.” said Apple Bloom pressingly, and looking off towards the farmhouse. They heard a loud, agonized moan a few feet away from where they stood; Commander Storm Sword nursed his gaping wound, the knife taken out, and blood gushing over his armour. Sweetie Belle galloped over toward Storm Sword and tenderly raised him to his hooves.

“Just… just a flesh wound. Medical attention would be advised.” He panted heavily, but his legs continued to lose strength.
“Somepony needs to get you to a doctor, come on.” said Sweetie Belle anxiously, allowing him to lean on her withers for support. Apple Bloom felt a chill pass over her at the thought of Sweetie Belle going into the fray and leaving her to defend her family property.

“I better go with her, make sure no thief or killer gets to finish the job. You should go.” said Scootaloo dutifully, Apple Bloom allowed a nod and a small smile, and dashed down the road.


Back at the farmhouse, Babs was alone with the unconscious Spike. He had finally passed out without much fuss or leaving a mess, but his constant prodding for conversation had worn Babs’ patience thin. She was unable to join Apple Bloom and her friends thanks to one of the town merchants reporting her failure and gambling shortcomings to Uncle Calville, and the less said about his furious tirade the better. She was now as good as grounded. Now he was snoring loudly and contently. She seemed to be the only pony left in the house, except for the little ones who were hiding in the basement, but the older ponies must have been helping in the defence, for what it was worth. Babs’ frustration was compounded by her growing anxiety, though she considered herself a tough pony, she was no fighter. She had barred the doors but knew that a determined raider could knock them down without much trouble.
She could see the fires in Hayseed Harbour from her window, and plumes of smoke billowing into the moonlit sky, as if her whole day was not enough to darken her mood. She glanced up at the moon, resentment swelled up in her along with the pent up urge to shout in rage; where was Celestia or Luna? She would not beg to powers of the world help her at every calling, but why would they allow such a terrible disaster befall Hayseed Harbour; where were the Element Bearers to work their magic on these pirates and stop them in their tracks? Nopony deserves this. The cold sinking feeling filled her again when. The fear that filled her distorted her thoughts; she felt fragile, as though she could snap like a twig underhoof. The whole day was humiliation and despair, and now the night had brought destruction and death. Hollers and howls filled her ears; the pirate dogs had reached the farm, Babs knew there was only one thing they could be after here. She was alone with an unconscious dragon she could hardly care less for, and both friends and family had abandoned her, again. Her frown contorted into a snarl, rage boiled in her blinding her to reason. She carefully unbarred the door, before letting her rage take hold.


Bolton had reached the outer picket fence surrounding the farmhouse, an assorted gang of sea ponies and Diamond Dogs gathered around him, awaiting his orders on bated breath, now that Red-Scale Bones seemed to have flown off.

“Canines and gentlecolts, take your pick and leave some more for the voyage!” he barked to his followers, before taking to the sky. “If you happen upon anypony stupid enough to hide here-”

Suddenly a rope from the shadows clamped around his wing, and a sudden yank pulled him from the air into the mud. He looked up, and Babs stood over him, looking just as satisfied as she was amazed that lasso trick worked. A gang of Diamond Dogs set upon her, and Babs let her full anger out. She rushed into the dogs with nothing held back, her hooves falling upon flesh like hammers

“Get off our property, you slug-suckin’ weasels!” she bellowed, ramming into the next Diamond Dog stupid enough to get in her way. Soon she was facing up to Bolton, with a cutlass in his mouth and shooting a pointed grin at Babs. The two ponies circled around each other, waiting for the right moment to strike. She glanced behind her to find Stormer behind her, stomping behind her and closing in. She began shifting until she had Bolton’s back to the farmhouse. Bolton kept his blade up, keeping focus on her rather than his surroundings. Bolton smiled; he’d spotted the giant earth pony thundering behind Babs and anticipated a chance to impale her, stampeding closer, and closer, and closer. And she dodged. Her keen sense of the approaching juggernaut gave her the edge. Bolton raised his cutlass and tried to break into flight too late as Stormer bowled into him head first into the wall. Wooden panels cracked, splinters flew and the two pirates were out of action. Babs smiled to herself, but her relief was short lived. More pirate ponies and dogs still filled the farmland, pillaging and fighting at will. No help had come for her, only Red-Scale Bones grinning sadistically at Babs. She backed away, only to bump into the wall of muscle of the red Minotaur.

“Pretty tough for a little pony like you,” taunted the dragon, flapping overhead to truly daunt the staunch young mare, “Luckily for you I’m feeling lazy, so, Flint-Horn, if you would?”

Babs felt the iron grip of Flint-Horn’s muscled hands grip her by the scruff of her neck. A single thrust of the beast’s arm sent her flying into barrels and bales of hay, which did nothing to cushion her fall, and helped less when the mute Minotaur grabbed her and shoved her face into the hay. She struggled to get free; her frantic seizures of panic filled her with wild ferocity. A lucky back hoof struck Flint-Horn in the tendon on his elbow, giving Babs a chance to wriggle free. This time, Bones was ready. He swooped down and pinned her to the mud before she could bolt a few feet away. There was no escape. This is how I die, thought Babs bitterly, alone, no Apple Bloom or friends by my side, only regret. Tears of bodily pain and inner hurt welled up in her eyes as the dragon’s claws clamped tight, blood trickled from the punctures.

“Have the good taste to scream when I fry you!” snarled Bones, flames gathering in his mouth. Suddenly, something clicked in Babs’ mind: a chance to live!

WAIT!” cried Babs desperately, before taking on a more diplomatic tone, “There’s no need for such extremities! I see you’ve got ponies on your team, I’m sure we could work something out!”

“I’m listening.” murmured Bones ominously, still hovering a blade over Babs’ throat. Babs in turn, cleared her throat and spoke as evenly as she could, given the ever-looming risk of death.

“Well, let’s just say that being a farm pony’s not gonna be a long-term plan after tonight, thanks a lot for that, so what’s an extra crew member to you, captain?”

“Heh heh, I’m not Captain, not yet at least. Very well, I shall spare you, in exchange for your surrender to us, to deal with as we please; we could work something out.” said Bones, seemingly satisfied, possibly seeing more of an opportunity than Babs did. He hoisted Babs to her legs and looked expectantly at her. Her words came reluctantly out.

“Consider it done. I’ll do anything you or your captain says; I’ll even become a pirate.”