Luna's Sacrifice

by Gabrielangel13

One Sister's Tears Are The Other's Joy

Celestia sighed as memories of 1000 years ago entered her mind. One memory in particular she didn't want to dwell on. The day the she, ruler of Equestria, became weak.


"Tia! It's time!" Said the bubbly Luna.

"Already?" Celestia replied with a sigh.she hung her head low.

"Tia…are you alright?" The younger sister asked. Her ears were laid back against her head in worry.

"Just fine! Lets just go do this!" The elder of the two snapped rudely.

"Oh, okay." Luna's voice had lost some of its cheer, but not all of it.

The two sisters walked across the castle to one of the towers overlooking Equestria. Twilight Tower was its name. It was fitting too, for this was where the sisters raised the sun and moon.

"Ok, Tia! Your turn!" Bubbly Luna declared. Sweet Luna was not but a filly at the time. Though she was at least 100 years old, she had matured much slower than even Celestia did, meaning she was like a filly most of the time.

Tia's glare would have made stone-discord flinch, but Luna was too excited to notice. Tia reluctantly lowered the sun. Her expression turned even more depressed as the sun disappeared.

"Alright, little miss bubbles, your turn." Celestia said rudely. She groaned as Luna took her time organizing the night sky. A month ago Celestia would have been in awe over how beautiful it was. Now, however, she despised it.

"Good, we're done. I can go to bed now." Tia said, wishing she could do anything to ruin her sisters good mood.

"But Tia! You promised to star-gaze with me." Little Lulu replied.

"Fine. If I have to."


The two Alicorns walked to the window. They stood in silence for a moment.

Well, good enough." Tia said as she turned to leave.

"Tia! That was just a glance!" Lulu cried.

"And that's as good as you're gonna get." She said without turning to face her sister. A gold glow surrounded the door handle. Through the reflective surface, Celestia saw a tear run down the side of her sisters face. The sight of her sister sitting with her rump on the floor and sadness on her face made Celestia happy. But she didn't know why.
She opened the door and descended the long stairway. With her keen Alicorn hearing, she could hear her sister crying above. The sound brought a grin the the mare's face.