//------------------------------// // Let's Talk it Over // Story: (SiC) Part 8 - They Will Know By Our Love // by Brian Jacko //------------------------------// "Do you want to have a race to our special spot tonight, Dash?" Soarin' asked as he looked at the bright stars in the sky. "You know it torments me when somepony asks me for a challenge and I can't," Rainbow Dash said. "Why not?" Soarin' asked. "Because I joined the gym with my other friends and we spent most of the day there working out. My legs and wings feel like rubber right now and I don't even think I can fly right now. I really pushed myself." "Can I carry you then?" Soarin' asked. Rainbow Dash would have said no way in the past, but she was becoming more and more open to romantic ideas and being openly affectionate with her partner. She smiled and said, "Sure you can. Thanks." Ranibow Dash hopped onto his back. She wrapped her front legs around his neck and rested the side of her face on his mane. Soarin' took off and asked, "So how was your first day at the gym?" "I'll tell you when we touch ground again, ok?" Rainbow asked. Soarin' nodded his head ok. Within time they reached their destination and Soarin' landed on the ground. Rainbow Dash gave him one last squeeze around his neck before letting go and sitting down next to him. "So how was your workout? I heard that's one of the best gyms in all of Equestria. I used to be a member there myself, but now I just use the Wonderbolt's gym since its private and we have the best workout equipment available." "It was actually really good. They have so much to do there. I even saw different types of dance classes and my friend, Rarity was in a ballet class there. I'm really proud of her because she has been going through some horrible relapses with painful memories of her past and feels like she's in danger of being hurt again. She's been going to Twilight's support groups and that seems to be helping, but her fears sometimes still get in the way of things. I'm glad that she was able to join the gym because she said she wouldn't join unless Applejack joined and acted as her body guard. I know that it must be hard for her to move on since a lot of things will remind her of her past. But God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." Rainbow Dash paused for a moment and then added, "But I think Applejack really needs to practice self control when it comes to eating." "You really love to talk about your friends. It's almost like they are your family," Soarin' said. Rainbow Dash perked up and said, "They are! They are my sisters in Christ and they mean so much to me." "That's a wonderful thing to say," Soarin' said. "So did anything else interesting happen there?" Rainbow Dash bit her lower lip and then said, "Yeah. Something really upsetting." "Do tell," Soarin' said. "Well, there were two mares there giving me a really hard time and one of them went beyond cruel with what she said." Rainbow Dash paused and then said, "Do you really want me to tell you about this, Soarin'? It's really upsetting and I'm sure that it will upset you too." "I want to hear, Dash. Please tell me." "Ok, if you really want to know, this one mare was mocking our Christian values and she was telling me that she was the one who you gave your virginity too." Soarin' looked distraught. "Emmy," he said. "I didn't know she goes to that gym also. Dear Lord, forgive me." "He already has, Soarin'." Rainbow Dash shifted her weight around and continued. "She told me that she and her friend are training with Spitfire to become the newest addition to the Wonderbolot's team. That emerald green colored one said that they will make sure that I don't make it into the Wonderbotls. I have a feeling that they are trying to hurt me. One of them dropped a really heavy free weight right over my head, but it missed me by just mere inches because at the same time I bent over to pick up the pin that you put in the weights on the machine." "They tried to hurt you?! I swear if she or her friend land a hoof on you, there's going to be trouble, big trouble!" "No, Soarin'! Twilight Sparkle just went over how we have to pray and love our enemies! We can't hurt others who have hurt us by means of revenge. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." "This Christian life is very difficult when I hear verses like that," Soarin' said as he put his two front hooves to his temples trying to let the verse sink into his mind. "I know," Rainbow Dash said. "I really believe that God held back my inner rage because I wanted to tear them to pieces when she treated me the way she did." "Well, don't you worry about it. I'm going to make sure you get into the Wonderbolts. You are one of if not the most talented flyers out there." Rainbow Dash put her head down. "I'm really scared something very bad is going to happen. I have this nagging feeling that just doesn't go away." "Hey. I already told you not to worry. You told me that God will not allow anything or anyone to hurt His children unless He permits it." "That's right, but that still doesn't take away the fact that the will of the Lord can be very difficult for us. I'm still feeling called right now to become a Wonderbolt. I feel like God wants me to do something amazing, but I don't know what it is." "I'll be supporting you all the way, no matter what you feel called to do, Dash. You're the most amazing girl I have ever known." "Hey, be careful with all of the praise. You know that I can have a big ego and praising me isn't go to help me. I appreciate the encouragement, but I'd rather have you give the praise to God because it's only through Him that I can do what is truly difficult. It's good to encourage each other, but the last thing I want you to do is end up building a statue of me and then praying to me. That's really scary and I see that you sometimes give more praise to me than to God." "I'm sorry, Dash. I just am amazed by what God does through you. I need to remember that He is the one who deserves all praise and glory, but will you at least let me give you a pat on the back and some encouragement?" Rainbow Dash smiled and said, "Sure Soarin', that's what we are called to do after all. I just don't want it to go any further then that. I get enough encouragement from Pinkie Pie as it is. She's literally our cheerleader in our sister's in Christ group." Soarin' wrapped his front leg around her and drew her near to his side. Together, they continued talking about what they felt that God was doing in their lives. About an hour later, the two decided that they should get going home. Rainbow Dash was in no shape to fly because her wings were still recovering from the workout earlier, so Soarin' flew her back home. He dropped her off in front of her front door. They kissed good night and then departed. Rainbow Dash walked into her room and got low to the ground near her bed. She began to pray. "Dear Father, I don't know what You're about to do with me, but my spirit is telling me that something major is about to happen and I still can't figure it out. Wouldn't it be crazy if we saw Your will a head of time? How many ponies would follow through with even just half of what Your will is for us when they see the struggles and heart ache ahead of time? To some ponies, Your will can be tragic and horrific, but no matter how bad Your will may look in the eyes of others, You always have a beautiful plan behind it all that we may not see right away and this is why I'm putting my trust in You, so that Your will can be done and that I may do the right thing no matter how absurd or terrible it may look to others. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. I pray for my enemies who persecute me and want me dead. I will not be surprised by this hate. They hated You before they hated me and I am hated because of You. I pray for Your blessing so that You may help me keep my cool. I wanted to say something nasty back to them, but I believe You held my tongue. I love you Abba. In Jesus's name I pray, amen." Rainbow Dash picked herself up and snuggled into her bed. Her sore and aching muscles quivered with pleasure from the warm blankets that hugged around her body. Hitting the sack after a hard workout was something Rainbow Dash loved to do. Her mind drifted off to sleep quickly. She would have to keep up the hard work with the training, but she felt that she would pull through with all of this. That night, Steve and Danny were arrested. The guards came looking for them at their homes, but they were both found when they tried to steal body spray tans at a nearby salon. They were brought to Princess Celestia and were dealt with immediately. Princess Celestia didn't take long with her decision about what to do with them when the very first thing that Steve blurted out was that she was a whore of a horse.