//------------------------------// // Sweet(ish) Dreams // Story: Cameo's Adventures // by CutieMarkCrusaders //------------------------------// Cameo awoke in the middle of the night. She had had a bad dream. It was the first bad dream she had had since... the incident. In this dream, everypony was laughing at her. She didn't know why. Nopony had ever given her a hard time about her blank flank since... ugh! You know what I mean! Cameo's best guess was that they were laughing at her because she was strange. If there was one thing she remembered her mother telling her, it was that ponies make fun of things they don't understand. Sometimes, Cameo would make herself feel better by telling herself that everypony made fun of her because they were just ignorant. Nothing more. Cameo hugged her teddy bear close and rested her head back on her pillow. Soon, she drifted back off into sleep. ... Cameo found herself in a darkened hollow. She knew she was looking for somepony, but she couldn't quite remember who. She looked over her shoulder and saw her saddle bags resting on her back, and Teddy's face was peeking out of one of them. This provided some comfort for Cameo, but overall, she still felt scared. Really, really, really scared. You know that feeling you have right after you watch a scary movie, or read a scary story? And then you hear that sound just outside your door, or under your bed, or in your closet... Well Cameo had that feeling right now, except it was multiplied by one million and two. "Cameo." The unicorn began to back up. Somepony, somewhere, had said her name. "Cameo," the voice said again. Her heart racing, she turned tail and began to gallop away from the voice. She didn't care who it belonged to; she just wanted to get away. "Cameo." The voice was right behind her now, so she turned around. She didn't want to, but you know how dreams are. There, standing in front of Cameo, was the pony who had been saying her name. It was her mother. "Cameo, don't be afraid. It's only me," she said as she embraced her daughter. "I've missed you so, so much." Slowly, the sun rose up above the trees and the whole forest became bright. Everything was beautiful. Cameo stepped back to look at her mother, when she realized that the pony standing before her had wings. She reached out a hoof to touch them, and they felt so soft. "Yes, Cameo, I do have wings. I live in another place now, remember? I mean we live in another place." A familiar stallion appeared and stood next to Cameo's mother. It took her a minute, but then she recognized him to be her father. She stood for a second as a few tears rolled down her cheeks, but then she embraced her parents. "Cameo, we have to go," said her mother. "Yes. There are ponies waiting for us," said her father. The family joined together in one last heartfelt embrace before Cameo's mother and father spread their wings and flew up to the sky. ... Cameo sat up in bed. She looked around, and was sad to find that she was back in her room, and her parents were nowhere to be seen. Slowly, she turned her head to look up at the ceiling. I love you guys, she thought. Then, hugging Teddy, she rested her head on her pillow once again, and had sweet dreams for the rest of the night.