//------------------------------// // New world, new... body?! // Story: Ten'nō ryū Dragon Soul // by Soldragonis //------------------------------// "Myria! I will not allow that you continue to kill those that want to be free!" A lone man with blue hair, clad in a white robe, was standing in front of a giant demon. "And what are you planning to do? I am the goddess of desire and destruction, even your desire to kill me empowers me. Still, it is remarkable that you got this far, all of your friends, even your own brother betrayed you, and still you continue on. But I have to ask, what could a lone brood do? You are nothing! You have no power, you are just another worm that I will crush." "I am Ryu! I am the last of the brood! And your reign of destruction is over!" The man jumps towards the demon and attacks it, only to be swatted down like a fly, "Pathetic! Even the other adventurers were stronger than you." "I will not loose! RRRAAAHHH" In a bright flash, the man is gone, a great golden dragon in his place, 'This is all my might, I am the Ten'nō ryū! I will not let the humans suffer under your rule anymore!" The dragon opens it's mouth, unleashing a white beam of energy, hitting the demon, leaving a great hole in it. 'This is for my sister and my brother!' With a furious roar, the dragon gathers a giant ball of light before his open fangs infusing it with all the dragon genes he gathered, unleashing the energy as a rainbow-colored beam, 'And this is to restore the harmony you worked so hard to destroy!' Ten years later... The lone man, stands before the grave of his sister, crying, "Sara, I did everything I could, I defeated destruction, but now, I am hated, because I killed their god" the man falls to his knees, "Why! I saved their lives! I brought back technology, I brought back magic, and yet they hate me, because of what I am. I can't take this anymore!" the man continues to sob, "Please, I just want to live in harmony! I just want peace!" Far above a single being, watches the man in pity, and decides that he should be rewarded for all his suffering in the name of harmony, it sees him fit for a new live in another world, one of friendship and magic. It sends a ball of red energy, a gate between worlds, tarned as deadly projectile, knowing that the lone man would try to stop it, to ensure that harmony will be protected. Hearing a loud, crumbling noise, the man looks up, irritated. 'Can't I even pity myself in peace now?' When ne sees the meteor, his irritation quickly changes into horror, then into determination in the face of the meteor. 'NO, I will not see this planet suffer anymore!' In a flash, the same golden dragon that defeated Myria returns, once again firing a golden beam, this time though, it is directed at the meteor, only to disappear the moment it hits the meteor, not doing any damage to it. The dragon shrinks, turning back into the lone man, 'No! That was all my mana, how could that meteor survive such a blast!' In a last, desperate attempt to stop the meteor, the man held out his hands and somehow managed to stop the meteor from impacting the ground, before a sickening crunch was heard as his legs shattered into dozen of pieces, immiediatly followed by a bright flash, leaving nothing behind. 'Where am I? What happend? Ok, vision? Check. Inner flame? Check. Pain, yeah, thats still there... Hooves? Che... What the hell?' He stared down onto where his hands used to be, only to see that hooves had taken their place, hooves with nearly white fur! 'Okay... this is crazy?' He let out a small sigh. 'Guess my wish got granted' His ears perked up when he heard screams. "Fall back! Fall back!" "Luna! Please wake up!" Looking into the direction the screams came from he saw a group of unicorns in armor lying on the ground and a large white one with a etheral mane, horn and wings standing over a slightly smaller dark blue one with a similar mane that looked unconcious, apparently tending it's wounds. 'Shit!' Noticing the strange giant purple bear he tried to get up to help, only to feel a surge of pain, appearently his hindlegs were broken. 'Would have been to easy, huh?' That was when he saw the bear lifting it's paw tossing a terrifed purple Unicorn against a tree. "Twiley!" He heard how someone calling out in panic and a white unicorn in purple armor came running towards the unconcious purple unicorn with tears running down it's face. "No, sis, please stay with me." Painfull memories flashed before his eyes and he let out a mighty roar, calling upon his inner flame to destroy this bear with all his might: "RRRROOOOAAAAAARRRRR" With a surge of power he felt his body shifting into the form of a giant, golden dragon, his hindlegs still hurting. Glaring at the bear with pure hatred in his eyes, he opend his mouth, firing a huge golden blast of light, utterly desintegrating the foul beast that now screamed in pain. Shining Armor couldn't believe his eyes: When a strange red meteor fell into Everfree Forest, the Princesses, his little sister Twilight, a troup of Royal Guards and he as their captain went investigating. When they came to the crash site a Ursa Major attacked them and brought down his ten guards with a single swipe of its paw, rammed Princess Luna head on, severely injuring her and took another swipe at his beloved sister sending her crashing into a tree, he screamed her name and ran towards her, only to find her lying on the floor, close to death. He had cried. What was his life without his little sister? That was when he heard a mighty roar, a roar filled with pain, hate and sadness. He looked up to see a mighty dragon firing a golden beam at the Ursa Major, literarilly desintegreating it. Where did this thing come from? He looked down to the purple unicorn, Twiley seemed to be her name, only to find the white unicorn staring at him. He used telepathy to speak with it, simply saying: "Let me help her." The unicorn hesistantly nodded and he reached out with one of his golden claws. The dragon actually spoke to him! Shining Armor nodded after a short moment. His sister needed help now in order to survive. The dragon raised one of his massive claws and touched her chest, where a golden flame burst out of Twilight's body as she began to move slightly, only to sink back and snore. She was alive! He looked at the dragon with tears of happiness running down his face, she was Alive! The dragon looked at him and Shining again heard this dark voice in his head, it simply said: "She needs to rest now, the flame will die when her body is fully healed." As to prove the dragons words the flame slowly died out. Looking over the other unicorns, he saw that they were only knocked out, but when he looked at the dark blue with both horn and wings he noticed a small red thorn in her flank. 'That's `Dragons Breath´, those thorns are filled with strong poison!' He reached out his claw and pointed at the thorn, at the same time he linked his mind with the one protecting it and told her: "You have to get out that thorn, it's filled with poison!" "What! No!", the white one looked down to see the thorn. "That's `Dragons Breath´, it will kill her!" Her horn was quickly wrapped in a golden aura and the same aura surrounded the thorn, pulling it out. Princess Celestia looked at the thorn with tears in her eyes. She would lose her sister! There was nothing that could be done against this poison. She was helpless. Once again she felt the tug on her mind as the dragon spoke to her: "I know how to save her, but I'm to exhausted to do it. I will share a memory with you, it will tell you what to do." Celestia closed her eyes, when she opend them she found herself running towards a strange being laying on the ground. "Sister! No! Not that plant!" She heard someone scream and it felt like it was her screaming those words, but they sounded childlike and more masculine? She decided not to think about it, she felt her body sit down beneath this being. "I will help you sister!" She screamed at it and held out her hooves, no those were claws of some sort, and channelled her magic energy into them. She then again spoke four words in that strange voice: "Purify the body, Antidote!" She felt somewhat exhausted, but the being before her glowed for a moment and then began to move. "Brother? Thank you...." Celestia felt how the memory vanished and looked at the dragon, only to see it collaps and disappear with: "I am the Ten'nō ryū. I don't want to see anyone suffer." She looked at her sister and channeled her magic energy in her horn, pointing it at Luna. "Purify the body, antidote!" She immediatly felt exhausted and her horn felt sore, but she noticed her sister slowly opening her eyes. "Celly? What happend? I... I felt so much pain. I couldn't move, but the pain just disappeared, Celly? What's wrong Celly? Celly!" When Luna saw her sister collapsing next to her, panting heavily she tried to get to her as fast as possible, only to find herself still unable to move. "I'm fine Lulu, that healing spell just taxed me more than I thought." Then, without a warning, Celestia lost conciousness. "Celly!" Luna crawled towards her sister, ignoring the pain that surged trough her body, only to see that she was just sleeping. Letting out a sigh of relief she turned her head around to see Captain Shining Armor supporting his, now awake, sister as they walked over to her and eleven ponies lying on the ground. "How is everypony? What happened to the Ursa?" "Everypony is fine. The Ursa knocked out all ten guards, you, your highness, and Twiley before a strange dragon appeared, killing the Ursa and saving her"- he nodded towards Twilight- "life with some strange spell. Afterwards it looked around and when it saw you it's eyes widened in shock and it seemed like it talked to your sister, then it vanished, shortly after that she charged a spell and mutterd some words, you glowed for a moment and shortly after she collapsed, sleeping. And here we are." Luna felt happy that nopony was really hurt. Then a thought crossed her mind. "Wait, there were only ten guards?" She looked around the unconcious unicorn guards, only to find one without an armor, nearly white fur, a bright blue mane and a golden dragonic head as a Cutie Mark, just who was this pony? Twilight looked what the Princess was staring at, wondering who this strange pony was. Then her look fell on his hindlegs, or rather at the red liquid below them, blood! He was bleeding! She tried running towards him, but she stumbled and her brother quickly catched her, what was she thinking? She was to exhausted. Shining looked at the hindlegs of the fallen pony in shock when he saw the blood. Helping his sister towards the stallion he began charging a healing spell. When he concentrated on the hindlegs of the unicorn he felt the wounds inside of them, they were completely shattered! Then he noticed something else: they were healing faster then they normally should. Looking over to Luna he saw that Princess Celestia was now awake again and the Princesses were talking. "So this dragon told you how to heal me?" Luna looked a bit confused, there was no known cure to the poison of ´Dragon Breath´, it was deadly, yet this dragon teached her sister how to cure this poison. "He also said something else before he vanished. He said: 'I am the Ten'nō ryū. I don't want to see anyone suffer.' Do you know the meaning of the first words?" Luna shook her head. "No, but I think he told you his name. I think we should see what Captain Shining Armor and Twilight are doing." Turning around she saw how Shining tried healing the legs of the strange pony, were they in a bad condition? With a start she noticed the blood on the ground below them. 'This pony is bleeding!' "Sis, we need to help!" She started running. "I'm coming Luna!" When the Princesses looked down on the pony it somehow regained conciousness. Looking up he noticed the ponies standing around him, their faces filled with concern. Turning his face he noticed the dark blue pony. "I'm glad you all are alright. You must heal really fast Naito no megami if you are already back on your hooves." Then everything went black. "What was he talking about? Who is this 'Naito no megami' he talked about?" Twilight looked at the stallion with interested and slightly freaked out eyes, who was that stallion? "I believe he meant me." Luna looked at him, the name he used when he spoke to her sounded somehow like it was the same language as Ten'nō ryū. "We shall take him to the Canterlot Hospital, what does thou mean, sister?" She looked at Celestia. "Yes, I have some questions to him. We should hurry." Twilight, Shining Armor, Luna, Celestia, the guards and the mysterious pony vanished in a bright flash.