The Darkness in our Souls

by Black Light

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

I was sitting on the train pondering what to do when I reached Fillydelphia. I thought about what I would do when I did talk with Prowler’s parents. I had meet them once or twice before and they were good ponies. They also had some respect for me because they thought… Oh, right.

“Hey Rarity.” I said turning to face the mare.

“Hmm, what is it?” Rarity asked.

“You wouldn’t happen to have a cloak or something with you by any chance?” I responded.

“No I don’t, why?” Rarity said looking through her saddlebags.

“Because I’ve been to Fillydelphia before.” I said.

“And you don’t want them to recognize you because of your power?” Twilight asked.

“No, nopony in Fillydelphia knows about my power, I left before they had a chance to learn.” I said.

“Why did you leave before they found out?” Twilight asked.

“Because after a few days of being mistaken for a prince and having random ponies bowing to you in the street, No matter how many times you tell them you have no relation to the princesses, it gets kind of annoying.” I answered rolling my eyes. From next to me I could hear Rainbow holding in a laugh. I rolled my eyes again. “Go ahead.” I said waving my hoof. Both Skies and Rainbow started to laugh next to me. “Yeah, yeah laugh it up.”

“Seriously? They thought you were royalty?” Rainbow questioned in between her laughs.

“In their defense, the only alicorns that anypony even knows are royalty.” I told her.

Rainbow’s laugh died down. “Fair point.”

“Either way, I still want to try and avoid having to go through that again.” I told them all.

Rarity started to think. “We may not need a cloak.” She said.

“Explain.” I responded.

“Well, I could use the same spell I used to get us into the cave to hide you wings. Considering the much smaller area and that there’s no secondary spell that needs to be cast. It should be much simpler.” Rarity told me.

I thought for a moment. “That might work, but if we do I still want to use my own magic pool for a power source. You did come close to magical exhaustion, so you do need to rest.” I said to her.

“That makes sense.” Rarity said.

“Alright then, at least we’ve got a plan.” I said as I looked out of the window and sighed.

“Worrying about what you’re going to do when you get there?” Rainbow asked.

“Of course.” I answered. “It’s not an easy thing to do. I’m worried that I might not be brave enough to do this.”

“Hey, just remember what I said. We’re here to support you if you ever need any help.” Rainbow said pressing herself into the side of my body.

I smiled. “Yeah, I know you all are.” I said as I leaned on her. Looking out the window I saw the buildings in the distance. I took a few deep breaths. I needed to do this, I can’t run away from it.

The train pulled into the station and I got up from my seat. Rarity cast her spell and my wings vanished from my sides. My own magic took over powering the spell. I felt the same pull at my magic but it was much less than the first time. We stepped off the train and started walking into town. Luckily for me the spell seemed to be working and I was being mostly ignored. Prowler’s parents lived a little ways into town so the walk didn’t take too long to get to their home.

I was standing in front of the door. I had been here before so I knew I was at the right house. I looked back and saw the girls standing behind me. They had a melancholy look about them, which I was no doubt matching as well. I took a few deep breaths and reached up knocking on the door. I heard some movement inside and soon the door opened. In the door was Prowler’s father, Iron Works, he was a dark grey unicorn with an iron bar for a cutie mark, he works as a construction worker to build some of the larger building in the town.

“Hello sir, you may not remember me, but my name is Shadowmere.” I said to him.

“Shadowmere? Well of course I remember you. You’re an alicorn it’s rather hard to forget.” He said to me with a smile.

“Please tell me you’re not going to bow.” I said.

“Well of course not, just because you’re an alicorn doesn’t mean your royalty.” He responded.

“Wait… but last time, you- what?” I asked.

Iron Works just laughed. “Please I don’t know why the rest of the town decided to make you royalty, but we’re a bit more thoughtful in this house. We always knew you weren’t royalty, we just bowed before because it was a prank our son wanted to pull on you knowing how much you hated it.” He told me with a small laugh.

My reaction was bitter-sweet. I smiled because of the prank they had pulled, but I was still slumped slightly. “Sir, there’s something that I need to talk with you about. It would be best if we went inside to tell you this.” I told him.

He raised his eye slightly in confusion. “All right please come in.” He said stepping aside so we could come in, as I went in I let my magic stop and my wings became visible again. Iron Works followed behind us, shutting the door. “Dear, we have guests!” He called through the house.

“I’ll be down in a second!” A voice called down from the upstairs. The rest of us continued to the living room and each of us took a seat. Soon enough a mare came down the stairs, Mary Sue. She had a light blue coat and her cutie mark was a quill and parchment representing her talent as a writer. “Oh Shadowmere, it’s good to see you again.”

I nodded slightly in greeting. “If you would both sit down. I have…something that I need to tell you.” I said indicating to the small couch across from me.

The two nodded, slightly confused, and sat down on the couch.

“I-I don’t really know how to tell you this, but-” I tried to think what to say but the words didn’t come to me. Eventually I gave up trying to speak and instead opened my saddlebags and took out the hat and piece of bark that I had stored in them. I set the two down onto the small table in front of us and I looked at the ground. Not wanting to look at the two of them in the eye.

I could feel the silence as the two across from me started to recognize the hat and started to piece what had happened together. I looked back up at the two of them hoping to gauge their reaction. The mother was speechless with her hooves covering her mouth and tears starting to form in her eyes. The father was speechless as well, the small smoke pipe he had been keeping in his mouth had fallen to the floor.

“This- this is all some joke right?” He asked. “Please tell me this is just some sick joke.”

I started to look towards the ground. “I’m sorry, it’s not. I truly wish it was, but it isn’t.” I told him.

Mary began to weep openly now burying her face in irons side as she did so. Iron simple gripped his wife and held her. His own mind still trying to process everything.

“I’m sorry that this had to happen.” I said standing up. “If it means anything, he saved all of our lives.” I said indicating to the mares around me. “And I swear to you, I will make sure the princess knows what he did for us.” I told them. Mary continued to cry, but Iron was looking at me his gaze sad, but his eyes still showed a hint of thanks behind them. I decided it was time for us to go, so I stood up and started to leave the house. I could tell they needed to be alone. The girls following behind me.

I sat on the porch of the house waiting. I didn’t feel like leaving quite yet. I wanted to wait until I had some last words with them before I left. I heard the door open and I turned to look. I was Iron Works coming through the door. I turned my attention back towards the front yard, looking at Skies and the six mares who were there distracting each other

“I’m sorry, I wish there was more I could’ve done. I feel like it’s my fault.” I said putting my head into my hooves.

I felt a hoof on my shoulder. “Listen, if I know anything, it’s that Prowler wouldn’t want you feel that way about it.” Iron said to me.

“I know, but it’s not really something I can control.” I responded. “How’s Mary taking it?”

Iron sat down next to me. “She’s upstairs resting right now. She’s taking it pretty hard, but she’s a strong mare.” He sighed. “By the way, what did you mean when you said that you would make sure the princess knows what he did for you all?”

“Well, I’ve made a lot of progress since I’ve been here last. You see those mares are the elements of harmony.” I answered.

“You mean?” He questioned his eyes wide with surprise.

“Yeah, personal protégé of the princess herself. I know the princess will do everything in her power to give him a proper funeral, most likely with some honors most ponies don’t normally get.” I told him.

Iron was silent for a short time. “…Thank you for coming to us directly. I’m glad that it was you rather than a random messenger.” He said to me.

“Of course. Prowler was one of my few friends. It’s the least I could do for him, despite that he deserves more.” I responded.