//------------------------------// // Twilight Sparkle's Song // Story: (SiC) Part 8 - They Will Know By Our Love // by Brian Jacko //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie's song ended and the two stood there staring at each other and giggling. "Oh! That was so much fun! I love you, Dashie! Thank you for playing my most favorite song! I literally see rainbows, sunshine, smiley faces, and all sorts of crazy things when that song plays." "Wow, that's great, Pinkie. I actually know this song personally," Rainbow Dash said. "You do!?" Pinkie Pie blurted out. "Yeah, it's from one of me and Soarin's favorite video games at the arcade called, In The Hooves Two." "You so have to show me this game!" Pinkie Pie said and then latched onto Rainbow Dash for a hug. "Hnnnng!" Rainbow Dash said. "Easy there, Pinkie Pie. I know that you're super strong from maxing out on that pectoral fly machine that you like to call the hugging exercise machine, but I think that I'd like for me to not have a broken back for tonight." Pinkie Pie squeezed her even tighter. "Every time I do a repetition on that machine I envision you or our other friends in front of me and that gives me the confidence to work my hugging muscles as hard as I possibly can! I love to work my Pinkie pecs!" "That's really cute," Rainbow Dash said. "But the last thing I want is for my back to get hurt before Soarin' and I hit the sack as soon as we get home. I don't want this gown to get torn either." Pinkie Pie gave her one last great squeeze and then let go. "Hit the sack? But why would you two go to bed so early when you get back home? The night is still young, Dashie! We can still party some more!" Rainbow Dash couldn't believe that Pinkie Pie couldn't figure out as to what she was referring to. "I uh, never mind. I guess that the fun you have in mind is not quite like the fun I am thinking about with me and Soarin'." "Can I join the fun too?" Pinkie Pie asked. "We could triple the fun with Soarin'!" Rainbow Dash blinked her eyes quickly in disbelief. "Pinkie Pie, I think it's time you have a seat and drink some more Champaign or something. You're saying stuff that you don't understand. Maybe getting a bit tipsy might somehow knock some sense into you." "How is that supposed to work, Dashie?" "I don't know. You're Pinkie Pie. I'm trying not to use logic here because you're so crazy and unpredictable. No pony knows how you function." "Oh, sure thing!" the hyperactive pony said. "Not making any sense of me is kind of like making sense, if that makes any sense at all! I'm full of unpredictable surprises!" She then giggled madly. "Right," Rainbow Dash said. "Just please tell Rarity that it's her turn to dance with me." "Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie Pie said as she bounced away from her friend. Rainbow Dash danced with the rest of her friends. Rarity, Fluttershy, and lastly, Twilight Sparkle. When Twilight Sparkle finished dancing with Rainbow Dash, she had a very special song that she wanted to sing for Rainbow Dash and Soarin'. Twilight Sparkle walked up and stood up on the platform next to Vinyl Scratch. She used her magic to levitate the microphone. "Hello everypony. I'd just like to ask if you would all politely clear the dance floor for just a few minutes. I'd like to dedicate this special song for my sister in Christ." The ponies left the dance floor and the spotlight was centered on Rainbow Dash and Soarin'. Vinyl Scratch started the song and Twilight Sparkle waited for her moment to sing. She licked her lips in anticipation and began to sing. "Love is in bloom. A beautiful bride, a handsome groom, Two hearts becoming one. A bond that cannot be undone because Love is in bloom. A beautiful bride, a handsome groom. I said love is in bloom. You're starting a life and making room For us. Your special day. We celebrate now, the pony way. Your friends are all right here. Won't let these moments disappear because Love is in bloom. A beautiful bride, a handsome groom. I said love is in bloom. You're starting a life and making room for us." The song ended and Rainbow Dash and Soarin' kissed once more. A flash of light from a camera captured the moment and the ponies watching began to cheer and stomp their hooves in approval. Rainbow Dash and Soarin' broke free from the kiss and then headed on over to Twilight as she was walking down the steps of the stage. "Did I do ok? I haven't sang anything in so long," Twilight said. "I'm not really known for my singing skills, but I felt that I just had to try." "It was awesome Twi," Rainbow said. "You girls have all made this the best.....wedding.....EVER!" "That really was a blessing," Soarin' said. "Thank you so much! Vinyl Scratch was listening to me closely and said that she would cast a special auto tune spell on my vocal chords if I started to sing off key! I guess that I did quite well since I didn't need any assistance," Twilight said. Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Soarin' all looked up at Vinyl Scratch as if to silently ask her how she felt about Twilight's singing. Vinyl Scratch pushed her sunglasses up on her head and gave them all a wink. Rainbow Dash felt a tug at her tail and turned to see Scootaloo looking up at her with sad eyes. "What's up, Scoots?" "Do you think that maybe we could dance together, I mean just me and you for a little bit. I have been waiting all night long," the little orange filly said. "Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom want to try to dance with you too. I don't really know how to dance, but I was hoping that you could teach me." Rainbow Dash grinned and rubbed her front hoof in Scootaloo's mane. "Absolutely, Scoots!" Scootaloo tugged at Rainbow Dash's front hoof and guided her over to one corner of the dance floor in hopes that the spotlight wouldn't be shined upon them. Scootaloo did ask Pinkie Pie to take at least one picture of them together while dancing. Twilight Sparkle was now discussing things with Risk Taker and the Princesses over at their table. After her dance with Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash danced with Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and a few more ponies. After her dancing, she sat down at her table with Soarin' and watched the ponies in the room that were either dancing or conversing. She was exhausted from her exciting day, but she was also wired from all of the bright flashing lights and the music that was playing. She was also excited for tonight. Even though she was having the time of her life tonight, she was starting to want to go home so that she can spend some personal time with her husband alone.