//------------------------------// // Entry 1.5 // Story: The Terror's Dream // by GrouchoMarxDisciple //------------------------------// This entry appears to be a continuation of the previous one. I... I am at a loss for words. I was summoned for my audience with the Princess, but... I don't understand. Let me start at the beginning. I walked into the throne room, and to my surprise not one but two princess were there, the Goddess Celestia and her sister Luna, despite the fact that Luna usually sleeps during the day. That fact alone was enough to make me more alert and focused. Obviously, something I had said or done was enough to cause the Goddess of the Night to be awakened. I, frankly, was excited. The Princess entreated me to show her my "wand", as I have come to call the apparatus. After many years of study of both the Unicorn horn, as well as the concept of magic flow, I had created for myself a mechanical device used to the same effect. Without it, I, lacking the necessary appendages to harness Magic's full power, could not do much more than cause a small object to move a few inches, and even that takes great concentration. I gave my speech on why I believe magic is ambient, on why we all believe wrong about it and its application, and how my studies would be greatly aided by access to the royal Archives. "In particular, the works of the famed Star Swirl the Bearded and his assistant Clover the Clever would aid me greatly in finding the truth about the origin and properties of magic." I'm sure my smile must have looked a mile wide. "Furthermore, his observations on the practical applications of more arcane spells would aid me greatly in putting the finishing touches on my wand, which now can only harness enough magic to preform rudimentary functions." The Princesses looked at each other, in a kind of knowing way. Their faces, though still bright, had any trace of a smile gone. I wondered why the somber mood had suddenly overtaken our goddesses. Did I say something wrong? Did the princess know something I didn't? Unease began to eat away at my initial exuberance, and I could feel the smile leaving my face. Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna's expressions left the impression of a wordless conversation in my mind. They each nodded or shook their heads in turn, obviously arguing about something of arcane importance. I couldn't, from this, tell the topic of conversation, but I could see that it was on a grave matter. Celestia finally broke the silence. "If I may, Mr. Twinkle, may I take custody of that Wand?" It was about here that I began to be suspicious. If she had asked to "see" it, it would be implied that it would be returned. However, she had, probably purposefully, implied that I was not to get it back. I hesitated for a moment, but then handed it to her. "Thank you. Now, are there any other prototypes?" I merely shook my head, not understanding what she was about to do. "I'm sorry, my little pony. Some things must be done for the greater good." The ageless princess said, in the same manner I would apologize for hitting somepony's dog with my cart. I took a second to understand what she was saying, but by the time I did, it was too late. The invention, the one I had spent years on, snapped in half, Celestia's yellow glow surrounding the shattered sides of a once amazing contraption. "Star Twinkle, you are hereby ordered to cease and desist your studies into the origin and properties of magic. All works and related topics of study are to be given to the guards for disposal. This is a matter of national security. My sister and I will secure you employment elsewhere. My guards will follow you home." Somewhere during that explanation, I had dropped to my knees, too broken to cry. Without my studies, I was nothing. I had literally spent my life building that wand, localizing research, observing magic in use... It is by a miracle this book still exists. Damn Celestia and Luna's warnings, I shall find the truth. No matter who it is, or why they hide it, the truth cannot stay hidden long. Even now, I am planning how to successfully sneak into the archives, how to gather my books, how to secretly continue my study. I will be proven right, no matter the cost! Here I stand! I can do no other! So help me Celestia, I will find the truth. The entry ends here. Once again, there is something written in the margin, though it does not appear in his hand. Seek. Find. Look. Hide. Hide your eyes. The light will burn. Knowledge. Kills. For the Dreamer still slumbers. Life. Death. Age. Youth. Light that burns. Fire that glows. Illumination of the truth.