//------------------------------// // The Final Showdown // Story: (SiC) Part 8 - They Will Know By Our Love // by Brian Jacko //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash and her friends continued to go to the gym and Rainbow Dash was now training hard under the watchful eyes of Soarin'. Rainbow Dash continued to get stalked and harassed wherever she went by those two jealous mares who continued to try to hurt her in just about every devious way they could think of without making it too obvious. Every time they tried to harm her, God was literally protecting her and did not let any harm come to Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Dash was oblivious as to what they were trying to do to her. This discouraged Risk Taker from continuing to attempt to hurt Rainbow Dash in physical ways, but the failed attempts only enraged Emmy even more and motivated her to continue to try to hurt her. She wouldn't be satisfied until she saw her severely hurt, or even dead. She hated Rainbow Dash with a passion and the only reason for that was because she was jealous of her and that Rainbow Dash followed the one true God, Yahweh. They spat upon her and said terrible things about Jesus, but Rainbow Dash held her tongue and took the abuse even though it was all so very aggravating to her. As long as she didn't catch them physically trying to hurt her, she would do her best to ignore them. The fact that Rainbow Dash did not lash out and attack the envious ponies, only enraged Emmy even more and they continued to get more desperate in attempts to harm her. Rainbow Dash blew through the Wonderbolts performance tests and shattered new records. Emmy and her friend Risk, were starting to do some illegal doping to make sure that they would out perform Rainbow Dash in hopes to impress Spitfire, the Captain of the Wonderbolts. The moment had come, and this was the last and greatest task of the final three remaining trainees. Soarin', Spitfire, a group of paramedics, and the rest of the Wonderbolts sat in the bleachers and watched as this grand finale race was about to happen. This race was the most important and would determine who the next two Wonderbolts would be. Spitfire did not have enough room for three new members even though all three mares were very talented and would make great additions to the Wonderbolot's team, but Spitfire was only accepting the best of the best here and she had to make a cut somewhere. The three mares stood on a cloud together awaiting the signal from a Pegasus standing in front of them on another cloud with a black and white checkered flag. The Pegasus pony raised the checkered flag and the three mares got into ready position. "You're going down, literally," Emerald Envy whispered into Rainbow's ear. Rainbow Dash ignored her comment and focused on the many clouds that were shaped as rings acting as a check point for them to follow through. The course was long, and circular and they had to do ten laps to win. This course would be their ultimate test of strength, stamina, and control. Some of the rings of clouds were higher than the others and some of them were much lower to the ground. At least one check point was close to the base of a mountain near the ground. The official lowered the flag quickly and they were off. Both Risk and her friend, Emmy started in front of Rainbow Dash and positioned themselves in front of Rainbow Dash acting as some kind of blockade. Rainbow Dash would have to find a way around them somehow. They were clearly working as a team against her. The ponies flew through the rings of clouds at blinding speeds. Rainbow Dash began to creep up on the two. She wasn't going to expend all of her energy right now to pass them even though she easily could maneuver around the two. The three ponies descended closer down to the ground near where that mountain was. Emmy looked at her friend Risk, and gave her a wink as if to get ready for their plan. They both slowed up a bit and flew a little bit more to the left side, allowing Rainbow Dash to easily pass them. Rainbow Dash took advantage of this opportunity, but the second she was about to pass the ponies, Emmy collided her body hard against Rainbow Dash and she crashed into the side of the mountain and tumbled several times across the ground. Soarin' and the paramedics instantly reacted by flying out from the bleachers and down to Rainbow Dash as fast as they could. "Rainbow! Are you alive? Talk to me!" Soarin' cried out. At these blinding speeds, a pony would normally have been dead or at least severely injured, but Yahweh was protecting her and she only suffered with bruises, cuts, and scratches. No bones were broken. Rainbow Dash recovered and looked up at the sky. They now had a tremendous headstart. She had no time to answer Soarin' and tell him that she was ok. She grinded her teeth in frustration and flew up after the two ponies. Soarin' stood there in shock that she was somehow ok and then headed back over to where Spitfire was sitting. "She has nerves of steel to get back up like that," Spitfire said. "I can't believe she's ok. I have seen Wonderbolts take some hard hits and falls, but that looked fatal to me," Soarin' said. "I didn't exactly have a good angle to see what had happened, but it appeared to me that one of those two mares bumped Rainbow Dash on purpose. If I see anything else funny going on, I will disqualify them both," Spitfire said. Emmy turned her head back to check on Rainbow Dash. She hoped that she was dead, but she was shocked to see that she was already catching up to them even if she was far off in the distance. "Rainbow Dash wiped the blood off of her lip and continued to pick up some speed. The pain in her body only made her blood boil more and her adrenaline rapidly increased. Another lap went by, and Rainbow Dash was now on their tails again. She got an opportunity to pass and took advantage of it. Emmy and her friend, Risk watched with horror as she passed them both. Rainbow Dash kicked things into over drive and performed a Sonic Rainboom. For only she was currently the only pony in Equestria known for this capability. Rainbow Dash was now far a head of them and her competitors were starting to tire out because they had expended so much energy in keeping the lead for so long. Rainbow Dash was coming up behind them a second time to lap them. She was flying close behind Emmy. Emmy was getting desperate. There was no way that she or her friend were going to come in first place. She slowed down and pulled her back legs back and then bucked them out as hard as she could. Rainbow Dash was not fortunate enough to be far enough away and suffered the heavy blow to her forehead. She went tumbling across the ground once more. The Wonderbolts and the paramedics got out of their seats and rushed down as fast as they could to aid Rainbow Dash. They feared that she would be dead this time. Rainbow Dash recovered once more and even though her head was killing her and her coat was torn up from the collision, she got back up and spread her wings out. "Wait!" Soarin' cried out. "The race is over, we saw them cheat! We will disqualify them!" Rainbow Dash ignored him and took off once more leaving the entire Wonderbolts team baffled. She clearly wanted to finish this race. Her competitors were now a head of her and had enough time to make another lap. Rainbow Dash was back in third position again, but was catching up. They passed their ninth lap and this was the final run. Emmy and Risk looked back and saw that Rainbow Dash was gaining on their tails again. "She just doesn't give up!" Emmy yelled out. Her wings burned with agony as she pumped them as hard as she possibly could. Both she and her friend were able to stay in the lead until Rainbow Dash over took them at the very last second and sped past them right before they were both able to cross the finish line. Rainbow Dash tumbled across the finish line and lay there panting and exhausted. She did it. She had beat them both even when they had played dirty, and even though she didn't have to go back and risk her life again, she wanted to make it across the finish line before they did, and she did. Emmy and Risk stood there in disbelief. The Wonderbolts came over and congratulated Rainbow Dash. She was already being medically treated and by the paramedics. Soarin' came over and put his two front hooves on top of her hoof. "You did it, Dash! I can't believe you pulled through like this!" She was laying sideways on the cloud and was breathing heavily. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," she said in between breaths. Soarin' smiled and bent down low. He gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I don't think she deserves to win," Emmy said. "I could have sworn that she missed a checkpoint in the race." Spitfire became incredibly angry and shot back, "None of you will become Wonderbolts and you are never allowed to try out for the team again. We saw you cheat and I have suspicions that you both may have been doing illegal doping. Get out of here now! I don't ever want to see your faces again!" Emmy and Risk both flew away with even more bitterness in their hearts. "Do you think that Rainbow Dash's God is actually real? There's no way that she should have won that," Risk said. "Of course not! God is just outdated thinking! We will get our revenge someway and prove that her God is not real!" Emmy answered. Soarin' held out his hoof and Rainbow Dash grabbed onto it. He pulled her back onto her hooves and they stared into each others eyes. "Oh, boy!" Spitfire said. "Before you two get all lovey on each other, I just need to say, congratulations on making the team and we'll just have to have you go to Canterlot to get your own customized Wonderbolts uniform!" "Hey, can I have my friend Rarity make my Wonderbolts uniform if you ship her the materials? She does a really great job with creating clothing, and I trust her the most." "Sure!" Spitfire said. "As long as you really trust her, I'm fine with that. It's your uniform so you should feel free to have it made exactly as you like." Spitfire backed away and said, "Ok, I'll leave you two love birds alone now." Soarin' instantly kissed Rainbow Dash and hugged her tightly. He said a prayer thanking God that she was safe and still in one piece after the terrible falls that she took. Rainbow Dash let go of Soarin' and said, "Hey, come on! Let's go see Twilight and tell her the good news!" Rainbow Dash spread her wings for take off, but they were hurting so much right now. "Hey, Romeo, how about you give me another lift?" Soarin' turned his back to her and got low. "Sure, Dash. Hop on." Rainbow Dash did so and they took off to Twilight's library.