Night Rain's Cupcakes

by Raidah

Pinkie's Endgame

Pinkie woke up to another Wednesday. It was nice outside, and she went over to the jar of paper that she had for her victims. Just as she was going to reach in and pluck one of the numbers out of the jar, she got another idea.
"I think..." she said to herself, "I'll deal with a different type of problem today." she gave an evil smirk to the mirror, and went down to the cellar to prepare for her victim, and their witness.

Night Rain and Rainbow Dash walked together to Sugarcube Corner, making small talk about who might be next in line for the harvest.
"I don't know if I'd rather it be Rarity, or Octavia." Night Rain said as they walked.
"I'd want it to be somepony I hate, like those two jerks back in Cloudsdale who wouldn't leave us alone when we were kids." Rainbow said.
"Yeah, I'd love for it to be those two, then I'd give them a piece of my mind."
"You mean we would give them a piece of our minds." Dash said, looking at Night Rain playfully.
The two arrived at Sugarcube Corner, and went inside. Pinkie, as usual, was waiting for them.
"Who'd you get Pinkie?" Rainbow asked.
"Actually," Pinkie Pie began, looking first at Night Rain, then at Rainbow Dash. "I'd like to just skip today, but I'll need some help cleaning up the cellar, I already prepared, but I was just tired and decided to wait a week."
"Really?" Night Rain asked in disbelief. "Pinkie, that's not like you, usually you never let us have a day off."
"Well today I thought, "maybe I'd better let Night Rain and Dashie have the day to themselves this time, and not even bother with the cupcakes," so guess what I'm doing?"
"I still don't believe you." Dash said. "Night?"
"I'm with Dash on this one Pinkie, something's not right." Night Rain agreed.
"Will you at least help me clean up the cellar?" Pinkie pleaded.
"Fine." Night Rain and Rainbow said in unison.
As the two turned to go downstairs, Pinkie hit first Night Rain, then Dash in the back of their heads. Night Rain fell to the floor and blacked out, and Dash soon followed her.

When Night Rain came to, she was strapped to a table, the same table that she had woken up on half a year ago. In front of her, she could see that Rainbow Dash was tied to the chair, her eyes being held open by small metal clamps that were attached to the leather strap that held her head in place, but she wasn't awake yet.
"Dash." Night Rain tried to move, but, much like before, her limbs, torso, and head were held to the table by tight leather straps. "Dash wake up!"
Rainbow Dash groaned, and her eyes started darting around the room. "Night Rain, what's going on?"
"Not sure, but I have a pretty good idea."
"Ah! You're both awake. Good." Pinkie Pie said, walking between the two.
"Pinkie, what are you doing? Let us go!" Rainbow Dash screamed.
"Not this time." Pinkie said. "I know how much of a great help you've been Night Rain, and I appreciate it. But I think that I'd better teach Dash a lesson about trying to tell somepony our little secret."
"Pinkie Pie what are you..." Night Rain's eyes widened as she grasped Pinkie Pie's words, she was going to kill Night Rain, and Rainbow was being forced to watch. "Dash." she began, tears starting to well up in her eyes.
"No..." Rainbow started, her voice choking up as she too realized what Pinkie meant. "No, no, no, no, no. Pinkie Pie, you can't!"
"Why not? It's not like you weren't thinking about telling someone about all this."
"I was not! You can ask Night Rain!"
"Then why didn't you show up those couple dozen times?"
"I wasn't feeling well. I was still just getting used to the harvests."
"Well I'm going to make sure that you never get the idea to tell anypony."
With that, she grabbed a scalpel off the tray, and went to Night Rain's left flank. She placed the scalpel an inch above Night Rain's cutie mark, and began a circular cut around it. Once she had removed Night Rain's left cutie mark, she moved to the other flank and repeated the process. Rainbow Dash was screaming at Pinkie Pie to stop, but Pinkie wasn't listening, she was too busy butchering Night Rain, who remained silent, she wasn't giving in to Pinkie, for Dash's sake.
Twenty minutes later, Pinkie had cut off both of Night Rain's wings, and was making the incisions in her abdomen. Night Rain remained as silent as ever, not uttering a single scream throughout the entire process, no matter how much it hurt.
"Dashie." Night Rain said, she was trying hard to hold back cries of pain. "before Pinkie can finish this, I want you to know that I love you, and that no matter what happens, I want you to think of me long after I'm gone. Remember who did this to me, who took me away from you. Never forget that, and I know that in the end, you'll do the right thing."
Rainbow's throat was raw from screaming at Pinkie to stop killing the only mare that she loved, but she managed to say, beneath all her tears, "I love you too Night Rain, I'll never forget."
Pinkie then sliced open Night Rain's abdominal sack, and started ripping out each of her vital organs. Large intestine, small intestine, stomach, and so on, until the blood loss was too much, and Night Rain passed away. Rainbow was crying, and Pinkie turned to her.
"Ever gonna tell anypony about this now?" Pinkie asked.
"No." Rainbow said between sobs.
"Good." Pinkie untied Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow walked toward the table that Night Rain's corpse was still strapped to.
"Goodbye Night Rain... I love you." Rainbow Dash closed Night Rain's still open eyes, and planted a kiss on her forehead. She then turned to Pinkie Pie, who was watching her.
"I'm sorry Rainbow." Pinkie Pie said.
"Me too, sorry that I'll never let you get away with this."
"We'll see." Pinkie Pie said, walking away.
"Yeah," Rainbow muttered under her breath. "When I choke the life out of you."