//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: More Than Complicated // by ThunderChaserCreate //------------------------------// Life is hard. It's hard for everypony. One might even describe it as 'impossible' from time to time, though that particular adjective is usually reserved for parents. Something is always going wrong, or somepony is always hassling you, or you have just plain run out of luck. Of course, most ponies can wistfully dream of a charmed life full of butlers and maids and plush furniture. I've never wished for that. Not once. Never even thought about it. I, instead, wish for a small house on the outskirts of a small town. One with a tiny bedroom and a bed that creaks just like the doors and floorboards. I want a frazzled mother and a hard-working father, and maybe a scraggly dog who likes to lay in the little spot of sunlight that filters through the beat-up blinds. I want to go to school, I want to have real friends, I want to live life just like everypony else. But I know that will never happen. Not to me. I mean, I can't leave my own room without being swarmed by an army of servants. And I hate it. Sometimes I just want to be free of it all. I just want to be able to walk around town and do normal things like everypony else. It's enough to drive a mare crazy... especially a teenage mare like me. Mainly because I'm restrained. Partly because I'm going to be a princess. Take your pick. I'm pretty clever. I figured out almost immediately that since I couldn't get out of this stupid castle, I needed to pretend to be somepony completely different. And thus, Sunny Days was born. She was a polite little mare who existed purely for me to sneak away without drawing attention to myself. But Sunny seemed to draw a different type of attention. Turns out I'm actually pretty, and I became this magnet for colts. This quickly led to me avoiding the city as a whole and just making a beeline for the woods. There, I could sit in solitude and do whatever I wanted. Even there, however, I couldn't escape the boys. There was only one out there, though. An odd little creature who seemed to worship me. And he really wasn't to bad once you got to know him. I'll let you work it out from there.