The Lich of the Scourge

by cellum95

Chapter 11: The Confrontation and End

The voice was not mistaken, it was the voice of Evil Twilight.

"Hello again old friends. It's been days since I last saw you guys. Guess what guys? Today is your doom!" The ponies were hurt from their original friend, but they hold their ground.

"Young one, if you could hear me, fight your evil spirit within you!" Kel'Thuzad said. But Twilight Night paid no heed to Kel'Thuzad, and said:

"Let's fight, shall we?" Rainbow Dash, including Applejack, who wanted to pin down and save their friend, charged in. Big mistake. BIG mistake. As soon as they charged in, Twilight grab them in her telepathic spell, and both of them were suspended in the air.

"Let us go!" Applejack pleaded. But Twilight was ignorant, but her ignorance got the best of her. Out of the blue, a powerful swipe got to her muzzle, and she went flying to the wall. Her spell was broken, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash began to fall. Rainbow Dash, being a pegasus, quickly fly to safety but Applejack was still falling. Rainbow Dash then flew to rescue her friend, but before she could rescue, a black aura envelops Applejack, and begins to descend gently. She looks for the source, and quickly founds it. It was Flutterknight! She uses her dark magic just to save her friend. After Applejack touches ground again, she said:

"Thank you Flutterknight, for saving me."

"It's not a problem." As soon she releases her black aura, she then quickly engages Twilight Night with her ice sword. But it was difficult. Days of training for Twilight were enough for her, and soon, she punches Flutterknight and sends her flying to a wall. Flutterknight was knocked out cold, and Twilight Night trotted towards her, and begins to cast her spell, and said:

"Goodbye, old friend." The ponies stood their, wanting to cry, but a miracle happen. Out of the blue, another portal opens, and being, with a sword riding on a skeleton horse.

"I knew you wouldn't forsake us." Kel'Thuzad said.

"Onward for the Scourge!" Anub'arak said. The undead rejoiced, as their leader, Arthas, began to lead them. Twilight was know dumbstruck at the form of events, failed to realize the very hit of an icy spell on her. Her hooves were frozen, and worse, Flutterknight regains conciousness, and Kel'Thuzad said:

"Now Flutterknight!" Flutterknight then raises her ice sword, and pointed it on Twilight. Moments later, a thick black aura surges towards the sword. After a few minutes, it completely deserted Twilight, and Kel'Thuzad commanded:

"Shatter the sword!" Flutterknight did what she was told, and shattered her own sword, and Flutterknight now becomes Fluttershy again.

"W...What happened?" Twilight asked in confusion. The ponies didn't reply, but hugged Twilight for their joy that their friend is back.

*Minutes later*

"So are you gonna go back to your home?" Twilight asked. After the battle, the undead begins to pack up. It was prepared moments later, and Kel'Thuzad replied:


"But how about Flutterk...err...shy?"

"She will be fine. She is still reeling from the side-effects, but will recover." Arthas said.

"Thank you, for saving my student." Princess Celestia said.

"Not a problem. Well, let's go home then." Arthas commanded.

"Indeed." The undead Scourge then enters the portal, and when they are all completely in, the portal vanishes. The ponies smiled that these guys were always be remembered.....always, for their great help.