//------------------------------// // Chap. 05: Fire on the Frozen Blue // Story: Night of the Shy (Revamp) // by Raefire //------------------------------// Night of the Shy (Revamp) by Raefire *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* CHAPTER FIVE: FIRE ON THE FROZEN BLUE The train finally, solemnly pulled into the station at Appleloosa that night. There was no cheering of gratefulness. Spitfire and Zecora, both somehow still alive, were rushed to the hospital where they could receive better treatment. Applejack's cousin Braeburn was stunned to hear the terrible news, as was the rest of the town. They discussed telling the Buffalo right then, but after the chaos of the night and the searching of Everfree all day before that, Twilight was finally, utterly exhausted. Her friends admitted to feeling the same way, and they all agreed that the Buffalo could wait until they had slept. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* The body was laid at the dragon's feet. Nightmare Shy backed up, bowing her head. “I must apologize for not having the body of Lickety-Split III here, too. She apparently decided to elude my grasp.” “No matter,” replied the red dragon. “This will do. I'm amazed. You actually managed to pull it off.” “Not completely,” the possessed pony growled. “I would have liked to have killed all the wielders.” “Yes, but as you said, just two wielders unchained from the Flame makes it extremely unstable.” The red eyes sharpened. “The only way I'll truly be victorious is if I find that Flame and destroy it.” “True, but I think you should re-acquaint yourself with your child first. Finding the Flame would go much faster. I have conferred with my fellow dragons. We are impressed, and will gladly follow you.” “You make a good point, friend. Go, prepare. I have... more surprises in store for Canterlot, anyways.” *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* “Nghh! Argh! Let go of me, you stupid dog!” Scootaloo squirmed, trying to break the grip of the armour-clad Diamond Dog as it dragged her to the center of Ponyville, where, under the shadow of the damaged Grand Pavilion, dozens of other Diamond Dog soldiers were rounding up the few citizens of the town who remained. Scootaloo noticed that no unicorns were with them. She did notice that right beside the Dog holding her were two others holding her friends and Granny Smith. The old mare, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were struggling against their captors just as much as she was. “I SAID, LET. ME. GO! Nghh!” She wrestled against the paw's grip some more, trying everything she could. Finally, the Dog seized the scruff of her neck, digging his claws into her hide as he brought her to his eye level. “Quiet, stupid little pony! Or do you want end up like rainbow-maned one?” he snarled. Even though the young pegasus knew the remark was coming, it still hurt more than any punch to the gut ever could. She fell silent and complacent, trying to hold back the tears building for her fallen idol. Part of it was an act, though she honestly didn't know where the acting started and the true tears began. Luckily, Apple Bloom seemed to be in on it, biting her captor's hand. “Get your stinkin' paws off me!” She was dropped – but as she tried to run, the Dog carrying Sweetie snatched her up in his other paw. Fido held both foals up in the air, using his long arms to keep them from being able to contact his body. He turned to Rover. “Why must we listen to more whining ponies? That was not part of agreement!” “Whining ponies?” asked Apple Bloom. “Oh! So you're one of the Diamond Dogs that kidnapped Rarity! And now you're all helpin' that...whatever that is that took control of sweet ol' Fluttershy! Why ya' helpin' that evil thing, eh? Do ya' have a choice? Or are y'all on its leash, like the dogs you are?” “QUIET!” The Dog's tighter grip drew a yelp from the foal. “Argh! Why not give these ones to griffon at abandoned rock farm outside town? Griffons eat horse, and Gilda pay good money for gems in past!” “Gilda?” Scootaloo's eyes opened wide. What in the world was Dash's former friend still doing so near Ponyville? The foal didn't know, but she did know that an escape plan was formulating in her mind. And then the armoured hooves landed right in front of her, evaporating every plan she'd come up with. “If anyone is going to eat these delicious ponies,” snarled Nightmare Shy, looking straight at Scootaloo, “it's going to be me. I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to bring back blood sacrifices.” “You won't get the chance!” snapped Sweetie Belle. “My sister is going to come back. You'll see. She and her friends are going to free Fluttershy, and they're gonna take you out, just like with Discord!” “Oh, my dear...” The yellow mare shook her head with a tsk-tsk. “Answer me this: How can the Elements of Harmony save you now, when one of them is possessed by me and another is dead?” “They – They'll find a way! They always find a way!” She didn't miss a beat in responding, but the wavering break in her voice halfway through the sentence betrayed the uncertainty in Sweetie's mind. “Ah, brave new Equestria... That has such putzes in it. You really are quite foolish, young one. I'm going to keep you and your little friend with the bow tie alive for now. It's always good to have some leverage against those you're fighting when you go into negotiations. This orange orphan, however... She's quite full of energy. She will make an absolutely wonderful meal before I march off to Canterlot.” “WHAT? NO!” Scootaloo lunged her body fast enough to swing her hind legs into the neck of Rover, catching the Dog off guard and causing him to drop her. Before he could grab her again, she jumped up, closing her eyes while she flapped her wings in the vain hope that she'd lift herself out of range – and nothing touched her. She opened her eyes – she was flying! She couldn't believe it! She was actually flying! “Yes!” She hung in the air, temporarily mesmerized by her newfound skill. “Scootaloo, look out!” “Huh? Ah!” The new aerialist yelped as the tall Dog snatched her tail, trying to drag her down. “No! Bad dog!” She kicked his paw hard. He took a few strands of hair with him when he let go of her, but he let go of her. Her flight very shaky, Scootaloo flew higher and further away. It was still rather dark, but after quickly looking around, she spied what looked to be the shadows of farm buildings in the near distance. “Hang on!” she called down to the captive ponies. “I'm gonna go get some more help!” “Follow her!” Rover cried to a few of the armoured bulldogs. “Follow her and bring her back h –” “No. Let her go. She's not going to get very far on those piddly wings of hers. It will be quite the sport to hunt her later. But for now...” Nightmare Shy looked at the crowd. “I still want my midnight snack.” Scootaloo cringed at the screams as she flew away. She silently prayed it hadn't been a pony she knew. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* When she finally woke, the first thing Twilight noticed was that despite the clock saying it was 0800, the sky had not changed from the night before. The sun was below the horizon, but not completely, making it neither dusk nor dawn. The darkest part of 'The Blue Hour' was frozen in the air. She would've laughed if it hadn't been so depressing. Of course it was now stuck in a permanent twilight. There was nothing irony loved more than kicking the unfortunate in the face while they were down. Somepony knocked at the door. With her magic, Twilight simply locked it, and enchanted the door to make it much heavier than it actually was. She rolled back over and drew the sheets tight against her. Hours passed. Knocking came and went, growing more frantic and determined as the time slipped by. The purple unicorn pulled the sheets tighter over her head and focused her ears to drown out the sound. Finally, the door suddenly blasted open violently, propelled by the forceful kicks of both Applejack and Big Macintosh. Applejack thanked her brother, who nodded and walked off to attend to another matter. Meanwhile the farm pony walked straight over to her bedridden friend. “Twi? How are ya' feelin',girl?” Twilight gave her a look of dull, detached incredulity. It was a look Applejack was all too familiar with. The purple unicorn then turned her head away from her friend and back to looking out the window. “I watched a good friend die at the hoof of another friend who's now possessed by a demon that makes Discord look like a sweetheart, I killed all of our pets and now I'm Princess of all Equestria by default of death.” She rolled over in the bed to look back at Applejack again. “Other than that, I feel great.” “Oh, good.” “Good?” Twilight blinked, raising an eyebrow. “Well, at least we know ya' ain't been took over in the middle of the night.” “Oh, yeah, sure.” Twilight rolled back over. “Because that's so uplifting.” “Never said it was. I'm just sayin' that it's a good sign, is all. Need all of those we can get right now.” Applejack walked over to the bed as she pondered the words of her friend's response. “So, durin' that whole séance thing with Zecora, Princess Celestia wasn't kiddin'? You really are Princess now?” The unicorn nodded as she sat up, gazing forlornly nowhere. “Luna told me the day before yesterday. There's an official scroll signed by Princess Celestia in my saddlebag. I wasn't picked to be her personal student just because I turned my parents into potted plants. She was grooming me to be Princess one day. As her protégée, I was third in line for the throne. But obviously it wasn't supposed to happen this way at all. Now I'm a Princess with no Royal powers, none of the Royal memories, nor much training. We've got to restore them, Applejack. I'm okay with a leadership role, but this is too much right now!” Applejack sighed. “There's a whole lot of things that we gotta face when we ain't ready for `em, Twilight. I had to start runnin' the farm when I was only Apple Bloom's age. I mean, yeah, sure, the rest of the Apple family was there to help me, but that didn't make it any easier, especially when Ma and Pa insisted in the will that I handle most of the duties with my own hoof. But I was able to get through it.” She smiled, placing a warm hoof on her friend's shoulder. “And you're gonna get through it too, girl.” “...I guess,” Twilight sighed back. “Luna was right about one thing, though: I never had experienced death until last night. Now I know why she could barely tell me about Discord killing her parents.” “Well, while that's an interesting tidbit about Discord and the past, he ain't who we're fightin' right now. I'm sorry to speed you through the stages of grief, but there's an entire world out there that needs its Princess. Equestria needs to know it still has one. We ain't about to let you lie in bed and mope all day.” “She's right,” said Pinkie Pie, shoving the unicorn out of the bed with her head. Twilight didn't even bother to ask how her friend had gotten into the room, much less behind her, without being noticed. She got the hint and stepped off onto the floor before the straight-maned pink pony had the chance to send her sprawling onto it. Pinkie looked at her friend pleadingly. “Please, Twilight. I know you're stronger.” Twilight glanced at Pinkie, then back at the window. She pawed the ground, then looked at Applejack. The farm pony rolled her eyes. “Ya' also can't go around completely hidin' how you feel, too, Twi.” Twilight looked back at Pinkie. Her lip trembled. Pinkie nodded reassuringly. “It's alright, Twilight. I acted the same way when Granny Pie died.” And as her friends closed in to be at her side, Twilight let loose a barrage of tears. She cried for a very long time, letting out all of the hurt, shock and sadness she had completely suppressed the night before. By the time she was done, her bawling had attracted Rarity into the room as well. The fashion pony joined in the effort to comfort her. “Goodness, Twilight! I think you just cried enough for all of us.” “Feel better now?” asked Pinkie. “Well, I mean, not like totally better – I don't think any of us are going to feel totally better for a long time after last night – but better than you felt before you did that?” Twilight nodded, wiping the last of her tears off her cheek. She did feel slightly better. Her heart was still heavy with sadness, but she knew that was a feeling that was never completely going to go away. Even if they were successful in resurrecting the Princesses, it was an immutable fact that a good friend, as well as a good acquaintance in Ditzy Doo, would still be gone, with no chance of ever bringing them back. “As much better as I can feel...” she replied, slipping out of the grip of her friend's hooves. “Thanks.” “You're welcome, darling,” smiled Rarity softly. “Just remember, we've all been here before. We know exactly how you feel. We all feel the same way, but we all learned a time ago that we have to accept it.” The purple unicorn bowed her head. “I'm sorry, girls. I know I'm better than this. I've been trained to supposedly be able to handle something like this, but until last night, I'd never seen anypony, let alone anything, die before. That's hard to forget. Suppose I just let the shock of it all get to me this morning.” “We never said in your training that it would be easy to ignore,” said General Spur, entering the room. “But it's something you must endure. You're going to have to get used to seeing death, I'm afraid. This will not be the last time you or your friends will be forced to kill. But I'm sure you know that already.” “Can I note that despite the fact we're sad about Rainbow, none of our hides are grey?” asked Pinkie. Twilight blinked – and smiled. Leave it to Pinkie. “Which means Nightmare hasn't broken us like he–” “Not he.” The General cleared his throat. “Nor she. Nightmare has no gender.” “Fine. But the point remains.” Twilight's eyes and voice steeled up as she regained more of her normal composure. She let the soldier in her wash back over. “Nightmare tried to break our spirits last night the same way Discord did. But ultimately, it hasn't worked. We're still here. We have the Elements. And now we have something to avenge – not to mention family, friends and a whole world to save. It's time I started being the Princess I'm supposed to be.” She started out through the shattered door frame. “AMEN!” whooped Applejack, following the purple unicorn and the General out of the house. Pinkie smiled as she followed, even though her mane stayed straight. “That's the Twilight we need.” “Wait!” cried Rarity, running after them. “Who's gonna pay Braeburn for the damage to that door?!?” *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* The sound of marching bolted Scootaloo awake from her nightmare. “RAINBOW DASH!” She speared her head in every direction, trying to remember where she was – before realizing she was sitting on a cloud, rather high in the air. She looked at her wings – then remembered. “Oh yeah...” The marching stopped. The pegasus froze. She quietly and barely peeked down below the cloud. A column of Diamond Dog soldiers was below her, laden in armour. They had stopped where they were, searching. Scootaloo instantly pulled her head up and laid flat, rolling the top of the cloud over her body. She hoped upon hope that none of the cockatrice she'd seen last night were with them. The Dogs knew she was there. They had heard her, and no way they couldn't smell her. They just couldn't reach her, and even though staying still was not in her nature, last night's events had given her patience. She forced herself to stay as motionless as possible, and waited for what felt like a whole day to her. While she laid still, thoughts raced through her mind. What were the Diamond Dogs doing, anyways? Sweetie Belle had told her that Rarity had told her that they'd only wanted gems, and that they didn't seem to care much about anything else. They hadn't sounded so evil, more like someponies who'd just made a bad decision. Why were they helping that monster? Was Apple Bloom right? Were they not under their own control, like when Discord had turned Dash and her friends grey? And why did that thing need help from Diamond Dog soldiers, anyways? It had held the whole town hostage on its own... Eventually, the soldiers gave up. The marching resumed. The pegasus cautiously emerged from her hiding and spied down below again. She watched the line of Dogs until they disappeared from view. She didn't know exactly where they were going, but she had a guess that it was towards Ponyville. She flew up to look around – and once again spotted the now-unmistakable shadowed farm building shapes in the distance. Feeling better thanks to her rest, the young foal resumed her flight towards the horizon. The thought crossed her mind that she was running away again. Scootaloo laughed to herself, thinking back on that. The cruelty of the orphanage in Fillydelphia was a slap on the hoof compared to this. And she hadn't really run away from that, so much as stood up to it and escaped. But she'd been too scared to call the authorities and stop it from happening to the other foals. She wasn't running away this time. Dash hadn't run away. Granted, Dash was dead – but she had died saving a life. Dash had been brave. “Scootaloo needs to be brave, too...” she said, suppressing her fear by growling it out loud. Saying it that way did make her feel slightly more confident, less scared. She was going to need that confidence. Someone else Dash knew had run away. Scootaloo had to be able to convince her that that was lame. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* The ponies found Braeburn in the hospital, talking to a wide-awake Spitfire and Zecora, who were sharing a room. In the year since their last visit to Appleloosa, Braeburn had been elected as Mayor based on his fairness, honesty, and good rapport with the buffalo during the big land dispute. He looked up as Twilight and company walked in. “Oh, hey, Cuz. Doctor says it looks like these two are gonna do just fine. Still sad to hear about your other friends... You here to see them or me?” he asked, noticing that Twilight's gaze was firmly cast on him instead of the recovering patients in the room. “I think we'll be alright.” Spitfire grimaced, smiling across pain. “Even if I have to lie here for a time.” “Every wing needs to rest once in a while,” remarked Zecora, rather cheerfully for someone who was almost completely covered in bandages and no longer had the bottom half of her body. “Considering my alternative, I am just glad to be alive. I owe it to you ponies. Thank you.” She nodded at Twilight. Twilight nodded back. “Anything for a friend, Zecora.” “Hey wait... That didn't rhyme...” Pinkie tilted her head. Zecora laughed. “I don't normally speak in rhymes. It was just to tease you ponies, since you seemed so scared of me at first. I guess I decided to have some fun and make myself sound more foreign to you.” Twilight magically opened her saddlebag and unfurled the signed scroll from Princess Celestia, holding it up so Braeburn could see it. “I am here not only as your friend, Braeburn, but as the sitting Princess of Equestria. I am requesting that you set up an urgent meeting immediately. I request representatives of the Buffalo to be present, too, please. Hurry! There is much we have to discuss about Equestria.” Startled by the revelation, Braeburn gulped. “Um, sure, Miss Sparkle – uh, I mean...Princess Sparkle! Be back at my house. Just gimme a few minutes!” He galloped out of the room to gather up everypony. Applejack smirked. “Should we get Rarity to make you a crown?” “Very funny, Applejack.” “I'd still be concerned about that beautiful door in his house you kicked down,” noted the fashion pony. “That? Aw, Big Mac probably already has that fixed by now. Braeburn won't even notice a thing.” Spitfire found her voice again. “P – Princess?” Her eyes fell on Twilight. “Celestia's student, in charge.” Zecora smiled. “I can think of no better pony to be Princess right now. A true shame that it had to happen this way, but such are the pits in the peach of life that we eat.” “Zecora, you said you saw Fluttershy get possessed yesterday. Did you see anything that would constitute a possible weakness in the possession spell Nightmare used? Something that, if exploited, would make it easy to break?” The question was probably pointless, but it didn't hurt Twilight to ask. Zecora sighed. “A very clever question. Unfortunately, no. I've never seen more sounder magic than perhaps that of Discord and the Princesses. I'm afraid there are only three options to free Fluttershy from Nightmare's grasp, but since I don't believe anypony will be able to get that spectre to willingly leave her, it falls to two options: Do as Princess Celestia instructed you to last night – yes, I heard everything she said to you through me from Limbo last night...” admitted the zebra, “...or kill her.” “Kill her?” gasped Rarity. The phrase struck all the ponies like a hammer to the eye. Applejack hung her head. “I was afraid of that.” “No. No. NO! I don't even wanna THINK about killing Fluttershy!” Pinkie protested “That's awful!” “If we can't restore the balance of the Elements and rekindle the Flame, we just just might have to,” said Twilight, not happy at all. “The only other choice we have is to let Equestria be destroyed.” She looked up, fire in her eyes. “And as sitting Princess, there is NO way I am going to let THAT happen. But that is the final, FINAL last resort we have. It's one I want to desperately avoid. Besides, from a position of calculation, actually killing her and ensuring Nightmare doesn't escape and gets destroyed with her – that's a feat of almost equally proportioned odds to the feat of pulling off our best option. What?” she asked, seeing her friends' horrified reactions. “That was strictly a scientific hypothetical!” Pinkie shook her head. “Girl, sometimes you just need to stop talking.” Spitfire just blinked. “I am so out of it. Why are you talking about murdering your friend again?” “I'll fill you in after they've gone.” Zecora chuckled. “The Princess does have a meeting to attend.” “She's right.” Twilight motioned to the others that it was time to leave. “Come on, girls. Our friends need to get the rest they deserve. Besides, General Spur must be getting bored.” General Spur was waiting for them outside the hospital. “Can I tell you 'I told you so' right now?” “Go ahead, rub it in, General,” Twilight groaned. “There was no harm in asking her now, was there?” “I suppose,” he replied as they started to trot back to Braeburn's house. “But honestly, your new Highness – I was around for Discord and Nightmare Moon. Putting ponies into situations where every way out is an option nopony wants to take, then sitting back and laughing as they squirm is all this demon's about. Nightmare has tremendous skill in magic. There's no way it would be so careless with a spell. But compared to the past, I'd say Nightmare has lost a substantial amount of its magical talent. Six powerful ponies fueling the Elements of Harmony must have really done a number on it last year.” “So the Elements do drain magic from whomever they're used on...” “Yes, but it's proportional to the power and number of the wielders. You alone are capable of being more powerful than Celestia and Luna combined, Twilight. Add a few strong earth ponies, pegasi and a second unicorn in Rarity – and they must have drained a lot of magic from Nightmare. I've no doubt.” “What the hay? I didn't see Nightmare Shy actin' like she was weak with magic...” cut in Applejack. “You didn't see Nightmare Moon pick up a whole mountain and drop it on a full regiment of alicorns,” General Spur shot back. “Granted, it was amplifying Luna's magic, but that's a feat even for a Royal.” The farm pony blinked, “Oh. Well then.” Twilight just sighed, mumbling to herself. “But if Nightmare can amplify the magic of its host body, why did it possess a pegasus? Why not a unicorn again? From a tactical view, it doesn't make sense.” The General looked at her like she'd suddenly asked him if he liked bowling completely out of the blue. “Are you kidding me? It makes perfect sense tactically. Think about it – Nightmare had control of magic powerful enough to corrupt the stars while occupying Princess Luna, and failed spectacularly. What better move to make next than the one nopony who'd fought you before would ever expect?” Twilight cursed herself for not seeing that. Yet something still didn't fit right about the situation in her mind. A good tactical move it may have been – “but it could also have been one of desperation... or Nightmare's strategically holding back on using powerful spells because it's trying to conserve...” “Hrm?” The General waited for a finished sentence that never arrived. He soon shrugged, walking on. “What I want to know,” said Rarity, “is what do the Diamond Dogs have to do with all of this? Nightmare Shy mentioned making them an offer while she was threatening to kill Sweetie Belle.” “Diamond Dogs?” A cog clicked in place in General Spur's head. “I knew I recognized that armour!” Hearing this, suddenly the gears connected in Twilight's brain as well. She and the General looked straight at each other, both knowing exactly what the horrible revelation was that they'd arrived at. “Uh-oh.” Pinkie cringed. “I don't like the look of those looks they're giving each other.” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “I feel like I should be more worried than I am right now...” “The Diamond Dogs were loyal to Nightmare Moon,” General Spur snarled. “They have millions of soldiers. If Nightmare has their loyalty again – or forced loyalty again, what sounds more plausible –” “–it's going to use them to seek out a way to supplant the magical abilities it lost to the Elements.” Twilight glared. “In short: Nightmare Shy is going to attack Canterlot next. To get to Discord.” Rarity gasped. “Eeyup.” Applejack gulped. “Quakin' in my hooves.” *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Nightmare Shy looked over the Diamond Dog troops as they arrived in Ponyville's ruined town square. “Good, good... It's nice to see what a little persuasion can do. Just a few more units before we attack.” Trapped with the other ponies in a cage made of bones and metal, in the pile of shattered rubble that used to be where Carousel Boutique had stood, Granny Smith fumed, shaking the bars of her prison furiously. “Even if you take the city, you ain't gonna rule Equestria for long, ya' liver-bellied spirit!” “Yeah!” added Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and the other pony that remained with them. Nightmare Shy cocked her head towards them, before turning and trotting to the cage. “Granny Smith, you really are a wonder. I can tell where Apple Bloom and Applejack got their stubborn side from.” She gestured at the bars. “You see those bones your hooves are touching? You're currently being held in a cage made from the former Diamond Dog King. Oh, and whoever that pony was that I ate last night.” Horrified, the old green mare recoiled from the bars. “Why... You monster!” “Well, thank you for the compliment!” The mare sneered. “I hope you can treat me with that kind of positive demeanor from now on – or Apple Bloom might just wind up literally inside her ol' Grandma.” The possessed pony laughed, turning to leave as Granny Smith comfortingly hugged the shocked foal. “And besides...” She stopped, and looked back at the prisoners. “Who says I want to rule Equestria?” *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* “...and so, due to the extreme urgency, I am ordering General Spur to fly to Canterlot immediately, as fast as his wings can take him.” Twilight paced in Braeburn's living room, where sat him, Sheriff Silverstar, Chief Thunderhooves and Little Strongheart of the Buffalo tribe. They all had been informed of the situation. Her friends and General Spur stood behind her. “Neither he nor I expect our forces to defeat Nightmare Shy – but we can delay the assault long enough to sneak Discord's statue out of the city. There's no doubt Nightmare knows about the Flame, and will seek to stop us from finding it first, so it can destroy it and eliminate the Princesses forever. But Nightmare's not powerful enough to destroy the Flame on its own. Discord is a far younger spirit, and even with the Elements used on him twice, he probably still has that power. If we can keep Nightmare chasing after two goals instead of one, we spread its forces thin and buy my friends and I time to complete our mission.” General Spur nodded, and bowed gracefully to Twilight. “Before I go, Your Highness – allow me remind you: I think magic is a crutch. I can't tell you how many good unicorns I saw get slaughtered because all they'd been trained in was magical warfare. If an enemy gets in close on you and you're not prepared for it, you're not going to be able to summon any spell fast enough before their hooves or whatever extremities they have are upon you. It's why we trained you in hoof-to-hoof combat first. Don't get caught up in your spells and forget that you have those skills. They will keep you alive.” “I won't, General. Now go. Canterlot needs you.” Everypony watched him turn and head out the door. “...Why not just destroy Discord's statue?” asked Silverstar as Spur flew past the window behind him. “No. The Elements are out of balance right now, making the spell on him unstable. Destroying the statue could destroy him – but could also free him. I don't want to risk helping our enemy. Discord was once as murderous as Nightmare. We don't need him unleashed and angry on top of everything else.” She turned to Braeburn, Silverstar and the Buffalo. “This is why I've called you all here. By the fate of us arriving here first, this task falls to you. I need the best runners in all of Appleloosa, be they pony or buffalo, to ride out to every city and country of Equestria. Every creature loyal to this world must be informed of what has happened. And they must be told: Prepare for war. Unless Appleloosa has some unicorns or airships hiding around here, by the time the message reaches most of them, the attack on Canterlot will have already begun. All must be ready to gather and fight at my signal, if needed.” “What signal?” asked Braeburn. “I – haven't figured that out yet.” Twilight blushed. “But when I do, you will know it when you see it.” “What do you want us to do?” Everpony turned to see Dinky Doo standing in the hallway with the other orphans, Trixie and Prince Blueblood behind her. “My mommy protected me with her life. Who's gonna protect us like she did?” Prince Blueblood sighed. “Well, hopefully, this town is small enough for Nightmare not to care about once our new Princess and her friends have set out. But still, in case Nightmare doesn't –” He turned to the orphans. “Children? Consider yourselves adopted. As of right now.” The surprised orphans cheered, piling on their new father – although Dinky stayed back, simply smiling warmly. “Ah heh...” Blueblood nuzzled Sunshine as the little colt cuddled his ear. “I'll stay here and protect you silly little foals.” “Whaaat?” Rarity looked at her friend. “Twilight, surely you won't allow both of the ponies who have faced Nightmare before to be absent from our party when we go after this Flame! You just can't –” Twilight shook her head. “Prince Blueblood is free to do as he wishes, Rarity. He forfeited his post as a soldier a long time ago. As such, I cannot order him to do anything as I can with the General.” “But – He can help us find Sweetie Belle faster –” “Don't worry, Miss Rarity.” Dinky hugged her tightly. “You'll find Sweetie Belle. I know you will. And when you come back, I'm sure you'll make a wonderful mother, just like my Mommy was. I know she'll be very happy seeing that two unicorns are raising me.” She gazed straight up at the rather confused fashion pony. “I mean, you are gonna marry Prince Blueblood when you get back, right?” The question made the two unicorns blush profusely. “Um... Well... I – think – it's a tad too early to say...” Rarity hugged the young unicorn in return. “But I will think about raising you, sweetheart. I didn't know your mother very well, but I knew enough to know that she was a wonderful pony.” “Who's gonna help us, then?” asked Applejack. “I mean, yeah, sure – Twi, Pinkie, Rarity and I could do this together – but I think it'd be nice to have some extra hooves to help us.” “Miss Trixie will go with you.” The blue unicorn stepped forward, bowing. “The children are Blueblood's responsibility now – however, I do expect payment when this is all over...” She suddenly blushed in embarrassment. “And also... Her Highness will have to teach me advanced magic.” “I'm okay with that. Everypony else okay with that?” asked Pinkie. “You can stop bowing now, Miss Trixie.” Twilight chuckled. “And yes, you may accompany us.” Chief Thunderhooves stirred. “I volunteer our forces to protect Appleloosa. Discord and Nightmare Moon were but fleas to our kind in the ages past – I have no doubt we can weather another assault.” “I'm with you on that, pardner,” said Sheriff Silverstar, standing and shaking hooves with him. “If that monster comes anywhere near here, we're gonna let it know that you don't mess with Appleloosa!” “Eeyup! Count me in!” Big Macintosh stood tall at the bottom of the star. “Door's fixed, by the way.” Twilight hung her head. “It is my turn to feel humble. Thank you, all of you. Your kindness inspires.” Little Strongheart walked over and put a hoof on the new Princess' shoulder. “Anything to honour the friendship of Rainbow Dash.” The comment brought tears to Twilight's eyes. “Do not despair for her, your Highness. Look into the sky. I'm sure you think this permanent twilight to be Nightmare mocking you, but I see it differently. All that blue – I see our friend, giving us the light we need to find our way.” Applejack stared out the window. “Y'know... I can agree with that.” The purple unicorn smiled, one tear slipping from her grasp. “Yes. I think I can see it that way, too.” *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* When it finally came into view, Scootaloo gasped. Fields of rocks and bare dirt stretched for acres, the hills surrounding the valley looming in the shadowed distance like giant trolls. The grey dust that had gathered on the rocks was subtly accented by the dark blue light of the sky, making it look as if ice had formed on the pebbles and boulders. The windmill was rusted and broken, the one remaining blade trying futilely to catch the breeze that passed through it. The farmhouse's roof had caved in, its broken gutter spilling onto the front porch. It was a wasteland, clearly having been abandoned by its owners long ago. The only structure that still intact was the rusted silo that towered next to the windmill. The door of which was open – revealing a faint light inside. And movement. The dust and dirt sprang up like a smoke bomb in the foal's face when she landed. Scootaloo snapped her hooves and wings over her mouth to cover her sneeze. She hoped whoever was in the silo didn't hear. Cautiously, she tiptoed towards the building, using the light steps she'd – almost – mastered while sneaking around during some of her Cutie Mark Crusader adventures. The occupant still hadn't heard. “Lame... Lame... Wow – Super lame...” Sticking her head around the corner, Scootaloo saw her. The Dogs hadn't been kidding. The griffon was standing next to a giant pile of gems, apparently sorting them – although they were all ending up in her “Lame” pile. The young pony got the suspicious feeling that this wasn't the first time she'd done this. It was a rather sad sight to see. Scootaloo took a step back, trying to figure how to best approach her. And her hoof snapped the one twig that happened to be on the ground. Gilda stopped, holding two gems as she straightened herself up – but she didn't turn around. “Alright, Dash. You win. I was a jerk. I'm sorry. So why are you here now? Because you're so lame you couldn't protect your precious Princesses from dying and now you wanna come cry to me about it? Way to go.” Scootaloo recoiled, the tears surging back up to her eyes. She stood there, frozen. Hearing no response, Gilda just got more annoyed, whirling around. “Is that it, Da – who...? Oh. Oh, I get it. Dash isn't girl enough to come cry to me herself, so she sends her young flank-kisser to do it for her? I see how it is. ...What?!?!?” she bellowed. “Stop it! Why are you looking at me like that, kid?” Scootaloo trembled before spitting it out. “...Rainbow Dash is dead!” The two gems clattered to the floor. Crying, Scootaloo spun around. “I guess I was wrong in thinking you could help us. You really are a jerk, like Dash you said you were! Go ahead, sort your gems some more!” she spat before flying off. “Whoah! Kid... Hey, wait! Kid!” In a flash, Gilda was hovering in front of the young foal, strongly fighting her own waterworks. “Look, kid... I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry! Come on, now... Touch those hooves down and talk to me, alright? I want to know what happened. I'll try not to be a jerk, I swear.” Still crying, the young pony dropped to the ground, throwing up a cloud of loose dust as she plopped to the ground flat on her belly. If the irritating cloud caused her to sneeze again, she didn't care to notice. “It killed her. She got be a Wonderbolt for like five minutes, and then that ...thing that took over Fluttershy killed her and the Princesses! The closest I had to an awesome mom – and now she's dead!” Gilda started to visibly cry. Memories and regrets fill her head. But she forced herself to hold up her tough demeanor. “Okay, I don't mean to sound rude here, kid – but why come to me? To vent?” “My name is Scootaloo, Miss Gilda. And I came here because I thought you could help me free my friends in Ponyville – and then help Rainbow's friends, too! ...Wherever they went on that train....” “But seriously, why me? Why not somepony else?” “I DON'T KNOW ANYPONY ELSE CLOSE ENOUGH!” shrieked the distraught filly. “Whoah, whoah! Okay, okay! Calm down, k – Scootaloo!” “I DON'T WANT TO CALM DOWN! MY FRIENDS ARE BEING HELD CAPTIVE BY A MONSTER! A MONSTER THAT EATS OTHER PONIES! I DON'T WANT THEM TO DIE!” The young filly caught herself, choking back some more tears. She looked square into the eyes of the shocked griffon. “You missed her. You missed her friendship. But you were too full of yourself and scared of what she'd say, so you didn't go back to apologize like you did when you thought I was Dash. I ran from a bad orphanage in Filly, and was so scared of retaliation that I didn't do anything to help my old friends there. Some of them probably died from the beatings I didn't tell anypony about. I am NOT gonna let that happen again. But I'm no match for that demon or the Diamond Dogs, which it has under its control. You are. That's why I came to you. I promised my friends I'd find help and save them!” Gilda dropped back onto her haunches, unable to produce words. It was so much to absorb. Her old friend was dead. It was only after Rainbow severed their friendship that it had all come crashing down on top of her head. That moment had split her ego apart – and now the combination of the knowledge that she could never get the chance to even try to apologize to her old friend, plus the the little foal's words – they were just rubbing salt in the wounds, reminding her of just how alone she'd made herself. “You don't have to be alone.” The griffon felt something. She pulled her sorrow-filled eyes out of her feathers – to see Scootaloo's hoof kindly touching her shoulder. The young pony smiled the best she could through her own grief. “If you help me – If you help Dash's friends... You not only won't be alone anymore – but you'll also go down in history, forever remembered as a hero. A hero like Rainbow Dash. That cool enough for you?” And wherever Dash is now, she'll forgive me... A grin slipped out of the forlorn expression on Gilda's face. It was her first genuine smile in ages. She almost didn't recognize the movements her jaw muscles made, it had been so long. “Alright, kid. You win. Just don't expect my personality to change much anytime soon. Tell me what I'm up against.” *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* “Only a few hundred of us against Canterlot? Dogs will get destroyed!” whined Rover – tripping and barely catching the sealed bucket he was carrying before it hit the ground and spilled its contents. Nightmare Shy stopped walking. She lifted her head up. “Would you like me to destroy you all instead? Because I can still do that. At least this way your pack buddies will be able to die with some honour.” The Dog shrunk back in apology, knowing his place. “Well, this is nice. You're finally beginning to learn. Now watch where you're going and Don't. Drop. That. We need them to be intact for Canterlot.” Fido appeared, holding a small cage of bone, with Sweetie Belle locked inside it. “As you requested, Nightmare! Little pony still quite annoying, though! Why we have to take her with us, after all?” “Leverage, Fido... Leverage. You want the white unicorn to come to us? That's her sister.” Sweetie Belle gasped. “You better not touch Rarity, you filthy monster!” In a flash, Nightmare Shy's face was nearly flat up against the cage. “Let me ask you, Sweetie Belle... Would you like to keep your precious horn?” Her living mane rippled, disconnected a blade from her armoured wings and held it up to the foal's horn. “I will admit, I'm still quite sloppy with this spell, so if you do give me a good reason to cut it off – I can't guarantee that only your horn will be slit.” The little pony gulped as the blade slid down her face and traced a line over her choke marks from earlier. Satisfied, Nightmare Shy returned to business as Spot came out the town, draining the rest of a liquid from a can before discarding the container. “Ponies moved to center of town! Everything prepared!” “You two should really be more like Spot here. So appreciative!” The evil mare's smile faded in an instant. “Burn it down. Make 'Momma' proud.” She turned to the troops. “We march to Canterlot!” “No! NO!” All Sweetie Belle could do was scream in protest as she watched her fading town ignite. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* So, the Diamond Dogs are – ” Gilda was interrupted when the horizon erupted into a bright orange glow. She squinted. “Is that the sun over there? I thought you said the Princesses were dead, kid!” “If that's the Sun, it wouldn't be dark here!” Scootaloo flew up – and her jaw dropped in absolute horror when she spotted where the glow was coming from. “Oh no – It's Ponyville! Ponyville's on fire!” “Come on, then!” Gilda grabbed the foal and blasted off into the sky as fast as she could, racing for the glow. “Time for a flying lesson, Scoots!” She threw Scootaloo out in front of her. “Keep those wings flappin' as hard as you can! You're gonna get tired pretty fast, so just stop if you do and I'll catch you!” It was a strange time to get a flying lesson, but Scootaloo did as instructed, powering her wings as fast as she could. After a little while, she suddenly realized she wasn't getting that tired. She chuckled slightly before the worry filled her brain, and she focused on getting back to saving her friends. At the speed the two were flying, the ground screamed past below them. The foal wanted to enjoy the thrill of the flight a lot more, but she simply couldn't as the flickering glow grew nearer. She was surprised at how fast they were getting back to the town. Had she really flown that slowly getting out of the place? None of that mattered the instant the smoke billowed into her face and the screams could be heard below. Choking on the smoke, her wings all but stopped – only for the diving griffon to grab her before she dropped into the flames. “Hang on, kid!” The heat and brightness of the flames was intense – but Gilda pushed through it, tearing in the direction of the screams. Eventually, they broke through the wall of fire and into a circle of smoke – buried in which was the cage holding the captives. “They they are!” “Gilda? Scootaloo!” shrieked Apple Bloom, upon recognizing her friend. “Help! Granny and the other fellow have already fainted!” She coughed wretchedly. “I don't know how much longer I can take –” “Shut up and save your lungs!” Gilda yelled. She scanned the cage – and noticed through the smoke that some of the metal had already melted. Unsheathing her claws, she slashed the softened areas – and the cage fell apart like the the pile of bones it mostly was. “Go! Run! I'll get the rest of `em!” Apple Bloom still didn't know what Gilda was doing with Scootaloo, but she didn't question the griffon's judgment. She bolted towards open air, following her orange friend out of the blaze. The instant they burst free of everything, the little filly collapsed, coughing violently. “Scoot – Scootaloo–” “I'm here, Apple Bloom!” cried Scootaloo, holding her friend. “I told you I'd find help!” The light olive hooves suddenly stopped moving. “APPLE BLOOM!” She put her ear to her friend's chest, ready to cry if she didn't hear anything. Luckily, she did. “Oh, thank Luna!” The tears came anyways, but they were happy ones. Her friend was alive. Burned in places, but alive. That was all she needed to know. “AARRGH!” With a big grunt, Gilda finally dragged one of the other captives, a brown stallion with an hourglass for a cutie mark, free of the flames. She dropped the unconscious pony by the unconscious filly. A loud CRACK made her look up. The rest of the Grand Pavilion – right over where the captives were – was beginning to crumble in on itself. She ran to the creek nearby and doused herself with water. She knew it wasn't going to make much difference, but it would make sure she wouldn't burn as fast, so she did it anyway – and raced back into the wall of smoke, beelining for the old green mare. She grabbed the old pony, and with all her strength, began to drag her out. But the heat and smoke were beginning to get to her, making her slower. Another loud CRACK above. She flapped her wings to focus her strength, not caring how much she was fanning the blaze. Part of the roof of the Pavilion collapsed next to her, sending a shower of burning splinters across her face. She screeched in pain as the embers splashed into her eyes - but she kept dragging the mare away from the blaze anyways. The last remaining supports for the Pavilion burned through – and with a deafening sound that could be heard over the roar of the blaze, the building came crashing down in a hail of splinters and flame. And Gilda emerged from the smoke – suddenly noticing Scootaloo had run in to help her, and was dragging the mare with her teeth. The griffon collapsed, gasping. “Well... That heroic enough for ya'?” “Yeah – but they still need to go to a hospital! How are we gonna do that?” worried the orange pegasus. “Just leave it to –” The griffon was once again interrupted by a wave of magic energy engulfing the town. The fire went out at once, instantly turning into a giant plume of smoke. When it cleared, a small purple dragon emerged, running towards them full speed. He stopped, a little confused. “Scootaloo? Gilda?” “SPIKE!” Scootaloo ran towards the baby dragon, hugging him greatly. “Oh, it's so good to see you!” “What's she doing here?” he asked, pointing at the griffon. “She just saved the flanks of your friends who got left behind,” growled Gilda. “You should thank me.” “I do, Miss Gilda.” Twilight's mother and father appeared. Her mother bowed her head. “Thank you.” “Uh...Who are you?” Gilda scratched her head. “Oh! Forgive me! I'm Twilight Velvet. This is my husband, Cosmic Sparkle. You've met our daughter Twilight Sparkle before. I believe Rainbow Dash liked to tease her with the nickname 'egghead.'” “They need a hospital!” Scootaloo cried. “Where's the nearest one? Can you teleport us there?” “Calm down, Scootaloo... Dear, see how much you can stabilize them with your healing spell.” “On it, honey!” Cosmic Sparkle strode over to the rescued ponies and began to treat them, starting with Granny Smith. His spell cast a warm, soothing glow over the mare's body. Some of the wounds on the top of the old pony's hide healed, but not many of them. “Yeesh, these are some pretty severe burns...” “Please, Mrs. Velvet!” Scootaloo looked at the unicorn mare with pleading eyes. “Scootaloo, CALM. DOWN. They're going to be okay. The nearest hospital is in Hoofington, but they're using it to board up Canterlot evacuees. Spike, where was that train that was here going again?” “Last time I was on one of those kinds of trains, it was when we went out to Appleloosa.” A loud CRASH turned everyone's head. The barn at Sweet Apple Acres was now a pile of ashen rubble. “Appleloosa! That's it! Yes, there's a good hospital there. Hang on, everypony – this will take me a lot of effort.” Twilight Velvet's horn glowed brilliantly – and everypony suddenly disappeared in a flash. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* After the meeting had disbanded, the ponies ate lunch and prepared their saddlebags for the journey. Twilight had no idea which direction they were going to set off in, but she did know she wanted to go away from Canterlot. Heading out the door, the orphans no more said goodbye to Trixie, thanking her for caring for them until Blueblood had adopted them, and letting her know they hoped she came back. And when they were done, Trixie stepped outside – to find her party staring at a glow in the distance. “Are you sure that's not Canterlot, Twilight?” “I'm positive! That's Ponyville! It's on fire!” “Granny Smith! Apple Bloom! Oh, I hope they got away from that!” cried Applejack. Rarity was on her knees in terror. “Nonononononono, please, no...” The ponies just sat and stood, staring at the glow coming from behind the hills in the distance. Then after about fifteen minutes, the glow disappeared. Shortly after, there was a bright flash – and then another bright flash blasting right in front of them. Twilight Velvet, Cosmic Sparkle, Gilda, Scootaloo, Granny Smith, Spike and the other brown stallion appeared right in front of the group. “Mom!” Twilight ran to her mother as the mare became beyond woozy and collapsed to the ground. “Twilight, my Princess...Don't try a long-distance teleportation spell with six passengers.” Her mother smiled. “Really...Really takes a lot out of a pony.” She gasped for breath, then promptly passed out. Twilight smiled back. “I'll keep that in mind, Mom.” “Granny! Apple Bloom!” The farm pony was instantly at her family members' sides. “BRAEBURN! BIG MAC! GET THE AMBULANCE AND GET YOUR BIG FLANKS OUT HERE!” she bellowed. She nuzzled the hooves of her little sister and grandmothers. “Oh, lordy...Hang in there, both of ya'!” As her cousin and brother barreled out the door, the farm pony turned to Scootaloo. “What happened?” “I – I don't know!” The foal whimpered. “That monster captured us, I got away – or, I think, actually, it let me get away – and I flew to that abandoned rock farm to ask Gilda for help! We saw the fire start, flew back, and she saved them from the fire! They were in some kind of cage when we found them!” “Gilda saved them?” Applejack looked up at the griffon with a stunned expression on her face. “Yeah. I did. Thanks for finally noticing me,” scoffed Gilda. Rarity practically squeezed Scootaloo in her hooves. “Where's Sweetie? Please tell me she's not–” “I don't know! She wasn't in the cage! I think they still have her!” Rarity sighed. It wasn't exactly a happy sigh, considering her sister was still being held captive – but the knowledge that Sweetie Belle wasn't dead was still a rather welcoming relief to the fashion pony. Scootaloo bit her trembling lip. “Is Apple Bloom gonna be all right?” “Shh... Calm down, Scootaloo.” Trixie nudged the foal with the gentlest of touches. “Your friend is going to be fine. Come on, dear. Why don't we go inside for right now? You've had a long day.” The filly sighed, and silently agreed, mostly happy to know that she was finally safe for the time being. Applejack sighed. “Well, this kills our chances for headin' out today...” “Appleja-” “I ain't leavin' this place until I know fer' absolute sure that Granny and Apple Bloom are okay, Twi! We'll just have to sit here and watch the Canterlot fireworks right where we are, if ya' don't mind!” Twilight didn't even begin to fight it. She knew she'd act the same way if it was her family on the receiving end. She nuzzled her father for comfort from her worry as the ambulance finally arrived. Spike noticed and came over to her. Without a word, he hugged his surrogate mother. She hugged back. She looked at him. “You might wanna go hug Rarity, Spike. I think she would appreciate it.” Spike glanced over to see the slightly forlorn-looking fashion pony sighing at the ground. He casually walked over to her. “Rarity?” She looked up at him – in time to catch his arms wrapping around her. She seemed to take it in stride, smiling rather contentedly. “Just though you needed one, is all.” “Thank you, Spike. You will always bee one of the kindest souls I know.” “We'll get Sweetie Belle back. You'll see.” The unicorn glared at the horizon. “Oh, we'll get her back all right...” she growled. “I will see to that.” Applejack strolled over to Gilda. She took her hat off. “Gilda, I want to thank you. For saving them. I don't know what compelled you to do this – but all the same, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” “Yeah yeah, I know. Don't go all mopey on me. And... I'm sorry how I treated you all that time.” Her eyes darted over to Pinkie, who was in earshot. “Especially the pink one. I really treated her like dirt. But that little orange squirt helped me pick myself back up. I figure if I can help you girls, then Dash will forgive me, wherever she is. If you you really want somepony to thank, thank that little orphan.” “I'll sure do that. And we could certainly could use a pair of wings to replace Dash and the General – especially ones that have been in a fight before. ...You have been in a fight before, right, Gilda?” “Are you kiddin' me? I could pull the ears off a Manticore right now.” “You just might get the chance, with these girls,” snickered Braeburn in passing, heading to his house. Gilda and Scootaloo were determined to have only suffered minor injuries and were treated quickly by the EMTs. Then after the injured ponies were finally all loaded onto the ambulance, Applejack and Big Mac boarded the vehicle and went with the doctors to the hospital. Braeburn elected to stay behind to take care of his house. The rest of the ponies were left where they were, just watching the dark skies. “Miss Gilda?” Twilight approached. “Thank you very much. You've done a great deal of good today.” The griffon huffed. “What are you, the Princess now?” Spike held back a knowing snort. Not very well. Twilight smirked. “Actually...Yes. Yes I am.” *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Going over the Everfree Forest was a massive risk. He could be attacked – or at the least, whatever spies Nightmare had in there, they would alert the demon that he was coming. But it was the fastest way to Canterlot. And Nightmare probably already guessed or knew he was coming, anyways. What General Spur could not figure out, was why the Princesses had chosen not to tell Twilight anything. He had planned on telling them everything before they'd set out, but the discovery that Nightmare was going after Discord had thrown a wrench in that plan. Yet the history, no matter how horrifying, was too important for a Princess-in-Waiting to not know about. He'd been ordered to keep her in the dark, and focus on her combat training. They were to be the ones to tell her. Eventually. Nightmare had obliterated all but two of the alicorns into extinction, finishing what Discord started. Even in a weakened magical state, the evil spirit was still a cunning strategist – taking out the Princesses' physical bodies had proven that much. And yet Twilight Sparkle had been told none of it. He shook his head. I should have told Blueblood to explain everything, he thought. Hope he's taken that initiative himself... Turning around the side of a hill, he spotted a glow in the distance. His mind raced. Had Nightmare already begun its attack? It didn't look like it was coming from Canterlot. But then, as quickly as he'd seen it, it suddenly disappeared, plunging the lands below back into near-darkness. Whatever it was, it was over now. He would find out soon enough if it had any consequence on the defense of Canterlot. The General flew on, grateful for the fact that soon he'd be able to rest his weary wings – if only for a few brief moments. A thousand-plus years of age didn't really make that much of a difference, but there were still some aches creaking through his body that he hadn't had to worry about back in his youth. An hour later, he finally made out the spires of the mountainside city – and the massive, moving blob of soldiers on the road approaching it. The Diamond Dogs. Nightmare was close. Spur sped as fast as he could towards the city. The Royal Guard unicorns stationed at the front gate recognized him immediately, letting up their protective shield for a brief moment. The instant he was inside the city, he was led straight to the command center in the Royal Castle. The vantage point was very good – even in the darker light, he could see most of his troops and the majority of the city from where he stood. The pegasus Twilight had wailed on in training approached him, saluting. She was actually Colonel Nuntia, and one of his most respected field officers. She got right to business. “The entire city has been evacuated, General. Sent everypony off to Hoofington, Trottingham and Fillydelphia. The pegasi were sent to Cloudsdale. We've checked several times, and as far as we know, there are no civilians left in the city now. If there are any – well then, Luna help them if they get caught up in the middle of this.” “Good. I saw a glow in the distance for a brief moment while flying here. Any information on that?” “It was Ponyville, General. They burned it to the ground. For the intensity that we saw it burning at, it went out far too early to say it burned itself out. Somepony must have come along and doused it. With the permanent darkness, it's hard to tell if there are any casualties from here, even with telescopes.” “I see. Well, we can't help them right now if there's anypony left there. I saw enemy troops marching up the road as I flew over. There's not a lot of soldiers, but I suspect that's because Nightmare has some extra reinforcements that we're not supposed to see until they're unleashed on us. Tell the unicorns that some of them should ready their fire spells. That should rather make Sergeant Blaze's day, I believe.” “Yes, General!” “And Colonel?” “Yes?” “Talk to the guards watching the Royal Gardens. I want a report on all the statues before they get here.” “...General?” “Before. They. Get. Here.” He locked his eyes on hers, letting them do all the explaining. When she finally did realize, her eyes grew wide. “Yes, General! Right away!” Other soldiers brought the General the rest of his combat armour. With little effort, the old pegasus was soon sheathed from head to tail in the lightweight but strong shielding. He hovered out of range of his officers, flapping his wings to test the speed of the blades on his feathers. Just the way he liked them. They could hear the faint sound of the Dogs marching in the distance. Their enemy was drawing closer. The stallion sighed, closing his eyes and preparing himself mentally. It was only a matter of time now. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Pinkie Pie shuffled back into the house. The others wanted to see what they could see of the battle that was coming in Canterlot, but she honestly didn't want to see any more 'excitement' for the day. Not to mention something little Scootaloo had said upon her arrival was tapping at the back of her brain. She found the young orphan being tucked in by Trixie. “Now, I don't think you need a bedtime story...” “Blech! Heck no!” The filly stuck out her tongue and shook her head, causing Trixie to giggle softly. Pinkie had to smile a bit too at how cute it was. It reminded her of the days long in her past, when she– “Oh, hello, Miss Pie. Is there something I can help you with?” asked the ex-magician pony. “Huh? Oh, no. I just have a question or two for Scoots, is all.” “I see. Well, don't take too long. Girl needs rest, after going through all that.” Trixie nodded, leaving. Scootaloo tilted her head. “For me? Also, what happened to your mane? Why is it all straight?” The party pony looked off to her side, eyes dropped. “Even the happiest pony in the world can't be happy all the time, Scooty... And, before you ask, what happened to Dashie is part of it, yes. But there's another part to it now. I already told you half of that part when you asked me how I got my cutie mark.” “That was true? I thought you were pullin' our hooves after you said 'That's how Equestria was made!'” “No. I wasn't lying about that. Scootaloo, um... Where did you say you found Gilda again?” “That abandoned rock farm outside Ponyville. Why–” “How long did it look like it had been abandoned for?” The party pony kneeled down by the bedside. The foal scratched her chin. “If I had to guess, I'd say it was empty long before I was even born.” Pinkie looked at her for a second – then abruptly stood, turning for the door. “Thank you, Scootaloo.” “Wha - huh? Pinkie, wait! Why–” The party pony stopped, her hoof on the handle. “Technically I've been considered an orphan since I went to live in Ponyville. That's the other half of the other part. Now I know to ask around while we're on this journey. Maybe somepony out there can give me the right news. Make it so I'm not considered an orphan anymore. Because nopony ever likes feeling this way. I want my true mane to come back.” Scootaloo didn't quite know how to respond. Hearing Pinkie not being her bubbly, happy self – and even sounding wise like Twilight – was just strange. “Oh... Um, well, it's like you say: Keep smiling!” She managed a warm smile back at the young pony. “No problem, Scoots. Now go to sleep, okay?” The foal obliged, closing her tired eyes and drifting off into sleep. Pinkie quietly shut the door behind her. She turned around to see Gilda there. “Um, hey. Look, I already said I was sorry outside, but–” Pinkie interrupted, enveloping her in a massive hug. “I forgive you.” Gilda sighed. “Oi. This is gonna take forever to get used to.” *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* No speeches were needed. Without his presence, his troops had recognized the coming threat and had prepared accordingly, even though they knew they probably weren't going to win the fight. That made him proud. But Twilight was right – he needed to be here. It just gave them that extra boost of morale. Thirty minutes had passed. the marching growing steadily louder. With ears trained over a millennium of military service, General Spur listened for any sounds that didn't come from in front of him. The Dogs could only walk, yes – but Nightmare had control of more animals, and the flying ones could flank. The last thing he wanted to see was a flock of cockatrice break through the lines behind them. “General!” Colonel Nuntia returned, bounding over to him. “The guards report all but one statue accounted for.” Her eyes let him know which one. “They say the last activity in the Garden was Princess Luna running in last night – before she appeared in Ponyville. They say she never ran out.” The General acknowledged the message, amused. Well played, my Princess...Well played. “General What's going on? Is something wrong?” “No. Everything's just right, Colonel. Return to your post and prepare for battle.” “Uh – Yes, General!” She saluted and fell back into formation. “I CAN SEE THEM NOW!” cried a lookout, pointing.” General, they have a hostage with them!” That raised his brow. The elder stallion galloped over. “Binoculars, soldier. Let me see.” The lookout obliged, pointing the right place to observe. The Dogs were coming into the bare light now, led by Nightmare Shy. Flanking the corrupted mare were three Dogs that stood out from the rest of the troops. “Two of the three Dogs in front are carrying sealed buckets, but the third one's holding onto – what looks like a cage made of bone, General.” The General spotted the third Dog – and instantly recognized the unicorn foal trapped in the cage. His face fell into a snarl. It wasn't that it was unexpected. He just didn't expect Nightmare to try it so early. And well played to you, too, Nightmare... He summoned the Colonel over with a nod. “Send a squadron to the airship launching docks and have them fly around the mountain, in case Nightmare orders them to drop the hostage to the back of their lines, so she won't get in the way of the attack. And do it quickly, so they're not seen taking off.” “Yes, General. ...And, if the hostage isn't moved back?” “Then we'll have to think of something else, but at least we'll be ready to pinch them off. Nightmare's never given up a hostage willingly. Even if what it wants was here and we peacefully gave it over, you'd see that kid get murdered at the last second. As much as I hate it, she's safer for the time being.” Nightmare Shy stopped advancing. Rover threw his paw up to stop the troops. The nightmare pony stepped forward, dragging Fido with her as Sweetie Bell cowered in her cage. “GENERAL SPUR!” General Spur spread his wings wide to let his presence be known, but did not move or say anything. “Ah, so you have come back from the western front! Couldn't stand how quiet it was out there?” The General scowled, his eyes narrowing to slits. Nightmare Shy couldn't see it, but he didn't care. “Since you're back, then I assume you know why I'm here! I propose a trade: You bring out what I want, and I give you exactly what you want! I'm sure Rarity would love to have her little sister back!” “Every deal made with you has a catch I'm not willing to take the risk on, Nightmare. You'll have to look in another castle, I'm afraid. What you want isn't here anymore, anyways. There will be no trade.” “WHAT?!?” shrieked the hostage. “No! General! Don't leave me with these freaks! Please!” “Aw, look at that, Sweetie Belle!” Nightmare Shy taunted. “It seems the General doesn't value your life at all. Oh, well! If he doesn't want to do this peacefully, then I guess the only thing we can do is oblige him and endanger your life with a battle!” She gave a wordless signal, and Fido fell back, burying himself and the cage in the sea of his fellow soldiers. With another silent gesture, Rover and Spot ran forward, placing the sealed buckets on the ground. As they did so, the two leader Dogs began chanting in their native tongue. It started quietly, but quickly became audible to the rest of the pack. The Dogs behind them picked up on it, and started chanting along. The chant grew faster, louder. Soon, it was accompanied by the armed Dog soldiers banging their spears and swords on their shields. Spur locked eyes with his unicorn commander. “Ready those fire spells, Sergeant Blaze!” The chanting was at a fever pitch now. Sweetie Bell covered her ears to block out the incredible din. Nightmare Shy looked directly at Rover and Spot. “RELEASE THE PARASPRITES!” END CHAPTER FIVE