//------------------------------// // 46 Hospital horror // Story: Blood Curse Boutique // by Rarity Belle //------------------------------// “Doctor Goodheart, are you sure this procedure should be stopped? I mean, we haven’t tried anything in our arsenal let. Not to mention, the reaction of the father,” a male doctor spoke with a calm tone in his voice. He held a scalpel that was covered with blood in his hoof and streams of sweat made their way down his forehead from the bright lights they both had been standing under. On the table before them laid a figure that was covered in a black color, a figure that appeared to be a changeling whose changing act had gone wrong horrible and thus had ignited itself. Goodheart took off his glasses with the help of his green colored magical aura and wiped his forehead clean from all the sweat he had gathered upon it. Under the white lab coat could his own light blue coat be seen as he turned over to his colleague. The stallion shook his head a little bit from side to side and spoke his words after a deep sigh. “My dear, doctor Wild, we have tried everything for the unicorn already. But nothing known to us is able to survive the burn marks she had received. Do you even know how they found her?” Doctor Wild shook his head as he rested his eyes on the being that was in fact the charred unicorn who took rest the table. “No, no I do not know how they found her. But I would love to know, if it helps me a little bit” he said before his blue rimmed eyes went up to the other doctor again. Despite the saddening events, it would be for the better if he also knew just how the unicorn of generosity was discovered. He only said it to gain the knowledge and nothing else in the moment. “You sure about that?” Goodheart asked as he heard the words. “For it is not pretty at all. In fact, it is one of the worst tragedy’s I have ever heard for such a beautiful pony.” ~~~~                 Both of the doctors found themselves in a white painted, grey floored operation room with the lights hanging above them. Each of the lights was operated by a magical current that traveled through them and their tools all laid on trolleys they had brought in for the procedure they were doing in the moment. Though nothing had prepared them for the sights they got to see on the table. The room itself was located deep within the walls of the Ponyville hospital. A room that was stationed right in the basement of the building. It was done because the patient that laid before them didn't had to be seen by any other eyes. Their patient may only have been seen by those who were necessary. To make the matters even more eerie and sinister, the room happened to have been directly on the other side of the morgue that the hospital carried. That much faith did they had in recovery for the patient. All facts combined were just spine-chilling to say the least. Yet Wild gave a simple nod with his head and took a little rest against the table she laid on. He placed his right foreleg on it. The doctor made sure he wouldn't touch any part of the black charred unicorn as he kept his eyes on his coworker. “I am more than sure,” he spoke with a confident tone. There was no way back. He would get to know how they found their charred patient. Goodheart sighed deeply before he told the story as he knew it, from the very moment he had arrived on the site of the fire. “After having taken care for the other unicorn, I stayed there for a bit longer. I watched the firefighters do their job as the rain kept pouring like cats and dogs. Those fires never seemed to die down no matter what. Not even with the rain that poured out of the skies it wouldn't help a single bit. Within the entire building could those horrible sounds be heard. The terrifying sounds of things being consumed by the fires. Pieces of wood that fell to the ground, sending their embers sky high.” He shivered at the remembrance of the events and found himself once again in his situation before the burning building. Every memory came back to him like a punch. “Bloody hell Goodheart! Why didn't you just simply left?” Wild interrupted while he waved his left foreleg to the side. “That’s as dangerous as it can be and you knew that!” “Because, young doctor, one simple reason.” The light blue coated stallion moved one of his forehooves up to his face and played bit little bit with his goatee. Only after that would he have continued on with a story he was telling. “A good doctor never leaves the scene or site he is on before the all clear and safe has been given. There I simply stood, or sat really, watching the ever raging inferno of the hellish fires. The building was still burning heavily, at the point to where the upper floors were about to collapse on everything. First there was this one unicorn who dared to enter the building and then the father of this pony came rushing in. His sorrow was great when he saw what happened. He was powerless against it all. Poor stallion...he did put up a fight with the officer though. Anyway, the unicorn who entered searched everything she possibly could in the middle of the night. It was then, that she found her.” Both of the doctors turned their gaze over to the mare on the operation table just before Wild interrupted the story once again. “But just where did they found her? I mean, she didn't just crawl out of it, now did she?” The blue eyes of the blonde coated Wild kept fixed upon the mare. The eyes remained there for a little while before they turned back to Goodheart in order to hear the rest of the story. As much as he wanted him to stop, he wouldn’t until he was done telling. “’Course she didn't. The other unicorn said she had found her in the living room. As she was carried back out, the father cried a thousand tears while the officer tried to calm him down. Her heart rate had nearly stopped and all seemed lost. The thought had occurred to my co-worker, to leaving her behind at the moment, to leave her for dead. But neither myself or the other unicorn wanted that. So I took her off of her back and brought her here without pardon whatsoever. It is as it was us taught Wild, every life must be extended for as long as possible... I still see that crying face of the stallion before me just seconds after the whole building collapsed behind her. Her many flowing in the wind of destruction as her gaze was just lost. Heartbreaking to say the least,” spoke Goodheart just before a simple tear made its way down his cheek. That was the story as he remembered it. He allowed it himself to be remembered. The stallion wiped the small tear away and turned his attention over to the other doctor. ~~~~               The eyes of doctor Wild did their turn through the room and they caught the many hospital equipment in the white, sterile room they were working in, in order to process everything he had heard in his mind. On the ceiling where the normal lights combined with a giant one which shone down upon the being on the table. That was the one that caused most of their sweat. His eyes fell back upon the charred unicorn that just laid there motionless. Not a single muscle in her body moved, or could have moved. Wild let out a deep sigh before he turned his attention back to Goodheart. “A code we live by every day. But those beyond help are kept alive only to suffer more. Bloody policy, they ruin everything we can do to help them...” “Aye, you have a point there. It hurts my heart every time when a form for the injection gets rejected, they do not know the patients as good as us, I am afraid. We should prepare it for her as well. We should let her go to stay under the guidance of the princesses. Whether they like it or not upstairs,” the elder doctor spoke under a sigh of his own. “It is such a shame, such a beautiful pony, coming to such an horrible end. You know, my daughter once bought a dress from her for the gala at high school. She became the queen of the ball almost at first glimpse.” He chuckled a little bit to himself as he remembered the wonderful sight of his own daughter in the dress again. “Y-You mean, t-this is the..?” Wild managed to bring out with the both of his eyes as wide as they possibly could be. “She is... Or, well, was...” “For the love of Equestria itself,” said Wild in a defeated tone. There was a small tear that rolled down over his cheek. Yet despite it all, he kept looking at the hump of burned and charred flesh. “T-Today we mark the day, the land has lost another great mind,” he said without emotion. “We most certainly did,” replied Goodheart with a tear of his own. He also remembered the conversation he and the unicorn once had about the dress for his daughter. The conversation wasn't much, but it was a pleasant one for sure. Her professional yet playful personality was a thing he admired from her more then anything. It also was something he didn't saw in many eyes he had encountered during his life. The joy that she got from working on dresses just ignited flames in her eyes. Little flames that could be seen very clear whenever she spoke. “Doc, are, are you alright?” Wild asked upon taking note that his coworker had been traveling too much down memory lane. He had become a little bit concerned about him as it wasn’t the doctor he remembered him as. His voice was enough to bring him back to the moment. “Hm? Oh, yes, yes I am. We can’t give up on her, not yet at least. We need to try one more thing. Many, many transplantations for instance,” purposed Goodheart after he shook his head a couple of time. Yet the proposal that he made was one of utter insanity itself. It couldn’t be done. ~~~~   “What!? A-Are you crazy? Do you know just how much skin we need to do that all, I do not think we have the skin nor the time to make that possibility even a reality,” replied Wild after he set all four of his hooves back on the ground. The young doctor spoke from his wise mind. If they wanted to patch her up again, they would be needing a lot of skin to make it possible. Skin they possibly didn't have nor would be able to get in any shape or form. The proposal was just insane, unachievable. “We have to try it, Wild, I won’t let another patient die on my watch!” Goodheart replied with anger in his voice. Something within his eyes made Wild a bit more uncomfortable. “Hey,” the other  stallion said before he blinked with his eyes. He tried is best to connect the knots in his head about everything.. “What do you mean? D-Doc, I don’t like this look in your eyes...” A deep sigh left through the nostrils of the elder doctor. There was yet another, more suppressed memory that had surfaced. “An accident of many years ago, and I will set my mistakes right.” The calm and friendly look in his eyes had been changed into the one of a mad stallion as he remembered that unfaithful day from so long again. The day he lost his first patient due to a stupid mistake being made on his very department. “Let’s begin by scratching of the what we can. Let’s see if there is anything worth salvaging from her,” he just said with a determined set of eyes. ~~~~               Wild looked at the body that laid on the table and he gulped before taking his scalpel within the hoof again. He walked over to the other side of the table with care.He searched with his eyes to a spot that would be safe enough to cut in. Not much later was he cutting the clusters of burned skin away with great care and precision. Each cut revealed the red tissue that laid underneath. “It, it might work Goodheart! Come, take a look over here,” he spoke up with a smile as he rose up over the body. The other doctor rushed over to his colleague to watch the discovery and just couldn't believe what his eyes caught up. “Perfectly formed tissue, but, but t-that shouldn't be possible with her degrees of burn. Take a sample of it, of the fresh tissue and set on growth, Wild. I want to see what the secrets are even if I have to wait for two bloody weeks for any kind of result,” replied Goodheart just before he gave Wild a pat on the shoulder. The blond stallion gave a nod and took an even smaller scalpel from the equipment table. He turned himself back over to the badly burned Rarity. With great care he made a small incision into the tissue and began to cut it away while he held a sample glass below it in order to catch it up. ~~~~   Yet unknown to both of the doctors was the fact that the unicorn wasn't dead at all. Her undead heart was still beating on her very command, even if it was at half a beat an hour. The events that happened had sent her into a deep slumber that looked like a coma. Which in return had made it almost impossible for her to hear anything outside of her own thoughts. But her other senses, with emphasis on her feeling, became greater than ever before. Even the slightest touch could she feel. When the knife made its entrance into her flesh, it did create a pain that acted like an alarm for her. Though it was she brought back into the realm of the living through a shock and shot. If she liked it or not, didn't matter at all. Her ears regained their hearing ability with time and she caught the faint spoken words that the two doctors exchanged to each other. The more she listened to them, the more she decided to keep herself silent for the time as it was. Being dead was her greatest cover and she had the intention of keeping it up for as long as it would be needed. With a small ‘plop’ did the little piece of her flesh fell in the glass and Wild placed the lid on it quickly before he set it off to the side. “I’ll bring it away after the operation. You need four hooves with this Goodheart and you know it,” he said before he turned his eyes over to the other doctor. The stallion with the goatee gave a simple nod before he returned to the other side of the burned unicorn. There he proceeded to take away even more burned skin. But the more he removed, the more it became clear that nothing was what it seemed about that very mare. His eyes fell upon a small piece of perfect purple, near translucent skin that became visible after some scrapes. Upon the revelation before him, the stallion blinked in a wondering motion. “Wild, could you come over here for a second?” said Goodheart before his eyes peeked over the body of the mare. Wild on the other end had quite the difficulties of his own, for he knew for certain that he had cut away a piece of her tissue to place it on the glass. But no matter where his eyes looked on her body, they couldn't find the spot where he had cut her anymore. He wanted to make a remark from it but then the words of Goodheart entered his ears. With a thoughtful moan he took his eyes off of the body and moved over without a question. “What do you have there?” he asked when he looked down at his co-worker as his curiosity was awakened. The other doctor circled around a particular area of the body with his scalpel without cutting her. Wild took the silent message and he placed his eyes on the spot. “Take a look at this purple coloring, it doesn't seem to be any kind of fabric that I know of,” added Goodheart in speech. Wild let his eyes fell a bit more upon the odd color for just a little bit of time before they fell again his colleague with a small grin on his face. “And your knowledge of fabric is, how much?” he spoke up in a teasing manner to lighten up the mood. Even if it was just a little bit. ~~~~   “Quit the joking will you,” answered Goodheart while he looked up to Wild without moving his head all too much. The stallions looked at one another in the eyes for just a couple seconds though the looks given were two completely different ones then they were used to. “Alright, alright.” His attention was turned once again towards the coloring. The stallion pondered his mind on that very fact of just what it could possibly be. The craziest of things went through his mind, but it all came down to one part. One solution of the mystery. “Maybe it was a nightie she happened to be wearing? Molten and then fused against her body due to the fires? I mean, if they were truly as bad as you told me,” the doctor explained in the best way he could. “Trust me, Wild, they were. They bloody were. As for your theory, that is a likely possibility,” the older doctor replied. He left the burned body for what it was and walked over to a small chair that could be found within the room. The aged stallion allowed his body to take rest upon it under a deep sigh. His old bones made some cracking sounds with every motion he made in order to sit down. It had all become just a little bit too much for his old brain. A small rest was the thing he needed the most. A rest he hoped to have gotten by removing himself from the operation. “Are you, are you alright, doctor?” Wild asked in a respectful and polite tone at the sudden change in his colleague’s personality, not to mention the sounds. “Yes, it just had become... a little bit too much for me. I need some rest, we have been busy for hours with her already. So many revelations made, so many questions and theories rose up. My mind needs some ease for now,” the elder stallion said before he rubbed the sides of his head. Wild had one last look over to the body of the charred unicorn before he made his way over to Goodheart. The young doctor placed a hoof on the old doctor’s shoulder with a smile. “You are a good doctor, Goodheart. Take your rest for as long as you need it, I shall handle her further on my own until you are ready to come back, what do you say about that?” he asked with a caring tone. “Wild, I can not thank you enough for everything you have been doing for me. When they first assigned you with me, I was having my deep doubts, I will not lie about it. But the doubts have disappeared as snow before the sun now. Thank you,” the stallion replied while a faint smile formed itself on his face. He had taken the offer of his colleague in silence and couldn't be happier with it. “No need to thank me, just doing my best for everypony. Hey, even doctors need to be in their best shape, right?” said Wild while he kept the smile on his own face. A smile that got followed by a little chuckle of him. Though the chuckle was never returned by Goodheart. Though the words did manage to create the very slight smile on the face of the elder stallion. Which only became a little bit bigger as he gave a simple nod in response of the spoken words. “That’s true,” he added soon after it. He could have only agreed with them for they were the truth. “Now you just calmly sit there while I continue on the job. Trying to salvage, what could be salvaged,” added Wild after he had turned himself around in order to face the hump of mystery and burned meat. The young doctor had his work cut out for himself without a single doubt in his mind. ~~~~               But Rarity on the other end had more than enough of the procedure she was going under. The mare wanted nothing more but revenge on the one pony that had brought the fate she was suffering upon her. The vampiric mare just wanted to squeeze the life out of the wretched unicorn rather sooner than later with the greatest of pleasures. That thought alone fueled her fires to do any form of action against them. Yet she still waited for her timing to be just right. The burned unicorn would have gathered all of the strength that was left in her body and not much later it were both of her forelegs that twitched just a little bit on the table. Then the room got filled with a moan that came from an unknown origin. A moan that was filled with pure discomfort and that was loud enough for the both of the stallions to look up, and at her. The two doctors just stared towards the charred unicorn and it was the utter confusion that could be seen in both of their eyes. Yet it was Wild who dared to walk back to her. He needed some form of confirmation on the thing that they had heard a few seconds ago. Another moan left Rarity’s mouth before her hindlegs also gave off a very slight twitch. The young doctor watched the motions in utter amazement and pure disbelief. He even tried to formulate some words he could say for it all. “T-This is...i-impossible!” It was only then that a deep shock went through his entire body. A shock which caused his eyes to widen themselves. “L-Lady, please, lay still or you will make it only worse!” he spoke up to her in order to keep Rarity calm. Yet the unicorn didn't listen to his words. It was the hatred that had consumed her as a whole. Rarity allowed her deepest and darkest side to emerge on the surface of her mind in order to survive her state she was in. A side of her that never should have seen any form of light under any given circumstances. Under the black and burned eyelids got her sapphire blue rims turned into a set of pure blood red rims of utter madness and pure hatred. And in one forceful motion had she opened her eyes. The burned and hardened skin got broken into pieces yet they never fell down from her eyes. They were still fused to her like the exoskeleton of a changeling. Her head went up and down, right and left before they would have found their rest on doctor Wild. Then the vampiric unicorn released a deep huff through her nose. ~~~~                 The blond doctor stared right down into the eyes of the beast for a mere second and could see the insanity and overall hatred that was flowing through them as clear as crystal. But his own reflexes kicked in after a second. He jumped a little bit away from the sudden movements on the table. He didn't even knew what to say about it and he just watched her. All while she continued to stare at him. In her sickened mind, she thought about the million forms of attacking the helpless stallion. And within a few seconds she came up with the perfect plan. A simple head on charge before she would sink her fangs into the young and unprepared doctor Wild. It was simple but effective. More and more strength made its way into her muscles and ever so slowly managed the charred unicorn to rise up from the table while she had fixed her gaze upon doctor Wild who only walked back even further. Goodheart still sat on his chair and he simply watched in utter amazement and disbelief at the sight before him. He simply admired the mare her will to live even through her horrible conditions. But the admiring would be turned into fear quicker than anypony could expect. “L-Lady, please, for your own safety, g-get back on the table, p-please.” Wild managed to stumble out while he kept his eyes fixed on her. But Rarity didn't give a single reaction to his word and she simply started to grin like the monster she was. Her burned lips still managed to show the elongated and pure white fangs she had in her upper jaw. The young doctor looked at them and he knew that things would be going out of control. “No way..!” he stumbled out as he stopped his walking and just kept looking at her. The grin got even wider to the point she was staring at him with an open mouth. The fangs could be seen in their full glory and the young doctor managed to tear his attention away from her. He was looked for an exit in pure desperation. Though the only one there was, was the door that would be leading back into the rest of the hospital. A door that was located on the other side of the burned mare. They had to pass her if the two doctors wanted to get out. They had to pass the monster that once was a wonderful unicorn if they wanted to keep living their lives. ~~~~               One quick jump into the air was more than enough for her to pin the helpless doctor to the ground. After that could Rarity be found right above him. The charred, broken black skinned mare released a deep and dark hiss right into the face of the doctor. Wild couldn't do anything anymore. He was frozen in pure fear and shivered deep as the stone cold, charred hoof of the mare made its way down his neck. It managed to set up some veins in them to be visible in her eyes. The only part of his body he still had control over, happened to be his eyes. They spotted that through the cracks of her broken skin. For the red tissue could be seen in all of its full glory. Yet despite the monstrous appearance, it was a miracle to witness for the both of them, to see something that was almost impossible. An abnormally of reality itself could she be called. Wild continued to stare at the red tissue and tried to think of reasons. But all he could think about was his own life. The hoof made a couple more strokes up and down and Rarity then spotted the right vein with relative ease. With her thirst being the dominant feeling in her body next to her mindset, she didn't waste another second. Under the sounds of a deep and dark hiss she sunk  her fangs right into his neck and tore the veins to pieces without any form of mercy. Rarity allowed the blood gush out of his body and straight into her mouth before it would be swallowed. Wild screamed in utter agony at the horrifying sight before him as Goodheart just sat in his chair. The stallion was hit by surprise and found himself in a state of being in a surreal world. Nothing in his years of working in the hospital had taught him just what to do when a vampony would have attacked his - or a - coworker. ~~~~                 While more blood of the stallion entered her body, there were more of the burned pieces of her black body just fell off. Some parts were still being attached to strings of a creepy, red colored slime. The scene almost made making it look like a bug which grew out of its exoskeleton, but then a lot more creepier. Underneath the black pulp there was her perfectly white coat revealed to both of the stallions. The screams of Wild became less with every swallow of blood that was being consumed. But not only did his sounds died down, but so did his strength and will to live further on. Under one last swallow that went together with a moan of utter pleasure had Rarity removed her mouth from the wound. She gazed deeply into the eyes of Wild while she panted deeply from the short amount of time she had drained him in. Some of his blood could still be seen running down the charred chin she had. The vampiric unicorn opened her mouth in order to speak in a stone cold voice that would even haunt in the bravest of hearts. “Goodnight, doctor,” she said. Wild tried to understand her words with all the force he still had left in him. Then he watched her head lower itself. The next thing he could feel was the sharp pain of something sharp that went going into his chest. An object that pierced right through his heart. Goodheart gasped for air at all the events that happened before him. Yet as the icing on the sick cake would Rarity have retracted her horn out of Wild’s body. She rose her head back up and searched for his eyes. Blood streamed down the elongated part of her head before it would have made contact with her forehead. There, her red rimmed eyes had fallen upon the other doctor. The insane unicorn licked her lips in a lust for more of what she wanted. Of that what she truly needed in that moment.