//------------------------------// // 47 An endless nightmare // Story: Blood Curse Boutique // by Rarity Belle //------------------------------// The blood of doctor Wild was still dripping down from her horn as well as her chin. The charcoaled unicorn made her way over to doctor Goodheart with a calm pace to her trot. The poor stallion was shivering in his chair while fearing for his life. He had just witnessed the brutal murder of his colleague right before his eyes. And the murderer? Something that was believed to have been a mere myth. The stallion tried his best to get out of the chair and make a run for it. Though his aged bones just prevented it from happening. He would be nothing but a mere toy for her. A toy to break. More and more of the black charred skin fell off of her body while the strings of red slime got separated. Though what they revealed underneath, was something that spoke against every form of imagination possible. For the darkness was to be replaced with her normal, ivory white coat. Rarity herself  just swung her hips from side to side in a seducing manner as she came closer. The vampony focused her eyes on the terrified doctor with a sick glee. With each step she took, there was a small humps of flesh that fell to the ground and when enough of her own flesh had been regenerated, the true reason why she wore the purple ‘fabric’ came to light. Another sick revelation came to light. Her wings uncurled themselves from her body with rapid speed and sent some of the burned hide onto the walls. The eyes of Goodheart  shrunk to near nothingness. There was nothing to his knowledge was able to do the things he had just witnessed. “Devil! Unholy monster that you are!” he shouted at her. Those words had been the first that came into his mind for the sights. Rarity took the spoken words as an utter insult and exhaled loudly and angry before she replied with her own words. “Take those words back, and well now!” She found herself standing still just before him. Her red rimmed eyes and the black skin around her eyes created an even more fear indulging image than she was before. She looked like the images drawn from a being that was supposed to be the root of all evil. In the eyes of the doctor, she was just that very thing. “W-Why should I? You are... Nightmare Moon’s incarnation!” spoke Goodheart brave. But within his undertone could the fear be heard just all too clear. His eyes kept themselves fixed upon the monster that stood before him. If he wanted to kill her, end the life of this monster all together to stop the torment he was going to. But if wanted to, he better had a good plan of attack ready. His gaze would be seen forever on her retina, or so he thought to himself. Though reality always packed out a lot different than it was expected. It was an easy prey for the vampony, hardly called sport. Rarity just snickered deep to herself before she shook her head a couple times from side to side. “No, no, no, you see, Nightmare Moon desires to have an everlasting night and reign over that. I simply desire to live on, and for that...” Rarity spoke up in her normal tone before she opened her mouth a bit further. She let her sharp fangs to be seen in his eyes. The blood covered fangs used by her to live forwards on. The doctor shivered once more before her tongue licked them clean them from Wild’s blood. Then her voice echoed through the room once again. The ending of the sentence she had started, was there. “...I require too feed. Hunter or prey, doctor. Which are you?” Goodheart gulped as he knew he couldn't do anything against her madness but that wouldn't stop him from trying. He would have done anything to escape his situation. He wanted return to his loving wife and daughter without pardon. The look in his eyes changed into a determined one and he gently rose up from his chair. He left every trace of fear in his body simply behind him and looked into the eyes of the unicorn. “We are going to play it like that, bring it on then!” he spoke as a taunt. ~~~~   The vampiric mare jumped a bit backwards at the sudden reaction she was granted. When Rarity landed back on the ground, she lowered her head and bend a little bit through her forelegs. The stance in which she stood enabled her to just jump on him if she so desired. “Stallions first,” she spoke in tone that yelled the crazed joy that was flowing through her body. The beast would have enjoyed the hunt perhaps a bit too much for his liking. The doctor huffed and before he let his eyes went over to the equipment table. A small grin was formed when they fell upon an unused bone saw and he noticed that his chances to escape immediately became a lot bigger. “Seems like you still are the lady as I remember her to be,” spoke Goodheart before he rushed over to the little table and stuck his hoof in the brace of the bone saw. Through a set of magnets within the brace, the saw became connected to his metal hoofshoe and he turned himself around to face her with a sharp weapon of his own. “See this?” he said before waving the thing a little bit. “Doctor’s orders.” A grin came to his face while all of his bones and muscles hade made him move a lot faster. All because of the adrenaline that was rushing through his body. The battle between life and death awaited, he would come out as the victor in his own eyes. “Gna, I will enjoy draining you. Let’s do this!” Rarity spoke and she jumped up into the air. Her plan was to repeat what worked before. She wanted pin him down to the ground, take off the saw and sank her fangs into him. A simple plan that would have worked, but there was one factor she had forgotten. One tiny little thing she hadn’t taken into account during her jump. Goodheart rose his saw up and above his face when he saw the jump coming towards him. The stallion was hoping it would either hit her or at least break the charge into a different direction. The last thing he needed in that moment was her succeeding upon the attack. Whether it was his luck or he really knew what he was doing, it was the second thing that happened. Though the saw had only made a cut in her flesh as she arched over him. The sudden increase in pain had sent the mare off to his right where she fell down to the ground with a loud thud on the floor. Whatever her injuries were, they had become a lot worse in his eyes. Rarity huffed and puffed deep while she tried to raise back up upon her legs. She was recharging from the received blow. The mare gave him a stare of death after she had inspected the wound that walked over her entire side. “Not bad,” she spoke while blood gushed out of the cut. Blood that would heal it but still created an unpleasant sight to be seen. “But I am done with these games now. Nothing can be done easy, can’t it?” ~~~~   “I won’t let you escape, monster!” he spoke to her while he rose the blade again to give her another cut. Goodheart was ready to attack her once more. He would have done it if she came any closer to him. The looks in his eyes didn't show any sign of remorse for her as the good doctor wanted to end her existence. One way or the other. Yet he had plans to succeed upon the target. “And who says that? A doctor who doesn't know when to its too late? Seems like you never truly worked your scandal away. Such a good mare, so easy to be cured. And you let her die like that. Tsk, tsk, tsk, it surprises me you are still employed here,” spoke Rarity in a taunting voice. The vampiric unicorn was hoping for a blind charge that came forth out of rage. A charge she could use to her advantage by countering with the greatest of ease. The images that had tormented the poor stallion for years all rushed back before his eyes. He remembered the ungrateful day where all of his regret began. Tears managed to have built themselves up below his eyes and he sniffled for a second. “S-She wasn't so easily to be cured! I tried everything in my power to save her, you weren't there, monster. No, you were probably enjoying another meal before killing it, like what you did here! I don’t even know why they saved you from that burning building. You should have been left to burn and rot. Doesn't mean I will not try it,” he spoke up towards her while he wiped his eyes clean. The stallion was just enraged at her. Which caused him to have gone to any length to stop her from that point onward. Rarity just released a snicker in response to his words. She had taken note of the rage being built up in his eyes. She thought that one last taunt would have been more than enough to make him charge. She needed to add just one last insult to it all. Even though he spoke words she took as an insult as well, Rarity discarded them quickly. Her lust for blood was far greater than her pride in the moment. A mistake she shouldn’t have made in the first place. “Oh please, don’t make me laugh will you. We all know what happened that night. Or do I have to remember you, that you lost your first daughter as well?” she spoke up. With it, she hoped that it would have been enough to let him go. The words entered his ears and all the tears in his eyes disappeared. His entire face began to twitch in utter rage. “Don’t begin about her... I will send you back to the fires that created you!” he snarled towards her in an angry tone. He aimed the bonesaw straight towards her. Goodheart always had been the kind of stallion who held all forms of life very close to him and the pregnancy of his wife was the most amazing thing that ever happened to him. That was until a very dramatic event took place in his life. Due to unforeseen events within the foal itself, it passed away before its birth. It was something that left both his wife and himself devastated by the news when they got to hear it. For weeks they had cried about it and all of those horrible memories returned into his mind like they were nothing. ~~~~                 “Come on, come on...” the vampony spoke to herself while she watched the rage continuing to be build up. The mare had gained the knowledge about his family because he spilled the words when they were talking about the dress for his still living daughter. Information she thought to have forgotten a very long time ago. Yet it still was there, lingering in her memories. With a yell of pure primal, stallion’s power did he then charged forward to her. He wasn't able to keep himself together anymore, all her words had broken his mind and he wanted to see her gone. Before his eyes everything turned into nothing but black with the exception of her red rimmed eyes. He wanted to cut and gut her just so badly at that point in time. Rarity smirked at the charge and countered it by taking it head on. But when she took it, the vampiric unicorn guided him over to the ground before she locked him in all four of her legs. With a loud thud on the floor did his head made contact with the floor of the room. Within a mere second had he lost his consciousness. Just like that, was he out for the count. The stallion’s eyes blinked only a couple of times before they stayed shut. The smirk that would be found on her face got turned into a smile of sadistic enjoyment. In the end she placed her fangs into his neck. The consumption of his blood had started and he didn't even knew about it. More blood entered her undead body. During it were the final bits of her charred skin which fell off. The pieces of skin still went down in their insectoid manner. Below each little piece had her normal coat regenerated itself even more from the done damage. But aside of her coat, the fires also consumed her mane and tail all the way. Two things that were even more precious to Rarity than any other thing of her body. While she consumed more blood from him under the sound of pleasuring moans, there were a few things that happened on her head and behind. Two small sprouts of hair grew back and with the passage of a few seconds they erupted into an explosion of both mane and tail. A mane and tail that were without her signature curls sadly enough. It didn’t matter much though, she was having her hair back again. The vampiric unicorn removed herself from the wound under some deep panting and gave him one last look before she kissed him on the lips with her own blood covered one. She just released him out of her hold. Where she showed no remorse for Wild, her mind crawled back to her much more normal state after she had consumed the blood of Goodheart. But whether he would live or die, she didn't cared for in the least bit. For he still had tried to end her life once and for all. She was then faced with another problem. She had to make her departure from the room and the building as a whole. The mare wanted to keep a low profile to herself. Thus marching through the hallways as her normal self was not a thing she could do. Rarity needed to come up with a plan of some sorts that would be giving her an wild card. The blood red eyes went all over the room in order to find something that could possibly assist her. Almost anything would have done the trick. “Come on, come on, think Rarity, think for once! You need to escape a bloody hospital,” she snarled to himself before her eyes fell upon the deceased body of doctor Wild. She had a good look at his attire for a couple of seconds while the plan got formed within her head. “That is it!” The unicorn ran up to doctor Goodheart and undressed him from his white lab coat. She placed it around her own body after her wings had curled back up around her body. “A bit big, but good enough to do the trick,” she spoke to herself upon inspecting her simple looking attire. She truly looked like a doctor, but with just the labcoat it could work straight into her disadvantage. Rarity shook the thought off of herself and then turned herself over to the door. The unicorn allowed her magical power to collect itself in her horn which shone its natural blue. When she had enough power within her horn got it released towards the door in the hope it would get unlocked and swung open. Much to her luck, her plan worked and she had created an escape route for herself. At least it appeared to be that way. ~~~~   It was then that she remembered something else. The very thing that had awoken her and even send her on the bloodlust of a rampage. That small piece of skin that was cut away by Wild. The mare turned herself back into the room and scanned it all to find out where he had placed it. Then she walked up to a desk with the cabinet beneath it. Like a hunter who kept its eyes on the prey, Rarity kept hers on a small sample glass. One that was sealed off from the air and held the precious cargo. A slice of pure, vampiric flesh. "So we meet once again, don't we?" the mare spoke up before she looked to her very own flesh. With a huff she charged up her horn with the intention to destroy it. Yet there was something that prevented her from doing so. For the more she looked into the glass, the more she could see the flesh turned to black and even rot. "...Well in all the hell's deep? She was right after all... it really does do that." And then there was nothing else but sheer dust. With a grin she opened the sample glass again and just poured all of the content out on the desk. Bits and pieces left the glass and it truly was just nothing but common dust and ashes. "But that means..." Rarity turned her body around in order to see what had become of all her other charred remains. In her eyes she caught the sight that stood equally to the one in the glass. All of it had decayed into nothing but just, dust and ash before her eyes. "This keeps getting better and better," she spoke to herself with a grin. The mare smashed the glass against the ground before she walked back up to the door to make her true departure from the room. Her desire to be free again, was almost fulfilled. The unicorn walked through the door and in the left corner of her eyes she caught the staircase that would be leading up to the ground and upper levels of the hospital. Rarity first looked dead ahead though and read the sign that was placed next to the other door. “Morgue... how eerily convenient,” she mumbled to herself before a shiver took over. The mare closed the door that led to the operation room again and then just turned over to her left. To her right was nothing more but the hallway that would end up in the boiler room of the hospital, providing the heat it required with each day. The room held nothing of interest for her, so Rarity walked with careful of steps towards the staircase. The mare tried to make as little noise as possible while she kept her ears perked for any other sounds that might occur through the hallway. Her simulated heartbeat could be felt in her throat despite the attempts to keep it silent with all the might in her body. With gentle steps she sneaked up the stairs while her eyes were fixed upon the pair of folding doors at the top. She just waited for them to go open any second and she had to charge once again. ~~~~   But they never opened. Everything stayed closed. After a long and nervous walk up did the mare peek her head through the door. She allowed her eyes to watch whatever there could be seen. What she caught in her eyes was an almost empty hospital hall. The desk at the entrance with a sleeping doctor in the chair before her eyes turned over to the clock. “Midnight,” she whispered to herself and collected her mind sincerely. “Impossible to have it on the same day... Means we are tomorrow midnight or even further in. So they have been working on me for...” A deep shiver went through her all of the sudden. Her red rimmed eyes closed themselves under great force for a moment. “At least twenty-four hours...” she added in disgust. The shiver would have made place for a rage that was aimed towards one being in particular. The very being that started it all for her. Her eyes opened themselves once again and the gaze had turned. The eyes irradiated the fact that she wanted to see more blood flowing on the already horrible night. With some quick and quiet hoofsteps had she made her way passed the frost desk of the hospital. After that she managed to go out of the front door without anypony noticing her. She almost couldn't believe that it was that easily for her to leave the hospital as a whole. Rarity found herself once again back in the outside world. The first thing she did was taking a deep inhale of fresh and unburned air through her nose and smiled at the scents she caught up. “The night is wonderful once again,” she spoke as her eyes fell on the skies above her. The faint moonlight shone over the land ever so majestically as always. The faintness could be explained due to the storm clouds that still were in existence even after her dreadful operation. The storm that was given the nickname of Raging Pegasi still hadn't made its departure from the lands. Instead it just continued to show its sheer awesome power towards the cities and towns. Yet even though it was one of the most violent storms from the year, it had been drifting away from the rustic town and could be judged to be heading north. Towards the frosty peaks of the Frozen North. They would be the last to have felt the rage before it died down again. Even though the fact was there that the clouds had simply been gone, the electricity of the thunder could still be felt in the air. The static was even so much that it could even be felt at ground levels as an odd tingling. ~~~~                 While Rarity watched the cloud filled skies for a little while longer had the gears finally kicked back into her mind. She moved her head over to the highest hill her eyes could see in the nearby environment. The royal castle of Canterlot fell in them as that was the highest point. It was something that caused the unicorn to boil in rage once again. Her eyes twitched a little bit before she took the first step in an attempt to walk over to it. Even though it would be a day or two walk over to the royal city, Rarity was determined to find the being who was out for her death and she would return the favor with deep interest. Growls and hisses took their turn every so often as she found herself on the lonely and empty road towards the capital of Equestria itself. Her horn allowed itself collect some magic in it and soon enough undid the mare herself from the lab coat she had been wearing. It got thrown aside and into the bushes before her wings uncurled themselves under a new look in her eyes. The horn lost its aura after the coat had disappeared in the darkness. Her pacing raised itself from a small trot into a galloping pace while her wings were spread out as much as they would go. Rarity was planning on something she had only done a couple of times so far and could only pray it would work. Rarity continued to gallop as fast as she could until she took one big leap into the air. She had expected herself to fall straight back to the ground, but she did everything except that. The vampiric unicorn would have found herself soaring through the skies like a pegasus always could have done. She kept her attention firmly fixed upon the royal city though. She wouldn’t be able to enjoy the sights beneath her. It was within the walls of the city that her next prey could be found. Her first few seconds in the air were a little bit wobbly due to some issues in both stability and aerodynamics. But she adjusted herself with some quick motions to them. She remembered the time she had gained the set of butterfly wings which was of great help to her. Their difference in flight wasn't too big for her and with the issues solved, she rocketed off into the darkness of the night and under the guidance of the moon. ~~~~   Hours before the vampiric unicorn would as much as even come back to her knowledge down on the table could both Magnum and Twilight found themselves in the waiting area of the hospital. The two were assigned to the hall in order to not leave Rarity’s side. Even though the doctors gave them already the advice to leave. With the burn marks that Rarity had, even the magic of Celestia wouldn’t have be enough to truly get her back. The white coated, light brown maned stallion released a deep sigh through his nostrils and wiped away a new set of tears while he paced up and down the room. Twilight on the other hoof, was entertaining herself with her mind. It sounded odd but it was all that she could think off without thinking about Rarity to make time pass. “Twilight...” Magnum spoke up after he had sat down next to the unicorn mare. “Would you, or could you, write a letter to my wife? She needs to know what happened, why I am not at home and such.” It was the most logical thing to do in the moment, for the both of them. Upon the calling of her name alone did she opened her eyes and looked at him with a dull look. The lack of sleep and magical exhaustion had been wearing a bit on her mind. But his request was something that she had to do for her feelings. She couldn't just left the mother of one of her closest friends left out in the dark. “I’ll try my best, Magnum,” she replied before her horn coated itself within the magical aura and she summoned an arcane quill and scroll. “What might the message for her be?” The stallion sunk a little bit in thought while figuring out what the best words could have been. “Pearl honey, Rarity’s boutique had burned down to nothing but ashes last night. Our little baby girl has been transported over to the hospital in Ponyville, where she undergoes heavy surgery. The doctors don’t give her much chance but I still hold hope. Don’t, don’t tell Sweetie yet until the definitive answer has fallen. Love, Magnum,” he spoke up with great difficulty. Right after that were the tears of sadness. Streaming over his cheeks in silence. Twilight took deep notice on just how difficult it was for him to speak his words and could understand why he didn't wanted to tell his youngest daughter the news. Yet the quill moved itself all over the paper before the message was done. And much like in the fashion as Spike would send something through his fiery breath, Twilight let the same thing happen. As she discharged her horn, the paper went up in a raspberry smoke until it had disappeared out of their eyes. Then Twilight proceeded on by closing in on Magnum and she wrapped both of her forelegs around his neck. She tucked him gently in for a tight and warm hug. Magnum himself almost had turned into a little colt who had lost his toy due to something unexplainable. That was how he felt himself in his own mind, nonetheless he still wrapped his own forelegs around her and embraced the hug. “She will be fine, Magnum, we have been through so much together. Nightmare Moon, Discord, the royal wedding, all that made her stronger than any of us could possibly do. She’s a fighter, she wants to live,” said Twilight in a soft tone. She hoped to comfort him a little bit more by stroking his mane. “I, I know she is... but those burn marks, t-truly worry me,” he replied in a whisper and then went silent again. He couldn't bare the thoughts about burying his own daughter the way she looked. The power of gas was something all should fear, for that was what caused the explosion that set the place on fire. That was told to him by the pegasus police officer. “Sleep well for now, Magnum, you need it more than you might think,” replied Twilight also in a whisper. After that did her own eyes close themselves off from the world. The two of them needed their sleep more than they had originally thought. During their hug, they both fell back into the realm of the dreams. Although for Twilight it was more the reliving of a bygone memory. ~~~~   With the passage of hours was it the mustached stallion who woke up. There was a shock that went through his body. His eyes opened and they saw the chest of Twilight staring right at him. He got a little uncomfortable at the sight and with care he removed himself out of the hug with her. Magnum lowered the body of the sleeping unicorn down to the bottom of the chair and allowed her to continue her sleep. The stallion himself left the chair he sat on and stood up to pace once more. His thoughts were running wild and after a set of minutes hopelessly spend in his mind, he found himself leaning against the doorway that had a straight line of sight to the entrance of the building. “I can only pray for you, my daughter. Pray that you are strong enough to overcome this,” he mumbled to himself. Yet as he stood there, there was a figure that sneaked out of the door through which they had carried his daughter through. Just as mysterious as it came, it disappeared through the front door. Magnum was almost frozen solid at the sight. He looked like as if he had seen a ghost or something the like. Everything from that strange and even creepy being was pointing to his very own daughter. The coat was there, the posture was there, even the mane was there. All that was truly missing within them, were the curling's. “R-Rarity?” he spoke up. Twilight had been awoken by his pacing and had one eye opened. What followed was that a slight moan got released through her mouth. Though her eye was watching over him with the greatest of care. “Your suffering from delusions, Magnum. Your sadness for Rarity makes you think you see her, but she truly isn't there,” she replied to him. “And how do you know that?” the stallion replied after he had turned himself around with a raised eyebrow. It was not that he didn't trust Twilight, but he did question her words deeply. “I know how the mind works for the most part,” the unicorn mare stated before she gave off a tired yawn and closed her eye again. She wanted to go back to sleep again, analyze the events as they had been. “So my mind... was playing tricks with me?” the stallion questioned as he turned back around to witness the empty hallway. In his mind it was just on giant tug of war between the words Twilight spoke and the sights he had seen. Only time would justify which one of the two had it to the right end. Who had seen, or spoken the truth as it was.