The Marine and the Royal Guard - A SotS II crossover oneshot

by ForceUser


It’s not that Lt. Rosana ‘Roseluck’ Lucius hates guard duty; quite the opposite in fact! She does, quire regularly in fact, rather enjoy the long hours of isolation guarding some obscure but critical choke point on-board the now-stranded SolForce dreadnought Indomitable. ‘No SolForce out here though, wherever here is.’ Roseluck had to correct herself. Guarding gave her plenty of time to think and in particular the chance to practice both her patience and her discipline –two very important aspects of her life.

Being relegated to guard duty in this case however was starting to wear at her already frayed nerves and the events earlier that day was not helping her mental state one bit.


“What do you mean it’s just protocol?!” Roseluck had passed caring about protocol and conduct a good three minutes ago. Her scarlet tinged cheeks and slightly crazy wide eyed stare telegraphed her emotional state clear as day. “We got beat to hell and back by a giant fucking space Cuthulu, got whisked away to the other side of the galaxy by magic or something, landed on an alien world while not turning into a smear on the ground and oh, in case you haven’t noticed,” raising herself on her hind legs –still somewhat unsure of her footing so soon after the change- spread her front hooves wide and shouted, “we turned into motherfucking pastel coloured HORSES!”

The officer on the receiving end of this tongue lashing however was staying quite calm, even though every single word the subordinate was saying was completely true. Perhaps it was exactly because of the very fact that it was all true that Chief Engineer Alice ‘Applejack’ Jackson, currently the most able bodied officer of Sol Force this side of the Galactic Center, was able to keep calm. She did appreciate someone who could tell the truth. That and this wasn't the first of the crew that was having a meltdown.

There was after all work to do and you don’t have time for a nervous breakdown when there is work to do. 'Perhaps it was time to try another route with this one,' Applejack thought.

Levelling her gaze at the panting Roseluck, still raised up on her rear hooves and a manic glint in her eyes, she gave her a soft and understanding smile. “Now look sugarcube, you know as well as I do that we got turned into ponies, not horses.”

A strangled chocking sound, halfway between a sob and groan, signalled that Applejack had indeed finally gotten through to the panting and twitching mare. 'I should probably also catch the poor thing too' came the thought as Roseluck lost consciousness and toppled from her very un-pony like stance.


Roseluck was still a bit embarrassed about breaking down in front of a superior like that, ‘even if it was totally justified’, she though. However after getting that out of her system she was able to resume her normal routine for the most part. She had even been able to get some of her old joy out of something as mundane and basic as guard duty.

Unfortunately what was compounding her current consternation was the so called ‘Royal’ Equestrian Guard pony that they insisted keep guard with her; something about ‘co-operation and friendship’ or some such hippy bullshit. She was convinced that it was to keep an eye on her, as if she was unable to do her job but Applejack insisted it was to help put the locals at ease and as a favour to the Princesses who ruled this world. Roseluck would have been able to swallow that bitter pill –just barely mind you and under protest- if this Guard pony wasn’t so much better at well, guarding as she was!

Apart from the merest basics when they were introduced, the golden armor clad blue and purple Pegasus guard pony -complete with a helmet that had a matching blue and purple crest- had not said a single word nor looked like he had moved an inch from his position on the first day. But Roseluck would be damned if he would outdo her and so the unofficial competition started, although whether or not the guard pony was aware of it she was unable to tell.

By the second day it seemed that the guard pony was a tiny bit more at ease and that confused Roseluck quite a bit. This ‘Noble Shield’ as he was introduced, while still standing at perfect attention as the day before, had a shadow of a smile on his muzzle and she was sure was sneaking glances at her. What was frustrating her though was that no matter how hard she tried, she was unable to catch him in the act of actually snaking a peek without giving herself away. How he managed to move so silently in that rackety armour of his was a mystery to her.

Still, even after Noble warmed up to her somewhat, it was quite a surprise when he finally spoke up when their scheduled shift change showed up on the afternoon of the third day of guard duty. Clearing his throat he looked at Roseluck, his voice deep and rich, “Um, Lt. Roseluck was it?”

Roseluck rolled her eyes as she regarded the Equestrian native with some disdain. It was bad enough that they had these idiotic names for themselves like ‘Shining Armor’ or ‘Noble Shield’, she sure as hell was not going to let them call her anything but her real name. She couldn't fathom what people like Alice was thinking, happily changing their names just like that.

“It’s Lt Rosana Lucias thank you very much.” She said with a huff, clumsily hoofing the magazine catch on her still unmodified rifle and checking the magazine itself to make sure that the weapon was indeed, still unloaded. Only a small amount the armoury contents have been converted to a pony compatible format thus far and nearly all of it is being used for training. She consoled herself in the fact that the bayonets affixed to the front of the rifles would be more than a match for the spears the locals seemed to favour if push came to shove.

Nervously scratching the back of his neck Noble shifted his weight from one side to the other, Roselucks brisk manner had seemed to break what confidence the Pegasus had managed to gather up. “Apologies Lt. Rosana I didn't mean any offense.”

She sighed and looked up while clumsily slotting the magazine back in place. “Don’t worry about it, I’m sure you didn't.” She hoisted the rifle on to her back and looked off into the direction of the improvised barracks they had set up just to the side of the colossal Indomitable. She really had to get back there and take a shower. Having on full fatigues –these thankfully modified properly- got pretty hot with the addition of the fur she’s sprouted as part the change. That took some getting used to too.

“So, um would you like to go for a drink?” came the nervous question, snapping Roseluck out of her thoughts.

Staying cool and calm in stressful situations was what marines like her were trained for. Even so that question was so unexpected that if she had been drinking anything at that point in time the spit take would have been quite impressive. Instead she took a moment before turning around and levelled an icy gaze at the now clearly sweating Pegasus stallion. “Are you asking me out?”

Being neither deaf nor dumb the Equestrian Guard pony could clearly hear the danger in the mare’s voice and slowly started to back up while nervously looking around for something that could be used as either a shield or a bomb shelter. “No! I mean yes! Er- I mean a bunch of the guards and um, Appleja- I mean Alice- Alice Jackson! Yea she said we could- should! Um- should show some of the Sol Force poni- er- personnel around town and well,” hanging his head down in shame and resignation he finished lamely, “I drew the short straw.” He flinched at saying that last bit and his ears fell back against his head awaiting his inevitable doom.

To his surprise she merely regarded him for a second before turning around and heading back to the barracks. She looked over her shoulder and with a raised eyebrow mere asked; “Meet you here at what time?”

The bewildered Guard pony blinked once and snapped up to attention “Oh-six-thirty ma’am!”

As soon as Roseluck was out of sight of the white stallion she allowed herself a small smile. Even though she wasn't even considering any of the locals in that way no matter how handsome they were-. She immediately stopped dead in her tracks and shook her head, trying to get the disturbing thought out of her head. 'A drink! Yes, it was all the stress that was getting to her,’ she argued with herself, ‘all she needed was a couple of stiff drinks. After all that has happened the last few days after the crash and the change, who would blame her?'

A hot shower and a quick brush of her mane later Roseluck stood in front of her locker staring at her reflection. With a sigh she observed her recently gained quinine features and a quick glance at her rear showed the ever present rose ‘cutie mark’. Even though she has had a lot more thinking time than most to come to terms with the change -standing guard duty at least gave her that- she was still incredibly uncomfortable in her new form. She had already had her freak out though so it would probably be unfair to have another one.

Having finished with her mane she tried to remember which of the Sol Force rules and regulations were applicable in this situation, or at least, most applicable. They technically weren't allowed off base on an alien world without full fatigues on but from what she understood this was technically an Earth colony. That meant she wasn't allowed off base in fatigues. Only problem with that was that as efficient and talented as the tailors were, few of the crew has had a chance to get any civvies yet.

And of course then there was the disturbing lack of any kind of nudity taboo with the majority of the populace going naked most of the time anyways. It wasn't like anything was showing anyways...

“Fuck it.” She finally said out load “I’m a pastel coloured horse and there’s Unicorns with magic and Pegasi flying around, what’s the worst that can happen.”


“And that is how I met your father.”

“Laaaame!” exclaimed the white filly, exasperated, “you didn't even get to the good part.”

“Oh really now little Missy,” a raised eyebrow and pointed stare from the creme coated mare subduing the little filly a little bit, “and what exactly is the ‘good part’?”

A slight blush from the filly preceded the stuttering response, “well you know, where dad like, swept you off your feet and you guys um- kissed and stuff.”

Ruffling the inquisitive little filly’s mane, Roseluck laughed softly, “that’s not quite how it happened sweaty. Even though we did end up ‘kissing and stuff’ I didn't fall in love with your dad right then and there.”

“Ooh! Will you tell me the story of how you fell for dad?” The little white filly with a blue and burgundy mane bounced up and down excitedly.

Roseluck bent down and placed a kiss on her head “That my little Rosy Shield is a story for another night. Right now it’s way past your bed time so say good night to daddy and I’ll tuck you in.”

The filly quickly bounced off the bed and ran up to the window. She stared out at the night sky to a very specific star. A star where a great battle took place. A star where a terrible god was slain and a galaxy was saved. A star where the embers of what remained of the Indomitable was cooling in the icy grip of space. And as the last breath escaped from the shattered visor of the last casualty, a blue and purple Pegasus smiled.

“Good night, Daddy.”