//------------------------------// // Metal fever day one // Story: Steel Shoes // by Sir Hat //------------------------------// I feel weird. "Corey? You ok sugarcube?" "Uh...yeah I think so," I slammed my hammer back onto the new shoe, "Just kinda...eugh~" "Corey, you're wobblin..." "...Applejack go get Sam...." She jumped off the stool and ran out. It felt like I'd been punched in the head and the gut all at once, "Hurry...." I could feel my balance going and I quickly fell to my knee. I started coughing like mad. "Corey, wat's goin- Corey!" I could feel the nausea taking over, "Corey we're gettin ya out a here...." "Wha~?" "Doctor he's awake," "Ah good," I slowly opened my eyes, a rather lanky man in a coat walked over to me, "Mr.Livon, how are you feeling?" "Huh? Where am I?" I looked around, the room was pure white, "Is this a hospital?" "No....it's a barn....sorry, It's been a long day," He started signing some paperwork. "What happened? How long was I out?" His eyes darted over the clipboard, "Metal fever, a few hours....do you remember what kind of metal you were working." I thought back to it, "Metal fever....oh- Uh...I think it was brass," He furrowed his brow and went back to his papers, "Wait metal fever!?" "Yes.....it's nothing serious, but I would recommend taking some precautions before going back to work," He passed me the clipboard, "You'll be released today, it'll be about four days before you can go back to work....other than that all I can prescribe is bedrest, maybe some aspirin if the headaches continue," I looked over the papers, all general release information, "Heh....thank Celestia for free healthcare...." I handed him the clipboard. "Right...well, your free to leave, your clothes are there," He pointed to a small pile of clothes folded on a counter, "Just leave the gown on the bed," He walked out, "Nurse Redheart will see you out," A white mare strode in. "Uh...can you wait outside....I need to change," She just rolled her eyes and walked out. I quickly got dressed and followed the mare to the front desk. I got home and threw myself on the couch, my head was spinning, and my stomach was in knots, "Christ...." *BANG BANG BANG* "Corey!?" "Oh Jesus....." I got up and trundled over to the door, "You're gonna break my door Vinyl...." I slowly opened the door, Vinyl forced it open and hurried in. "I heard you were in the hospital, what happened!?" She jumped to her backlegs and pressed her forelegs into my gut, "Are you dying!?" "Vinyl easy....I'm just a little sick," "You don't go to the hospital for a little sick!" "They told me I just needed to rest....apparently it wasn't that bad," I set her hooves back to the ground and sat back on the couch, "I'm a strong guy, I'm not gonna die in a stupid way," "Hey! You're my stallion, you'd better not die!" She took a seat next to me and leaned on my extremely heavily, "...so what's wrong with you?" "Metal fever....I learned about it before, I just should have been more careful," "Yes you should have!" "....you're really protective...." "I have a reputation to keep up, I'm not gonna be some black widow," "....what?" "It's bad luck if you lose a stallion, kinda like a curse," ".....ok then....well I don't think you need to worry, like I said I'm not dying..." "You're not contagious are you?" "....Am I made of zinc?" The joke was utterly lost on her, "no...I'm not," "Good....they said you needed rest...I can help with that," She pushed me over on the couch. "Your jokes.....they aren't very good...." "Oh shut up....."