Night Rain's Cupcakes

by Raidah


As soon as Night Rain got home, she slammed the door shut and locked it behind her. a few seconds later, Rainbow Dash was pounding furiously on the door.
"Night Rain let me in!"
"You risked your life one too many times just to save me, and now you aren't going to tell me why? I know you Night Rain, this isn't you, you never do something without a damn good reason."
"You're right about one thing, I did have a good reason, but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell you and make you hate me for being so stupid!"
"What are you talking about? Night, I could never hate you, no matter what."
Night Rain sighed. "Promise that you won't want to kill me?"
"Pinkie promise."
"Alright..." Night Rain unlocked the door. "Dash, before you come in, I just have to warn you, my house is a mess."
Rainbow chuckled. "Open the door already."
Night Rain did as told and opened the door, and Rainbow was greeted to a very messy hallway. "Told you so." Night Rain said.
"That you did." Dash agreed.
As Night Rain showed her to the living room, Rainbow noticed that a lot of the framed pictures around the place were of her and Night Rain.
"I remember this." Dash said as she picked up one of the photos. It was of Night Rain and Rainbow Dash on the day Dash earned her cutie mark. They were celebrating it like best friends would. Dash smiled at the memory, and put the picture down again. Next to it was a picture of the two on the day that Night Rain got her mark, celebrating in much the same manner as in the other photo.
"And I'll never forget it." Night Rain said as she too remembered the days of those pictures. "Come on Dash, sit down." Night Rain directed her to a chair in the living room, which she sat on. Night Rain took a seat on the chair right in front of Dash. "Alright, now what was it you wanted to know?" She asked.
"Why do you keep putting your life on the line just to make sure I stay ok, even if it means that you get killed in the process?" Rainbow asked seriously, staring Night Rain in her bright red eyes.
Night Rain only stared back nervously, trying to keep looking into Dash's rosy irises. "Well I don't exactly want to lose you. Like, at all."
"I can see that, I don't want to lose you either, you're the closest thing I have to family. But why is it that you don't care whether or not you die, just so long as I'm safe?"
"It's kind of hard to explain Rainbow..."
"I've got time, and I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what I want to know."
Night Rain bit her lower lip, trying to muster up the courage to tell Dash just how much she really cared. "It's because, I kinda... love you..." She closed her eyes and turned away, prepared for the hit that she knew was coming, only it didn't. When Night opened her eyes, she saw Rainbow sitting there, her mouth hanging open, and her eyes watering up. "Dash?" Night Rain tried to get her friend to respond. "Dash you still with me?"
Rainbow slowly nodded, slowly regaining control of her senses. "Is that the truth? You-- you love me?"
"Yes. If you hate me I understand."
"Hate you? Why would I hate you?"
"Well usually people don't necessarily like it if their friend has been crushing on them behind their back, especially if they're the same gender."
"Well, I guess I'm the first one to not hate my friend for saying that."
In response, Dash pulled Night over and kissed her. Night Rain was surprised, but returned the embrace and kissed Dash back. They broke apart, and Night Rain looked Rainbow in the eyes. "You mean that?"
"Yep." was all Rainbow had to say.