//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Patient Confidentiality or Lack Thereof // Story: I Fly Fast to Get Away // by pagegasustoburn //------------------------------// Lyra picked up the last of the magazines placing it on the coffee table. 'Well at least we didn't break anything,' she thought. She was happy that Mr. Waddle had took her remaining patients for the day. There were a few ponies that would only see her but they were kind enough to allow her a little break for once. Not having anything better to do she had spent the rest of the day napping on the couch in her office. She had only just started her evening chores thinking about her co-workers as she done so. Mr. Waddle was the only other licensed therapist in Ponyville, there was another however who was in their line of work and that was Shallow Wake. But Wake refused to be called anything but what he was, a psychiatrist. Wake and Lyra often butted heads because Lyra didn't agree with Wake's pill pushing attitude. Sure there were ponies that needed a chemical to help fix their problems but Lyra always felt that it need to be a last resort. It was no secret that Lyra wasn't Ponyville's favoirte shrink, that title belonged to Mr. Waddle. Sure she had a much higher degree than him and it didn't matter that she graduated top in her class. In the real world expericence was worth its weight in gold and she was just two years out of school. It weight heavily on her mind that he took care of three-quarters of the patient load. She tried to dismiss that as 'He has been doing it a lot longer than me.' But deep down she felt that it was because she wasn't good enough. "Uh, Miss Lyra?" said Amathest Star trying to get the older mare's attention. "Sparkler you and I have been friends for years. Just because I'm technically your boss doesn't mean you have to give me the "miss" routine, ok. What do you want to know?" answered Lyra as she turned to face the pink coated young mare who was standing beside a yellow bucket leaning on her mop. "I'm sorry I just want to be proper and all," replied Sparkler. "You don't have to be proper. It's me you're talking too. And if you are doing this to show me how thankful you are for me helping you get this job, please don't. The only hoof I had in that was bringing your résumé to Waddle's and Wakes' attention. It was impressive enough that they wanted to interview you and sister did you ace that." said Lyra with a big grin. The mare had just finished moping the hallway. The young mare had been working as a janitor for Waddle, Wake, and Heart Mental Health Clinic for around eight months now and she was still so formal. "What I wanted to know was what happened between you and Rainbow Dash. I was on lunch break when it happed. I didn't see what happened between you and her but some of the other staff said that..." muttered Sparkler not wanting to finish her statement. Shaking Sparkler couldn't look her friend in the eyes. She wanted to say what she heard but she didn't want to hurt her friends feelings so she bit her lip. Lyra moved closer to Sparkler and sat down,"What did they say that has you so upset." "Dr. Wake said that if it was up to him you wouldn't be a practicing psychologist and that he was going to bring your antic's to the Mental Health Care Board. And that you were very unprofessional," sobbed Sparkler. Lyra wraped her a forleg around Sparkler and rested her chin on the mare's head. "Shh...you don't have to get so worked up about what that block head has to say. And I am unprofesional." said Lyra who was half smiling at that last bit. Calming down Sparkler pulled away and wiped her eyes with her hoof. She sniffed and the she said, "What does Wake have against you and why does he say such mean things behind your back?" "Wake just doesn't like me. He's stuffy and does everything by the book. And I don't. I tried that for a while but it made me very unhappy and more than that it made my patients unhappy so I burned that book and I haven't looked back ever since. Our styles just clash is all." answered Lyra. "I know I shouldn't let him get upset it just that out of all the jobs I have had since getting out of school this is the only one that I actully liked. I know being a janitor isn't the greatest job in the world but it isn't the work that makes me happy. It's spending time with you when you can spare it. Me and you are always the first ponies here and the last to leave and I like that. It reminds me of the times that you would come and hang out with Ditzy and me. And I am so afraid that Wake will find someway to take that away from me. I am so selfish." said Sparkler choking back a second round of tears. Lyra streached out her hoof and ruffled Sparkler's mane. "Listen, an't nothing that old stuffy stallion can do to me that will keep me from being here for you Sparks. And you are not selfish." Rushing foward Sparkler wraped her forlegs around the older mare and then nuzzled Lyra's neck with her nose, taking in the minty smell of her sister-friend. Lyra smiled and then wrapped her own forlegs around the little mare and gave her a squeze. Slowly Sparkler's tension melted away. " I know that you and Rainbow Dash have that patient confidentionality thing but, if you don't mind me asking, what did she come and see you for?" Sparkler asked innocently. "I don't know for sure yet Sparks," replied Lyra. Lyra went back to straightening the magazines. Sparkler stood there for a moment and the she grabed up the mop and started working her way into the waiting room. The two of them finished their daily chore of dusting, organizing, and moping the small clinic and then they left for home. It was a cool october evening and the sun was lazly drooping over the horizon. Its last rays tickled the blue sky, pink in places and was slowly giving way to the dark purple night sky. The two mare walked side by side enjoying the ambience of Ponyville in the fall. There were a few ponies left in the town square. Most of them were farmer's who had stayed trying to sell the last of their produce to any stragglers who walked by. It was getting late in the year and many of the farmers would stop selling their harvest. Oh there were a few, like the flower trio who had greenhouses to grow their beautiful flowers, that would hawk their wares year around. But, for the most part the fresh produce season was over. That isn't to say that the crafts ponies wouldn't keep their stalls. Those who had the luxery of having a craft that withstood the changing seasons, like a rock of ages, could always be found in the spuare. Lyra was looking foward to seeing her Bonny and Sparkler could tell it too. Her pace had quickend and she had began to wear that goofy smile that Lyra denied even existing. 'It was a heartwarming sight to watch the fire of Lyra's love for Sweetie Drops begin to cause the minty coated mare's coat to glow.' thought Sparkler. They soon found themselves with in sight of Lyra and Sweetie's house. Sweetie must have saw them coming because she met them at the door. Lyra lept into Sweeties forlegs and gave her a quick peck on the lips. The both of them were now blushing deeply. Sparkler rolled her eyes and then started to leave. "Hey Sparks,!" yelled Lyra. Looking over her shoulder at the two she responded, "Yeah?" "You asked me why I thought Rainbow Dash came to see me today and I told you I didn't know." said Lyra who was fighting, and losing to Sweety's attempts to pull her inside. Spinning around Sparkler gave Lyra a big smile, "Yeah!" "Well I wan't telling you the truth. The truth is I think Dash is having some sort of an identiy crisis. And I think that she might be like me and Bon Bon." "Awsome, cool, nice, sweet," spouted Sparkler clearly missing the obvious. Before Lyra could correct her she was compleatly enveloped by Sweetie Drops. The door slamed with a loud and distinctive thud. Sparkler hung her head. Now she would be awake all night trying to figure it out. But before she could take more than a couple steps the door reopened and a giggling Lyra stuck her head out and then yelled, "I think she is a fillyfooler!". Lyra looked around feeling slightly embarresed at how loud it came out. She didn't have time to think about it because she was enraptured again by Sweetie's loving forlegs and was pulled back inside. 'Dash a fillyfooler?' the idea just didn't sit well with Sparkler. Not that it mattered because many of her closest friends were but, it just didn't make much since. A humorous thought did come to mind. 'If it's true, then Flitter is going to flip out because Dash is her type,'. Sparkler's house was just a block or so away from Lyra's and Sweetie's and she could tell it was going to be great to be home because she could smell the aroma of her favorite type of muffins, bananna-nut oat bran. 'Ditzy was the best big sister ever.' Rarity had overheard the whole thing while she was out for a leisurely stroll trying to clear her head. Although she tried to keep up her ladylike image there was nothing she liked more than goading Rainbow Dash. And Lyra and Amathest Star had given her plenty of ammunition.