Night Rain's Cupcakes

by Raidah

Four Months Later...

After four whole months, Night Rain has grown used to Pinkie Pie's method of getting ingredients for her cupcakes, and has even gone so far as to take a couple of harvests into her own hooves. But no matter how long you are doing something, there's always something to throw you off your game. Now it's Night Rain's turn to have that something happen to her, and she won't like it. At all.

Night Rain was walking along in Ponyville, heading to Sugarcube Corner to meet with Pinkie Pie for their weekly pony harvest. But as she entered the sweet shop, she noticed that something wasn't right, Pinkie was nowhere to be seen, when usually she'd be in the kitchen preparing the victim's cupcake. Confused, Night Rain went to the door that led into the cellar.
As she opened the door, she saw Pinkie Pie already downstairs, and it looked like she had been there all night.
"Pinkie Pie? What's going on?" Night Rain asked, a concerned expression on her face.
"Oh! Hi Night Rain, I'm just getting ready for our guest." Pinkie replied reassuringly.
"Okay, who'd you pull?"
"Nopony special, but since you're already here, could you come here for a minute?"
"Okay." Night Ran walked over to Pinkie Pie, who handed her one of the scalpels.
"This needs to be sharpened, could you do that while I get the rest of the knives and things sorted?"
As Night Rain went over to the sharpening table for the knives, she felt something hard smack her in the back of the head. She fell over, and then blacked out.

When Night Rain came to, she found that she was in a chair facing the harvesting table. She tried to move her legs, but they were held down by the same leather straps that held the victim in place for the harvest. Her head however, was free, and she looked around for Pinkie Pie, who was standing right in front of her.
"Pinkie? What's going on? Why am I tied down?"
"So you can't interfere."
"'Interfere'? Pinkie what are you talking about?"
"To think you'd have seen the table by now..."
Night Rain looked to the harvesting table, and, to her horror, was faced with her best friend, Rainbow Dash.
"Pinkie, you said you'd leave her out of this!"
"No I didn't, I said 'we'll see.'"
Night Rain writhed in her bonds. "Dammit Pinkie I trusted you!!! I promised to help you with this so long as you left Dash out of the picture. I PINKIE PROMISED YOU FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE!!!!"
"But I didn't promise you anything. I only said that we'll SEE if I'll leave her out of this, but I pulled her number and guess what? I decided to go through with it."
"Dammit Pinkie, please. Please leave Dash out of this..." Night Rain hung her head and was sobbing.
Pinkie sighed, wondering what to do.
"Let her help us with this, like you did me."
"You know exactly what I mean and don't try to hide it."
"Oh I understand what you mean, Night Rain. I'm just wondering if it's a good idea..."
"Of course it's a good idea. With her speed we could easily harvest the ponies we kidnap, even kidnap them faster."
"You mean, we could be more efficient?"
"Yes, exactly."
"I don't know Night Rain..."
"Please Pinkie, I can't lose Dash, not like this."
"Alright, but we should at least wait for her to wake up before we make any final decisions."
"Thank you, Pinkie Pie..." Night Rain smiled beneath her tears.