//------------------------------// // Where Loyalties Lie // Story: Night Rain's Cupcakes // by Raidah //------------------------------// Night Rain got up as usual. It was Wednesday again, time for another citizen of Ponyville to meet their grizzly end. And this was going to be special too, it was Rainbow Dash's first solo harvest. Dash had been helping out for most of the harvests for the last few months, whereas with others she just wouldn't show up. Night Rain worried that Dash was planning against Pinkie Pie, but she knew how hard it had been once she had starting helping with this, and she knew that Dash was probably going through the same paranoia that had consumed her as well. When she walked into Sugarcube Corner, she was greeted by Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Apple Bloom. "Well, this is it." Night Rain said, getting herself psyched up. "Dash's first solo harvest. Think you're ready for it Dash?" "As ready as I'll ever be..." Rainbow replied nervously. "Who did you pull Pinkie?" Apple Bloom asked excitedly. "Thunderlane." "Who's Thunderlane?" Rainbow asked. "Just some guy who lives alone, I don't think anypony even notices him around." Pinkie replied. "Okay, is he downstairs already?" Dash asked. "Yep! He's all yours. You remember the procedure right?" "Yes, I remember how to do it Pinkie, don't worry." Dash gave Pinkie a reassuring glance before heading into the cellar to perform her first lone harvest. "Should I go watch her?" Night Rain whispered into Pinkie's ear. "Just to make sure she doesn't crack and let him go to tell everypony what happens?" "Yeah, that might be a good idea." Pinkie said. "But make sure you're not spotted, otherwise she'll think we don't trust her." "I trust her with my life Pinkie, she knows that. It's just..." "Just what?" "Nothing, it can wait. I'll see you when Dash is finished." With that, Night Rain stealthily crept down into the cellar, to watch over Rainbow Dash's progress. An hour later, Night Rain came up from the cellar. "She did it." she said as she quietly closed the door behind her. "Good, did she show any remorse?" Pinkie asked. "No. In fact, she started laughing halfway through. I guess it's getting to her like it has the rest of us." "That's great! Now we don't have to worry about all those days when she didn't show up!" "Shhh! Here she comes." Night Rain said, putting a hoof over Pinkie's mouth. Rainbow Dash came up from the cellar, the medical bag heavy with Thunderlane's organs. "Hooray! She did it!!!" Pinkie said with glee. "Good job Dash. I'm proud of you." Night Ran said sheepishly. "Thanks for the praise guys, but I think I'll have to pass on any more solo harvests for now, I think I'm gonna throw up." Rainbow said. "Didn't we all..." Night Rain said, she was clearly not happy about something, though she tried to hide it. Rainbow could see through those lies, however. She has known Night Rain since they were fillies, and she could tell when something was bothering her. She'd have to find out what, but not right now. For now, she would celebrate with the three ponies around her, but once she and Night Rain were alone, it was interrogation time. She knew that Night Rain had been spying on her, and she wanted to know why. Doesn't Pinkie trust me? Dash thought to herself. Whatever, it's not like I've been planning against them or anything, I've only been questioning whether or not I should up and tell somepony about what we do here. But if I did tell someone, would Night Rain be safe? All of these thing were swarming around in Dash's thoughts. Whatever, first thing tomorrow, I get some answers from Night Rain, then I figure out what to do.