//------------------------------// // A New Life of Darkness // Story: A New Life of Darkness // by Golden Paw //------------------------------// A New Life of Darkness The storm beat heavily down on Canterlot, its wind drove through the streets and kept most right thinking ponies indoors. Rain pelted down, hammering the ground in a relentless barrage and water flowed freely along the streets. Such a storm had not been seen for years, the weather of Equestria normally well maintained and ordered by the dedicated band of the 'Pegasi Weather Company'. This night was different though, as the unscheduled storm broke over Canterlot many ponies were left in wonder at what would cause such a phenomenon. The Answer to that question stood on one of the tallest towers of Canterlot castle. The pony's dark outline was lit by flashes of lighting, it's eyes glowed with power as they surveyed the city below. At the large pony's side were a couple of others. They didn't bow their heads to the raging wind, or need or brave the lightning as they stood in a small bubble of calm. "Where is he now?" The question was simple, but carried all the threat of a stalking tiger. "The thief seeks to hide himself in the lower streets your highness, we can have search parties out within the hour." The reply was level and without fear. The larger pony unfurled her wings and narrowed it's gaze before answering. "We had made such an effort to make this event a fun and enjoyable time, then this ruffian comes and spoils it for us". There was a pause as the larger pony looked up at the raging sky above. "I want him found sergeant and brought to us unharmed." "Of course your majesty, but may I speak freely?" The stallion asked. His princess turned her horned head around to look right at sergeant Night Blade before she responded. "You know thou doesn't need to ask good sir Night Blade." The smaller pony fidgeted uncomfortably, despite Luna's assurances that he could voice his thoughts. "I know he spoiled your surprise party and everything, but don't you think this is all a bit over the top?" The bat pony waved his hoof to indicate the storm blowing around Canterlot, it rattled the shutters of the houses and caused weather vanes to spin crazily. A frown formed on Luna's face as she noted the tempest as if for the first time. "Thou thinks so? We thought it best to show this thief the futility of running and how he has angered us. Was that not appropriate?" Luna's eyes lost their glowing hue and the simple pair of turquoise irises looked in genuine confusion. "Of course your highness, but I don't think you need to be quite so 'forth right' in showing your annoyance. The ponies of Canterlot may not appreciate the gesture and we're all getting very wet." Night Blade said in patient tone. Luna looked crestfallen, "Well thou thinks it best". With shimmer of her horn the wind died back and the thunder clouds dissipated leaving the twinkling stars and crescent moon to shine down upon Canterlot once more. Lock'n'Bolt trotted under an overhanging awning and shook himself down. He was soaked through, so much so that he more closely resembled a drowned rat than a pony. Bolt was 'runtish' in stature, his head reaching far lower than a stallion his age and his hooves not much bigger than the average colt. As Bolt pulled off his hooded cloak it exposed his slender dark brown frame and black mane. Despite all this Bolt's eyes shone with triumph, he had done it! It wasn't really the time to study the prize but his excitement made the pony reckless and so with a mounting sense of pride the small stallion opened his saddle bags and produced the necklace. It's golden hue was muted in the darkness and the amber brown of it's apple shaped jewel was dark. but it's mere presence in Bolt's hooves lit up his whole mind. He had really done it! The small pony had managed to sneak into the castle, past the guards on duty and finally stolen away one of the valuable decorations. Bolt managed to control his need to look at the necklace long enough to stow it away once more. It didn't matter that the stallion had no chance of selling on the item. It was too well known. But it was the prestige of having gotten away with it that drove Lock'n'Bolt. If Bolt was honest with himself, he hadn't planned this far ahead, all his thoughts had been on the heist and now he had achieved this he was winging it all the way. After fumbling open the door, Lock'n'Bolt ducked under the low lintel and stepped into his modest little workshop in down town Canterlot. The stallion threw his drenched coat onto a well worn canvas seat before shaking his mane which slapped wetly against his head as it flicked back and forth. It had been such a rush and Bolt's heart was still pounding from the thrill and the long run. He would be famous after this day and the stallion's young face showed a huge smile as he fantasized the buzzing chat that would be all over Canterlot at his crime. Bolt took the time to light the small lamp above his small work table and brushed aside the various projects that covered the pitted surface. The 'tinkle of springs', screws and the little mechanisms of his official job clattered to the floor. Bolt then placed the golden object upon the table with an almost reverent air. Bolt studied it's facets and beautiful workponyship. The item was deceptively strong in contrast to it's delicate appearance and Lock'n'Bolt marvelled at the skill that had gone into the necklace. Of course he didn't value the prize for itself, but that he had obtained it despite all the precautions taken by the royal guards. Lock'n'Bolt tilted the necklace and just for a moment he saw a pair of yellow slitted eyes reflected in it. The stallion started and looked about the room, but he was alone. Shaking his head the pony moved away from the table and ensured the window blinds were down. He was still jumpy with the adrenaline flowing around his system and now was seeing things. Bolt went back to the work table and began to unload the rest of his saddle bags, small tools with various points, hooks and fiddly looking ends were placed with care. These were soon followed by a number of alchemical spheres and other more exotic items deposited. By day Bolt was a locksmith, his shop open for such. He was self taught and any lock short of the magical were his trade. This kept him in bits enough for food and board, but it was when the sun went down that his true passion came to light. It was a dangerous hobby that had lead him to tonight's adventure, Lock'n'Bolt just found he couldn't help himself. Once again the stallion had the feeling he was being observed, Bolt was sure he heard a scrabbling sound from behind him. His gaze swept about the room which was still empty, but the feeling didn't leave him as he turned back to the table. Before he could finish hiding his 'special' tools there was a knock at his front door. Ponies calling at this time wasn't that strange, clients had been known to come at almost any time for his services and quickly Lock'n'Bolt stowed the stolen jewellery in the hidden compartment under his table and made his short way to the door. After a quick peek through his own custom spy hole the stallion saw that no pony was out there. Lock'n'Bolt opened the door the tiniest fraction and looked about the dark alley outside his shop. Still nothing. Bolt shrugged assuming that it was colts messing about before he closed the door once again. Bolt went to return back to his work table when he noticed something odd. The secret panel under his table was hanging open, the hatch gently swinging on it's oiled hinges and a cold sense of dread seeped into his heart. The necklace was gone. Bolt cast his gaze around the small space and saw nothing else appeared out of place. With rising panic the stallion stooped down and examined the now empty compartment where his stolen treasure had been hidden. As if by opening and closing the hatch he could somehow bring it back. Bolt just lay on the floor under the table, the only sound in the room was his own breathing. His mind was racing, who could have taken it? How could they have gotten past him in such a short time? Lock'n'Bolt felt something on his rear hoof and looked down to see an armoured horse shoe nudging his leg. "The game is up Bolt, you gonna come quietly?" Bolt made a spirited effort to pull himself further under the table but to no avail. The earth pony felt his slight frame being dragged out and he looked up into the yellow eyes of a bat pony mare dressed in the silvery blue armour of the Night Guard. Her grinning lips revealed her pointed teeth and caused Lock'n'Bolt to shrink back in fear. "Awww no need to be like that, Night Dew asked you so nicely too." A stallions voice came from the doorway and Bolt saw that a couple of other dark pegasi had entered his little shop. The pony that had spoken was holding the necklace in his hoof and smiling down at Lock'n'Bolt. Bolt's eyes went wide in shock, but that didn't last long. Before any pony could stop him the earth pony reached behind himself and threw a number of small baubles into the air. The collective gazes of the guards followed their trajectory as they smashed down on the floor with a collection of small pops. Instantly the small room was full of different coloured smoke and a lot of coughing. There was the half caught outline of a small pony darting out through the front door and a large amount of stumbling about. As the smoke cleared the leader of the group grinned to himself. "I can see why Luna likes this one. There's no rush ponies, let’s give him a good head start as I want to see how good he is." The dark blue eyes of the bat pony shone with expectation as he waved a hoof to help clear the smoke. Lock'n'Bolt galloped through the moon lit streets of Canterlot, that had been too close and he should have suspected things were going so well. Having grown up in this part of the city he knew the twists and turns better than his own face. The earth pony was a shadow ducking under archways and clambering over fences, Bolt made steady progress deeper into the labyrinth of back roads and alley ways. After a good couple of minutes Bolt paused for breath again. Hidden among some wooden crates cluttering the dark alley he felt confident that he was safe enough to rest up and think of his next move. Bolt could lie low for a few hours, then after that he could surely find a way out of Canterlot. The main gates weren't an option, maybe the aqueduct? It would be a long fall, but Bolt was a capable swimmer. "Not bad colt, I nearly lost you there for a minute, if it were me though I would have stopped in the warehouse district. There's a lot more cover that way." Lock'n'Bolt was distracted from his planning by the voice from above him. The rattled earth pony looked up and saw the same pair of blue slitted eyes twinkling as they regarded Bolt. The observer's outline was a slightly darker shadow against the night sky. Lock'n'Bolt released a hiss of annoyance and once more set off into the night. The bat pony watched him go with a mischievous grin on his dark grey face. The bat pony hadn't had this much fun in months and it sure beat the normal drudgery of cleaning up after drunken revellers of a night. With a simple flick of his leathery wings the dark pegasus leaped into the sky once more to continue his observations. Under cover, that's what he needed. Bat ponies can fly of course, get somewhere under cover, that would rob them of that advantage and Bolt knew just the place. He re-angled his path to take him towards the commercial district. There were plenty of big buildings to hide in and more importantly it was in the opposite direction to the 'suggested' warehouse area. Lock'n'Bolt doubled back a few times, crisscrossing his own path before he picked a shop at random. Be unpredictable Bolt told himself as he gazed up at the sign for 'Wheel's and Wood Works'. Stopping for a moment Bolt drew out a small set of pins concealed in his mane and began to fiddle with the door's lock. With a satisfying 'click' the mechanism engaged and Bolt slipped into the building, making sure the door closed quietly behind him. The pony was panting heavily now, having done far more running than planned. As Bolt caught his breath he looked about the display floor. A number of impressive sofas, chairs and desks could just be made out in the darkness. The whole room was full of long shadows cast by the light coming in from the shop window. As Lock'n'Bolt looked further he started seeing a looming pony off to his left, it's wings stretched out. He was about to scrabble at the front door, when the stillness of the looming shape struck a chord in Bolt's mind, the wings looked feathered for one thing. The earth pony cautiously sidled up to it and gave it an experimental tap. The reassuring 'thunk' of wood was heard and Bolt let himself relax. Just a carving. Bolt was about to try and find somewhere to hunker down when a voice he had come to dread spoke out. "Well nice ploy with the misleading trail. Can't fault you on your efforts, a bit rushed, but not bad over all." Night Blade was watching the unfolding scene below with his chin resting on his hoof. The bat pony's grin was as wide as ever revealing his pointed teeth as they glinted in the moonlight. "Stop playing with me!" Lock'n'Bolt shouted, not caring if he was heard. "Just arrest me if you're going to or let me go, you have the necklace back, so no hurt no foul right?" His pursuer chuckled, "Oh I have no intention of arresting you Bolt." "Then why are you following me?" Bolt shouted in reply. "Well a pony of your talents comes along so rarely that I thought it a good opportunity to make this a training mission for my squad. They are about three streets back, you're giving them all a good work out and I thank you for that." Night Blade's voice resonated with genuine approval. Lock'n'Bolt was stunned, "This is just a game to you?" Night Blade shook his head at this, "No of course not, you stole a valuable item and upset princess Luna. You 'will' have to pay for that crime and apologise to her highness. But if you can get away from my team then I would say you have earned your eventual freedom and I may even ask you for some pointers in the future." Lock'n'Bolt wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so did his best to conceal himself in the room as Night Blade watched on with interest. The earth pony had the sneaky suspicion that Night Blade 'wanted' him to get away. From his spot in the darkness Bolt watched the search party enter the street outside and begin to check the connecting alley ways and try the doors on either side of the roadway. The earth pony tensed as the handle to his hiding place rattled briefly, but to his relief the pony outside to gave up and moved on. Bolt didn't dare move even after the search party had disappeared from view, he spent the next few minutes waiting in a tense silence under the ornate chair he had concealed himself under. Only once he was convinced that the search party had really moved on did he stir. With trepidation Lock'n'Bolt looked up at the ceiling and saw that the talkative bat pony had gone, He did however see the small card that drifted downwards as it tumbled end over end before landing on the floor at his hooves. Bolt picked up the small white rectangle and tilted it so he could see what was written on it through the pale light from outside. The card had been stamped with official writing on the front: "Dear applicant, please present yourself at the palace for recruitment on the 7th of Harvest's End should you wish to become one of Luna's Night Guard. Prepare for a life of service to the crowns and an opportunity to make Equestria a safer place during the hours of her blessed night along with a handsome pay into the bargain!" Lock'n'Bolt studied the card with a dumfounded expression, he flipped the card over in an absent way as he mulled over the strange events of this night. As he did so Bolt discovered there was a simple hoof written note on the back too. The stallion leaned in closer as he read this attachment and a shiver went down his spine: "Be there, don't make me come and 'find' you. 'N.B'" Bolt sat there for a few moments as his mind juggled the possibilities. After a short while the earth pony tucked the small car away and began his weaving way out of the shop. As the pony re-locked the back door behind himself he looked both ways along the street, left towards the palace or then right towards the city's outskirts. With a deep sigh he chose his direction and began trotting off. "Good sir Night Blade, one was given to understand that thy underlings were some of the best hunters in my employ and yet they report that this Lock'n'Bolt has given them the slip." Luna commented in a reproachful tone. The princess' office was lit by low lamps and by the gentle rising light of dawn from the window behind the alicorn. Her most trusted agent stood before her desk and nodded in a submissive way. "Indeed that appears to be the case your majesty. He was a very cunning and resourceful pony and my squad lost him in the maze of street in lower Canterlot, for this I am sorry you highness." Night Blade grinned while he gave his report even if his body language suggested contriteness. Luna nodded in understanding. "Still the Element of Honesty was returned to friend Applejack and so no lasting harm was done. We are still vexed though, one had taken such time in organising the party. We would have greatly liked to speak with this stallion who was skilled enough to avoid capture." "Of course your highness." Night Blade replied, the grin never leaving his face. The Princess of the Night, looked back down to papers and parchment covering her desk and casually lifted one in the glow of her magic. "Now that we have that out of the way, pray tell us Night Blade what is the first order of business today then?" Luna's eyes looked right into her chief agent's as they sparkled with amusement. "If your highness pleases, next is the list of potential new recruits. I have underlined a number of promising individuals for you to consider." Night Blade kept his face neutral as he said this, but only with supreme effort. Luna quickly scanned the parchment before her and gave a slight nod of approval, "I see this name has a star marked by it, thou feels he stands out more than the rest perhaps?" Night Blade nodded at this question. "Indeed your highness, I can vouch for his skills in subterfuge and evasion myself. I believe he would make an excellent addition to our scout program." Luna raised an eyebrow in pretend surprise. "Thou has seen this stallion in action then? Very well, please send him up to me." Night Blade bowed out of the office closing the door behind himself, leaving Luna alone for a short time. The alicorn ensured that her desk was presentable and that no official paper work could be seen. She was just finishing when the expected knock came to the door. Luna replied with a simple "Enter", but her tone had taken on a hard quality that held none of her normal friendly tone. The timid form of a brown stallion poked his head around the office door, looking like he could bolt at any moment. He saw Luna's disapproving stare and was only saved from backing out by the presence of Night Blade behind him. "Thou art the pony that came so highly recommended by my aid." It wasn't a question but a statement. "We would be pleased if thou would be seated." The small pony did as he was commanded as Night Blade closed the office doors with a 'click' that seemed far too loud in the earth ponies ears. "So Mr 'Lock Pick' I understand that thou wants to join the Night Guard is that correct?" There was a playful smile on Luna's muzzle now. "Sergeant Night Blade speaks very highly of thy skills, which is great praise from a pony such as him." The small stallion, with his brown coat and black mane smiled in a hopeful way. He was small compared to most ponies his age. After a quick glance at the bat pony behind him, 'Lock Pick' met Luna's gaze and nodded. "Very good, thou just need to sign some paperwork and then we can discuss thy new duties. Sergeant, if you please?" Luna informed the guard who stepped forward and presented the earth pony with a quill and parchment. The small pony took the proffered contract and began reading: "I Lock'n'Bolt, do formally apologise to princess Luna, the Element bearers and any other pony I may have upset by my previous actions and from this day forth shall be known as 'Lock Pick'. I will serve the Night Guard to the best of my abilities in defence of the realm.........." Lock Pick read it all very carefully before signing the dotted line at the base of the parchment. Luna smiled as she took the scroll, rolled it and neatly stored it in her desk draw. "Right now that's completed I would very much like to talk to thee Mr. Pick. In a purely hypothetical way, how would a pony go about sneaking into the royal palace and steal a well guarded and highly valuable treasure? I have a suspicion thou may have some insights into such a matter and I would be fascinated to know how thou....ehm....I mean a pony would have accomplished such a feat." Sergeant Night Blade left Luna to her interview with 'Mr. Pick', grinning all the way as he shut the door behind him. He was sure Luna would share the details with him later and he was pleased the Night Guard had just gained a very skilled addition to their ranks. The End