//------------------------------// // A Fateful Decision // Story: Night Rain's Cupcakes // by Raidah //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie went to a table that was near Night Rain, on the table was a medical bag, and a tray with a cloth over it. With a swift movement, Pinkie whipped the cloth off of the tray, revealing a vast array of various medical tools and knives, all of which were razor sharp. Pinkie looked over the tray, and selected a small scalpel. She walked over to Night Rain and placed the tip of the scalpel an inch above her cutie mark. "Wait. Pinkie wait!" Night Rain protested. "What?" Pinkie asked, annoyed that Night Rain had interrupted her. "If you let me go, I won't tell anypony about this, I swear." "Oh, Night Rain..." Pinkie said, shaking her head. "Do you know how many ponies have tried that? It never worked." "Well, I can help you. In doing this I mean." "Oh?" "Yeah, I'll get whoever you pulled to Sugarcube Corner if they forget, I'll even kidnap them if I have to. You'll have a lot more time to get ready, and besides, the more the merrier right?" Pinkie considered this for a minute. "I dunno Night Rain," she began, "what do you think Apple Bloom?" "More help would be useful... But ah don't buy it, for all we know she could split as soon as we let her go and tell everypony in town our secret." Apple Bloom said, looking at Night Rain with suspicion. "True..." Pinkie said, turning to face Night Rain. "Do you promise not to tell anypony? Not even Rainbow Dash?" "Promise." Night Rain said. "Pinkie promise???" Pinkie Pie was nose to nose with Night Rain now, staring her in the eye. "Pinkie promise." Night Rain confirmed. Pinkie backed off and said, "Okay. You can go, but a word of this to anypony and you're going back on the table." "Don't worry Pinkie." Night Rain said as Pinkie Pie undid the restraints. "Nopony's gonna know a thing." To prove her point, Night Rain mimed the Pinkie Promise with her now-free left front leg. Once Pinkie had finished untying Night Rain, the latter went to the stairs, and walked up them. "Who do you want me to get?" Night Rain asked as she opened the door at the top of the stairs. "I'll have to pull their number." Pinkie repiled, hopping up the stairs and going through the door. "Hold on." With that, she went upstairs to her room and went to the jar. She reached inside and pulled out a slip of paper, on it read "38, Blue Lightning." "I got someone!" Pinkie called as she went back downstairs. Night Rain was still in the shop. "Who'd you get?" "Blue Lightning." "Alright, I'll go get him." as Night Rain prepared to take off, she remembered one thing. "Oh, and Pinkie Pie." "Yes?" "One more thing." "What's that?" "Leave Dash outta this." "We'll see." "I'm serious." "So am I." Night Rain didn't like the sound of that, but she just shrugged it off and went to find Blue Lightning.