Pinkie's Adventure in G3 Ponyville!

by That_G3_Obsessive

Wait... Dashie is a WHAT?!?

As Pinkie walked through this twisted version of Ponyville, she had a realization. If there was another Pinkie Pie here, why not another of all her friends? She trotted faster to meet the other Pinkie, who was ahead and greeting every other pony she met.
"Hey, me!" she called. Pinkie could swear Pinkie rolled her eyes at her, but she ignored herself. "Hey! I want to talk to you about something!"
"Yes?" Other Pinkie had on a fake smile and was obviously trying really hard not to snort and sigh. Pinkie ignored that, too.
"If there's another me here, the there must be another of each of my friends, too, right?" she smiled.
"Go on," Other Pinkie waved her hoof like she wanted to get this over with. She probably did. Pinkie was finding a lot of things to ignore with this pony.
"Are there a Rarity, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash here?" Pinkie Pie inquired.
"There's a Rainbow Dash," Other Pinkie said. "But I've never heard of a Twilight Sparkle."
"Are there any unicorns here?" Pinkie was getting worried. Was there anypony to send her back to her dimension?
"My friend Sweetie Belle is a unicorn," Other Pinkie pointed at a white pony with a horn on her head through the crowd. "But she's the only one is Ponyville. Unicorns are typically supposed to be in Unicornia."
"WHAT?!?" Pinkie's mouth fell open, drawing a lot of attention from the crowd. "Could you at least show me where Dashie's cloud house is at this time of day?" she asked weakly after she had partially recovered from the initial shock.
"What is a cloud house?" Other Pinkie looked confused and embarrassed at the same time. Pinkie didn't even know that was possible with such a grotesque face. "Rainbow Dash lives on the ground, like all of us!"
"Could you show me where she lives?" Maybe since the design on these buildings was so different, Dashie couldn't live in a cloud house. Other Pinkie shrugged and led the way through the winding streets. When they got to the edge of town, Other Pinkie pointed out a house that looked just like a giant, pink purse.
"What?" Now Pinkie was stumped. "Dash would never live in something like that! She's never gotten a hoofacure in her life!"
"Then you're Rainbow Dash is very different from mine," Other Pinkie sighed. "My house is the heart tower over there, come in whenever you feel like it." And then she walked away.
What was that supposed to mean? Pinkie hopped towards the purse thinking about that line. And based on the house...
"Now, hold still, darling!" said a muffled voice, but Pinkie would recognize it anywhere. It was that pony who split up Other Pinkie and her when they were fighting!
"Could you make it a bit more colorful?" asked a voice that Pinkie couldn't find in her memory. "I want the party to reflect all of our personalities!"
"Yes, darling, but you need to be patient, darling. Being a fashionista takes patience, darling!" said Voice 1.
Pinkie Pie opened the door. A bell attached to the top jingled, and two ponies looked towards her. One was in a pretty pastel dress, but quickly hid behind a curtain when she saw Pinkie. The other pony was making the dress.
She had a rainbow mane and tail, and a sky blue coat. On her flank was a pretty picture of a rainbow. This had to be Rainbow Dash, but something was wrong...
"Dashie? But where are your wings?" Pinkie blurted. "And why are you making clothes?"
"I'm simply doing what I've been doing since the day I was born, darling!" Rainbow was outraged. "Darling, may I ask you, is there something wrong with that, darling? Now please be a darling, darling, and tell me what you're doing here, darling?"
"One, I was just exploring," Pinkie was ticked. Why was everypony so mad at her here? "And two..." Pause for dramatic effect... "Why are you constantly calling me a darling? My Dashie would never do that!"
"And what is you're Rainbow Dash like?" asked the other pony who'd ducked behind the curtain. She no longer had on the dress, and Pinkie guessed that it was hidden in the dressing room somewhere.
"She's a stunt-pony daredevil who has never gotten a hoofacure in her life and gets filthy on a daily basis," replied the only normal pony in the room. "She's the fastest flyer in all of Equestria and the only pegasus pony able to do a Sonic Rainboom."
This Rainbow Dash's mouth fell open. So did the other pony's. Which, by the way, Pinkie was getting tired of calling her that.
"What's your name?" she asked the pink pony. She had bright pastel in her mane and tail, and on her flank was the picture of two paintbrushes.
"Toola Roola," the pony replied. "Umm..." she looked at the floor.
"Oh! Look at the time!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "I really have to get back to work, darling, so maybe you should visit Minty's house? The darling is always looking for someone to hang out with, darling. But she's kind of a klutz, darling, so be careful, darling," the earth pony ushered Pinkie out and slammed the door.
"Aren't you at least going to tell me where she lives?" the pink pony called. There was no answer, so Pinkie decided to move on.
So much for an adventure.